Exemple #1
    def find_lyric(self, url):
        pattern = 'surl=([^&=]+)'

        song_id = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(url, pattern)

        if not song_id:
            logging.error('Failed to get id of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        song_url = 'http://www.animap.jp/kasi/phpflash/flashphp.php?unum=' + song_id
        data = common.get_url_content(song_url)
        if not data:
            logging.error('Failed to get content of url [%s]', song_url)
            return False

        prefix = 'test2='
        pos = data.find(prefix)
        if pos == -1:
            logging.error('Failed to find lyric position of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        lyric = data[pos + len(prefix):]
        lyric = lyric.decode('sjis').strip()

        # test for half to full
        lyric = common.half2full(lyric)

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True
Exemple #2
    def find_lyric(self, url):
        pattern = 'item-([0-9]+)\.html'

        song_id = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(url, pattern)

        if not song_id:
            logging.info('Failed to get id of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        song_url = 'http://www.kasi-time.com/item_js.php?no=' + song_id
        data = common.get_url_content(song_url)
        if not data:
            logging.info('Failed to get content of url [%s]', song_url)
            return False

        lyric = data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        lyric = lyric.replace("document.write('", "")
        lyric = lyric.replace("');", "")
        lyric = lyric.replace("<br>", "\n")
        lyric = lyric.replace("&nbsp;", " ")
        lyric = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(lyric)
        lyric = common.unicode2string(lyric)
        lyric = common.strip_slash(lyric)
        lyric = lyric.strip()

        # test for half to full
        lyric = common.half2full(lyric)

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True
Exemple #3
    def parse_lyric(self, html):
        html = html.replace('\r\n', '')
        prefix = "<div class='body'><p>"
        suffix = '</p>'
        lyric = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix, False)
        if not lyric:
            logging.info('Failed to parse lyric from html [%s]', html)
            return False

        lyric = lyric.replace('<br />', '\n')
        lyric = lyric.strip()
        lyric = common.unicode2string(lyric)
        lyric = common.half2full(lyric)

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True
Exemple #4
    def find_lyric(self, url):
        pattern = '/[a-z]+/([0-9]+)/'

        song_id = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(url, pattern)
        if not song_id:
            # try old pattern
            # http://www.uta-net.com/user/phplib/view_0.php?ID=17248
            pattern = 'ID=([0-9]+)'
            song_id = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(url, pattern)

        if not song_id:
            logging.info('Failed to get id of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        showkasi_pattern = 'http://www.uta-net.com/user/phplib/swf/showkasi.php?ID=%s&WIDTH=530&HEIGHT=810'
        song_url = showkasi_pattern % (song_id, )
        data = common.get_url_content(song_url)
        if not data:
            logging.info('Failed to get content of url [%s]', song_url)
            return False

        prefix = '<\0\0'
        suffix = '\0'
        lyric = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(data, prefix, suffix, False)

        if not lyric:
            logging.error('Failed to get lyric of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        lyric = unicode(lyric, 'utf8')
        lyric = lyric.strip()

        # test for half to full
        lyric = common.half2full(lyric)

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True