def _generate_unityruntime_jar_file(self, force_dont_proguard=False): common.LOGI( self.TAG, "Generating runtime sdk jar file ..., force_dont_proguard:" + str(force_dont_proguard)) common.ensure_folder_exists(self.debug_directory) proguard_file_path = "None" mapping_file_path = "None" if not force_dont_proguard and self.proguard: proguard_file_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "proguard-unityruntime.txt") mapping_file_path = os.path.join( self.debug_directory, "mapping-libunityruntime-" + self.version + ".txt") common.run_command( "python " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "../jar-maker/") + " -s " + self.proj_unityruntime_dir_src_dir + " -s " + self.proj_gplayenginebridge_src_dir + " -o " + self.out_dir_temp + " -f " + os.path.split(self.sdk_jar_no_dex_obfuscated_path)[-1] + " --ref-lib " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "..", "common", "lib", "android.jar") + " -p " + proguard_file_path + " -m " + mapping_file_path)
def _generate_cocosruntime_jar_file(self): common.ensure_folder_exists(self.debug_directory) common.run_command( "python " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "../jar-maker/") + " -s " + self.proj_gplayenginebridge_src_dir + " -s " + self.proj_cocosruntime_src_dir + " -o " + self.out_dir + " -f " + os.path.split(self.sdk_jar_no_dex_obfuscated_path)[-1] + " --ref-lib " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "..", "common", "lib", "android.jar") + " --ref-lib " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "..", "common", "lib", "annotations.jar"))
def batch_test_erosion_dilation(input_models, output_json): """ Batch test erosion vs dilation on various dexel sizes, with 2 different radii. Args: input_models (list): List of input models to test on. output_json (str): Destination file for the result data. """ database = {} # Results for different number of dexels and different radii for model_path in input_models: model_name = os.path.split(model_path)[1] model_data = [] for n in array_num_dexels: for r in array_radii: # Dilation args_dilation = [ common.exe_path, '--input', model_path, '--num_dexels', str(n), '--radius', str(r * n), '--padding', str(math.ceil(r * n)), '--num_thread', str(3), '--json', common.tmp_json, '--force' ] subprocess.check_call(args_dilation) with open(common.tmp_json, 'r') as f: entry = json.load(f) entry['radius_relative'] = r model_data.append(entry) # Erosion args_erosion = [ common.exe_path, '--input', model_path, '--num_dexels', str(n), '--radius', str(r), '--padding', str(math.ceil(r * n)), '--num_thread', str(3), '--json', common.tmp_json, '--force', '--apply', 'erosion' ] subprocess.check_call(args_erosion) with open(common.tmp_json, 'r') as f: entry = json.load(f) entry['radius_relative'] = r model_data.append(entry) database[model_name] = model_data # Write results in a file json_filename = os.path.join(common.result_folder, output_json) common.ensure_folder_exists(json_filename) with open(json_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(database, indent=4))
def comparasion_dilation(input_models, output_json): """ Comparasion with the method mentioned in Wang's paper Args: input_models (list): List of input models to test on. output_json (str): Destination file for the result data. """ database = [] # Results for different number of dexels and different radii for model_path in input_models: model_name = os.path.split(model_path)[1] assert (model_name in map_radii.keys()) for num_dexels in array_num_dexels: for num_threads in array_num_threads: for i, r in enumerate(array_radii): r_mm = map_radii[model_name][i] # Dilation args_dilation = [ common.exe_path, '--input', model_path, '--num_dexels', str(num_dexels), '--radius', str(r_mm), '--padding', str(math.ceil(r_mm * num_dexels)), '--num_thread', str(num_threads), '--json', common.tmp_json, '--output', 'tmp.ply', '--radius_in_mm', '--force' ] subprocess.check_call(args_dilation) with open(common.tmp_json, 'r') as f: entry = json.load(f) entry['radius_relative'] = r entry['radius_mm'] = r_mm entry['model'] = model_name database.append(entry) # Write results in a file json_filename = os.path.join(common.result_folder, output_json) common.ensure_folder_exists(json_filename) with open(json_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(database, indent=4))
def batch_test_radius(input_models, output_json): """ Batch test the effect of varying radii, with a number of dexels of 512. Args: input_models (list): List of input models to test on. output_json (str): Destination file for the result data. """ n = 512 # Number of dexels database = {} # Results for different radii for model_path in input_models: model_name = os.path.split(model_path)[1] model_data = [] for r in array_radii: for method in array_method: for k in array_num_threads: args = [ common.exe_path, '--input', model_path, '--num_dexels', str(n), '--radius', str(r * n), '--padding', str(math.ceil(r * n)), '--num_thread', str(k), '--json', common.tmp_json, '--force', '--method', method ] print(' '.join(args)) subprocess.check_call(args) with open(common.tmp_json, 'r') as f: entry = json.load(f) entry['radius_relative'] = r model_data.append(entry) database[model_name] = model_data # Write results in a file json_filename = os.path.join(common.result_folder, output_json) common.ensure_folder_exists(json_filename) with open(json_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(database, indent=4))
def _generate_gplaysdk_jar_file(self): common.ensure_folder_exists(self.debug_directory) proguard_file_path = "None" mapping_file_path = "None" if self.proguard: proguard_file_path = os.path.join(self.script_path, "proguard-gplaysdk.txt") mapping_file_path = os.path.join( self.debug_directory, "mapping-gplaysdk-" + self.version + ".txt") common.run_command( "python " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "../jar-maker/") + " -s " + self.proj_gplayunitsdkplugin_src_dir + " -s " + self.proj_gplayruntimebridge_src_dir + " -s " + self.proj_gplaysdk_src_dir + " -o " + self.out_dir + " -f " + os.path.split(self.sdk_jar_no_dex_obfuscated_path)[-1] + " --ref-lib " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "..", "common", "lib", "android.jar") + " --ref-lib " + os.path.join(self.script_path, "..", "common", "lib", "annotations.jar") + " -p " + proguard_file_path + " -m " + mapping_file_path)