Exemple #1
def run():
  file_data = []
  header_line = 'Category,Inv Period,Return,Std Dev,Sharpe'

  for header in sorted(out_file_dict, key=sort_val):
    out_file = out_file_dict[header]
    out_file_path = os.path.join('output', out_file)
    out_data = common.read_from_file(out_file_path)
    del out_data[0]
    inv_period_data = []
    ret_data = []
    sharpe_data = []
    for r in out_data:
      row_data = r.split(',')
    inv_period = numpy.mean(inv_period_data)
    ret = numpy.mean(ret_data)
    stdev = numpy.std(ret_data)
    sharpe = numpy.mean(sharpe_data)
    line_data = header + ',' + str(inv_period) + ',' + str(ret) + ',' \
      + str(stdev) + ',' + str(sharpe)

  rank_file = os.path.join('output', 'ranked.csv')
  rank_data = common.read_from_file(rank_file)
  del rank_data[0]
  for r in rank_data:
    row_data = r.split(',')
    category = row_data[0].capitalize() + ' ' + row_data[1]
    ret = row_data[5]
    sharpe = row_data[6]
    line_data = category + ',1.0,' + ret + ',,' + sharpe
  equalWt_file = os.path.join('output', 'equalWt.csv')
  equalWt_data = common.read_from_file(equalWt_file)
  del equalWt_data[0]
  row_data = equalWt_data[0].split(',')
  line_data = 'Equal Weighted,1.0,' + row_data[3] + ',,' + row_data[4]
  summary_file = os.path.join('output', 'summary.csv')
  common.write_to_file(summary_file, file_data)
Exemple #2
def batch_work(ori, csvFile):
    for ii in range(len(ori)):
        print("start: %d", ii)
        df = common.read_from_file(SOURCE_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + ori[ii] +
        csvFile = SOURCE_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + ori[ii] + csvFile[ii].split(
            '.csv')[0] + '_new.csv'
        glassSet = []
        for row in df.iterrows():
            #Extract Important Imformation
            file_name = row[1]['FILE']
            full_path_image_name = SOURCE_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + ori[ii] + file_name
            fullImg = os.path.abspath(full_path_image_name) + '\n'
            roi_x = int(row[1]['FACE_X'])
            roi_y = int(row[1]['FACE_Y'])
            roi_w = int(row[1]['FACE_WIDTH'])
            roi_h = int(row[1]['FACE_HEIGHT'])
            orc_img = cv2.imread(os.path.abspath(full_path_image_name))
            ori_img = orc_img[roi_y:roi_y + roi_h, roi_x:roi_x + roi_w, :]
            img = preprocess(ori_img)
            img = img.astype(np.float32)
            img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
            net.blobs['data'].data[...] = img
            out = net.forward()
            glasses = postprocess(ori_img, out)
        df['BOOLGLASS'] = glassSet
        df.to_csv(csvFile, mode='a', index=False)
def retrieve_feature_by_vgg_face(facial_image_path, feature_file_path):
    """Retrieve the deep feature by using vgg face.
    :param facial_image_path: the path of the facial image
    :type facial_image_path: string
    :param feature_file_path: the path of the feature file
    :type feature_file_path: string
    :return: the deep feature
    :rtype: numpy array

        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)
            return feature

        # Retrieve feature
        assert os.path.isfile(facial_image_path)
        facial_image = cv2.imread(facial_image_path)
        facial_image = cv2.resize(facial_image,
        facial_image = facial_image.astype(np.float32)
        _ = net.predict([facial_image], oversample=False).ravel()
        feature = net.blobs["fc7"].data[0]

        # Successful case. Save feature to file.
        assert feature is not None
        common.write_to_file(feature_file_path, feature)
        return feature
        # Failure case
        return None
def load_feature_from_file(image_paths, facial_image_extension, feature_extension):
    """Load feature from file.
    :param image_paths: the file paths of the images
    :type image_paths: list
    :param facial_image_extension: the extension of the facial images
    :type facial_image_extension: string
    :param feature_extension: the extension of the feature files
    :type feature_extension: string
    :return: the features
    :rtype: list

    feature_list = []
    feature_file_paths = [image_path + facial_image_extension + feature_extension \
                          for image_path in image_paths]

    for feature_file_path in feature_file_paths:
        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)

    return feature_list
Exemple #5
def generate_batch_fpoint_from_csv():
    ori = ((common.ORI_BATCH1, common.PROCESSED_BATCH1),
           (common.ORI_BATCH2, common.PROCESSED_BATCH2),
           (common.ORI_BATCH3, common.PROCESSED_BATCH3))
    for pairs in ori:
        df = common.read_from_file(pairs[0] + pairs[0].split('/')[1] +
        fpfilename = pairs[0].split('/')[1] + '_fpoint.txt'
        outfile = open(fpfilename, 'w')
        for row in df.iterrows():
            #Extract Important Imformation
            face_x = float(row[1]['FACE_X'])
            face_y = float(row[1]['FACE_Y'])

            P0_x = float(row[1]['P8X'])
            P0_y = float(row[1]['P8Y'])
            P1_x = float(row[1]['P11X'])
            P1_y = float(row[1]['P11Y'])
            P2_x = float(row[1]['P15X'])
            P2_y = float(row[1]['P15Y'])
            P3_x = float(row[1]['P18X'])
            P3_y = float(row[1]['P18Y'])
            P4_x = float(row[1]['P20X'])
            P4_y = float(row[1]['P20Y'])

            line = str(P0_x) + ' ' + str(P0_y) + ' ' + str(P1_x) + ' ' + str(
                P1_y) + ' ' + str(P2_x) + ' ' + str(P2_y) + ' ' + str(
                    P3_x) + ' ' + str(P3_y) + ' ' + str(P4_x) + ' ' + str(
                        P4_y) + '\n'
    print 'Done!'
Exemple #6
def batch_work():
    ori = ((common.ORI_BATCH1, common.PROCESSED_BATCH1),
           (common.ORI_BATCH2, common.PROCESSED_BATCH2),
           (common.ORI_BATCH3, common.PROCESSED_BATCH3))
    for pairs in ori:
        df = common.read_from_file(pairs[0] + pairs[0].split('/')[1] +
        for row in df.iterrows():
            #Extract Important Imformation
            file_name = row[1]['FILE']
            roi_x = int(row[1]['FACE_X'])
            roi_y = int(row[1]['FACE_Y'])
            roi_w = int(row[1]['FACE_WIDTH'])
            roi_h = int(row[1]['FACE_HEIGHT'])
            #Create Dir if not Exist
            file_name = file_name.strip()
            dir_name = file_name.split('/')[0]
            if not os.path.isdir(pairs[1] + dir_name):
                os.makedirs(pairs[1] + dir_name)
            #Crop And Resize Image
            img = cv2.imread(pairs[0] + file_name)
            img_roi = img[roi_y:(roi_y + roi_h + 1), roi_x:(roi_x + roi_w + 1)]
            img_roi_resize = cv2.resize(img_roi, (roi_w, roi_h))
            #print img.size()
            cv2.imwrite(pairs[1] + file_name, img_roi_resize)
            LOG.info('Process %s Done!' % (file_name))
Exemple #7
def get_subscriptions():
        content = read_from_file(SUBSCRIPTION_FILE)
        lines = content.split('\n')
        for line in lines:
            data = line.split('\t')
            if len(data) == 2:
                if data[1].startswith('tt'):
                    tv_show_name = data[0]
                    tv_show_imdb = data[1]
                    tv_show_mode = "strm tv show dialog"
                    create_tv_show_strm_files(tv_show_name, tv_show_imdb, tv_show_mode, TV_SHOWS_PATH)
                    mode = data[1]
                    items = get_menu_items(name, mode, "", "")
                    for (url, li, isFolder) in items:
                        paramstring = url.replace(sys.argv[0], '')
                        params = get_params(paramstring)
                        movie_name = urllib.unquote_plus(params["name"])
                        movie_data = urllib.unquote_plus(params["name"])
                        movie_imdb = urllib.unquote_plus(params["imdb_id"])
                        movie_mode = "strm movie dialog"
                        create_strm_file(movie_name, movie_data, movie_imdb, movie_mode, MOVIES_PATH)
        xbmc.log("[What the Furk] Failed to fetch subscription")
def retrieve_feature_by_vgg_face(facial_image_path, feature_file_path):
    """Retrieve the deep feature by using vgg face.
    :param facial_image_path: the path of the facial image
    :type facial_image_path: string
    :param feature_file_path: the path of the feature file
    :type feature_file_path: string
    :return: the deep feature
    :rtype: numpy array

        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)
            return feature

        # Retrieve feature
        assert os.path.isfile(facial_image_path)
        facial_image = cv2.imread(facial_image_path)
        facial_image = cv2.resize(facial_image, dsize=(common.VGG_FACE_IMAGE_SIZE, common.VGG_FACE_IMAGE_SIZE))
        facial_image = facial_image.astype(np.float32)
        _ = net.predict([facial_image], oversample=False).ravel()
        feature = net.blobs["fc7"].data[0]

        # Successful case. Save feature to file.
        assert feature is not None
        common.write_to_file(feature_file_path, feature)
        return feature
        # Failure case
        return None
Exemple #9
def read_rollback_info(rollback_file_path):
    """Search the current directory for the latest
    rollback-info_* file. Return the content as a deployment list.
    archives = []
    lines = common.read_from_file(rollback_file_path)
    for line in lines:
        (name, runtime_name, server_group_name) = line.split()
        server_group = None

        if server_group_name != "None":
            server_group = ServerGroup({
                    "name": server_group_name,
                    "profile": "",
                    "socket-binding-group": "",
                    "socket-binding-port-offset": "",
                    "deployment": {}
                "name": name,
                "runtime-name": runtime_name,
                "enabled": False
            }, server_group=server_group

    return archives
def retrieve_facial_image_by_bbox(full_image_path, force_continue=True):
    """Retrieve the facial image by using bbox coordinates.
    :param full_image_path: the path of the full image
    :type full_image_path: string
    :param force_continue: unused argument, for consistency with other functions
    :type force_continue: boolean
    :return: the facial image
    :rtype: numpy array

        # Read the coordinates of facial image from the bbox file
        bbox_file_path = full_image_path + common.BBOX_EXTENSION
        y, x, w, h = common.read_from_file(bbox_file_path)
        x_start = int(x)
        x_end = int(x + h)
        y_start = int(y)
        y_end = int(y + w)

        # Generate the resized facial image
        full_image = cv2.imread(full_image_path)
        facial_image = full_image[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end, :]
        facial_image = cv2.resize(facial_image, dsize=(common.FACIAL_IMAGE_SIZE, common.FACIAL_IMAGE_SIZE))

        # Successful case
        assert facial_image is not None
        return facial_image
        # Failure case
        return None
Exemple #11
def generate_frames_fpoint_from_csv():
    df = common.read_from_file('umdfaces_videos_ultraface.csv')
    fpfilename = 'umdfaces_frames_fpoint.txt'
    outfile = open(fpfilename, 'w')
    for row in df.iterrows():
        #Extract Important Imformation
        face_x = float(row[1]['FACE_X'])
        face_y = float(row[1]['FACE_Y'])

        P0_x = float(row[1]['P8X'])
        P0_y = float(row[1]['P8Y'])
        P1_x = float(row[1]['P11X'])
        P1_y = float(row[1]['P11Y'])
        P2_x = float(row[1]['P15X'])
        P2_y = float(row[1]['P15Y'])
        P3_x = float(row[1]['P18X'])
        P3_y = float(row[1]['P18Y'])
        P4_x = float(row[1]['P20X'])
        P4_y = float(row[1]['P20Y'])

        line = str(P0_x) + ' ' + str(P0_y) + ' ' + str(P1_x) + ' ' + str(
            P1_y) + ' ' + str(P2_x) + ' ' + str(P2_y) + ' ' + str(
                P3_x) + ' ' + str(P3_y) + ' ' + str(P4_x) + ' ' + str(
                    P4_y) + '\n'
    print 'Done!'
def retrieve_feature_by_open_face(facial_image_path, feature_file_path):
    """Retrieve the deep feature by using open face.
    :param facial_image_path: the path of the facial image
    :type facial_image_path: string
    :param feature_file_path: the path of the feature file
    :type feature_file_path: string
    :return: the deep feature
    :rtype: numpy array

        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)
            return feature

        # Retrieve feature
        assert os.path.isfile(facial_image_path)
        facial_image_in_BGR = cv2.imread(facial_image_path)
        facial_image_in_BGR = cv2.resize(facial_image_in_BGR, dsize=(args.imgDim, args.imgDim))
        facial_image_in_RGB = cv2.cvtColor(facial_image_in_BGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        feature = net.forward(facial_image_in_RGB)

        # Successful case. Save feature to file.
        assert feature is not None
        common.write_to_file(feature_file_path, feature)
        return feature
        # Failure case
        return None
def load_feature_from_file(image_paths, facial_image_extension,
    """Load feature from file.
    :param image_paths: the file paths of the images
    :type image_paths: list
    :param facial_image_extension: the extension of the facial images
    :type facial_image_extension: string
    :param feature_extension: the extension of the feature files
    :type feature_extension: string
    :return: the features
    :rtype: list

    feature_list = []
    feature_file_paths = [image_path + facial_image_extension + feature_extension \
                          for image_path in image_paths]

    for feature_file_path in feature_file_paths:
        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)

    return feature_list
Exemple #14
def retrieve_feature_by_open_face(facial_image_path, feature_file_path):
    """Retrieve the deep feature by using open face.
    :param facial_image_path: the path of the facial image
    :type facial_image_path: string
    :param feature_file_path: the path of the feature file
    :type feature_file_path: string
    :return: the deep feature
    :rtype: numpy array

        # Read feature directly from file
        if os.path.isfile(feature_file_path):
            feature = common.read_from_file(feature_file_path)
            return feature

        # Retrieve feature
        assert os.path.isfile(facial_image_path)
        facial_image_in_BGR = cv2.imread(facial_image_path)
        facial_image_in_BGR = cv2.resize(facial_image_in_BGR,
                                         dsize=(args.imgDim, args.imgDim))
        facial_image_in_RGB = cv2.cvtColor(facial_image_in_BGR,
        feature = net.forward(facial_image_in_RGB)

        # Successful case. Save feature to file.
        assert feature is not None
        common.write_to_file(feature_file_path, feature)
        return feature
        # Failure case
        return None
def set_tv_show_meta(listitem, imdb_id, path):
    (data_file, poster_file, fanart_file, poster_missing, fanart_missing) = _get_meta_paths(imdb_id, path)
    if os.path.isfile(data_file):
            content = read_from_file(data_file)
            data = content.split('\n')
            title = data[0]
            year = data[1]
            genre = data[2]
            overview = data[3]
            rating = data[4]
            votes = data[5]
            premiered = data[6]
            mpaa = data[7]  

            listitem.setProperty("Video", "true")
            listitem.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
            listitem.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'title': title,
                               'year': int(year),
                               'genre': genre,
                               'plot': overview,
                               'rating': float(rating),
                               'votes': votes,
                               'premiered': premiered,
                               'mpaa': mpaa,
                               'code': imdb_id})
    if os.path.isfile(poster_file) and USE_POSTERS:
    if os.path.isfile(fanart_file) and USE_FANART:
        listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart_file)
    return listitem
Exemple #16
def find_search_query(query):
        content = read_from_file(SEARCH_FILE) 
        lines = content.split('\n')
        index = lines.index(query)
        return index
        return -1 #Not found
Exemple #17
def find_list(query, search_file):
        content = read_from_file(search_file) 
        lines = content.split('\n')
        index = lines.index(query)
        return index
        return -1
Exemple #18
def subscription_index(name, mode):
        content = read_from_file(SUBSCRIPTION_FILE)
        line = str(name) + '\t' + str(mode)
        lines = content.split('\n')
        index = lines.index(line)
        return index
        return -1 #Not subscribed
Exemple #19
def unsubscribe(name, mode):
    index = subscription_index(name, mode)
    if index >= 0:
        content = read_from_file(SUBSCRIPTION_FILE)
        lines = content.split('\n')
        s = ''
        for line in lines:
            if len(line) > 0:
                s = s + line + '\n'
        write_to_file(SUBSCRIPTION_FILE, s)
Exemple #20
def remove_from_list(list, file):
    index = find_list(list, file)
    if index >= 0:
        content = read_from_file(file)
        lines = content.split('\n')
        s = ''
        for line in lines:
            if len(line) > 0:
                s = s + line + '\n'
        write_to_file(file, s)
Exemple #21
def remove_search_query(query):
    index = find_search_query(query)
    if index >= 0:
        content = read_from_file(SEARCH_FILE)
        lines = content.split('\n')
        s = ''
        for line in lines:
            if len(line) > 0:
                s = s + line + '\n'
        write_to_file(SEARCH_FILE, s)
Exemple #22
def search_menu():
    items = []
    items.append(create_item_tuple('@Search...', 'manual search'))
    if os.path.isfile(SEARCH_FILE):
        s = read_from_file(SEARCH_FILE)
        search_queries = s.split('\n')
        for query in search_queries:
            items.append(create_item_tuple(query, 'manual search', data=query))

    return items
Exemple #23
def subscription_imdb(name,url):
    if os.path.isfile(SUB_IMDB_FILE):
        existing = read_from_file(SUB_IMDB_FILE)
    if os.path.isfile(SUB_FILE):
        s = read_from_file(SUB_FILE)
        show_list = s.split('\n')
        for show in show_list:
            if show != '' and not show in existing:
                dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
                menu_texts = []
                menu_data = []
                params = {}
                params["title"] = show
                params["view"] = "simple"
                params["count"] = "10"
                params["title_type"] = "tv_series,mini_series,tv_special"
                url = "%s%s" % ("http://www.imdb.com/search/title?", urllib.urlencode(params))
                body = open_url(url)
                first_show = regex_get_all(body, '<tr class=', '</tr>')
                if len(first_show) == 565:
                    all_td = regex_get_all(first_show, '<td', '</td>')
                    imdb_id = regex_from_to(all_td[1], '/title/', '/')
                    for f in first_show:
                        all_td = regex_get_all(f, '<td', '</td>')#year_type">
                        imdb_id = regex_from_to(all_td[1], '/title/', '/')#/">
                        title = regex_from_to(all_td[1], '/">', '</a').replace("&#x27;", "'") + ' ' + regex_from_to(f, 'year_type">', '</span>')
                    menu_id = dialog.select('Select Show', menu_texts)
                    if(menu_id < 0):
                        return (None, None)
                        imdb_id = menu_data[menu_id]
                text="%s<>%s" % (show,imdb_id)
                add_to_list(text, SUB_IMDB_FILE)
                notification('My Subsciptions', 'No new shows found', '3000', iconart)
Exemple #24
def get_subscriptions(name,url):
    content = read_from_file(SUB_IMDB_FILE)
    lines = content.split('\n')
    for line in lines:
        data = line.split('<>')
        if len(data) == 2:
            tv_show_name = clean_file_name(data[0])
            tv_show_imdb = data[1]
            tv_show_mode = "3"
            create_tv_show_strm_files(tv_show_name, tv_show_imdb, tv_show_mode, TV_SHOWS_PATH)
Exemple #25
def subscription_menu():
    items = []
    s = read_from_file(SUBSCRIPTION_FILE)
    menu_items = s.split('\n')
    for menu_item in menu_items:
        if len(menu_item) < 3:
        data = menu_item.split('\t')
        item_name = data[0]
        item_data = data[1]
        items.append(create_item_tuple('%s [%s]' % (item_name, item_data), 'unsubscribe', data=item_data, isFolder=False))

    return items
def repositories(addon_name):
    dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    list = []
    repo_list = []
    dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
    directories = os.listdir(check_path)
    count = 0
    for d in directories:
        if d.startswith('repository'):
            addonpath = os.path.join(check_path, d)
            percent = 25
            dp.update(percent, "Scanning installed repositories")
            for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(addonpath, "addon.xml")):
                text = read_from_file(file)
                repo_url = regex_from_to(text, '<datadir zip="true">', '</datadir>')
                req = urllib2.Request(repo_url)
                percent = 50
                dp.update(percent, "Fetching repository addon information")
                req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3')
                    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
                    if repo_url.find('bitbucket') > 0:
                        match = re.compile('class="pjax-trigger execute"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-devtools-folder-closed"></span>(.+?)</a>').findall(link)
                        match = re.compile('<a href="(.+?)/">').findall(link)
	                nItem = len(match)
                    for addons in match:
                        if addons.startswith('plugin') or addons.startswith('script') or addons.startswith('skin') or addons.startswith('metadata'):
                            percent = 75
                            dp.update(percent, "Matching addon to repository")
                            repo_list.append("<<%s/%s>>" % (addons, d))
    if str(repo_list).find(addon_name) > 0:
        repo_name = regex_from_to(str(repo_list), addon_name + "/", ">>")
        repo_path = os.path.join(check_path, repo_name)
        if os.path.exists(repo_path):
            percent = 100
            dp.update(percent, "Repository removed")
            dialog.ok(repo_name, "", "No repository found")
            dialog.ok(repo_name, "", "No repository found")
Exemple #27
def add_to_list(list, file):
    if find_list(list, file) >= 0:

    if os.path.isfile(file):
        content = read_from_file(file)
        content = ""

    lines = content.split('\n')
    s = '%s\n' % list
    for line in lines:
        if len(line) > 0:
            s = s + line + '\n'
    write_to_file(file, s)
Exemple #28
def add_search_query(query):
    if find_search_query(query) >= 0:

    if os.path.isfile(SEARCH_FILE):
        content = read_from_file(SEARCH_FILE)
        content = ""

    lines = content.split('\n')
    s = '%s\n' % query
    for line in lines:
        if len(line) > 0:
            s = s + line + '\n'
    write_to_file(SEARCH_FILE, s)
Exemple #29
def generate_frames_imagelist():
    csvfilename = '/home/yf/data/umdfaces/umdfaces_videos_ultraface.csv'
    df = common.read_from_file(csvfilename)
    imagelist_name = 'umdfaces_frames_imagelist_tmp.txt'
    imagelist = open(imagelist_name, 'w')
    id = 0
    for row in df.iterrows():
        #Extract Important Imformation
        file_name = row[1]['FILE']
        #Create Dir if not Exist
        file_name = file_name.strip()
        dir_name = file_name.split('/')[0]
        image_name = file_name.split(',')[0]
        line_content = image_name + ' ' + str(id) + '\n'
    print 'imagelist done!'
Exemple #30
def set_movie_meta(listitem, imdb_id, path):
    (data_file, poster_file, fanart_file, poster_missing,
     fanart_missing) = _get_meta_paths(imdb_id, path)
    if os.path.isfile(data_file):
            content = read_from_file(data_file)
            data = content.split('\n')
            title = data[0]
            year = data[1]
            genre = data[2]
            tagline = data[3]
            overview = data[4]
            duration = data[5]
            rating = data[6]
            votes = data[7]
            premiered = data[8]
            mpaa = data[9]

            listitem.setProperty("Video", "true")
            listitem.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true")
                                 'title': title,
                                 'year': int(year),
                                 'genre': genre,
                                 'tagline': tagline,
                                 'plot': overview,
                                 'duration': duration,
                                 'rating': float(rating),
                                 'votes': votes,
                                 'premiered': premiered,
                                 'mpaa': mpaa,
                                 'code': imdb_id
            #print "Couldn't add meta for %s" % (imdb_id)

    if os.path.isfile(poster_file) and USE_POSTERS:
    if os.path.isfile(fanart_file) and USE_FANART:
        listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart_file)

    return listitem
Exemple #31
def generate_batch_imagelist_from_csv():
    ori = ((common.ORI_BATCH1, common.PROCESSED_BATCH1),
           (common.ORI_BATCH2, common.PROCESSED_BATCH2),
           (common.ORI_BATCH3, common.PROCESSED_BATCH3))
    for pairs in ori:
        df = common.read_from_file(pairs[0] + pairs[0].split('/')[1] +
        imagelist_name = pairs[0].split('/')[1] + '_imagelist_tmp.txt'
        imagelist = open(imagelist_name, 'w')
        id = 0
        for row in df.iterrows():
            #Extract Important Imformation
            file_name = row[1]['FILE']
            #Create Dir if not Exist
            file_name = file_name.strip()
            dir_name = file_name.split('/')[0]
            image_name = file_name.split(',')[0]
            line_content = image_name + ' ' + str(id) + '\n'
            LOG.info('Process %s Done!' % (file_name))
    print 'imagelist done!'
Exemple #32
def set_movie_meta(listitem, imdb_id, path):
    (data_file, poster_file, fanart_file, poster_missing, fanart_missing) = _get_meta_paths(imdb_id, path)
    if os.path.isfile(data_file):
            content = read_from_file(data_file)
            data = content.split('\n')
            title = data[0]
            year = data[1]
            genre = data[2]
            tagline = data[3]
            overview = data[4]
            duration = data[5]
            rating = data[6]
            votes = data[7]
            premiered = data[8]
            mpaa = data[9]

            listitem.setInfo('video', {'title': title,
                               'year': int(year),
                               'genre': genre,
                               'tagline': tagline,
                               'plot': overview,
                               'duration': duration,
                               'rating': float(rating),
                               'votes': votes,
                               'premiered': premiered,
                               'mpaa': mpaa,
                               'code': imdb_id})
            #print "Couldn't add meta for %s" % (imdb_id)
    if os.path.isfile(poster_file) and USE_POSTERS:
    if os.path.isfile(fanart_file) and USE_FANART:
        listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart_file)
    return listitem
Exemple #33
def run(nav_file):
  Generates monthly sharpe ratio for each fund using a rolling window of the 
  last 12 months. Uses this data to generate a rank file that specifies which 
  fund to invest in each month. The fund chosen each month is the one with the 
  highest sharpe ratio.
  # create data directory
  # read nav data
  nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
  # generate monthly sharpe ratio
  sharpe_data = get_sharpe_data(nav_data)
  sharpe_data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, sharpe_data_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(sharpe_data_file, sharpe_data)

  # generate sharpe ranking
  sharpe_rank_data = get_sharpe_rank_data(nav_data, sharpe_data)
  sharpe_rank_data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, sharpe_rank_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(sharpe_rank_data_file, sharpe_rank_data)
Exemple #34
def find_shows(name,url):
    plugins = os.listdir(USERDATA)
    y = read_from_file(yrlist)
    yr_list = y.split('\n')
    for addons in plugins:
        addon_path = os.path.join(USERDATA, addons)
        if 'plugin.video.' in addon_path:
            subdirpath = os.listdir(addon_path)
            for s in subdirpath:
                if 'show' in s.lower():
                    show_path = os.path.join(addon_path, s)
                    subshowpath = os.listdir(show_path)
                    for s in subshowpath:
                        season_path = os.path.join(show_path, s)
                        text = s.replace('_',' ').replace(' s ',' ').rstrip()
                        for yr in yr_list:
                            if yr in text:
                                text = text.replace(yr,'').rstrip()
                        if text.find('(') >-1:
                            text = text[:text.find('(')].rstrip()
                        add_to_list(text.lower(), SUB_FILE)
Exemple #35
def run(nav_file):
  Generates monthly sharpe ratio for each fund using a rolling window of the 
  last 12 months. Uses this data to generate a rank file that specifies which 
  fund to invest in each month. The fund chosen each month is the one with the 
  highest sharpe ratio.

    # create data directory

    # read nav data
    nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)

    # generate monthly sharpe ratio
    sharpe_data = get_sharpe_data(nav_data)
    sharpe_data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, sharpe_data_file_name)
    common.write_to_file(sharpe_data_file, sharpe_data)

    # generate sharpe ranking
    sharpe_rank_data = get_sharpe_rank_data(nav_data, sharpe_data)
    sharpe_rank_data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, sharpe_rank_file_name)
    common.write_to_file(sharpe_rank_data_file, sharpe_rank_data)
Exemple #36
def read_server_group_mapping(mapping_file):
    """Given a mapping file path, read it and return a dict with its contents.

    mapping_file -- the path to the mapping file (e.g. /tmp/mapping.properties)

    The mapping file name is not relevant.
    The content of the file should be in the format runtime_name=server_group.
    One per line, just like a java properties file.
    mapping = {}
    if os.path.isfile(mapping_file):
        lines = common.read_from_file(mapping_file)
        for line in lines:
            raw_mapping = line.strip().split("=")
            if len(raw_mapping) < 2:
            (runtime_name, server_group_name) = raw_mapping
            mapping[runtime_name] = server_group_name

    return mapping
def receive_signal(signum, stack):
    data = read_from_file(other_data_file)
    print(f'Received from app2 data: {data}')
    out_data = input('What do you want to send?')
    send_data(data_file, out_data, other_pid, send_signal)
def retrieve_facial_image_by_congealingcomplex(full_image_path, force_continue=True):
    """Retrieve the facial image by using congealingcomplex.
    :param full_image_path: the path of the full image
    :type full_image_path: string
    :param force_continue: whether crop facial images by using bbox coordinates
    :type force_continue: boolean
    :return: the facial image
    :rtype: numpy array

    def call_congealingcomplex(facial_image):
        """Call congealingcomplex to perform face frontalization.
        :param facial_image: the facial image
        :type facial_image: numpy array
        :return: the processed facial image
        :rtype: numpy array

        input_image_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "input_image.jpg")
        output_image_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "output_image.jpg")
        cv2.imwrite(input_image_path, facial_image)

        input_image_info_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "input_image.txt")
        output_image_info_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "output_image.txt")
        with open(input_image_info_path, "w") as text_file:
        with open(output_image_info_path, "w") as text_file:

        subprocess.call([os.path.join(common.CONGEALINGCOMPLEX_PATH, "funnelReal"), \
                         input_image_info_path, \
                         os.path.join(common.CONGEALINGCOMPLEX_PATH, "people.train"), \

        # Read the processed facial image
        processed_facial_image = cv2.imread(output_image_path)

        # Omit the totally black rows and columns
        gray_processed_facial_image = cv2.cvtColor(processed_facial_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        cumsum_in_row = np.cumsum(gray_processed_facial_image, axis=1)
        valid_row_indexes = cumsum_in_row[:, -1] > 0
        cumsum_in_column = np.cumsum(gray_processed_facial_image, axis=0)
        valid_column_indexes = cumsum_in_column[-1, :] > 0

        return processed_facial_image[valid_row_indexes, :, :][:, valid_column_indexes, :]

        # Read the coordinates of facial image from the bbox file
        bbox_file_path = full_image_path + common.BBOX_EXTENSION
        y, x, w, h = common.read_from_file(bbox_file_path)

        # Find the middle point of the bounding rectangle
        x_middle = x + 0.5 * h
        y_middle = y + 0.5 * w

        # Make the bouding square a little bit larger
        x_start = int(x_middle - 0.8 * h)
        x_end = int(x_middle + 0.8 * h)
        y_start = int(y_middle - 0.8 * w)
        y_end = int(y_middle + 0.8 * w)

        # Retrieve the original facial image
        full_image = cv2.imread(full_image_path)
        facial_image = full_image[max(x_start, 0):min(x_end, full_image.shape[0]), max(y_start, 0):min(y_end, full_image.shape[1]), :]

        # Call congealingcomplex and resize it
        facial_image = call_congealingcomplex(facial_image)
        facial_image = cv2.resize(facial_image, dsize=(common.FACIAL_IMAGE_SIZE, common.FACIAL_IMAGE_SIZE))

        # Successful case
        assert facial_image is not None
        return facial_image
        # Failure case
        if force_continue:
            return retrieve_facial_image_by_bbox(full_image_path)
            return None
Exemple #39
def batch_work(ori, setFile):
    setfile_ = open(setFile, 'w')
    for annofile in ori:
        df = common.read_from_file(SOURCE_IMG_FILE_FOLDER+ annofile + annoDict[annofile])
        for row in df.iterrows():
            #Extract Important Imformation
            file_name = row[1]['FILE']
            img_file_name_no_jpg = file_name.split('/')[1].split('.jpg')[0]
            label_full_anno_file_name = LABEL_FILE_FOLDER + img_file_name_no_jpg + '.txt'
            full_path_image_name = SOURCE_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + annofile + file_name
            if not os.path.exists(CROP_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + annofile + file_name.split('/')[0]):
                os.mkdir(CROP_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + annofile + file_name.split('/')[0])
            ang_path_image_name = CROP_IMG_FILE_FOLDER + annofile + file_name.split('.jpg')[0]+'_crop.jpg'
            fullImg = os.path.abspath(full_path_image_name) + '\n'
            print('label file: %s, and full_path_img : %s'%(label_full_anno_file_name, full_path_image_name))
            label_file_ = open(label_full_anno_file_name, 'w')
            roi_x = int(row[1]['FACE_X'])
            roi_y = int(row[1]['FACE_Y'])
            roi_w = int(row[1]['FACE_WIDTH'])
            roi_h = int(row[1]['FACE_HEIGHT'])
            yaw = row[1]['YAW']
            pitch = row[1]['PITCH']
            roll = row[1]['ROLL']
            pr_female = row[1]['PR_FEMALE']
            pr_male = row[1]['PR_MALE']
            boolGlass = row[1]['BOOLGLASS']
            src = cv2.imread(os.path.abspath(full_path_image_name))
            xmin = np.maximum(roi_x - minMargin / 2, 0)
            xmax = np.minimum(roi_x + roi_w + minMargin / 2, src.shape[1])
            ymin = np.maximum(roi_y - minMargin / 2, 0)
            ymax = np.minimum(roi_y + roi_h + minMargin / 2, src.shape[0])
            cropRoi = src[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
            left_eye_point_x = row[1]['P8X'] - xmin
            right_eye_point_x = row[1]['P11X'] -xmin
            nose_point_x = row[1]['P15X'] -xmin
            left_mouse_point_x = row[1]['P18X'] -xmin
            right_mouse_point_x = row[1]['P20X'] - xmin
            left_eye_point_y = row[1]['P8Y'] - ymin
            right_eye_point_y = row[1]['P11Y'] -ymin
            nose_point_y = row[1]['P15Y'] - ymin
            left_mouse_point_y = row[1]['P18Y'] -ymin
            right_mouse_point_y = row[1]['P20Y'] - ymin
            vision_left_eye = row[1]['VIS8']
            vision_right_eye = row[1]['VIS11']
            vision_nose = row[1]['VIS15']
            vision_left_mouth = row[1]['VIS18']
            vision_right_mouth = row[1]['VIS20']
            if np.min([vision_left_eye, vision_right_eye, vision_nose, vision_left_mouth, vision_right_mouth]) < vision_threold:
            if nose_point_y < np.min([left_eye_point_y, right_eye_point_y]):
            cv2.imwrite(ang_path_image_name, cropRoi)
            if 1:
                pointSet = []
                pointSet.append((int(left_eye_point_x), int(left_eye_point_y)))
                pointSet.append((int(right_eye_point_x), int(right_eye_point_y)))
                pointSet.append((int(nose_point_x), int(nose_point_y)))
                pointSet.append((int(left_mouse_point_x), int(left_mouse_point_y)))
                pointSet.append((int(right_mouse_point_x), int(right_mouse_point_y)))
                for ii in range(5):
                    cv2.circle(cropRoi, pointSet[ii], 3, (0,0,213), -1)
                ang_path_image_name_new = CROP_IMG_FILE_FOLDER_DRAW + img_file_name_no_jpg + '_crop.jpg'
                cv2.imwrite(ang_path_image_name_new, cropRoi)

            setfile_.writelines(os.path.abspath(ang_path_image_name) + '\n')
            content = str(left_eye_point_x) + ' ' + str(right_eye_point_x) + ' ' + str(nose_point_x) + ' ' + str(left_mouse_point_x) + ' ' + str(right_mouse_point_x) + ' ' + str(left_eye_point_y) + ' ' + str(right_eye_point_y) + ' ' + str(nose_point_y) + ' ' + str(left_mouse_point_y) + ' ' + str(right_mouse_point_y) + ' ' + str(yaw) + ' ' + str(pitch) + ' ' + str(roll) + ' ' + str(pr_female) + ' ' + str(pr_male) + ' ' + str(boolGlass) + '\n'
Exemple #40
def run(nav_file, ma_type):
  nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
  fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]
  del nav_data[1:7]
  ma_data = get_ma_data(nav_data)
  del nav_data[0:7]
  cashflows = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  fund_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  last_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names, default_inv)
  returns_halfyr = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  returns_annual = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  cnt = len(nav_data)
  max_total_inv = default_inv * (cnt - 1)
  for i in xrange(0, cnt):
    row_data = nav_data[i].split(',')
    dt = datetime.strptime(row_data[0], '%d-%m-%Y')
    fund_nav = row_data[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, fund_nav)

    # half-yearly returns for each fund
    if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
      for fund in fund_names:
        cashflows_halfyr = cashflows[fund][i-6:i] # slice last 6 months cashflows
        if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_halfyr):
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

      # clean up for next pass
      units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # annual returns for each fund
    if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
      for fund in fund_names:
        cashflows_annual = cashflows[fund][i-12:i] # slice last 12 months cashflows
        if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_annual):
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)
      # clean up for next pass
      units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # no investment on the last date
    if i == cnt - 1:
    for f in fund_names:
      # cap total investment
      allowed_inv = max_total_inv - fund_inv_dict[f]
      prev_inv = last_inv_dict[f]
      nav = fund_nav_dict[f]
      ma = ma_data[f][i]
      mnt_inv = get_mnt_inv(ma_type, prev_inv, nav, ma)
      mnt_inv = min(mnt_inv, allowed_inv)
      units = mnt_inv / nav
      units_dict_overall[f] += units
      units_dict_halfyr[f] += units
      units_dict_annual[f] += units
      last_inv_dict[f] = mnt_inv
      fund_inv_dict[f] += mnt_inv
      cf = (dt, -mnt_inv)
  file_data = []
  header_line = \
    'Fund,Investment,Wealth,Absolute Return,Annualized Return,' + \
    'Half-Yr Return Mean,Half-Yr Return Std Dev,Half-Yr Sharpe,' + \
    'Annual Return Mean,Annual Return Std Dev,Annual Sharpe'
  # final wealth
  nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
  fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
  wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)

  # performance stats for each fund
  last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
  dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
  for fund in sorted(fund_names):    
    fund_cashflows = cashflows[fund][:]
    cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
    fund_inv = fund_inv_dict[fund]
    abs_return = ((wealth[fund] / fund_inv) - 1)
    ann_return = common.xirr(fund_cashflows)
    hfr = returns_halfyr[fund]
    halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
    halfyr_return_mean = numpy.mean(hfr)
    halfyr_return_std = numpy.std(hfr)
    halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(hfr, halfyr_rf_rate)

    afr = returns_annual[fund]
    annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
    annual_return_mean = numpy.mean(afr)
    annual_return_std = numpy.std(afr)
    annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(afr, annual_rf_rate)
    line_data = \
      fund + ',' + str(fund_inv) + ',' + str(wealth[fund]) + ',' + \
      str(abs_return) + ',' + str(ann_return) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_return_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_return_std) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_sharpe) + ',' + str(annual_return_mean) + ',' + \
      str(annual_return_std) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe)
  ma_file_name = 'ma_' + ma_type + '.csv'
  ma_file = os.path.join(data_dir, ma_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(ma_file, file_data)
Exemple #41
def run(nav_file, rank_file):
  Generates return statistics based on sharpe ratio ranking data.

    # create data directory

    # read data files
    nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
    rank_data = common.read_from_file(rank_file)

    # remove redundant entries in nav_data
    target_date = rank_data[1].split(',')[0]
    common.trim_data(nav_data, target_date)
    assert len(nav_data) == len(rank_data)

    # retrieve fund names
    # the first column (date) is skipped
    fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]

    # initialize
    cashflows_halfyr = []
    cashflows_annual = []
    cashflows_overall = []
    returns_halfyr = []
    returns_annual = []
    units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)

    # remove header line
    del nav_data[0]
    del rank_data[0]

    # compute cashflows and returns
    cnt = len(nav_data)
    for i in range(0, cnt):

        (date, fund, nav) = rank_data[i].split(',')
        dt = datetime.strptime(date, '%d-%m-%Y')

        # half-yearly returns
        if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
            nav_line = nav_data[i].split(',')[1:]
            fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
            wealth = get_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
            cf = (dt, wealth)
            ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

            # clean up for next pass
            del cashflows_halfyr[:]
            units_dict_halfyr[f] = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # annual returns
        if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
            nav_line = nav_data[i].split(',')[1:]
            nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
            wealth = get_wealth(nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
            cf = (dt, wealth)
            ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)

            # clean up for next pass
            del cashflows_annual[:]
            units_dict_annual[f] = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # no investment on the last date
        if i == cnt - 1:

        # units invested
        units = mnt_inv / float(nav)
        units_dict_halfyr[fund] += units
        units_dict_annual[fund] += units
        units_dict_overall[fund] += units

        # cash outflow
        cf = (dt, -mnt_inv)

    file_data = []

    # investment details
    file_data.append('Investment Details')
    for f in units_dict_overall:
        if units_dict_overall[f] > 0:
            line_data = f + ',' + str(units_dict_overall[f])

    # total investment
    num_inv = len(cashflows_overall)
    total_inv = num_inv * mnt_inv
    file_data.append('Investment,' + str(total_inv))

    # final wealth
    nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
    wealth = get_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)
    file_data.append('Wealth,' + str(wealth))

    # absolute return
    abs_return = ((wealth / total_inv) - 1)
    file_data.append('Absolute Return,' + str(abs_return))

    # annualized return
    last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
    dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
    cf = (dt, wealth)
    annual_return = common.xirr(cashflows_overall)
    file_data.append('Annualized Return,' + str(annual_return))

    file_data.append('Stats,Mean,Std Deviation, Sharpe Ratio')

    # half-yearly return stats
    halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
    halfyr_mean = numpy.mean(returns_halfyr)
    halfyr_stdev = numpy.std(returns_halfyr)
    halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(returns_halfyr, halfyr_rf_rate)
    file_data.append('Half-Yearly,' + str(halfyr_mean) + ',' +
                     str(halfyr_stdev) + ',' + str(halfyr_sharpe))

    # annual return stats
    annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
    annual_mean = numpy.mean(returns_annual)
    annual_stdev = numpy.std(returns_annual)
    annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(returns_annual, annual_rf_rate)
    file_data.append('Annual,' + str(annual_mean) + ',' + str(annual_stdev) +
                     ',' + str(annual_sharpe))

    # save stats to file
    benchmark_file = os.path.join(data_dir, benchmark_file_name)
    common.write_to_file(benchmark_file, file_data)
Exemple #42
def run(nav_file, ma_type):
    nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
    fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]
    del nav_data[1:7]
    ma_data = get_ma_data(nav_data)
    del nav_data[0:7]

    cashflows = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    fund_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    fund_corpus_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    fund_corpus_index_dict = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    last_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names, default_inv)
    returns_halfyr = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    returns_annual = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)

    cnt = len(nav_data)
    max_total_inv = default_inv * (cnt - 1)
    for i in xrange(0, cnt):

        row_data = nav_data[i].split(',')
        dt = datetime.strptime(row_data[0], '%d-%m-%Y')
        fund_nav = row_data[1:]
        fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, fund_nav)

        # half-yearly returns for each fund
        if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:

            wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
            for fund in fund_names:
                start_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i - 7]
                end_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i - 1]
                corpus_wealth = end_corpus - start_corpus
                total_wealth = wealth[fund] + corpus_wealth

                cashflows_halfyr = cashflows[fund][
                    i - 6:i]  # slice last 6 months cashflows
                if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_halfyr):

                cf = (dt, total_wealth)
                ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

            # clean up
            units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # annual returns for each fund
        if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:

            wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
            for fund in fund_names:
                start_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i - 13]
                end_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i - 1]
                corpus_wealth = end_corpus - start_corpus
                total_wealth = wealth[fund] + corpus_wealth

                cashflows_annual = cashflows[fund][
                    i - 12:i]  # slice last 12 months cashflows
                if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_annual):

                cf = (dt, wealth[fund] + fund_corpus_dict[fund])
                ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)

            # clean up
            units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # no investment on the last date
        if i == cnt - 1:

        for f in fund_names:

            # cap total investment
            allowed_inv = max_total_inv - fund_inv_dict[f]

            prev_inv = last_inv_dict[f]
            nav = fund_nav_dict[f]
            ma = ma_data[f][i]

            # equity investment
            mnt_inv = get_mnt_inv(ma_type, prev_inv, nav, ma)
            mnt_inv = min(mnt_inv, allowed_inv)
            last_inv_dict[f] = mnt_inv
            allowed_inv -= mnt_inv

            # debt investment
            corpus = fund_corpus_dict[f]
            debt_inv = default_inv - mnt_inv
            if debt_inv < 0:
                debt_inv = -min(mnt_inv - default_inv, corpus)
                debt_inv = min(debt_inv, allowed_inv)

            # corpus investment + interest
            corpus += debt_inv
            interest = corpus * int_rate
            corpus += interest
            fund_corpus_dict[f] = corpus

            # total investment
            total_inv = mnt_inv + debt_inv
            fund_inv_dict[f] += total_inv

            # invested units
            units = mnt_inv / nav
            units_dict_overall[f] += units
            units_dict_halfyr[f] += units
            units_dict_annual[f] += units

            # cashflows
            cf = (dt, -total_inv)

            # debugging
            # if f == 'Birla_Advantage_Fund':
            # print '%d\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%d\t%d' % (mnt_inv, debt_inv, round(fund_inv_dict[f]), units, -total_inv, round(corpus))

    file_data = []

    header_line = \
      'Fund,Investment,Wealth,Absolute Return,Annualized Return,' + \
      'Half-Yr Return Mean,Half-Yr Return Std Dev,Half-Yr Sharpe,' + \
      'Annual Return Mean,Annual Return Std Dev,Annual Sharpe'

    # final wealth
    nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
    wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)

    # performance stats for each fund
    last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
    dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
    for fund in sorted(fund_names):
        total_wealth = wealth[fund] + fund_corpus_dict[fund]
        fund_cashflows = cashflows[fund][:]
        cf = (dt, total_wealth)

        fund_inv = fund_inv_dict[fund]
        abs_return = ((total_wealth / fund_inv) - 1)
        ann_return = common.xirr(fund_cashflows)

        hfr = returns_halfyr[fund]
        halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
        halfyr_return_mean = numpy.mean(hfr)
        halfyr_return_std = numpy.std(hfr)
        halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(hfr, halfyr_rf_rate)

        afr = returns_annual[fund]
        annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
        annual_return_mean = numpy.mean(afr)
        annual_return_std = numpy.std(afr)
        annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(afr, annual_rf_rate)

        line_data = \
          fund + ',' + str(fund_inv) + ',' + str(total_wealth) + ',' + \
          str(abs_return) + ',' + str(ann_return) + ',' + \
          str(halfyr_return_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_return_std) + ',' + \
          str(halfyr_sharpe) + ',' + str(annual_return_mean) + ',' + \
          str(annual_return_std) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe)

    ma_file_name = 'ma_with_debt_' + ma_type + '.csv'
    ma_file = os.path.join(data_dir, ma_file_name)
    common.write_to_file(ma_file, file_data)
Exemple #43
def run(nav_file):
  # create data directory
  # read nav data
  nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
  # remove first 12 entries in nav_data 
  # to compare results with benchmark
  del nav_data[1:13]

  # retrieve fund names
  # the first column (date) is skipped
  fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]
  # initialize
  cashflows = []
  returns_halfyr = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  returns_annual = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  # remove header line
  del nav_data[0]

  # compute cashflows and returns
  cnt = len(nav_data)
  for i in range(0, cnt):

    row_data = nav_data[i].split(',')
    dt = datetime.strptime(row_data[0], '%d-%m-%Y')
    fund_nav = row_data[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, fund_nav)
    # half-yearly returns for each fund
    if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
      for fund in fund_names:
        cashflows_halfyr = cashflows[i-6:i] # slice last 6 months cashflows
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

      # clean up for next pass
      units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)

    # annual returns for each fund
    if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
      for fund in fund_names:
        cashflows_annual = cashflows[i-12:i] # slice last 12 months cashflows
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)
      # clean up for next pass
      units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # no investment on the last date
    if i == cnt - 1:
    # invested units
    for fund in fund_names:
      nav = fund_nav_dict[fund]
      units = mnt_inv / nav
      units_dict_halfyr[fund] += units
      units_dict_annual[fund] += units
      units_dict_overall[fund] += units
    # cash outflow
    cf = (dt, -mnt_inv)
  file_data = []
  header_line = \
    'Fund,Investment,Wealth,Absolute Return,Annualized Return,' + \
    'Half-Yr Return Mean,Half-Yr Return Std Dev,Half-Yr Sharpe,' + \
    'Annual Return Mean,Annual Return Std Dev,Annual Sharpe'
  # total investment
  num_inv = len(cashflows)
  total_inv = num_inv * mnt_inv
  # final wealth
  nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
  fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
  wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)
  # performance stats for each fund
  last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
  dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
  for fund in sorted(fund_names):
    fund_cashflows = cashflows[:]
    cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
    abs_return = ((wealth[fund] / total_inv) - 1)
    ann_return = common.xirr(fund_cashflows)
    hfr = returns_halfyr[fund]
    halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
    halfyr_return_mean = numpy.mean(hfr)
    halfyr_return_std = numpy.std(hfr)
    halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(hfr, halfyr_rf_rate)

    afr = returns_annual[fund]
    annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
    annual_return_mean = numpy.mean(afr)
    annual_return_std = numpy.std(afr)
    annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(afr, annual_rf_rate)
    line_data = \
      fund + ',' + str(total_inv) + ',' + str(wealth[fund]) + ',' + \
      str(abs_return) + ',' + str(ann_return) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_return_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_return_std) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_sharpe) + ',' + str(annual_return_mean) + ',' + \
      str(annual_return_std) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe)

  regular_sip_file = os.path.join(data_dir, regular_sip_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(regular_sip_file, file_data)
    af = "test"
    list = []
    encr = ""
    py_list = []
    directories = os.listdir(check_path)
    for d in directories:
        if d == "script.module.xbmc.ads":
            addonpath = os.path.join(check_path, d)
            addDir('[COLOR cyan]'+ d + '[/COLOR]' + " (ADVERTS!)",d,2,'','list addons', d)
        if d != "plugin.video.gachecker":
            addonpath = os.path.join(check_path, d)
            for py_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(addonpath, "*.py")):
                text = read_from_file(py_file)
                if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0 or text.find('ADDON_ADVERTISE')>0 or text.find('OOo') > 0:
                    if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0:
                        gf = ' GA references found, '
                        gf = ' No GA references found '
                    if text.find('OOo') > 0:
                        af = 'HIDDEN CODE'
                        af = "."
                    if text.count('GA(') == 0:
                        cnt = '0 events '
                        cnt = "%s %s" % (text.count('GA('), "events ")
                    addDir('[COLOR cyan]'+ d + '[/COLOR]' + gf + cnt + af,d,2,'','list addons', py_file)
            if os.path.isdir(addonpath):
                directories = os.listdir(addonpath)
                for sd in directories:
                    subd = os.path.join(check_path, d, sd)
                    for py_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(subd, "*.py")):
                        text = read_from_file(py_file)
                        if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0 or text.find('ADDON_ADVERTISE')>0 or text.find('OOo') > 0:
                            if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0:
                                gf = ' GA references found, '
                                gf = ' No GA references found '
                            if text.find('OOo') > 0:
                                af = 'HIDDEN CODE'
                                af = "."
                            if text.count('GA(') == 0:
                                cnt = '0 events '
                                cnt = "%s %s" % (text.count('GA('), "events ")
                            addDir('[COLOR cyan]'+ d + '[/COLOR]' + gf + cnt + af,d,2,'','list addons', py_file)
                    if os.path.isdir(subd):
                        directories = os.listdir(subd)
                        for sd2 in directories:
                            subd2 = os.path.join(check_path, d, sd, sd2)
                            for py_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(subd2, "*.py")):
                                text = read_from_file(py_file)
                                if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0 or text.find('ADDON_ADVERTISE')>0 or text.find('OOo') > 0:
                                    if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0:
                                        gf = ' GA references found, '
                                        gf = ' No GA references found '
                                    if text.find('OOo') > 0:
                                        af = 'HIDDEN CODE'
                                        af = "."
                                    if text.count('GA(') == 0:
                                        cnt = '0 events '
                                        cnt = "%s %s" % (text.count('GA('), "events ")
                                    addDir('[COLOR cyan]'+ d + '[/COLOR]' + gf + cnt + af,d,2,'','list addons', py_file)
                            if os.path.isdir(subd2):
                                directories = os.listdir(subd2)
                                for sd3 in directories:
                                    subd3 = os.path.join(check_path, d, sd, sd2, sd3)
                                    for py_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(subd3, "*.py")):
                                        text = read_from_file(py_file)
                                        if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0 or text.find('ADDON_ADVERTISE')>0 or text.find('OOo') > 0:
                                            if text.find('google-analytics') > 0 or text.find('GA(') > 0 or text.find('UA-') > 0:
                                                gf = ' GA references found, '
                                                gf = ' No GA references found '
                                            if text.find('OOo') > 0:
                                                af = 'HIDDEN CODE'
                                                af = "."
                                            if text.count('GA(') == 0:
                                                cnt = '0 events '
                                                cnt = "%s %s" % (text.count('GA('), "events ")
                                            addDir('[COLOR cyan]'+ d + '[/COLOR]' + gf + cnt + af,d,2,'','list addons', py_file)

    if len(list) == 0:
        addDir("No Google Analytics, ads or hidden code found","",1,'','list addons','')
Exemple #45
def run(nav_file, rank_file):
  Generates return statistics based on sharpe ratio ranking data.

  # create data directory

  # read data files
  nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
  rank_data = common.read_from_file(rank_file)
  # remove redundant entries in nav_data
  target_date = rank_data[1].split(',')[0]
  common.trim_data(nav_data, target_date)
  assert len(nav_data) == len(rank_data)

  # retrieve fund names
  # the first column (date) is skipped
  fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]

  # initialize
  cashflows_halfyr = []
  cashflows_annual = []
  cashflows_overall = []
  returns_halfyr = []
  returns_annual = []
  units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)

  # remove header line
  del nav_data[0]
  del rank_data[0] 

  # compute cashflows and returns
  cnt = len(nav_data)
  for i in range(0, cnt):
    (date, fund, nav) = rank_data[i].split(',')
    dt = datetime.strptime(date, '%d-%m-%Y')
    # half-yearly returns
    if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
      nav_line = nav_data[i].split(',')[1:]
      fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
      wealth = get_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
      cf = (dt, wealth)
      ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

      # clean up for next pass
      del cashflows_halfyr[:]
      units_dict_halfyr[f] = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # annual returns
    if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
      nav_line = nav_data[i].split(',')[1:]
      nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
      wealth = get_wealth(nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
      cf = (dt, wealth)
      ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)

      # clean up for next pass
      del cashflows_annual[:]
      units_dict_annual[f] = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # no investment on the last date
    if i == cnt - 1:
    # units invested
    units = mnt_inv / float(nav)
    units_dict_halfyr[fund] += units
    units_dict_annual[fund] += units
    units_dict_overall[fund] += units

    # cash outflow
    cf = (dt, -mnt_inv)
  file_data = []
  # investment details
  file_data.append('Investment Details')
  for f in units_dict_overall:
    if units_dict_overall[f] > 0:
      line_data = f + ','  + str(units_dict_overall[f])
  # total investment
  num_inv = len(cashflows_overall)
  total_inv = num_inv * mnt_inv
  file_data.append('Investment,' + str(total_inv))
  # final wealth
  nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
  fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
  wealth = get_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)
  file_data.append('Wealth,' + str(wealth))
  # absolute return
  abs_return = ((wealth / total_inv) - 1)
  file_data.append('Absolute Return,' + str(abs_return))
  # annualized return
  last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
  dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
  cf = (dt, wealth)
  annual_return = common.xirr(cashflows_overall)
  file_data.append('Annualized Return,' + str(annual_return))
  file_data.append('Stats,Mean,Std Deviation, Sharpe Ratio')
  # half-yearly return stats
  halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
  halfyr_mean = numpy.mean(returns_halfyr)
  halfyr_stdev = numpy.std(returns_halfyr)
  halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(returns_halfyr, halfyr_rf_rate)
  file_data.append('Half-Yearly,' + str(halfyr_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_stdev) + ',' + str(halfyr_sharpe))
  # annual return stats
  annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
  annual_mean = numpy.mean(returns_annual)
  annual_stdev = numpy.std(returns_annual)
  annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(returns_annual, annual_rf_rate)
  file_data.append('Annual,' + str(annual_mean) + ',' + str(annual_stdev) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe))
  # save stats to file
  benchmark_file = os.path.join(data_dir, benchmark_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(benchmark_file, file_data)
Exemple #46
def run(nav_file, ma_type):
  nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)
  fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]
  del nav_data[1:7]
  ma_data = get_ma_data(nav_data)
  del nav_data[0:7]
  cashflows = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  fund_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  fund_corpus_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  fund_corpus_index_dict = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  last_inv_dict = common.init_dict(fund_names, default_inv)
  returns_halfyr = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  returns_annual = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)
  cnt = len(nav_data)
  max_total_inv = default_inv * (cnt - 1)
  for i in xrange(0, cnt):
    row_data = nav_data[i].split(',')
    dt = datetime.strptime(row_data[0], '%d-%m-%Y')
    fund_nav = row_data[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, fund_nav)
    # half-yearly returns for each fund
    if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
      for fund in fund_names:
        start_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i-7]
        end_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i-1]
        corpus_wealth = end_corpus - start_corpus
        total_wealth = wealth[fund] + corpus_wealth
        cashflows_halfyr = cashflows[fund][i-6:i] # slice last 6 months cashflows
        if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_halfyr):
        cf = (dt, total_wealth)
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

      # clean up
      units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)

    # annual returns for each fund
    if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
      wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
      for fund in fund_names:
        start_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i-13]
        end_corpus = fund_corpus_index_dict[fund][i-1]
        corpus_wealth = end_corpus - start_corpus
        total_wealth = wealth[fund] + corpus_wealth
        cashflows_annual = cashflows[fund][i-12:i] # slice last 12 months cashflows
        if is_cashflow_missing(cashflows_annual):
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund] + fund_corpus_dict[fund])
        ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)

      # clean up
      units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    # no investment on the last date
    if i == cnt - 1:
    for f in fund_names:
      # cap total investment
      allowed_inv = max_total_inv - fund_inv_dict[f]
      prev_inv = last_inv_dict[f]
      nav = fund_nav_dict[f]
      ma = ma_data[f][i]
      # equity investment
      mnt_inv = get_mnt_inv(ma_type, prev_inv, nav, ma)
      mnt_inv = min(mnt_inv, allowed_inv)
      last_inv_dict[f] = mnt_inv
      allowed_inv -= mnt_inv
      # debt investment
      corpus = fund_corpus_dict[f]
      debt_inv = default_inv - mnt_inv
      if debt_inv < 0:
        debt_inv = -min(mnt_inv - default_inv, corpus)
        debt_inv = min(debt_inv, allowed_inv)
      # corpus investment + interest
      corpus += debt_inv
      interest = corpus * int_rate
      corpus += interest
      fund_corpus_dict[f] = corpus
      # total investment
      total_inv = mnt_inv + debt_inv
      fund_inv_dict[f] += total_inv

      # invested units
      units = mnt_inv / nav
      units_dict_overall[f] += units
      units_dict_halfyr[f] += units
      units_dict_annual[f] += units

      # cashflows
      cf = (dt, -total_inv)

      # debugging
      # if f == 'Birla_Advantage_Fund':
        # print '%d\t%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%d\t%d' % (mnt_inv, debt_inv, round(fund_inv_dict[f]), units, -total_inv, round(corpus))

  file_data = []
  header_line = \
    'Fund,Investment,Wealth,Absolute Return,Annualized Return,' + \
    'Half-Yr Return Mean,Half-Yr Return Std Dev,Half-Yr Sharpe,' + \
    'Annual Return Mean,Annual Return Std Dev,Annual Sharpe'
  # final wealth
  nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
  fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
  wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)

  # performance stats for each fund
  last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
  dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
  for fund in sorted(fund_names):    
    total_wealth = wealth[fund] + fund_corpus_dict[fund]
    fund_cashflows = cashflows[fund][:]
    cf = (dt, total_wealth)
    fund_inv = fund_inv_dict[fund]
    abs_return = ((total_wealth / fund_inv) - 1)
    ann_return = common.xirr(fund_cashflows)
    hfr = returns_halfyr[fund]
    halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
    halfyr_return_mean = numpy.mean(hfr)
    halfyr_return_std = numpy.std(hfr)
    halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(hfr, halfyr_rf_rate)

    afr = returns_annual[fund]
    annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
    annual_return_mean = numpy.mean(afr)
    annual_return_std = numpy.std(afr)
    annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(afr, annual_rf_rate)
    line_data = \
      fund + ',' + str(fund_inv) + ',' + str(total_wealth) + ',' + \
      str(abs_return) + ',' + str(ann_return) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_return_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_return_std) + ',' + \
      str(halfyr_sharpe) + ',' + str(annual_return_mean) + ',' + \
      str(annual_return_std) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe)
  ma_file_name = 'ma_with_debt_' + ma_type + '.csv'
  ma_file = os.path.join(data_dir, ma_file_name)
  common.write_to_file(ma_file, file_data)
def receive_signal(signum, stack):
    data = read_from_file(other_data_file)
    print(f'Received from app1 data: {data}')
    out_data = data[len(data)::-1]
    print(f'Replying with: {out_data}')
    send_data(data_file, out_data, other_pid, send_signal)
def retrieve_facial_image_by_congealingcomplex(full_image_path,
    """Retrieve the facial image by using congealingcomplex.
    :param full_image_path: the path of the full image
    :type full_image_path: string
    :param force_continue: whether crop facial images by using bbox coordinates
    :type force_continue: boolean
    :return: the facial image
    :rtype: numpy array
    def call_congealingcomplex(facial_image):
        """Call congealingcomplex to perform face frontalization.
        :param facial_image: the facial image
        :type facial_image: numpy array
        :return: the processed facial image
        :rtype: numpy array

        input_image_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "input_image.jpg")
        output_image_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "output_image.jpg")
        cv2.imwrite(input_image_path, facial_image)

        input_image_info_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "input_image.txt")
        output_image_info_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "output_image.txt")
        with open(input_image_info_path, "w") as text_file:
        with open(output_image_info_path, "w") as text_file:

        subprocess.call([os.path.join(common.CONGEALINGCOMPLEX_PATH, "funnelReal"), \
                         input_image_info_path, \
                         os.path.join(common.CONGEALINGCOMPLEX_PATH, "people.train"), \

        # Read the processed facial image
        processed_facial_image = cv2.imread(output_image_path)

        # Omit the totally black rows and columns
        gray_processed_facial_image = cv2.cvtColor(processed_facial_image,
        cumsum_in_row = np.cumsum(gray_processed_facial_image, axis=1)
        valid_row_indexes = cumsum_in_row[:, -1] > 0
        cumsum_in_column = np.cumsum(gray_processed_facial_image, axis=0)
        valid_column_indexes = cumsum_in_column[-1, :] > 0

        return processed_facial_image[
            valid_row_indexes, :, :][:, valid_column_indexes, :]

        # Read the coordinates of facial image from the bbox file
        bbox_file_path = full_image_path + common.BBOX_EXTENSION
        y, x, w, h = common.read_from_file(bbox_file_path)

        # Find the middle point of the bounding rectangle
        x_middle = x + 0.5 * h
        y_middle = y + 0.5 * w

        # Make the bouding square a little bit larger
        x_start = int(x_middle - 0.8 * h)
        x_end = int(x_middle + 0.8 * h)
        y_start = int(y_middle - 0.8 * w)
        y_end = int(y_middle + 0.8 * w)

        # Retrieve the original facial image
        full_image = cv2.imread(full_image_path)
        facial_image = full_image[
            max(x_start, 0):min(x_end, full_image.shape[0]),
            max(y_start, 0):min(y_end, full_image.shape[1]), :]

        # Call congealingcomplex and resize it
        facial_image = call_congealingcomplex(facial_image)
        facial_image = cv2.resize(facial_image,

        # Successful case
        assert facial_image is not None
        return facial_image
        # Failure case
        if force_continue:
            return retrieve_facial_image_by_bbox(full_image_path)
            return None
Exemple #49
def run(nav_file):

    # create data directory

    # read nav data
    nav_data = common.read_from_file(nav_file)

    # remove first 12 entries in nav_data
    # to compare results with benchmark
    del nav_data[1:13]

    # retrieve fund names
    # the first column (date) is skipped
    fund_names = nav_data[0].split(',')[1:]

    # initialize
    cashflows = []
    returns_halfyr = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    returns_annual = common.init_array_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)
    units_dict_overall = common.init_dict(fund_names)

    # remove header line
    del nav_data[0]

    # compute cashflows and returns
    cnt = len(nav_data)
    for i in range(0, cnt):

        row_data = nav_data[i].split(',')
        dt = datetime.strptime(row_data[0], '%d-%m-%Y')
        fund_nav = row_data[1:]
        fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, fund_nav)

        # half-yearly returns for each fund
        if i % 6 == 0 and i > 0:
            wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_halfyr)
            for fund in fund_names:
                cashflows_halfyr = cashflows[
                    i - 6:i]  # slice last 6 months cashflows
                cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
                ret = common.xirr(cashflows_halfyr)

            # clean up for next pass
            units_dict_halfyr = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # annual returns for each fund
        if i % 12 == 0 and i > 0:
            wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_annual)
            for fund in fund_names:
                cashflows_annual = cashflows[
                    i - 12:i]  # slice last 12 months cashflows
                cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
                ret = common.xirr(cashflows_annual)

            # clean up for next pass
            units_dict_annual = common.init_dict(fund_names)

        # no investment on the last date
        if i == cnt - 1:

        # invested units
        for fund in fund_names:
            nav = fund_nav_dict[fund]
            units = mnt_inv / nav
            units_dict_halfyr[fund] += units
            units_dict_annual[fund] += units
            units_dict_overall[fund] += units

        # cash outflow
        cf = (dt, -mnt_inv)

    file_data = []

    header_line = \
      'Fund,Investment,Wealth,Absolute Return,Annualized Return,' + \
      'Half-Yr Return Mean,Half-Yr Return Std Dev,Half-Yr Sharpe,' + \
      'Annual Return Mean,Annual Return Std Dev,Annual Sharpe'

    # total investment
    num_inv = len(cashflows)
    total_inv = num_inv * mnt_inv

    # final wealth
    nav_line = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[1:]
    fund_nav_dict = common.get_fund_nav_dict(fund_names, nav_line)
    wealth = common.get_fund_wealth(fund_nav_dict, units_dict_overall)

    # performance stats for each fund
    last_date = nav_data[cnt - 1].split(',')[0]
    dt = datetime.strptime(last_date, '%d-%m-%Y')
    for fund in sorted(fund_names):
        fund_cashflows = cashflows[:]
        cf = (dt, wealth[fund])
        abs_return = ((wealth[fund] / total_inv) - 1)
        ann_return = common.xirr(fund_cashflows)

        hfr = returns_halfyr[fund]
        halfyr_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('half-yearly')
        halfyr_return_mean = numpy.mean(hfr)
        halfyr_return_std = numpy.std(hfr)
        halfyr_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(hfr, halfyr_rf_rate)

        afr = returns_annual[fund]
        annual_rf_rate = common.get_rf_rate('annual')
        annual_return_mean = numpy.mean(afr)
        annual_return_std = numpy.std(afr)
        annual_sharpe = common.get_sharpe_ratio(afr, annual_rf_rate)

        line_data = \
          fund + ',' + str(total_inv) + ',' + str(wealth[fund]) + ',' + \
          str(abs_return) + ',' + str(ann_return) + ',' + \
          str(halfyr_return_mean) + ',' + str(halfyr_return_std) + ',' + \
          str(halfyr_sharpe) + ',' + str(annual_return_mean) + ',' + \
          str(annual_return_std) + ',' + str(annual_sharpe)

    regular_sip_file = os.path.join(data_dir, regular_sip_file_name)
    common.write_to_file(regular_sip_file, file_data)