Exemple #1
def vm_cpu_affinity_check(config_file, id_cpus_per_vm_dic, item):
    Check cpu number of per vm
    :param item: vm pcpu_id item in xml
    :return: error informations
    err_dic = {}
    use_cpus = []
    cpu_sharing_enabled = True

    cpu_sharing = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "FEATURES",
    if cpu_sharing == "SCHED_NOOP":
        cpu_sharing_enabled = False

    cpu_affinity = common.get_leaf_tag_map(config_file, "cpu_affinity",
    for vm_i in id_cpus_per_vm_dic.keys():
        for cpu in id_cpus_per_vm_dic[vm_i]:
            if cpu in use_cpus and not cpu_sharing_enabled:
                key = "vm:id={},{}".format(vm_i, item)
                    key] = "The same pcpu was configurated in <pcpu_id>/<cpu_affinity>, but CPU sharing is disabled by 'SCHED_NOOP'. Please re-configurate them!"
                return err_dic

    pre_launch_cpus = []
    post_launch_cpus = []
    for vm_i, vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.items():
        if vm_i not in id_cpus_per_vm_dic.keys():
        elif VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type'] == "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM":
            cpus = [x for x in id_cpus_per_vm_dic[vm_i] if not None]
        elif VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type'] == "POST_LAUNCHED_VM":
            cpus = [x for x in id_cpus_per_vm_dic[vm_i] if not None]

        # duplicate cpus assign the same VM check
        cpus_vm_i = id_cpus_per_vm_dic[vm_i]
        for cpu_id in cpus_vm_i:
            if cpus_vm_i.count(cpu_id) >= 2:
                key = "vm:id={},{}".format(vm_i, item)
                err_dic[key] = "VM should not use the same pcpu id:{}".format(
                return err_dic

    if pre_launch_cpus:
        for pcpu in pre_launch_cpus:
            if pre_launch_cpus.count(pcpu) >= 2:
                key = "Pre launched VM cpu_affinity"
                    key] = "Pre_launched_vm vm should not have the same cpus assignment"
            if pcpu in post_launch_cpus:
                key = "Pre launched vm and Post launchded VM cpu_affinity"
                    key] = "Pre launched_vm and Post launched vm should not have the same cpus assignment"

    return err_dic
Exemple #2
 def get_pci_devs(self):
     Get pci devices items
     :return: None
     pci_items = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "pci_devs", "pci_dev")
     self.pci_devs = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pci_devs(pci_items)
Exemple #3
 def get_pci_dev_num(self):
     Get pci device number items
     :return: None
     self.pci_dev_num = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info,
def set_shm_regions(launch_item_values, scenario_info):

        raw_shmem_regions = common.get_hv_item_tag(scenario_info, "FEATURES",
                                                   "IVSHMEM", "IVSHMEM_REGION")
        vm_types = common.get_leaf_tag_map(scenario_info, "vm_type")
        shm_enabled = common.get_hv_item_tag(scenario_info, "FEATURES",
                                             "IVSHMEM", "IVSHMEM_ENABLED")

    sos_vm_id = 0
    for vm_id, vm_type in vm_types.items():
        if vm_type in ['SOS_VM']:
            sos_vm_id = vm_id
        elif vm_type in ['POST_STD_VM', 'POST_RT_VM', 'KATA_VM']:
            uos_id = vm_id - sos_vm_id
            shm_region_key = 'uos:id={},shm_regions,shm_region'.format(uos_id)
            launch_item_values[shm_region_key] = ['']
            if shm_enabled == 'y':
                for shmem_region in raw_shmem_regions:
                    if shmem_region is None or shmem_region.strip() == '':
                        shm_splited = shmem_region.split(',')
                        name = shm_splited[0].strip()
                        size = shm_splited[1].strip()
                        vm_id_list = [
                            x.strip() for x in shm_splited[2].split(':')
                        if str(vm_id) in vm_id_list:
                                [name, size]))
                    except Exception as e:
    def get_info(self):
        Get all items which belong to this class
        :return: None
        pt_intx_map = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "pt_intx")

        # translation table to normalize the paired phys_gsi and virt_gsi string
        table = {ord('[') : ord('('), ord(']') : ord(')'), ord('{') : ord('('),
            ord('}') : ord(')'), ord(';') : ord(','),
            ord('\n') : None, ord('\r') : None, ord(' ') : None}

        for vm_i, s in pt_intx_map.items():
            #normalize the phys_gsi and virt_gsi pair string
            s = s.translate(table)

            #extract the phys_gsi and virt_gsi pairs between parenthesis to a list
            s = re.findall(r'\(([^)]+)', s)

            self.phys_gsi[vm_i] = [];
            self.virt_gsi[vm_i] = [];

            for part in s:
                if not part: continue
                assert ',' in part, "you need to use ',' to separate phys_gsi and virt_gsi!"
                a, b = part.split(',')
                if not a and not b: continue
                assert a and b, "you need to specify both phys_gsi and virt_gsi!"
                a, b = common.str2int(a), common.str2int(b)

def mem_size_check(item):
      Check host physical size
      :param item: vm size item in xml
      :return: None
    prime_item = "memory"
    id_hpa_size_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, prime_item,

    for id_key, hpa_size in id_hpa_size_dic.items():
        hpa_sz_strip_ul = hpa_size.strip('UL')
        hpa_sz_strip_u = hpa_size.strip('U')

        if not hpa_size:
            key = "vm:id={},{}".format(id_key, item)
                key] = "VM start host physical memory size should not empty"

        if hpa_sz_strip_ul not in common.START_HPA_SIZE_LIST and hpa_sz_strip_u not in \
            key = "vm:id={},{},{}".format(id_key, prime_item, item)
            mem_max = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
            if '0x' not in hpa_size and '0X' not in hpa_size:
                ERR_LIST[key] = "Mem size should be Hex format"
            elif int(hpa_sz_strip_ul, 16) > mem_max or int(hpa_sz_strip_u,
                                                           16) > mem_max:
                ERR_LIST[key] = "Mem size should less than 2GB"
Exemple #7
def pci_dev_num_per_vm_gen(config):

    pci_items = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "pci_devs", "pci_dev")
    pci_devs = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pci_devs(pci_items)
    pci_dev_num = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pci_num(pci_devs)

    ivshmem_region = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,

    shmem_enabled = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,

    shmem_regions = scenario_cfg_lib.get_shmem_regions(ivshmem_region)
    shmem_num = scenario_cfg_lib.get_shmem_num(shmem_regions)

    for vm_i,vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.items():
        if "POST_LAUNCHED_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
           if shmem_enabled == 'y' and vm_i in shmem_num.keys():
                print("#define VM{}_CONFIG_PCI_DEV_NUM\t{}U".format(vm_i, shmem_num[vm_i]), file=config)
        elif "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
            shmem_num_i = 0
            if shmem_enabled == 'y' and vm_i in shmem_num.keys():
                shmem_num_i = shmem_num[vm_i]
            print("#define VM{}_CONFIG_PCI_DEV_NUM\t{}U".format(vm_i, pci_dev_num[vm_i] + shmem_num_i), file=config)

    print("", file=config)
def set_pci_vuarts(launch_item_values, scenario_info):
        launch_item_values['user_vm,console_vuart'] = DM_VUART0
        vm_types = common.get_leaf_tag_map(scenario_info, 'vm_type')
        sos_vm_id = 0
        for vm_id, vm_type in vm_types.items():
            if vm_type in ['SERVICE_VM']:
                sos_vm_id = vm_id
        for vm in list(common.get_config_root(scenario_info)):
            if vm.tag == 'vm' and scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_types[int(
                    vm.attrib['id'])]]['load_type'] == 'POST_LAUNCHED_VM':
                user_vmid = int(vm.attrib['id']) - sos_vm_id
                pci_vuart_key = 'user_vm:id={},communication_vuarts,communication_vuart'.format(
                for elem in list(vm):
                    if elem.tag == 'communication_vuart':
                        for sub_elem in list(elem):
                            if sub_elem.tag == 'base' and sub_elem.text == 'PCI_VUART':
                                if pci_vuart_key not in launch_item_values.keys(
                                    launch_item_values[pci_vuart_key] = [
                                        '', elem.attrib['id']
Exemple #9
def get_uos_type():
    Get uos name from launch.xml at fist line
    uos_types = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE, "uos_type")

    return uos_types
def get_user_vm_type():
    Get User VM name from launch.xml at fist line
    user_vm_types = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE,

    return user_vm_types
Exemple #11
def clos_per_vm_gen(config):

    clos_per_vm = {}
    clos_per_vm = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
            common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "clos", "vcpu_clos")
    for i,clos_list_i in clos_per_vm.items():
        clos_config = scenario_cfg_lib.clos_assignment(clos_per_vm, i)
        print("#define VM{0}_VCPU_CLOS\t\t\t{1}".format(i, clos_config['clos_map']), file=config)
def get_leaf_tag_map(info_file, prime_item, item=''):
    :param info_file: some configurations in the info file
    :param prime_item: the prime item in xml file
    :param item: the item in xml file
    :return: dictionary which item value could be indexed by vmid
    vmid_item_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(info_file, prime_item, item)
    return vmid_item_dic
 def check_items(self):
     check the configurations for share memories.
     if self.shmem_enabled == 'y':
         vm_type_info = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "vm_type")
         scenario_cfg_lib.share_mem_check(self.shmem_regions, self.raw_shmem_regions, vm_type_info,
                                      "FEATURES", "IVSHMEM", "IVSHMEM_REGION")
Exemple #14
def cpu_affinity_per_vm_gen(config):

    cpus_per_vm = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                          "cpu_affinity", "pcpu_id")

    for vm_i, _ in common.VM_TYPES.items():
        cpu_bits = scenario_cfg_lib.cpus_assignment(cpus_per_vm, vm_i)
        cpu_affinity_output(cpu_bits, vm_i, config)

    print("", file=config)
def get_bdf_from_tag(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str):
    bdf_list = {}
    bdf_list = common.get_leaf_tag_map(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str)

    # split b:d:f from pci description
    for idx, bdf_v in bdf_list.items():
        if bdf_v:
            bdf_list[idx] = bdf_v.split()[0]

    return bdf_list
Exemple #16
def boot_args_per_vm_gen(config):
    kern_args = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "os_config", "bootargs")

    for vm_i,vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.items():
        if "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
            if vm_i in kern_args.keys() and kern_args[vm_i]:
                print("#define VM{}_BOOT_ARGS\t".format(vm_i), end="", file=config)
                split_cmdline(kern_args[vm_i].strip(), config)
                print("", file=config)

    print("", file=config)
def get_sos_vmid():

    load_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "load_order")

    sos_id = ''
    for idx, load_order in load_dic.items():
        if load_order == "SOS_VM":
            sos_id = idx

    return sos_id
    def get_info(self):
        Get all items which belong to this class
        :return: None
        self.name = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "name")
        self.load_vm = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "vm_type")
        self.guest_flags = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info,
                                                   "guest_flags", "guest_flag")
        self.cpus_per_vm = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info,
                                                   "cpu_affinity", "pcpu_id")
        self.clos_per_vm = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.scenario_info, "clos",

Exemple #19
def is_tpm_passthru():

    tpm_passthru = False
    (_, board) = common.get_board_name()
    tpm2_passthru_enabled = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                                    "mmio_resources", "TPM2")
    if board in TPM_PASSTHRU_BOARD and tpm2_passthru_enabled and 'y' in tpm2_passthru_enabled.values(
        tpm_passthru = True

    return tpm_passthru
 def get_args(self):
     self.args["uos_type"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "uos_type")
     self.args["rtos_type"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "rtos_type")
     self.args["mem_size"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "mem_size")
     self.args["gvt_args"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "gvt_args")
     self.args["vbootloader"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "vbootloader")
     self.args["vuart0"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.launch_info,
     self.args["cpu_sharing"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "cpu_sharing")
     self.args["pm_channel"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.launch_info, "poweroff_channel")
     self.args["off_pcpus"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(
         self.scenario_info, "vcpu_affinity", "pcpu_id")
     self.args["xhci"] = common.get_leaf_tag_map(self.launch_info,
def off_line_cpus(args, vmid, user_vm_type, config):
    :param args: the dictionary of argument for acrn-dm
    :param vmid: ID of the vm
    :param user_vm_type: the type of User VM
    :param config: it is a file pointer to write offline cpu information
    pcpu_id_list = get_cpu_affinity_list(args["cpu_affinity"], vmid)
    if not pcpu_id_list:
        sos_vmid = launch_cfg_lib.get_sos_vmid()
        cpu_affinity = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                               "cpu_affinity", "pcpu_id")
        pcpu_id_list = get_cpu_affinity_list(cpu_affinity, sos_vmid + vmid)

    if not pcpu_id_list:
        key = "scenario config error"
            key] = "No available cpu to offline and pass it to vm {}".format(

    print("# offline pinned vCPUs from Service VM before launch User VM",
    print('cpu_path="/sys/devices/system/cpu"', file=config)
    print("for i in `ls ${cpu_path}`; do", file=config)
    print("    for j in {}; do".format(' '.join([str(i)
                                                 for i in pcpu_id_list])),
    print('        if [ "cpu"$j = $i ]; then', file=config)
    print('            online=`cat ${cpu_path}/$i/online`', file=config)
    print('            idx=`echo $i | tr -cd "[0-9]"`', file=config)
    print('            echo $i online=$online', file=config)
    print('            if [ "$online" = "1" ] && [ "$idx" != "0" ]; then',
    print("                echo 0 > ${cpu_path}/$i/online", file=config)
    print("                online=`cat ${cpu_path}/$i/online`", file=config)
        "                # during boot time, cpu hotplug may be disabled by pci_device_probe during a pci module insmod",
    print('                while [ "$online" = "1" ]; do', file=config)
    print("                    sleep 1", file=config)
    print("                    echo 0 > ${cpu_path}/$i/online", file=config)
    print("                    online=`cat ${cpu_path}/$i/online`",
    print("                done", file=config)
        "                echo $idx > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/acrn_hsm/remove_cpu",
    print("            fi", file=config)
    print("        fi", file=config)
    print("    done", file=config)
    print("done", file=config)
    print("", file=config)
Exemple #22
def off_line_cpus(args, vmid, uos_type, config):
    :param args: the dictionary of argument for acrn-dm
    :param vmid: ID of the vm
    :param uos_type: the type of UOS
    :param config: it is a file pointer to write offline cpu information
    pcpu_id_list = get_cpu_affinity_list(args["cpu_affinity"], vmid)
    if not pcpu_id_list:
        sos_vmid = launch_cfg_lib.get_sos_vmid()
        cpu_affinity = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                               "cpu_affinity", "pcpu_id")
        pcpu_id_list = get_cpu_affinity_list(cpu_affinity, sos_vmid + vmid)

    if not pcpu_id_list:
        key = "scenario config error"
            key] = "No available cpu to offline and pass it to vm {}".format(

    print('offline_path="/sys/class/vhm/acrn_vhm"', file=config)
    print("", file=config)

        "# Check the device file of /dev/acrn_hsm to determine the offline_path",
    print('if [ -e "/dev/acrn_hsm" ]; then', file=config)
    print('offline_path="/sys/class/acrn/acrn_hsm"', file=config)
    print('fi', file=config)
    print("", file=config)
    print("# offline pinned vCPUs from SOS before launch UOS", file=config)
    print("for i in `ls -d /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[{}]`; do".format(
    print("        online=`cat $i/online`", file=config)
    print('        idx=`echo $i | tr -cd "[1-99]"`', file=config)
    print("        echo cpu$idx online=$online", file=config)
    print('        if [ "$online" = "1" ]; then', file=config)
    print("             echo 0 > $i/online", file=config)
    print("             online=`cat $i/online`", file=config)
        "             # during boot time, cpu hotplug may be disabled by pci_device_probe during a pci module insmod",
    print('             while [ "$online" = "1" ]; do', file=config)
    print("                     sleep 1", file=config)
    print("                     echo 0 > $i/online", file=config)
    print("                     online=`cat $i/online`", file=config)
    print("             done", file=config)
    print("             echo $idx > ${offline_path}/offline_cpu", file=config)
    print("        fi", file=config)
    print("done", file=config)
    print("", file=config)
Exemple #23
def check_board_private_info():

    if 'SOS_VM' not in common.VM_TYPES.values():
    branch_tag = "board_private"
    private_info = {}
    dev_private_tags = ['rootfs']
    for tag_str in dev_private_tags:
        dev_setting = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, branch_tag, tag_str)
        private_info[tag_str] = dev_setting

    if not private_info['rootfs'] and err_dic:
        ERR_LIST['vm:id=0,boot_private,rootfs'] = "The board have to chose one rootfs partition"
Exemple #24
def parse_boot_info():

    err_dic = {}

    if 'SOS_VM' in common.VM_TYPES.values():
        sos_cmdlines = list(
            common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "board_private",
        sos_rootfs = list(
            common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "board_private",
        (err_dic, vuart0_dic, vuart1_dic) = get_vuart_settings()
        sos_cmdlines = list(
            common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "os_config",

        sos_rootfs = list(
            common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "os_config",
        (err_dic, vuart0_dic, vuart1_dic) = get_vuart_settings()

    return (err_dic, sos_cmdlines, sos_rootfs, vuart0_dic, vuart1_dic)
def os_kern_root_dev_check(item):
       Check os kernel rootfs partitions
       :param item: vm os config rootdev item in xml
       :return: None
    prime_item = "os_config"
    id_kern_rootdev_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                                  prime_item, item)

    for id_key, kern_rootdev in id_kern_rootdev_dic.items():
        if not kern_rootdev:
            key = "vm:id={},{},{}".format(id_key, prime_item, item)
            ERR_LIST[key] = "VM os config kernel root device should not empty"
def os_kern_console_check(item):
      Check os kernel console
      :param item: vm os config console item in xml
      :return: None
    prime_item = "os_config"
    id_kern_console_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                                  prime_item, item)

    for id_key, kern_console in id_kern_console_dic.items():
        if kern_console and "ttyS" not in kern_console:
            key = "vm:id={},{},{}".format(id_key, prime_item, item)
            ERR_LIST[key] = "VM os config kernel console should be ttyS[0..3]"
def os_kern_mod_check(item):
      Check os kernel mod
      :param item: vm os config mod item in xml
      :return: None
    prime_item = "os_config"
    id_kern_mod_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, prime_item,

    for id_key, kern_mod in id_kern_mod_dic.items():
        if len(kern_mod) > 32 or len(kern_mod) == 0:
            key = "vm:id={},{},{}".format(id_key, prime_item, item)
                key] = "VM os config kernel mod tag should be in range [1,32] bytes"
def cpus_per_vm_check(item):
    Check cpu of per vm
    :param item: vm pcpu_id item in xml
    :return: None
    prime_item = "pcpu_ids"
    id_cpus_per_vm_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                                 prime_item, item)

    for id_key in id_cpus_per_vm_dic.keys():
        vm_type = get_order_type_by_vmid(id_key)
        cpus_vm_i = id_cpus_per_vm_dic[id_key]
        if not cpus_vm_i and vm_type == "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM":
            key = "vm:id={},{}".format(id_key, item)
            ERR_LIST[key] = "VM have no assignment cpus"
def os_kern_args_check(item):
      Check os kernel args
      :param item: vm os config args item in xml
      :return: None
    prime_item = "os_config"
    id_kern_args_dic = common.get_leaf_tag_map(SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, prime_item,

    for id_key, kern_args in id_kern_args_dic.items():
        vm_type = get_order_type_by_vmid(id_key)

        if vm_type == "SOS_VM" and kern_args != "SOS_VM_BOOTARGS":
            key = "vm:id={},{},{}".format(id_key, prime_item, item)
                key] = "VM os config kernel service os should be SOS_VM_BOOTARGS"
Exemple #30
def pci_dev_num_per_vm_gen(config):

    pci_items = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "pci_devs",
    pci_devs = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pt_pci_devs(pci_items)
    pt_pci_num = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pt_pci_num(pci_devs)

    ivshmem_region = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                            "FEATURES", "IVSHMEM",

    shmem_enabled = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE,
                                           "FEATURES", "IVSHMEM",

    shmem_regions = scenario_cfg_lib.get_shmem_regions(ivshmem_region)
    shmem_num = scenario_cfg_lib.get_shmem_num(shmem_regions)

    vuarts = common.get_vuart_info(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE)
    pci_vuarts_num = scenario_cfg_lib.get_pci_vuart_num(vuarts)

    for vm_i, vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.items():
        num = 0
        if "POST_LAUNCHED_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
            shmem_num_i = 0
            pci_vuart_num = pci_vuarts_num[vm_i]
            if shmem_enabled == 'y' and vm_i in shmem_num.keys():
                shmem_num_i = shmem_num[vm_i]
            num = shmem_num_i + pci_vuart_num
        elif "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
            shmem_num_i = 0
            if shmem_enabled == 'y' and vm_i in shmem_num.keys():
                shmem_num_i = shmem_num[vm_i]
            num = pt_pci_num[vm_i] + shmem_num_i + pci_vuarts_num[vm_i]
            if pt_pci_num[vm_i] > 0 or shmem_num_i > 0 or pci_vuarts_num[
                    vm_i] > 0:
                # if there is passthrough device or ivshmem, vhostbridge is needed
                num += 1
        elif "SOS_VM" == scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type']:
        if num > 0:
            print("#define VM{}_CONFIG_PCI_DEV_NUM\t{}U".format(vm_i, num),

    print("", file=config)