def __init__(self, config, instrument): TabularRT.__init__(self, config, instrument) self.modtran_dir = self.find_basedir(config) self.filtpath = os.path.join(self.lut_dir, 'wavelengths.flt') self.template = deepcopy(json_load_ascii( config['modtran_template_file'])['MODTRAN']) # Insert aerosol templates, if specified if 'aerosol_template_file' in config: self.template[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS'] = \ deepcopy(json_load_ascii(config['aerosol_template_file'])) # Insert aerosol data, if specified if 'aerosol_model_file' in config: aer_data = s.loadtxt(config['aerosol_model_file']) self.aer_wl = aer_data[:, 0] aer_data = aer_data[:, 1:].T self.naer = int(len(aer_data)/3) aer_absc, aer_extc, aer_asym = [], [], [] for i in range(self.naer): aer_extc.append(aer_data[i*3]) aer_absc.append(aer_data[i*3+1]) aer_asym.append(aer_data[i*3+2]) self.aer_absc = s.array(aer_absc) self.aer_extc = s.array(aer_extc) self.aer_asym = s.array(aer_asym) # Build the lookup table self.build_lut(instrument)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create an instrument model") parser.add_argument('config', type=str, metavar='INPUT') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) config = json_load_ascii(args.config, shell_replace=True) configdir, configfile = split(abspath(args.config)) infile = expand_path(configdir, config['input_radiance_file']) outfile = expand_path(configdir, config['output_model_file']) flatfile = expand_path(configdir, config['output_flatfield_file']) uniformity_thresh = float(config['uniformity_threshold']) infile_hdr = infile + '.hdr' img =, infile) inmm = img.open_memmap(interleave='source', writable=False) if img.interleave != 1: raise ValueError('I need BIL interleave') X = s.array(inmm[:, :, :], dtype=s.float32) nr, nb, nc = X.shape FF, Xhoriz, Xhorizp, use_ff = flat_field(X, uniformity_thresh) s.array(FF, dtype=s.float32).tofile(flatfile) with open(flatfile+'.hdr', 'w') as fout: fout.write(hdr_template.format(lines=nb, samples=nc)) C, Xvert, Xvertp, use_C = column_covariances(X, uniformity_thresh) cshape = (C.shape[0], C.shape[1]**2) out = s.array(C, dtype=s.float32).reshape(cshape) mdict = {'columns': out.shape[0], 'bands': out.shape[1], 'covariances': out, 'Xvert': Xvert, 'Xhoriz': Xhoriz, 'Xvertp': Xvertp, 'Xhorizp': Xhorizp, 'use_ff': use_ff, 'use_C': use_C} savemat(outfile, mdict)
def main(): desc = "Add noise to a radiance spectrum or image" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument('config', type=str, metavar='INPUT') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) config = json_load_ascii(args.config, shell_replace=True) configdir, configfile = split(abspath(args.config)) infile = expand_path(configdir, config['input_radiance_file']) outfile = expand_path(configdir, config['output_radiance_file']) instrument = Instrument(config['instrument_model']) geom = Geometry() if infile.endswith('txt'): rdn, wl = spectrumLoad(infile) Sy = instrument.Sy(rdn, geom) rdn_noise = rdn + multivariate_normal(zeros(rdn.shape), Sy) with open(outfile, 'w') as fout: for w, r in zip(wl, rdn_noise): fout.write('%8.5f %8.5f' % (w, r)) else: raise ValueError('image cubes not yet implemented')
def modtran_driver(self, overrides): """Write a MODTRAN 6.0 input file""" param = deepcopy(self.template) # Insert basic aerosol template, if needed for aer_key in ['VIS', 'AERTYPE', 'AOT550', 'AOD550', 'EXT550']: if aer_key in overrides.keys(): aerosol_template = deepcopy( json_load_ascii(self.aerosol_template)) param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS'] = aerosol_template # Other overrides for key, val in overrides.items(): recursive_replace(param, key, val) if key == 'AERTYPE': custom_aerosol = self.get_aerosol(val) wl, absc, extc, asym = [list(q) for q in custom_aerosol] try: del param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IHAZE'] except KeyError: pass nwl = len(wl) param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'NARSPC'] = nwl param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'VARSPC'] = wl param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'EXTC'] = extc param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'ABSC'] = absc param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'ASYM'] = asym elif key == 'EXT550' or key == 'AOT550' or key == 'AOD550': # MODTRAN 6.0 convention treats negative visibility as AOT550 recursive_replace(param, 'VIS', -val) elif key == 'FILTNM': param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['SPECTRAL']['FILTNM'] = val elif key in [ 'ITYPE', 'H1ALT', 'IDAY', 'IPARM', 'PARM1', 'PARM2', 'GMTIME', 'TRUEAZ', 'OBSZEN' ]: param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['GEOMETRY'][key] = val return json.dumps({"MODTRAN": param})
def modtran_driver(self, overrides): """Write a MODTRAN 6.0 input file""" param = deepcopy(json_load_ascii(self.modtran_template)['MODTRAN']) # Basic aerosol template if 'VIS' in overrides.keys() or 'AERTYPE' in overrides.keys(): aerosol_template = deepcopy(json_load_ascii(self.aerosol_template)) param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS'] = aerosol_template # Other overrides for key, val in overrides.items(): recursive_replace(param, key, val) if key == 'AERTYPE': wl, absc, extc, asym = [list(q) for q in self.get_aerosol(val)] param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'NARSPC'] = len(wl) param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'VARSPC'] = wl param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'EXTC'] = extc param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'ABSC'] = absc param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['AEROSOLS']['IREGSPC'][0][ 'ASYM'] = asym elif key == 'EXT550' or key == 'AOT550' or key == 'AOD550': vis = self.ext550_to_vis(val) recursive_replace(param, 'VIS', vis) elif key == 'FILTNM': param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['SPECTRAL']['FILTNM'] = val elif key in [ 'ITYPE', 'H1ALT', 'IDAY', 'IPARM', 'PARM1', 'PARM2', 'GMTIME', 'TRUEAZ', 'OBSZEN' ]: param[0]['MODTRANINPUT']['GEOMETRY'][key] = val return json.dumps({"MODTRAN": param})
def __init__(self, config, instrument): TabularRT.__init__(self, config, instrument) self.modtran_dir = self.find_basedir(config) self.modtran_template_file = config['modtran_template_file'] self.template = deepcopy( json_load_ascii(self.modtran_template_file)['MODTRAN']) self.filtpath = os.path.join(self.lut_dir, 'wavelengths.flt') if 'aerosol_model_file' in config: self.aerosol_model_file = config['aerosol_model_file'] self.aerosol_template = config['aerosol_template_file'] self.build_aerosol_model() # Build the lookup table self.build_lut(instrument)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a surface model") parser.add_argument('config', type=str, metavar='INPUT') args = parser.parse_args() config = json_load_ascii(args.config, shell_replace=True) configdir, configfile = split(abspath(args.config)) # Determine top level parameters for q in ['output_model_file', 'sources', 'normalize', 'wavelength_file']: if q not in config: raise ValueError('Missing parameter: %s' % q) wavelength_file = expand_path(configdir, config['wavelength_file']) normalize = config['normalize'] reference_windows = config['reference_windows'] outfile = expand_path(configdir, config['output_model_file']) if 'mixtures' in config: mixtures = config['mixtures'] else: mixtures = 0 # load wavelengths file q = s.loadtxt(wavelength_file) if q.shape[1] > 2: q = q[:, 1:] if q[0, 0] < 100: q = q * 1000.0 wl = q[:, 0] nchan = len(wl) # build global reference windows refwl = [] for wi, window in enumerate(reference_windows): active_wl = aand(wl >= window[0], wl < window[1]) refwl.extend(wl[active_wl]) normind = s.array([s.argmin(abs(wl - w)) for w in refwl]) refwl = s.array(refwl, dtype=float) # create basic model template model = { 'normalize': normalize, 'wl': wl, 'means': [], 'covs': [], 'refwl': refwl } for si, source_config in enumerate(config['sources']): # Determine source parameters for q in [ 'input_spectrum_files', 'windows', 'n_components', 'windows' ]: if q not in source_config: raise ValueError('Source %i is missing a parameter: %s' % (si, q)) infiles = [ expand_path(configdir, fi) for fi in source_config['input_spectrum_files'] ] ncomp = int(source_config['n_components']) windows = source_config['windows'] # load spectra spectra = [] for infile in infiles: hdrfile = infile + '.hdr' rfl =, infile) nl, nb, ns = [ int(rfl.metadata[n]) for n in ('lines', 'bands', 'samples') ] swl = s.array([float(f) for f in rfl.metadata['wavelength']]) rfl_mm = rfl.open_memmap(interleave='source', writable=True) if rfl.metadata['interleave'] == 'bip': x = s.array(rfl_mm[:, :, :]) if rfl.metadata['interleave'] == 'bil': x = s.array(rfl_mm[:, :, :]).transpose((0, 2, 1)) x = x.reshape(nl * ns, nb) swl = s.array([float(f) for f in rfl.metadata['wavelength']]) # import spectra and resample for x1 in x: p = interp1d(swl, x1, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') spectra.append(p(wl)) # calculate mixtures, if needed n = float(len(spectra)) nmix = int(n * mixtures) for mi in range(nmix): s1, m1 = spectra[int(s.rand() * n)], s.rand() s2, m2 = spectra[int(s.rand() * n)], 1.0 - m1 spectra.append(m1 * s1 + m2 * s2) spectra = s.array(spectra) use = s.all(s.isfinite(spectra), axis=1) spectra = spectra[use, :] # accumulate total list of window indices window_idx = -s.ones((nchan), dtype=int) for wi, win in enumerate(windows): active_wl = aand(wl >= win['interval'][0], wl < win['interval'][1]) window_idx[active_wl] = wi # Two step model. First step is k-means initialization kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=ncomp, n_init=10) Z = kmeans.predict(spectra) for ci in range(ncomp): m = s.mean(spectra[Z == ci, :], axis=0) C = s.cov(spectra[Z == ci, :], rowvar=False) for i in range(nchan): window = windows[window_idx[i]] if window['correlation'] == 'EM': C[i, i] = C[i, i] + float(window['regularizer']) elif window['correlation'] == 'decorrelated': ci = C[i, i] C[:, i] = 0 C[i, :] = 0 C[i, i] = ci + float(window['regularizer']) else: raise ValueError('I do not recognize the source ' + window['correlation']) # Normalize the component spectrum if desired if normalize == 'Euclidean': z = s.sqrt(s.sum(pow(m[normind], 2))) elif normalize == 'RMS': z = s.sqrt(s.mean(pow(m[normind], 2))) elif normalize == 'None': z = 1.0 else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized normalization: %s\n' % normalize) m = m / z C = C / (z**2) model['means'].append(m) model['covs'].append(C) model['means'] = s.array(model['means']) model['covs'] = s.array(model['covs']) savemat(outfile, model) print('saving results to ' + outfile)