def readdepth():
    filetoopen = raw_input("Enter the filename in the data/ directory to open: ")
    with open(os.path.join(partialpath + filetoopen),'r') as f:
        everything = f.readlines()

    everything[0],everything[1] = everything[1],everything[0]       #then by default its a history file

    new = json.loads(everything[0])
    newnew = common.floatify(new["data"])

    for ba in newnew.keys():
        print "-"*25,ba.upper(),"-"*25
        highbid = newnew[ba][-1]['price']
        lowask = newnew[ba][0]['price']

        [earliesttime],[latesttime] = [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew[ba]) for thing in ['stamp']] for func in [min,max]]

        newlist = []
        for x in newnew[ba]:
            if len(newlist) == 0:
                avgcumthing = highbid if ba == 'bids' else lowask
                avgcumthing = sum(y['price'] for y in newlist) / len(newlist)

            if math.sqrt((x['price'] - avgcumthing)**2) < x['price']/2:

        newnew[ba] = newlist

        # vari = common.variance((x['price'] for x in newnew[ba]),avgcumthing)
        # stddev = common.stddev(vari)

        #rewritten with list comprehension somehow (see below)
        vwapcum = sum(x['price']*x['amount'] for x in newnew[ba])
        [lowestprice,lowestamount],[highestprice,highestamount],[totaleachprice,totaleachamount] = \
            [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew[ba]) for thing in ['price','amount']] for func in [min,max,sum]]

        print "Sum of all prices: $%f &  Sum of all amounts: %f BTC" % (totaleachprice, totaleachamount)
        avgprice = totaleachprice / len(newnew[ba])
        avgamt = totaleachamount / len(newnew[ba])
        print "Mean Price is $%f and Mean Amount is %f BTC" % (avgprice,avgamt)
        vwap = vwapcum / totaleachamount
        print "VWAP is: $", vwap
        print "Highest Price: $%f & Lowest Price: $%f" % (highestprice,lowestprice)
        print "Highest Amount: %f BTC & Lowest Amount: %f BTC" % (highestamount,lowestamount)
        print "Earliest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(earliesttime/1E6))
        print "Latest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(latesttime/1E6))
Exemple #2
def readdepth():
    filetoopen = raw_input("Enter the filename in the data/ directory to open: ")
    with open(os.path.join(partialpath + filetoopen),'r') as f:
        everything = f.readlines()

    #everything[0],everything[1] = everything[1],everything[0]

    new = json.loads(everything[0])
    newnew = common.floatify(new["data"])

    for ba in newnew.keys():
        print "-"*25,ba.upper(),"-"*25
        highbid = newnew[ba][-1]['price']
        lowask = newnew[ba][0]['price']

        [earliesttime],[latesttime] = [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew[ba]) for thing in ['stamp']] for func in [min,max]]

        newlist = []
        for x in newnew[ba]:
            if len(newlist) == 0:
                avgcumthing = highbid if ba == 'bids' else lowask
                avgcumthing = sum(y['price'] for y in newlist) / len(newlist)

            if math.sqrt((x['price'] - avgcumthing)**2) < x['price']/2:

        newnew[ba] = newlist

        # vari = common.variance((x['price'] for x in newnew[ba]),avgcumthing)
        # stddev = common.stddev(vari)

        #rewritten with list comprehension somehow
        vwapcum = sum(x['price']*x['amount'] for x in newnew[ba])
        [lowestprice,lowestamount],[highestprice,highestamount],[totaleachprice,totaleachamount] = \
            [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew[ba]) for thing in ['price','amount']] for func in [min,max,sum]]

        print "Sum of all prices: $%f &  Sum of all amounts: %f BTC" % (totaleachprice, totaleachamount)
        avgprice = totaleachprice / len(newnew[ba])
        avgamt = totaleachamount / len(newnew[ba])
        print "Mean Price is $%f and Mean Amount is %f BTC" % (avgprice,avgamt)
        vwap = vwapcum / totaleachamount
        print "VWAP is: $", vwap
        print "Highest Price: $%f & Lowest Price: $%f" % (highestprice,lowestprice)
        print "Highest Amount: %f BTC & Lowest Amount: %f BTC" % (highestamount,lowestamount)
        print "Earliest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(earliesttime/1E6))
        print "Latest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(latesttime/1E6))
def readhist24():
    print "Enter the filename in the data/ directory to open: "
    filetoopen = raw_input("Leave blank for default: ")
    if not(filetoopen):
        filetoopen = "mtgox_entiretrades.txt"
    with open(os.path.join(partialpath + filetoopen),'r') as f:
        everything = f.readlines()

    everything[0],everything[1] = everything[1],everything[0]       #then by default its a history file

    new = json.loads(everything[0])
    newnew = common.floatify(new["data"])
    print "Do you want to enter a timeframe?(in secs): "
    timeframe = raw_input("Leave blank for default: ")
    if timeframe:
        starttime = (newnew[-1]['tid']/1E6) - float(timeframe)
        templist = []
        for a in newnew:
            if (a['tid']/1E6) > starttime:
        newnew = templist
    [earliesttime],[latesttime] = [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew) for thing in ['tid']] for func in [min,max]]

    #rewritten with list comprehension somehow (see below)
    vwapcum = sum(x['price']*x['amount'] for x in newnew)
    [lowestprice,lowestamount],[highestprice,highestamount],[totaleachprice,totaleachamount] = \
        [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew) for thing in ['price','amount']] for func in [min,max,sum]]

    print "Sum of all prices: $%f &  Sum of all amounts: %f BTC" % (totaleachprice, totaleachamount)
    avgprice = totaleachprice / len(newnew)
    avgamt = totaleachamount / len(newnew)

    vari = common.variance((x['price'] for x in newnew),avgprice)
    stddev = common.stddev(vari)

    print "Mean Price is $%f and Mean Amount is %f BTC" % (avgprice,avgamt)
    vwap = vwapcum / totaleachamount
    print "VWAP is: $", vwap
    print "Highest Price: $%f & Lowest Price: $%f" % (highestprice,lowestprice)
    print "Highest Amount: %f BTC & Lowest Amount: %f BTC" % (highestamount,lowestamount)
    print "Earliest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(earliesttime/1E6))
    print "Latest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(latesttime/1E6))
Exemple #4
def readhist24():
    print "Enter the filename in the data/ directory to open: "
    filetoopen = raw_input("Leave blank for default: ")
    if not(filetoopen):
        filetoopen = "mtgox_entiretrades.txt"
    with open(os.path.join(partialpath + filetoopen),'r') as f:
        everything = f.readlines()

    everything[0],everything[1] = everything[1],everything[0]

    new = json.loads(everything[0])
    newnew = common.floatify(new["data"])
    timeframe = raw_input("Press Enter to check the whole file, or just the last 'n' seconds: ")
    if timeframe:
        starttime = (newnew[-1]['tid']/1E6) - float(timeframe)
        templist = []
        for a in newnew:
            if (a['tid']/1E6) > starttime:
        newnew = templist
    [earliesttime],[latesttime] = [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew) for thing in ['tid']] for func in [min,max]]

    independently = common.prompt("Analyse volume independently as Buys vs. Sells?",True)

    print "Earliest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(earliesttime/1E6))
    print "Latest time is: %s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(latesttime/1E6))

    if independently:
        word = ("BUYS:","SELLS:")
        loopcount = 2
        condition = ("bid","ask")
        word = ["ALL:"]
        loopcount = 1
        condition = ["bidask"]
    for count in xrange(0,loopcount):
        print "-"*40
        print word[count]
        print "-"*40
        loopcondition = condition[count]

        #rewritten with list comprehension somehow
        [lowestprice,lowestamount],[highestprice,highestamount],[totaleachprice,totaleachamount] = \
            [[func(x[thing] for x in newnew if x["trade_type"] in loopcondition) for thing in ['price','amount']] for func in [min,max,sum]]
        tradecount = sum(1 for x in newnew if x["trade_type"] in loopcondition)
        print "Sum of all prices: $%f &  Sum of all amounts: %f BTC" % (totaleachprice, totaleachamount)

        print "Highest Price: $%f & Lowest Price: $%f" % (highestprice,lowestprice)

        avgprice = totaleachprice / tradecount
        avgamt = totaleachamount / tradecount
        print "Mean Price is $%f and Mean Amount is %f BTC" % (avgprice,avgamt)

        vwapcum = sum(x['price']*x['amount'] for x in newnew if x["trade_type"] in loopcondition)
        vwap = vwapcum / totaleachamount
        print "VWAP is: $%f" % vwap

        print "Highest Amount: %f BTC & Lowest Amount: %f BTC" % (highestamount,lowestamount)
        dowhale = common.prompt("Analyse for large transactions?",True)
        if dowhale:
            howbig = raw_input("Enter how many BTC above which you want to search for: ")
            print "  List of Whale Transactions (bigger than %s BTC): " % howbig
            print "  ","-"*35
            for x in newnew:
                if x["trade_type"] in loopcondition:
                    if x['amount'] >= int(howbig):
                        time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x['tid']/1E6).strftime("%H:%M:%S")
                        print "%f BTC @ $%f, %s, %s" % (x['amount'],x['price'],x['properties'],time)