#print('args: %s' % sys.argv)

# sys.argv also contains the name of the script, so if it's 
# length is 1, it means no test was specified
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
  print '\nERROR: no test specified\n'

tests = []
testLogFile = None

for test in sys.argv[1:]:
  if test.startswith('/dev/shm/'):
    testLogFile = test
  elif not test.startswith('org.'):
    tup = common.locateTest(test)
    if tup is None:
      print '\nERROR: cannot find test class %s.java\n' % test
    testClass, testMethod = tup
    tests.append((testClass, testMethod))

OLD_JUNIT = os.path.exists('lib/junit-3.8.2.jar')

if doCompile:
  # Compile, but only send output to stdout if it fails:
  print 'Compile...'
    if os.getcwd().endswith('lucene'):
      res = os.system('%s compile-core compile-test > %s/compile.log 2>&1' % (constants.ANT_EXE, logDirName))
#print('args: %s' % sys.argv)

# sys.argv also contains the name of the script, so if it's
# length is 1, it means no test was specified
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print '\nERROR: no test specified\n'

tests = []
testLogFile = None

for test in sys.argv[1:]:
    if test.startswith('/dev/shm/'):
        testLogFile = test
    elif not test.startswith('org.'):
        tup = common.locateTest(test)
        if tup is None:
            print '\nERROR: cannot find test class %s.java\n' % test
        testClass, testMethod = tup
        tests.append((testClass, testMethod))

OLD_JUNIT = os.path.exists('lib/junit-3.8.2.jar')

if doCompile:
    # Compile, but only send output to stdout if it fails:
    print 'Compile...'
        if os.getcwd().endswith('lucene'):
            res = os.system(
                '%s compile-core compile-test > %s/compile.log 2>&1' %