def test_toboggan_run(self):
        input_file = 'day03-test.txt'
        matrix     = read_matrix(input_file, str)

        t = Toboggan(matrix), 1)

        self.assertEqual(len(t.collisions), 7)
def part1(f: str) -> int:
    seat_matrix = common.read_matrix(f, str)
    count: int = 0

    while True:
        previous_matrix = copy.deepcopy(seat_matrix)
        seat_matrix = do_round(seat_matrix)

        if common.matrix_equal(previous_matrix, seat_matrix):

        count += 1

    print(f'Rounds: {count}')
    ret: int = common.count_in_matrix(seat_matrix, SeatType.OCCUPIED)

    return ret
        x = self.cur_pos_x % self.matrix_width
        return self.matrix[self.cur_pos_y][x]

    def run(self, slope_x: int, slope_y: int):
        while self.cur_pos_y < self.matrix_height - 1:
            self.increment_position(slope_x, slope_y)
            if self.check_position_value() == '#':
                self.collisions.append((self.cur_pos_x, self.cur_pos_y))

    def count_collisions(self) -> int:
        return len(self.collisions)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_file = 'day03.txt'
    matrix = read_matrix(input_file, str)

    # Part 1
    t = Toboggan(matrix), 1)

    print(f'Answer 1: {t.count_collisions()}')

    # Part 2
    slopes = [(1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)]

    num_collisions = []
    for slope in slopes:
        t = Toboggan(matrix)[0], slope[1])
        return count

    def do_round(self):
        new_coordinates = self.coordinates.copy()

        # overriding the iterator here to try and not have the defaultdict not change the size during run
        for coordinate, state in tuple(self.coordinates.items()):
            active_neighbors: int = self.check_neighbors(coordinate)

            if state == ACTIVE and 2 <= active_neighbors <= 3:
                # cube remains active
            elif state == ACTIVE and not 2 <= active_neighbors <= 3:
                new_coordinates[coordinate] = INACTIVE
            elif state == INACTIVE and active_neighbors == 2:
                new_coordinates[coordinate] = ACTIVE

        self.coordinates = new_coordinates

if __name__ == '__main__':
    puzzle_input = common.read_matrix('day17-test.txt', str)
    cube = ConwayCube(puzzle_input)

    for turn in range(0, 7):

    print('Active:   ', cube.count_type(ACTIVE))
    print('Inactive: ', cube.count_type(INACTIVE))
    print('New:      ', cube.count_type(NEWCOOR))