Exemple #1
def env_jagged(etime):
    Jagged envelope:

    Picks at most 4, at least 2 events for each second of
    the event time. Each event is categorized by a random 
    amplitude value and time distribution w/ a curve.
    dests = [0.]
    times = [0.]
    time_error = 0.
    loctime = etime
    while loctime > 0:
        if loctime > 1.:
            correct = 1
            correct = loctime
        numevents = int((random() * 3. + 2.) * loctime)
        dests += [random() for i in range(numevents)]
        time_add = [random() / numevents for i in range(numevents)]
        next_error = 1. - sum(time_add)
        if len(time_add) > 0:
            time_add[0] += time_error
        times += time_add
        time_error = next_error
        loctime -= 1.
    dests[len(dests) - 1] = 0.
    times[len(times) - 1] += etime - sum(times)
    times = [1000. * t for t in times]
    curves = [0.] + [window(.75) for i in range(1, len(dests) - 1)] + [0.]
    return interleave(dests, times, curves)
Exemple #2
def env_uniform(etime):
    Uniform cresendo or diminuendo;
    dests = [0., random() * .1 + .05, random() * .25 + .75, 0.]
    times = [0., 30., etime * 1000. - 60., 30.]
    curves = [0.] + window([.85, .85]) + [0.]
    if random() < .5:
        return interleave(dests, times, curves)
    return interleave(dests[-1::-1], [0.] + times[-1:0:-1], curves)
Exemple #3
def amp_in(time):
    A double-attack crescendo.
    ms = lambda t: _ms(t, time)
    first_time = random() * .35 + .2
    second_time = random() * .3 + .2
    decay_time = 1 - first_time - second_time
    first_val = random() * .4 + .4
    dest = [0., first_val, 1., 0.]
    times = [0., ms(first_time), ms(second_time), ms(decay_time)]
    curves = [1.] + window([.75, .75, .75])
    return interleave(dest, times, curves)
Exemple #4
def amp_in_out(time):
    An AHD envelope.

    Attack (in the first 75 percent of the time)
    Hold @ sustain value (20 percent of the time)
    Sustain value is in between .5 and 1.
    Decay to 0. for the time remaining
    ms = lambda t: _ms(t, time)
    attack_time = random() * .55 + .2
    sustain_val = random() * .5 + .5
    hold_time = random() * .2
    decay_time = 1. - attack_time - hold_time
    dest = [0., sustain_val, sustain_val, 0.]
    times = [0., ms(attack_time), ms(hold_time), ms(decay_time)]
    curves = [1., window(.75), 1., window(.75)]
    return interleave(dest, times, curves)
Exemple #5
def subdivide(time):
    Subdivides a segment of time, returns number of subdivs

    Need to be tweaked to ensure that events aren't too long or too
    short overall. 
    bpm = random() * 40. + 220.
    num_beats = time * bpm / 30.
    beats = lambda: int(random() * 11. + 1.) # 1 -- 11 beats
    events = [0.]
    while num_beats > 0:
        take_beats = beats()
        last_event = events[len(events) - 1]
        events.append(take_beats * (30. / bpm) + last_event)
        num_beats -= take_beats
    if events[len(events) - 1] > time:
        events[len(events) - 1] = time
    return events
def rapids_time(chord, time):
    For rapid play, we create a rapid passage based on a number of
    notes in the chord.
    bpm = random() * 40. + 60.
    tuplet = len(chord)
    time_between_events = 60. / (bpm * tuplet)
    time_total = tuplet * time_between_events
    if time_total > time:
        time = time_total
    event_times = frange(0., time_total, time_between_events)
    return (event_times, time)
Exemple #7
def amp_env(time):
    A simple AHD envelope.

    20 ms ramp up, hold for most of the time, 20 ms 
    ramp down.
    ms = lambda t: _ms(t, time)
    attack = decay = 20  # ms
    hold = ms(time) - 40  # ms
    sustain = random() * 0.5 + 0.5
    dest = [0.0, sustain, sustain, 0.0]
    times = [0.0, attack, hold, decay]
    return interleave(dest, times)
Exemple #8
def pitch_peak(time, correct):
    A triangle-wave-like pitch shift.

    Moves up / down from no-transposition and returns to normal.
    Guaranteed to reach its destination within the first 75% of
    the time requested.
    ms = lambda t: _ms(t, time)
    trans = ratio(window(1.) + correct)
    origin = ratio(correct)
    attack_time = random() * .75 + .2
    decay_time = 1. - attack_time
    dest = [origin, trans, origin]
    times = [0., ms(attack_time), ms(decay_time)]
    curves = [1.] + window([.75, .75])
    return interleave(dest, times, curves)
Exemple #9
def pitch_cross(time, correct):
    Shifts up then down (or down then up), before returning to
    the original pitch of the sample.
    ms = lambda t: _ms(t, time)
    _ts = lambda: random() * .33 + .1
    shifts = window([1., 1.])
    if (shifts[0] * shifts[1]) > 0:
        shifts[one([0, 1])] *= -1
    trans = []
    for s in shifts:
        trans.append(s + correct)
    trans = ratio(trans)
    first = _ts()
    second = 1 - _ts() - first
    decay = 1. - (first + second)
    origin = ratio(correct)
    dest = [origin] + trans + [origin]
    times = [0., ms(first), ms(second), ms(decay)]
    curves = [1.] + window([.75, .75, .75])
    return interleave(dest, times, curves)