Exemple #1
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        encrypted_section = file_data.rfind("\x44\x6d\x47\x00")
        if encrypted_section == -1:
            pe = PE(data=file_data)
            for x in xrange(len(pe.sections)):
                for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(pe.sections[x].VirtualAddress), 8, charset=ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase + digits + punctuation):
                    if s.startswith("http://") and s != "http://":
                        if "c2s" not in results:
                            results["c2s"] = []
                        results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": s})
            encrypted_section += 4
            encryption_key = None
            pe = PE(data=file_data)
            for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(pe.sections[3].VirtualAddress), 7):
                # the last string
                encryption_key = s

            if encryption_key is not None:
                rc4 = RC4(encryption_key)
                decrypted = "".join([chr(rc4.next() ^ ord(c)) for c in file_data[encrypted_section:]])
                for s in data_strings(decrypted, 8, charset=ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase + digits + punctuation):
                    if s.startswith("http://") and s != "http://":
                        if "c2s" not in results:
                            results["c2s"] = []
                        results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": s})

        return results
Exemple #2
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        config = data.split("abccba")
        if len(config) > 5:
            dict["Domain"] = config[1]
            dict["Port"] = config[2]
            dict["Campaign Name"] = config[3]
            dict["Copy StartUp"] = config[4]
            dict["StartUp Name"] = config[5]
            dict["Add To Registry"] = config[6]
            dict["Registry Key"] = config[7]
            dict["Melt + Inject SVCHost"] = config[8]
            dict["Anti Kill Process"] = config[9]
            dict["USB Spread"] = config[10]
            dict["Kill AVG 2012-2013"] = config[11]
            dict["Kill Process Hacker"] = config[12]
            dict["Kill Process Explorer"] = config[13]
            dict["Kill NO-IP"] = config[14]
            dict["Block Virus Total"] = config[15]
            dict["Block Virus Scan"] = config[16]
            dict["HideProcess"] = config[17]
        return dict

        gate = None
        server = None
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if s.find(".php") != -1:
                if s[0] != "/":
                    s = "/" + s
                gate = s
            if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                server = s
        if server is not None and gate is not None:
            results["c2_uri"] = "%s%s" % (server, gate)
        return results
Exemple #3
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        BEACONC2 = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9\.]{4,255},\/[a-zA-Z09\-\.\_\~\:\/\?\#\[\]@\!\$\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=]{1,}')
        results = {}
        pe = pefile.PE(data=file_data)
        dotdata = ''
        for section in pe.sections:
            if section.Name == '.data\x00\x00\x00':
                dotdata = section.get_data()

        frame = bytearray()
        for byte in dotdata:
            decimal = ord(byte)
            newbyte = cobaltbeacon._xor(decimal)

        strings = [i for i in data_strings(str(frame), 1)]
        strings = strings[0:]
        results['c2s'] = []
        for string in strings:
            if BEACONC2.search(string):
                parts = string.split(',')
                g = len(parts)
                if g > 1:
                    while g > 0:
                        path = parts[g-1]
                        host = parts[g-2]
                        if is_ip_or_domain(host):
                            results['c2s'].append({"c2_uri": "http://{0}{1}".format(host,path)})

        return results
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     c2s = set()
     ip = None
     path = None
     next_is_path = False
     start_checking = False
     for s in data_strings(file_data, 1):
         if s == "C:\\swi.txt":
             start_checking = True
         if start_checking and path is None:
             if next_is_path:
                 if s.startswith("http://"):
                     ip = None
                     path = None
                     next_is_path = False
                 path = s
                 next_is_path = False
             elif is_ip_or_domain(s) and ip is None:
                 ip = s
                 next_is_path = True
     if ip is not None and path is not None:
         results['c2_uri'] = "http://{0}{1}".format(ip, path)
     return results
Exemple #5
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        encrypted_section = file_data.rfind("\x44\x6d\x47\x00")
        if encrypted_section == -1:
            pe = PE(data=file_data)
            for x in xrange(len(pe.sections)):
                for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(
                                      charset=ascii_uppercase +
                                      ascii_lowercase + digits + punctuation):
                    if s.startswith("http://") and s != "http://":
                        if "c2s" not in results:
                            results["c2s"] = []
                        results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": s})
            encrypted_section += 4
            encryption_key = None
            pe = PE(data=file_data)
            for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(pe.sections[3].VirtualAddress),
                # the last string
                encryption_key = s

            if encryption_key is not None:
                rc4 = RC4(encryption_key)
                decrypted = "".join([
                    chr(rc4.next() ^ ord(c))
                    for c in file_data[encrypted_section:]
                for s in data_strings(decrypted,
                                      charset=ascii_uppercase +
                                      ascii_lowercase + digits + punctuation):
                    if s.startswith("http://") and s != "http://":
                        if "c2s" not in results:
                            results["c2s"] = []
                        results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": s})

        return results
Exemple #6
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.find(".php") != -1:
             if s[0] != "/":
                 s = "/" + s
             gate = s
         if dexter.is_ip_or_domain(s):
             server = s
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2_uri"] = "%s%s" % (server, gate)
     return results
Exemple #7
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.find(".php") != -1:
             if s[0] != "/":
                 s = "/" + s
             gate = s
         if is_ip_or_domain(s):
             server = s
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2_uri"] = "%s%s" % (server, gate)
     return results
Exemple #8
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        uri_path = None
        domain = None
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                domain = s
            if ".php?" in s:
                uri_path = s

        if domain is not None and uri_path is not None:
            results["c2_uri"] = "{0}{1}".format(domain, uri_path)

        return results
Exemple #9
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        host = None
        path = None
        for f in data_strings(file_data):
            for s in f.split("\n"):
                s = s.strip()
                if s.startswith("Host:"):
                    host = s[6:]
                if s.startswith("GET "):
                    path = s[4:][:-9]

        if host is not None and path is not None:
            results["c2_uri"] = "{0}{1}".format(host, path)
        return results
Exemple #10
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     for s in data_strings(file_data, charset=ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase + digits + "=+/^@*"):
         if s[:len("YXBvS0")] == "YXBvS0":
             c = madness_pro.parse_madness_pro_config(s)
             for key in c:
                 results[key] = unicode(c[key], errors='ignore')
                 ret = madness_pro.bdecode(s)
                 if match(r'^\d\.\d\d$', ret) is not None:
                     results["version"] = ret
     return results
Exemple #11
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     for s in data_strings(file_data,
                           charset=ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase +
                           digits + "=+/^@*"):
         if s[:len("YXBvS0")] == "YXBvS0":
             c = madness_pro.parse_madness_pro_config(s)
             for key in c:
                 results[key] = unicode(c[key], errors='ignore')
                 ret = madness_pro.bdecode(s)
                 if match(r'^\d\.\d\d$', ret) is not None:
                     results["version"] = ret
     return results
Exemple #12
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.find("run.php") != -1:
             gate = s
         if s.startswith("http://") and len(s) > len("http://"):
             domain = s[7:]
             if domain.find('/') != -1:
                 domain = domain[:domain.find('/')]
             if is_ip_or_domain(domain):
                 server = s
         if match(r'^\d\.\d\.\d$', s) is not None:
                     results["version"] = s
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2_uri"] = "%s%s" % (server, gate)
     return results
Exemple #13
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.find("run.php") != -1:
             gate = s
         if s.startswith("http://") and len(s) > len("http://"):
             domain = s[7:]
             if domain.find('/') != -1:
                 domain = domain[:domain.find('/')]
             if herpes.is_ip_or_domain(domain):
                 server = s
         if match(r'^\d\.\d\.\d$', s) is not None:
                     results["version"] = s
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2_uri"] = "%s%s" % (server, gate)
     return results
Exemple #14
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        URL_REGEX = re.compile(
        results = {}
        frame = bytearray()
        for byte in file_data:
            decimal = ord(byte)
            newbyte = waketagat._xor(decimal)

        strings = [i for i in data_strings(str(frame), 1)]
        strings = strings[0:]
        results['c2s'] = []
        for string in strings:
            if URL_REGEX.search(string):
                results['c2s'].append({"c2_uri": "{0}".format(string)})

        return results
Exemple #15
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if r'<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">' in s:
                s = s[:s.find(
                    r'<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">'
                config = []
                c = ""
                index = 0
                for x in s:
                    c += x
                    index += 1
                    if index % 4 == 0 and (c.endswith("P") or c.endswith("PA")
                                           or c.endswith("PAD")):
                        for suff in ["P", "PA", "PAD"]:
                            if c.endswith(suff):
                                c = c[:-len(suff)]
                        c = ""
                if len(c) > 0:

                if len(config) == 7:
                    results['drop_location'] = config[0]
                    results['cmd_get_interval'] = int(config[1])
                    results['http_port'] = int(config[2])
                    results['refresh_interval'] = int(config[3])
                    results['mutex'] = config[4]
                    results['http_path'] = config[5]
                    results['server'] = config[6]
                    if results['server'].startswith("http://"):
                        results['server'] = results['server'][len('http://'):]
                    if results['server'].endswith("/"):
                        results['server'] = results['server'][:-1]
                    results['c2_uri'] = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(
                        results['server'], results['http_port'],
                    return results
        return results
Exemple #16
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}

        start_search_address = file_data.find("\x90" * 8) + 8

        xor_key = struct.unpack("<I", file_data[start_search_address:][:4])[0] ^ 0x8be58955

        data = file_data[start_search_address:]

        decrypted = ""

        while len(data) > 4:
            d = struct.unpack("<I", data[:4])[0]
            data = data[4:]
            decrypted += struct.pack("<I", d ^ xor_key)

        for s in data_strings(decrypted):
            if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                results['c2_uri'] = s

        return results
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        uri_paths = None
        domains = None
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                if domains is None:
                    domains = set()
            if s.endswith(".php"):
                if uri_paths is None:
                    uri_paths = set()

        if domains is not None and uri_paths is not None:
            results["c2s"] = []
            for d in domains:
                for p in uri_paths:
                    results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": "{0}{1}".format(d, p)})

        return results
Exemple #18
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        uri_paths = None
        domains = None
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                if domains is None:
                    domains = set()
            if s[0] == "/" and len([i for i in s if i == "/"]) > 1:
                if uri_paths is None:
                    uri_paths = set()

        if domains is not None and uri_paths is not None:
            results["c2s"] = []
            for d in domains:
                for p in uri_paths:
                    results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": "{0}{1}".format(d, p)})

        return results
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     for s in data_strings(file_data, 154, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"):
         if (len(s) % 2) == 1:
             s = s[:-1]
         ret = self.decrypt_configuration(s)
         if ret is not None and len(ret) > 15:
             results["ip"] = ret[1]
             results["control_port"] = ret[2]
             results["transfer_port"] = ret[3]
                 results["bot_name"] = ret[4]
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 results["bot_name"] = "h" + ret[4].encode("hex")
             results["file_name"] = ret[5]
             results["install_folder"] = ret[6]
             results["registry_persistence"] = ret[7]
             results["active_setup_persistence_name"] = ret[8]
             results["mutex_name"] = ret[14]
             results["c2_uri"] = "{0}:{1}".format(results["ip"], results["control_port"])
     return results
Exemple #20
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     uri = None
     uris = []
     all_uris = []
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.startswith("http://") and len(s) > len("http://"):
             domain = s[7:]
             if domain.find('/') != -1:
                 domain = domain[:domain.find('/')]
             if is_ip_or_domain(domain):
                 if s.endswith(".php"):
                     uri = s
     if uri is not None and len(uris) > 0:
         if "c2s" not in results:
             results["c2s"] = []
         for i in uris:
             results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": i})
         results["all_uris"] = list(set(all_uris))
     return results
Exemple #21
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     uri = None
     uris = []
     all_uris = []
     for s in data_strings(file_data):
         if s.startswith("http://") and len(s) > len("http://"):
             domain = s[7:]
             if domain.find('/') != -1:
                 domain = domain[:domain.find('/')]
             if is_ip_or_domain(domain):
                 if s.endswith(".php"):
                     uri = s
     if uri is not None and len(uris) > 0:
         if "c2s" not in results:
             results["c2s"] = []
         for i in uris:
             results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": i})
         results["all_uris"] = list(set(all_uris))
     return results
Exemple #22
    def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
        results = {}
        for s in data_strings(file_data):
            if r'<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">' in s:
                s = s[: s.find(r'<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">')]
                config = []
                c = ""
                index = 0
                for x in s:
                    c += x
                    index += 1
                    if index % 4 == 0 and (c.endswith("P") or c.endswith("PA") or c.endswith("PAD")):
                        for suff in ["P", "PA", "PAD"]:
                            if c.endswith(suff):
                                c = c[: -len(suff)]
                        c = ""
                if len(c) > 0:

                if len(config) == 7:
                    results["drop_location"] = config[0]
                    results["cmd_get_interval"] = int(config[1])
                    results["http_port"] = int(config[2])
                    results["refresh_interval"] = int(config[3])
                    results["mutex"] = config[4]
                    results["http_path"] = config[5]
                    results["server"] = config[6]
                    if results["server"].startswith("http://"):
                        results["server"] = results["server"][len("http://") :]
                    if results["server"].endswith("/"):
                        results["server"] = results["server"][:-1]
                    results["c2_uri"] = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(
                        results["server"], results["http_port"], results["http_path"]
                    return results
        return results
Exemple #23
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     for s in data_strings(file_data, 154, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"):
         if (len(s) % 2) == 1:
             s = s[:-1]
         ret = self.decrypt_configuration(s)
         if ret is not None and len(ret) > 15:
             results["ip"] = ret[1]
             results["control_port"] = ret[2]
             results["transfer_port"] = ret[3]
                 results["bot_name"] = ret[4]
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 results["bot_name"] = "h" + ret[4].encode("hex")
             results["file_name"] = ret[5]
             results["install_folder"] = ret[6]
             results["registry_persistence"] = ret[7]
             results["active_setup_persistence_name"] = ret[8]
             results["mutex_name"] = ret[14]
             results["c2_uri"] = "{0}:{1}".format(results["ip"],
     return results
Exemple #24
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     uri = None
     password = None
     for s in data_strings(
             "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz0123456789+/="
             line = b64decode(s)
             if len(line) == 0:
             valid = True
             for c in line:
                 if c not in printable:
                     valid = False
             if not valid:
             if line.lower().startswith(
                     "https://") or line.lower().startswith("http://"):
                 uri = line
             if uri is not None:
                 password = line
         except TypeError:
     if uri is not None:
         results["c2_uri"] = uri
         if password is not None:
                 results["password"] = password
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 results["password"] = "******" + password.encode("hex")
     return results
Exemple #25
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     pe = PE(data=file_data)
     for x in xrange(len(pe.sections)):
         for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(pe.sections[x].VirtualAddress)):
             if s.find(".php") != -1:
                 if s[0] != "/":
                     s = "/" + s
                 if gate is None:
                     gate = set()
             if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                 if server is None:
                     server = set()
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2s"] = []
         for ip in server:
             for p in gate:
                 uri = "%s%s" % (ip, p)
                 results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": uri})
     return results
Exemple #26
 def get_bot_information(self, file_data):
     results = {}
     gate = None
     server = None
     pe = PE(data=file_data)
     for x in xrange(len(pe.sections)):
         for s in data_strings(pe.get_data(pe.sections[x].VirtualAddress)):
             if s.find(".php") != -1:
                 if s[0] != "/":
                     s = "/" + s
                 if gate is None:
                     gate = set()
             if is_ip_or_domain(s):
                 if server is None:
                     server = set()
     if server is not None and gate is not None:
         results["c2s"] = []
         for ip in server:
             for p in gate:
                 uri = "%s%s" % (ip, p)
                 results["c2s"].append({"c2_uri": uri})
     return results