Exemple #1
def gen_bench(f, simd, typ):
    ## TODO
    path = gen_filename(f, simd, typ)
    ## Check if we need to create the file
    if not common.can_create_filename(_opts, path):
    ## Generate specific code for the bench
    category = common.nsimd_category(simd)
    code = gen_code(f, simd, typ, category=category)
    if code is None:
    ## Now aggregate every parts
    bench = ''
    #bench += gen_bench_asm_function(f, typ, category)
    bench += gen_bench_against(f, simd, typ, f.bench_against_cpu())
    bench += code
    bench += gen_bench_unrolls(f, simd, typ, category)
    bench += gen_bench_against(f, simd, typ, f.bench_against_libs())
    ## Finalize code
    code = gen_bench_from_code(f, typ, bench)
    ## Write file
    with common.open_utf8(path) as f:
    ## Clang-format it!
    common.clang_format(_opts, path)
Exemple #2
 def bench_against_cpu(self):
     bench = self.bench_against_init()
     ## Enable bench against nsimd (cpu architecture)
     if self.bench_auto_against_cpu:
         bench['*']['*'][common.nsimd_category('cpu')] = \
                 cpu_fun_from_sig(sig_translate(self.signature, {
                                  's': 'volatile-s',
                                  'v': 'vcpu',
                                  'l': 'lcpu',
     return bench
Exemple #3
def gen_bench(f, simd, typ):
    ## TODO
    path = gen_filename(f, simd, typ)
    ## Check if we need to create the file
    if not common.can_create_filename(_opts, path):
    ## Generate specific code for the bench
    category = common.nsimd_category(simd)
    code = gen_code(f, simd, typ, category=category)
    if code is None:
    ## Now aggregate every parts
    bench = ''
    #bench += gen_bench_asm_function(f, typ, category)
    bench += gen_bench_against(f, 'cpu', typ, f.bench_against_cpu())
    bench += code
    bench += gen_bench_unrolls(f, simd, typ, category)
    bench += gen_bench_against(f, simd, typ, f.bench_against_libs())
    ## bench_with_timestamp
    bench_with_timestamp = ''
    bench_with_timestamp += 'std::map<std::string, std::pair<' + typ + ', double>> sums;' + '\n'
    bench_with_timestamp += 'size_t const nb_runs = 10 * 1000;' + '\n'
    bench_with_timestamp += gen_bench_against_with_timestamp(
        f, 'cpu', typ, f.bench_against_cpu())
    bench_with_timestamp += gen_bench_with_timestamp(f, simd, typ, category)
    bench_with_timestamp += gen_bench_unrolls_with_timestamp(
        f, simd, typ, category)
    bench_with_timestamp += gen_bench_against_with_timestamp(
        f, simd, typ, f.bench_against_libs())
    bench_with_timestamp += '''
                            std::string json = "";
                            json += "{{\\n";
                            json += "  \\"benchmarks\\": [\\n";

                            for (auto const & bench_name_sum_time : sums) {{
                              std::string const & bench_name = bench_name_sum_time.first;
                              {typ} const & sum = bench_name_sum_time.second.first;
                              double const & elapsed_time_ns = bench_name_sum_time.second.second;

                              json += "  {{" "\\n";
                              json += "    \\"name\\": \\"" + bench_name + "/{typ}\\"," + "\\n";
                              json += "    \\"real_time\\": " + std::to_string(elapsed_time_ns) + "," + "\\n";
                              json += "    \\"sum\\": " + std::string(std::isfinite(sum) ? "" : "\\"") + std::to_string(sum) + std::string(std::isfinite(sum) ? "" : "\\"") + "," + "\\n";
                              json += "    \\"time_unit\\": \\"ns\\"\\n";
                              json += "  }}";
                              if (&bench_name_sum_time != &*sums.rbegin()) {{
                                json += ",";
                              json += "\\n";

                            json += "  ]\\n";
                            json += "}}\\n";

                            std::cout << json << std::flush;
    ## Finalize code
    code = gen_bench_from_code(f, typ, bench, '')  # bench_with_timestamp
    ## Write file
    with common.open_utf8(path) as f:
    ## Clang-format it!
    common.clang_format(_opts, path)