Exemple #1
            def do_shell(self, line):
                if line:
                    tokens = line.split(' ')

                    # - update from @stphung -> reformat the input line to handle indirect paths transparently
                    # - for instance ../foo.bar will become foo.bar with the actual file included in the multi-part post
                    files = {}
                    substituted = tokens[:1]
                    for token in tokens[1:]:
                        expanded = expanduser(token)
                        full = abspath(expanded)
                        tag = basename(full)
                        if isfile(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local file upload it
                            # - this is for instance what happens when you do 'deploy foo.yml'
                            files[tag] = abspath(full)
                            substituted += [tag]

                        elif isdir(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local directory TGZ & upload it
                            # - this is typically used to upload settings & script for our CD pipeline
                            # - the TGZ is stored in our temp. directory
                            path = join(tmp, '%s.tgz' % tag)
                            shell('tar zcf %s *' % path, cwd=full)
                            files['%s.tgz' % tag] = path
                            substituted += ['%s.tgz' % tag]

                            substituted += [token]

                    # - compute the SHA1 signature if we have a token
                    # - prep the CURL statement and run it
                    # - we should always get a HTTP 200 back with some UTF-8 json payload
                    # - parse & print
                    line = ' '.join(substituted)
                    digest = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(self.token, line, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() if self.token else ''
                    url = 'http://%s/shell' % ipAndPort
                    headers = \
                            'X-Signature': digest,
                            'X-Shell': line
                    files_post = {file_id: open(files[file_id], 'rb') for file_id in files.keys()}
                    reply = post(url, headers=headers, files=files_post)
                    code = reply.status_code
                    out = reply.content                    
                    js = json.loads(out.decode('utf-8'))
                    print(js['out'] if code is 200 else 'i/o failure (is the proxy down ?)')
Exemple #2
 def __ReadyWorkAfterProduceAP(self):
     print '[+]Waiting for completing configuration'
     shell('ifconfig at0 netmask')
     shell('ifconfig at0 up')
         'routers add -net netmask gw'
     shell('echo 1 > /proc/net/ipv4/ip_forward')
     shell('iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ' + self.a_iface +
           ' -j MASQUERADE')
Exemple #3
 def __ProduceAP(self):
     shell('airmon-ng check kill')  #这一步可能会杀掉用于正常上网的无线网卡接口
     shell('airmon-ng start ' + self.ap_iface, err=False)
     airbase_c = "airbase-ng -e " + "'" + self.wifiname + "'" + " -c " + str(
         self.channel) + " " + self.ap_iface + "mon"
     self.airbase_proc = Popen(airbase_c,
                               stderr=PIPE)  #不会输出到当前终端里
     print '[' + B + '+' + W + ']' + 'airbase is running and you are able to find AP(' + self.wifiname + ')'
Exemple #4
            def do_shell(self, line):
                if line:
                    tokens = line.split(' ')

                    # - update from @stphung -> reformat the input line to handle indirect paths transparently
                    # - for instance ../foo.bar will become foo.bar with the actual file included in the multi-part post
                    files = {}
                    substituted = tokens[:1]
                    for token in tokens[1:]:
                        expanded = expanduser(token)
                        full = abspath(expanded)
                        tag = basename(full)
                        if isfile(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local file upload it
                            # - this is for instance what happens when you do 'deploy foo.yml'
                            files[tag] = abspath(full)
                            substituted += [tag]

                        elif isdir(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local directory TGZ & upload it
                            # - this is typically used to upload settings & script for our CD pipeline
                            # - the TGZ is stored in our temp. directory
                            path = join(tmp, '%s.tgz' % tag)
                            shell('tar zcf %s *' % path, cwd=full)
                            files['%s.tgz' % tag] = path
                            substituted += ['%s.tgz' % tag]

                            substituted += [token]

                    # - compute the SHA1 signature if we have a token
                    # - prep the CURL statement and run it
                    # - we should always get a HTTP 200 back with some UTF-8 json payload
                    # - parse & print
                    line = ' '.join(substituted)
                    unrolled = ['-F %s=@%s' % (k, v) for k, v in files.items()]
                    digest = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(
                        self.token, line,
                        hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() if self.token else ''
                    snippet = 'curl -X POST -H "X-Shell:%s" -H "X-Signature:%s" %s %s:9000/shell' % (
                        line, digest, ' '.join(unrolled), ip)
                    code, out = shell(snippet, cwd=tmp)
                    js = json.loads(out.decode('utf-8'))
                    print(js['out'] if code is 0 else
                          'i/o failure (is the proxy down ?)')
Exemple #5
            def do_shell(self, line):
                if line:
                    tokens = line.split(' ')

                    # - update from @stphung -> reformat the input line to handle indirect paths transparently
                    # - for instance ../foo.bar will become foo.bar with the actual file included in the multi-part post
                    files = {}
                    substituted = tokens[:1]
                    for token in tokens[1:]:
                        expanded = expanduser(token)
                        full = abspath(expanded)
                        tag = basename(full)
                        if isfile(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local file upload it
                            # - this is for instance what happens when you do 'deploy foo.yml'
                            files[tag] = abspath(full)
                            substituted += [tag]

                        elif isdir(expanded):

                            # - if the token maps to a local directory TGZ & upload it
                            # - this is typically used to upload settings & script for our CD pipeline
                            # - the TGZ is stored in our temp. directory
                            path = join(tmp, '%s.tgz' % tag)
                            shell('tar zcf %s *' % path, cwd=full)
                            files['%s.tgz' % tag] = path
                            substituted += ['%s.tgz' % tag]

                            substituted += [token]

                    # - compute the SHA1 signature if we have a token
                    # - prep the CURL statement and run it
                    # - we should always get a HTTP 200 back with some UTF-8 json payload
                    # - parse & print
                    line = ' '.join(substituted)
                    unrolled = ['-F %s=@%s' % (k, v) for k, v in files.items()]
                    digest = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(self.token, line, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() if self.token else ''
                    snippet = 'curl -X POST -H "X-Shell:%s" -H "X-Signature:%s" %s %s:9000/shell' % (line, digest, ' '.join(unrolled), ip)
                    code, out = shell(snippet, cwd=tmp)
                    js = json.loads(out.decode('utf-8'))
                    print(js['out'] if code is 0 else 'i/o failure (is the proxy down ?)')
Exemple #6
 def __StartDhcpServer(self):
     result = shell('sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start')
     if result.find('Starting isc-dhcp-server (via systemctl)') != -1:
         print '[+]DHCP server(isc-dhcp-server) start successfully!'
         print '[+]Now you can use AP(' + self.wifiname + ') normally:-)'
         print '[-]DHCP server(isc-dhcp-server) failed to start!'
         print 'Error:\n' + R + result + W + '\n'
Exemple #7
def bootstrap(name):
    user = '******'
    bootstrap_user = "******"
    pub_key = shell('cat ~/.ssh/supporttor_bootstrap.pub')

    # Add user bootstrap
    dexec(name, user, 'sudo pw useradd -n %s -m -s /bin/sh' % bootstrap_user)

    # Add bootstrap user to sudoers
        name, user,
        'echo "%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /usr/local/etc/sudoers'
        % bootstrap_user)

    # Make .ssh directory in bootstrap home
        name, user, 'sudo su %s -c "mkdir -p /home/%s/.ssh"' %
        (bootstrap_user, bootstrap_user))

    # Add bootstrap key to user
        name, user,
        'echo "%s" | sudo su %s -c "tee /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys"' %
        (pub_key, bootstrap_user, bootstrap_user))

    # Delete default digital ocean freebsd user
    dexec(name, user, 'sudo pw userdel -n freebsd')

    # Finally, try ssh in with bootstrap user, run uname
    dexec(name, bootstrap_user, 'uname -a')

    # Install puppet
    dexec(name, bootstrap_user, 'sudo pkg install -y puppet4')

    # Enable puppet at boot
    dexec(name, bootstrap_user, 'sudo sysrc puppet_enable="YES"')

    # Deploy puppet configuration
        name, bootstrap_user,
        'echo "%s" | sudo tee /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppet.conf' %

    # Start puppet now
    dexec(name, bootstrap_user, 'sudo service puppet start')
Exemple #8
def init(args):

    tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # - git clone the template repo from the opaugam org.
        kind = args[0] if args else 'default'
        repo = 'ochothon-template-%s' % kind
        code, _ = shell('git clone https://github.com/opaugam/%s' % repo, cwd=tmp)
        assert code == 0, 'unable to find template "%s" in git' % kind

        # - ask a few questions
        tag = raw_input('> enter a short identifier (e.g web or database): ')
        image = raw_input('> enter the docker repo/image: ')

        # - strip non-alpha characters from the tag
        bad = ''.join(c for c in map(chr, range(256)) if not c.isalnum() and c not in ['-'])
        tag = tag.translate(None, bad)

        mappings = \
                'tag': tag,
                'image': image

        renderable = \

        # - walk through the cloned repo
        # - render all templates
        l = len(tmp) + 1
        env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(tmp))
        for root, sub, items in os.walk(tmp):
            for item in items:
                absolute = path.join(root, item)
                if not '.git' in absolute:
                    for regex in renderable:
                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(item, regex):
                            rendered = env.get_template(absolute[l:]).render(mappings)
                            import codecs
                            with codecs.open(absolute, 'wb', 'utf-8') as f:

        # - copy the whole thing to where the script is invoked from
        local = 'ochopod-marathon-%s' % tag
        code, _ = shell('mkdir %s && cp -r %s/%s/* %s' % (local, tmp, repo, local))
        print 'template ready in %s/' % local

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    except Exception as failure:
        print('internal failure <- %s' % str(failure))


        # - cleanup the temporary directory
Exemple #9
def avail_path(machine, module_path):

    log.info("Reading modules from " + machine)
    # Check if running on mahuika01, and recheck modules
    # source /etc/bashrc doesn't work on maui for some reason

    log.info("Working... Takes about 100 sec... for some reason")

    stdout_full = (c.shell(
        "MODULEPATH=" + module_path +
        "; /usr/share/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod -t avail").split("MODULEPATH")[0])

    main_dict = {}
    lastApp = ""
    # return main_dict

    # Get names of all apps
    for line in stdout_full.split("\n"):

        # Check if this is the same app as last time.
        thisApp = line.split("/")[0].strip()

        # Check nonzero
        if len(thisApp) > 0:
            # If new app, add to dictionary.
            if lastApp != thisApp:

                # Define dict
                main_dict[thisApp] = deepcopy(settings["default"])
                main_dict[thisApp]["machines"][machine] = []

                    data = c.shell(
                        "MODULEPATH=" + module_path +
                        "; /usr/share/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod -t whatis " +

                    log.error("Module whatis for " + thisApp +
                              " failed, skipping...")
                    # return

                # Cant remember why I did this, and I aint touching it.
                regexHomepage = r"(?<=Homepage: )\S*"
                matchesHomepage = re.findall(regexHomepage, data)

                if len(matchesHomepage) > 0:
                    main_dict[thisApp]["homepage"] = matchesHomepage[0]

                if len(data.split("Description: ")) > 1:
                    short = data.split("Description: ")[1]
                elif len(data.split(": ")) > 1:
                    short = (data.split(": "))[1]
                    short = data

                main_dict[thisApp]["description"] = short.split(thisApp +

                # If add to versionlist

            lastApp = thisApp

    log.info("Module avail complete")

    return main_dict
Exemple #10
def dexec(name, user, command):
    dip = get_droplet_ip(name)
    ssh_base_cmd = "ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/supporttor_bootstrap %s@%s" % (
        user, dip)
    return shell('%s \'%s\'' % (ssh_base_cmd, command))
Exemple #11
def init(args):

    tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # - git clone the template repo from the opaugam org.
        kind = args[0] if args else 'default'
        repo = 'ochothon-template-%s' % kind
        code, _ = shell('git clone https://github.com/opaugam/%s' % repo,
        assert code == 0, 'unable to find template "%s" in git' % kind

        # - ask a few questions
        tag = raw_input('> enter a short identifier (e.g web or database): ')
        image = raw_input('> enter the docker repo/image: ')

        # - strip non-alpha characters from the tag
        bad = ''.join(c for c in map(chr, range(256))
                      if not c.isalnum() and c not in ['-'])
        tag = tag.translate(None, bad)

        mappings = \
                'tag': tag,
                'image': image

        renderable = \

        # - walk through the cloned repo
        # - render all templates
        l = len(tmp) + 1
        env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(tmp))
        for root, sub, items in os.walk(tmp):
            for item in items:
                absolute = path.join(root, item)
                if not '.git' in absolute:
                    for regex in renderable:
                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(item, regex):
                            rendered = env.get_template(
                            import codecs
                            with codecs.open(absolute, 'wb', 'utf-8') as f:

        # - copy the whole thing to where the script is invoked from
        local = 'ochopod-marathon-%s' % tag
        code, _ = shell('mkdir %s && cp -r %s/%s/* %s' %
                        (local, tmp, repo, local))
        print 'template ready in %s/' % local

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    except Exception as failure:
        print('internal failure <- %s' % str(failure))


        # - cleanup the temporary directory