def __make_options(self, params):
        '''Return generic Litmus options.'''

        # Guess defaults using the properties of this computer
        if 'cpus' in params:
            cpus = min(map(int, params['cpus']))
            cpus = num_cpus()

        if 'clusters' in params:
            clusters = min(map(int, params['clusters']))
            # default to partitioned
            clusters = num_cpus()

            rm_config  = get_config_option("RELEASE_MASTER") and True
            rm_config  = False
        release_master = list(set([False, bool(rm_config)]))

        return [GenOption('tasks', int, range(cpus, 5*cpus, cpus),
                              'Number of tasks per experiment.'),
                GenOption('cpus', int, [cpus],
                          'Number of processors on target system.'),
                GenOption('clusters', int, [clusters],
                          'Number of clusters on target system.'),
                GenOption('release_master', [True,False], release_master,
                          'Redirect release interrupts to a single CPU.'),
                GenOption('duration', float, [30], 'Experiment duration.')]
def verify_environment(kernel, copts):
    if kernel and not com.uname_matches(kernel):
        raise InvalidKernel(kernel)

    if copts:
        results = []
        for param, wanted in copts.iteritems():
                actual = com.get_config_option(param)
            except IOError:
                actual = None
            if not str(wanted) == str(actual):
                results += [ConfigResult(param, wanted, actual)]

        if results:
            raise InvalidKernel(results)
Exemple #3
def verify_environment(exp_params):
    '''Raise an exception if the current system doesn't match that required
    by @exp_params.'''
    if exp_params.kernel and not re.match(exp_params.kernel, com.kernel()):
        raise InvalidKernel(exp_params.kernel)

    if exp_params.config_options:
        results = []
        for param, wanted in exp_params.config_options.iteritems():
                actual = com.get_config_option(param)
            except IOError:
                actual = None
            if not str(wanted) == str(actual):
                results += [ConfigResult(param, wanted, actual)]

        if results:
            raise InvalidConfig(results)
def verify_environment(exp_params):
    '''Raise an exception if the current system doesn't match that required
    by @exp_params.'''
    if exp_params.kernel and not re.match(exp_params.kernel, com.kernel()):
        raise InvalidKernel(exp_params.kernel)

    if exp_params.config_options:
        results = []
        for param, wanted in exp_params.config_options.iteritems():
                actual = com.get_config_option(param)
            except IOError:
                actual = None
            if not str(wanted) == str(actual):
                results += [ConfigResult(param, wanted, actual)]

        if results:
            raise InvalidConfig(results)
Exemple #5
    def __make_options(self, params):
        '''Return generic Litmus options.'''

        # Guess defaults using the properties of this computer
        if 'cpus' in params:
            cpus = min(map(int, params['cpus']))
            cpus = num_cpus()
            rm_config = get_config_option("RELEASE_MASTER") and True
            rm_config = False
        release_master = list(set([False, bool(rm_config)]))

        return [
            GenOption('tasks', int, range(cpus, 5 * cpus, cpus),
                      'Number of tasks per experiment.'),
            GenOption('cpus', int, [cpus],
                      'Number of processors on target system.'),
            GenOption('release_master', [True, False], release_master,
                      'Redirect release interrupts to a single CPU.'),
            GenOption('duration', float, [30], 'Experiment duration.')