Exemple #1
    def send_data(self, sid, sok):
        emit, recp, max_l = self.sessions_info[sid]

        late_pid = emit.timeoutd()
        if late_pid is not None:
            pak, time_ = emit.buffer[late_pid]
            emit.buffer[late_pid] = [pak, time.time()]
            host = "%s.%s.%s"%(pak, common.sign(pak, self.key), self.domain)
            if DEBUG: print "resend", host
            return self.reply(host)

        packet = recp.get_acknak(emit.rt)

        # extract size from request : specified in payload, minus hash and packet id
        size = max_l - 10 - 7 - len(packet)
        data = common.try_read(sok, size)
        if data:
            packet = packet + "." + common.dotly(common.b64ly(data), 63)

        if packet == "0": return self.empty()

        pak, pid = emit.register_pak(packet)
        host = "%s.%s.%s"%(pak, common.sign(pak, self.key), self.domain)
        if DEBUG: print "send", host
        return self.reply(host)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, rectPosStart, rectPosEnd):
        constructeur (thx captain opbvious)

        entrées :
            rectPosStart : Rect. Coordonnées de la position de départ
            rectPosEnd   : Rect. Coordonnées de la position d'arrivée

        #init de la classe-maman
        pygame.Rect.__init__(self, rectPosStart)

        self.rectPosStart = rectPosStart
        self.rectPosEnd = rectPosEnd

        #calcul des composantes X et Y du vecteur et de la distance A -> B
        self.vectX = rectPosEnd.x - rectPosStart.x
        self.distX = abs(self.vectX)
        self.vectY = rectPosEnd.y - rectPosStart.y
        self.distY = abs(self.vectY)

        #détermination des directions X et Y vers lesquels on se déplace.
        #la direction donne en même temps le pas de déplacement. C'est les valeurs +1 ou -1
        #qu'on applique sur les coordonnées, pour passer au pixel suivant.
        self.stepX = sign(self.vectX)
        self.stepY = sign(self.vectY)

        # --- déterminatino du mouvement primaire (main) et du mouvement secondaire ---
        #2 cas possibles : mouvement prim X, mouvement sec Y, ou vice-versa.
        #Le mouvement primaire est effectué à chaque pas d'avancement.
        #Le mouvement secondaire pas forcément. Faut avoir accumulé suffisament de points
        #dans le compteur de mouvement secondaire.
        #Le mouvement primaire est celui dont la composante (X ou Y) a la plus grande
        #distance à faire. Et le mouvement secondaire ben c'est l'autre.

        if self.distX > self.distY:

            #le mouvement primaire est sur X
            self.mainMove = MOVE_ON_X
            #correspondance distance prim et sec <- distance X et Y
            (self.distMain, self.distSec) = (self.distX, self.distY)
            #création de tuple (X, Y) contenant lez mouvements primaires et secondaires.
            self.mainMoveStep = (self.stepX, 0)
            self.secMoveStep  = (0, self.stepY)


            #le mouvement primaire est sur Y
            self.mainMove = MOVE_ON_Y
            #correspondance distance prim et sec <- distance X et Y
            (self.distMain, self.distSec) = (self.distY, self.distX)
            #création de tuple (X, Y) contenant lez mouvements primaires et secondaires.
            self.mainMoveStep = (0, self.stepY)
            self.secMoveStep  = (self.stepX, 0)

        #et ça c'est le compteur de mouvement secondaire.
        self.counterMoveSec = 0
 def glue(cnt1, cnt2):
     """return integrated cnt where cnt1, cnt2 are taken from neighbour sets"""
     if cnt1 is None or cnt2 is None:  # unknown set(s) result
         return None
     if cnt2 == 0:
         return cnt1  # cnt2 set is ignored as empty yet
     sign1, sign2 = co.sign(cnt1), co.sign(cnt2)
     if sign1 == sign2:
         return sign1 * (abs(cnt1) + abs(cnt2))
     return cnt2
Exemple #4
	def update(self):
		if self.intpos != None:
			i,j = self.animsearch()
			self.si = common.sign(i)
			self.sj = common.sign(j)
Exemple #5
 def update(self):
     self.satiety -= 0.001
     if self.intpos != None:
         i, j = self._find_grass()
         self.si = common.sign(i)
         self.sj = common.sign(j)
         self._move(i, j)
         if i == 0 and j == 0:
             # сожрать траву
             p = interface.user_interface.pl.eat(self.intpos[0], self.intpos[1])
             if p != None:
                 self.satiety += p
         self._move_to(self.movingto[0], self.movingto[1])
Exemple #6
 def send(self, data, ok_, err_, **kwargs):
     host = "%s.%s.%s"%(data, common.sign(data, self.key), self.domain)
     if DEBUG: print "send", host
     q = dns.Query(host, dns.CNAME, dns.IN)
     d = self.r.queryUDP([q], [2 * self.rt])
     if ok_: d.addCallback(ok_, **kwargs)
     if err_: d.addErrback(err_, **kwargs)
def robinson(coord: GeoCoord) -> MapCoord:
    lat, lon = coord.lat, coord.lon

    def robinson_helper(lat: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
        lat = abs(lat)
        xx = [radians(5 * i) for i in range(19)]  # every 5 deg from 0 to 90
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson_projection#Formulation
        X = linear_interpolation(lat, xx, [
            1, 0.9986, 0.9954, 0.99, 0.9822, 0.973, 0.96, 0.9427, 0.9216,
            0.8962, 0.8679, 0.835, 0.7986, 0.7597, 0.7186, 0.6732, 0.6213,
            0.5722, 0.5322
        Y = linear_interpolation(lat, xx, [
            0, 0.062, 0.124, 0.186, 0.248, 0.31, 0.372, 0.434, 0.4958, 0.5571,
            0.6176, 0.6769, 0.7346, 0.7903, 0.8435, 0.8936, 0.9394, 0.9761, 1
        return X, Y

    X, Y = robinson_helper(lat)
    x = 0.8487 * X * lon
    y = 1.3523 * Y * sign(lat)
    # remap to [-1, 1] for both
    x /= 0.8487 * pi
    y /= 1.3523
    return MapCoord(x, y)
Exemple #8
    def update(self):
        self.satiety -= 0.001
        if self.satiety < 0.1:
            for x in interface.user_interface.an.predators:
                if common.distance(x.pos, self.pos) < 0.01 and self.i != x.i and self.alive:

        for x in interface.user_interface.an.aliens:
            if common.distance(x.pos, self.pos) < 0.01:

        if self.intpos != None:
            i, j = self.animsearch()
            self.si = common.sign(i)
            self.sj = common.sign(j)
            self._move(i, j)
            self._move_to(self.movingto[0], self.movingto[1])
Exemple #9
 def guess_session_id(self):
     self.sid = None
     for sid in self.sessions_keys:
         key, sok = self.sessions_keys[sid]
         signed_portion = ".".join(self.payload)
         sign_here = common.sign(signed_portion, key)
         #print(signed_portion, self.hash_, self.name)
         if sign_here == self.hash_:
             #print("got key !")
             self.sid = sid
             self.sok = sok
             self.key = key
Exemple #10
    def logout(self):
            self.sock.sendto("LOGOUT", self.server_address)
            dos_cookie = self.sock.recv(1024)

            # Compute current timestamp and encrypt
            timestamp           = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(fmt)
            encrypted_timestamp = common.aes_encrypt(timestamp, self.shared_key, self.shared_iv)

            # Sign the message
            iv            = Random.new().read( 16 )
            signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(iv))
            signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, self.priv_key)

            # Send logout request
            send_msg_body = common.encode_msg([self.username, iv, signature, encrypted_timestamp])
            send_msg      = 'LOGOUT' + ',' + dos_cookie + ',' + send_msg_body
            data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, self.server_address, self.sock, 2048, 3)
            if len(data) != 3 :
                return None
            decode_data = common.decode_msg(data)

            iv2              = decode_data[0]
            serv_signature   = decode_data[1]
            encrypted_status = decode_data[2]

            # Verify server signature
            h = SHA256.new(str(iv2))
            verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(server_pub_key)

            if verifier.verify(h, str(serv_signature)):
                # Decrypt status
                status = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_status, self.shared_key, self.shared_iv)

                if status == "LOGOUTSUCCESS":
                    print "Logout successful!"
                    print "Logout failed"
                print "Logout failed - invalid signature"

        except socket.timeout as e:
            print "Server is not responding"
Exemple #11
    def create_ticket(self, requested_user, requesting_user, shared_user_key):
        requesting_user_pub_key_str = self.get_user_pub_key(requesting_user).exportKey()
        requested_user_pub_key      = self.get_user_pub_key(requested_user)
        requested_user_pub_key_str  = requested_user_pub_key.exportKey()
        #requested_user_priv_key    = self.get_user_priv_key(requested_user).exportKey()
        now                         = datetime.datetime.now()
        expiration_datetime         = (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime(fmt)

        # Create a signature
        iv            = Random.new().read( 16 )
        signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(iv))
        signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, server_priv_key)

        # Encrypt with public key of requested user
        encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([iv, signature, shared_user_key, requesting_user, requesting_user_pub_key_str, expiration_datetime])
        encrypted_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, requested_user_pub_key)
        return [encrypted_keys, ciphertext]
Exemple #12
    def ok_(self, reply, **kw):
        if CORRUPT and random.random() > 0.9:
            if DEBUG: print "drop !"

        self.rt = 0.8 * self.rt + 0.2 * (time.time() - kw['time_sent'])
        if 'pid' in kw and kw['pid']:
            if DEBUG: print 'ackd', kw['pid'], self.rt
            #print 'was x pak', self.rt

        for a in reply.answers:
            cname = a.payload.name.name
            if DEBUG: print "recv", cname
            if CORRUPT and random.random() > 0.9:
                cname = common.corrupt(cname)
                if DEBUG: print "corrupt !", repr(cname)
            data = cname.split('.')

            signed_part = ".".join(data[:-self.skip])
            hash_ = data[-self.skip]
            sign_here = common.sign(signed_part, self.key)
            pid = common._b64I(data[-self.skip-1])
            if sign_here != hash_:
                if DEBUG: print "bad sig"
                # when the other side cant prove it's id, we dont believe in anything he says, even pid...
                #self.recp.nak.append([pid, time.time()])

            if DEBUG: print "see :", pid
            preambule_l = common._b64I(data[0])
            preambule = data[1:preambule_l]
            self.emit.nakackd(preambule, rt=self.rt)

            payload = common.ub64ly("".join(data[(preambule_l + 1):-(self.skip+1)]))
            self.recp.write_or_pause(self.socket.sendall, pid, payload)
Exemple #13
    def handle_request(self, data, addr):
        data = data.split(',', 4)

        if data[0] == 'AUTH':
            if len(data) != 3 : return
            # Decrypt message with our private key and break out message
            msg                 = common.public_key_decrypt(data[1], data[2], self.priv_key)
            decoded_msg         = common.decode_msg(msg)
            connected_uname     = decoded_msg[0]
            encr_ticket_key     = decoded_msg[1]
            encr_ticket_ciphert = decoded_msg[2]
            iv2                 = decoded_msg[3]
            signature           = decoded_msg[4]
            encrypted_nonce     = decoded_msg[5]

            # Decrypt ticket
            ticket = common.public_key_decrypt(encr_ticket_key, encr_ticket_ciphert, self.priv_key)
            ticket = common.decode_msg(ticket)
            if len(ticket) != 6 : return
            iv                          = ticket[0]
            serv_signature              = ticket[1]
            shared_user_key             = ticket[2]
            requesting_user             = ticket[3]
            requesting_user_pub_key_str = ticket[4]
            expiration_datetime_str     = ticket[5]

            # Verify ticket is not expired and username from ticket matches requesting username
            expiration_timestamp = ''
                expiration_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiration_datetime_str, fmt)
            except ValueError:
            # Check offset!!!
            if common.is_timestamp_current(expiration_timestamp + time_offset) != True : return
            if requesting_user != connected_uname: return

            # Verify server's signature
            h = SHA256.new(str(iv))
            verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(server_pub_key)

            if verifier.verify(h, str(serv_signature)):
                # Now verify signature of initiating user
                requesting_user_pub_key = RSA.importKey(requesting_user_pub_key_str)
                h = SHA256.new(str(iv2))
                verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(requesting_user_pub_key)

                if verifier.verify(h, str(signature)):
                    # Create signature
                    iv3 = Random.new().read( 16 )
                    signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(iv3))
                    signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, self.priv_key)

                    # Add user to authenticated users
                    self.authenticated_users[requesting_user]['shared_key'] = shared_user_key
                    self.authenticated_users[requesting_user]['shared_iv']  = iv3
                    self.authenticated_users[requesting_user]['sequence_n'] = int(iv3.encode('hex'), 16)
                    self.authenticated_users[requesting_user]['address']  = addr

                    # Now decrypt nonce, and encrypt back with kab + 1
                    nonce = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_nonce, shared_user_key, iv2)
                    incr_shared_key = SHA256.new(str( common.increment_key(shared_user_key) )).digest()
                    our_encrypted_nonce = common.aes_encrypt(nonce, incr_shared_key, iv3)

                    # Send final message back to initiating user, encrypted with their pub key
                    encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([iv3, signature, our_encrypted_nonce])
                    encrypted_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, requesting_user_pub_key)
                    send_msg = encrypted_keys + "," + ciphertext
                    self.sock.sendto(send_msg, addr)


        if data[0] == 'MESSAGE':
            if len(data) != 4 : return
            decoded_msg   = common.decode_msg(data[1:])
            if len(decoded_msg) != 3 : return
            connected_uname = decoded_msg[0]
            user_hmac_key   = decoded_msg[1]
            encrypted_msg   = decoded_msg[2]

            # Retrieve session info for user
            if self.authenticated_users.get(connected_uname) == None : return
            shared_key = self.authenticated_users[connected_uname]['shared_key']
            shared_iv  = self.authenticated_users[connected_uname]['shared_iv']
            user_addr  = self.authenticated_users[connected_uname]['address']
            self.authenticated_users[connected_uname]['sequence_n'] += 1
            sequence_n = self.authenticated_users[connected_uname]['sequence_n']

            # Decrypt message
            msg = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_msg, shared_key, shared_iv).split(',',1)
            if len(msg) != 2 : return
            user_seq_n = msg[0]
            user_msg   = msg[1]

            # Verify sequence number matches our sequence number
            if user_seq_n != str(sequence_n) : return

            # Verify hmac key
            hmac_key = hmac.new(shared_key, str(user_seq_n) + ',' + user_msg).digest()
            if user_hmac_key != hmac_key : return

            print connected_uname + ': ' + user_msg

Exemple #14
    def get_ticket_from_server(self, user):
            self.sock.sendto("TICKET", self.server_address)
            dos_cookie = self.sock.recv(1024)

            # Request to talk to given user, sending current timestamp
            # Please not sure if adding the offset here is legal, please check!!!
            timestamp             = (datetime.datetime.now() + time_offset).strftime(fmt)
            msg                   = user + "," + timestamp
            encrypted_msg         = common.aes_encrypt(msg, self.shared_key, self.shared_iv)
            encoded_encrypted_msg = common.encode_msg([encrypted_msg])

            # Send request to server
            send_msg = "TICKET," + dos_cookie + ',' + self.username + ',' + encoded_encrypted_msg
            data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, self.server_address, self.sock, 16384, 1)
            if len(data) != 1 : return

            # Decrypt the message with shared key + 1
            msg = base64.b64decode( data[0] )
            incr_shared_key = SHA256.new(str( common.increment_key(self.shared_key) )).digest()
            msg = common.aes_decrypt(msg, incr_shared_key, self.shared_iv).split(',', 8)
            if len(msg) != 8 : return

            serv_timestamp       = msg[0]
            serv_user_to_talk_to = msg[1]
            shared_key_ab        = msg[2]
            encr_ticket_key      = msg[3]
            encr_ticket_ciphert  = msg[4]
            user_pk              = msg[5]
            user_ip              = msg[6]
            user_port            = msg[7]

            # Not sure what to do with timestamp offset here!!!
            if serv_timestamp == timestamp and serv_user_to_talk_to == user:
                nonce         = Random.new().read( 32 )
                iv2           = Random.new().read( 16 )
                signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(iv2))
                signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, self.priv_key)

                # Encrypt nonce with our shared key
                encrypted_nonce = common.aes_encrypt(nonce, shared_key_ab, iv2)

                # Encrypt mesage with pub key of the user
                user_pk = RSA.importKey(user_pk)
                encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([self.username, encr_ticket_key, encr_ticket_ciphert, iv2, signature, encrypted_nonce])
                encrypted_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, user_pk)

                user_address = (user_ip,int(user_port))
                send_msg = "AUTH" + ',' + encrypted_keys + ',' + ciphertext
                data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, user_address, self.sock, 2048, 2)
                if len(data) != 2 : return

                # Decrypt message with our private key and break out message
                msg                 = common.public_key_decrypt(data[0], data[1], self.priv_key)
                decoded_msg         = common.decode_msg(msg)
                iv3             = decoded_msg[0]
                signature       = decoded_msg[1]
                encrypted_nonce = decoded_msg[2]

                # Decrypt nonce with shared key + 1
                incr_shared_key = SHA256.new(str( common.increment_key(shared_key_ab) )).digest()
                connected_nonce = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_nonce, incr_shared_key, iv3)

                # Verify nonce is correct
                if connected_nonce == nonce:
                    self.authenticated_users[serv_user_to_talk_to]['shared_key'] = shared_key_ab
                    self.authenticated_users[serv_user_to_talk_to]['shared_iv']  = iv3
                    self.authenticated_users[serv_user_to_talk_to]['sequence_n'] = int(iv3.encode('hex'), 16)
                    self.authenticated_users[serv_user_to_talk_to]['address']    = user_address


        except socket.timeout as e:
            print "Server is not responding"
Exemple #15
        def add_footprint_variant(
            key: str,
            name: str,
            density_level: str,
        ) -> None:
            # UUIDs
            uuid_footprint = _uuid('footprint-{}'.format(key))
            uuid_silkscreen = [
                _uuid('polygon-silkscreen-{}-{}'.format(quadrant, key))
                for quadrant in [1, 2, 3, 4]
            uuid_outline = _uuid('polygon-outline-{}'.format(key))
            uuid_courtyard = _uuid('polygon-courtyard-{}'.format(key))
            uuid_text_name = _uuid('text-name-{}'.format(key))
            uuid_text_value = _uuid('text-value-{}'.format(key))

            # Pad excess according to IPC density levels
            excess = config.excess_by_density(density_level)

            # Lead contact offsets
            lead_contact_x_offset = config.lead_span_x / 2 - config.lead_contact_length  # this is the inner side of the contact area

            # Position of the first and last pad
            pos_first = get_pad_coords(1, config.lead_count, config.pitch,
            pos_last = get_pad_coords(config.lead_count, config.lead_count,
                                      config.pitch, lead_contact_x_offset)

            lines.append(' (footprint {}'.format(uuid_footprint))
            lines.append('  (name "{}")'.format(name))
            lines.append('  (description "")')

            # Pads
            pad_width = config.lead_width + excess.side * 2
            pad_length = config.lead_contact_length + excess.heel + excess.toe
            for p in range(1, config.lead_count + 1):
                pad_uuid = uuid_pads[p - 1]
                pad_center_offset_x = config.lead_span_x / 2 - pad_length / 2 + excess.toe
                pos = get_pad_coords(p, config.lead_count, config.pitch,
                pad_rotation = 90.0 if pos.orientation == 'horizontal' else 0.0
                    '  (pad {} (side top) (shape rect)'.format(pad_uuid))
                    '   (position {} {}) (rotation {}) (size {} {}) (drill 0.0)'
                lines.append('  )')

            # Documentation: Leads
            for p in range(1, config.lead_count + 1):
                pad_center_offset_x = config.lead_span_x / 2 - pad_length / 2
                pos = get_pad_coords(p, config.lead_count, config.pitch,
                lead_uuid_ctct = uuid_leads1[p - 1]  # Contact area
                lead_uuid_proj = uuid_leads2[p - 1]  # Vertical projection

                # Contact area
                if pos.orientation == 'horizontal':
                    x1 = ff(pos.x)
                    x2 = ff(pos.x + sign(pos.x) * config.lead_contact_length)
                    y1 = ff(pos.y - config.lead_width / 2)
                    y2 = ff(pos.y + config.lead_width / 2)
                elif pos.orientation == 'vertical':
                    x1 = ff(pos.x - config.lead_width / 2)
                    x2 = ff(pos.x + config.lead_width / 2)
                    y1 = ff(pos.y)
                    y2 = ff(pos.y + sign(pos.y) * config.lead_contact_length)
                lines.append('  (polygon {} (layer top_documentation)'.format(
                lines.append('   (width 0.0) (fill true) (grab_area false)')
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y1))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x2, y1))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x2, y2))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y2))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y1))
                lines.append('  )')
                # Vertical projection, between contact area and body
                if pos.orientation == 'horizontal':
                    x1 = ff(sign(pos.x) * config.body_size_x / 2)
                    x2 = ff(pos.x)
                    y1 = ff(pos.y - config.lead_width / 2)
                    y2 = ff(pos.y + config.lead_width / 2)
                elif pos.orientation == 'vertical':
                    x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = ff(0)
                    x1 = ff(pos.x - config.lead_width / 2)
                    x2 = ff(pos.x + config.lead_width / 2)
                    y1 = ff(sign(pos.y) * config.body_size_y / 2)
                    y2 = ff(pos.y)
                lines.append('  (polygon {} (layer top_documentation)'.format(
                lines.append('   (width 0.0) (fill true) (grab_area false)')
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y1))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x2, y1))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x2, y2))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y2))
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    x1, y1))
                lines.append('  )')

            # Silkscreen: 1 per quadrant
            # (Quadrant 1 is at the top right, the rest follows CCW)
            for quadrant in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
                uuid = uuid_silkscreen[quadrant - 1]

                x_min = abs(
                ) + config.lead_width / 2 + excess.side + silkscreen_offset + line_width / 2
                x_max = config.body_size_x / 2 + line_width / 2
                y_min = abs(
                ) + config.lead_width / 2 + excess.side + silkscreen_offset + line_width / 2
                y_max = config.body_size_y / 2 + line_width / 2
                vertices = [(x_min, y_max), (x_max, y_max), (x_max, y_min)]

                # Pin 1 marking line
                if quadrant == 2:
                        config.lead_span_x / 2 + excess.toe - line_width / 2,

                    '  (polygon {} (layer top_placement)'.format(uuid))
                    '   (width {}) (fill false) (grab_area false)'.format(
                sign_x = 1 if quadrant in [1, 4] else -1
                sign_y = 1 if quadrant in [1, 2] else -1
                for (x, y) in vertices:
                    xx = ff(sign_x * x)
                    yy = ff(sign_y * y)
                        '   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                            xx, yy))
                lines.append('  )')

            # Documentation outline (fully inside body)
            outline_x_offset = config.body_size_x / 2 - line_width / 2
            outline_y_offset = config.body_size_y / 2 - line_width / 2
                '  (polygon {} (layer top_documentation)'.format(uuid_outline))
            lines.append('   (width {}) (fill false) (grab_area false)'.format(
            oxo = ff(outline_x_offset)  # Used for shorter code lines below :)
            oyo = ff(outline_y_offset)  # Used for shorter code lines below :)
            lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                oxo, oyo))  # NE
            lines.append('   (vertex (position {} -{}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                oxo, oyo))  # SE
            lines.append('   (vertex (position -{} -{}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                oxo, oyo))  # SW
            lines.append('   (vertex (position -{} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                oxo, oyo))  # NW
            lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                oxo, oyo))  # NE
            lines.append('  )')

            # Courtyard
            x_max = config.lead_span_x / 2 + excess.toe
            x_mid = config.body_size_x / 2
            x_min = abs(pos_last.x) + config.lead_width / 2 + excess.side
            y_max = config.lead_span_y / 2 + excess.toe
            y_mid = config.body_size_y / 2
            y_min = abs(pos_first.y) + config.lead_width / 2 + excess.side
            vertices = [  # Starting at top left
                # Top
                (-x_min, y_max),
                (x_min, y_max),
                (x_min, y_mid),
                (x_mid, y_mid),
                (x_mid, y_min),
                # Right
                (x_max, y_min),
                (x_max, -y_min),
                (x_mid, -y_min),
                (x_mid, -y_mid),
                (x_min, -y_mid),
                # Bottom
                (x_min, -y_max),
                (-x_min, -y_max),
                (-x_min, -y_mid),
                (-x_mid, -y_mid),
                (-x_mid, -y_min),
                # Left
                (-x_max, -y_min),
                (-x_max, y_min),
                (-x_mid, y_min),
                (-x_mid, y_mid),
                (-x_min, y_mid),
                # Back to top
                (-x_min, y_max),
            lines.append('  (polygon {} (layer {})'.format(
                uuid_courtyard, 'top_courtyard'))
            lines.append('   (width {}) (fill false) (grab_area false)'.format(
            for (x, y) in vertices:
                xx = ff(x + sign(x) * excess.courtyard)
                yy = ff(y + sign(y) * excess.courtyard)
                lines.append('   (vertex (position {} {}) (angle 0.0))'.format(
                    xx, yy))
            lines.append('  )')

            # Labels
            y_offset = ff(config.lead_span_y / 2 + text_y_offset)
            text_attrs = '(height {}) (stroke_width 0.2) ' \
                         '(letter_spacing auto) (line_spacing auto)'.format(pkg_text_height)
                '  (stroke_text {} (layer top_names)'.format(uuid_text_name))
            lines.append('   {}'.format(text_attrs))
                '   (align center bottom) (position 0.0 {}) (rotation 0.0)'.
                '   (auto_rotate true) (mirror false) (value "{{NAME}}")')
            lines.append('  )')
                '  (stroke_text {} (layer top_values)'.format(uuid_text_value))
            lines.append('   {}'.format(text_attrs))
                '   (align center top) (position 0.0 -{}) (rotation 0.0)'.
                '   (auto_rotate true) (mirror false) (value "{{VALUE}}")')
            lines.append('  )')

            lines.append(' )')
Exemple #16
    def login_protocol(self, data):
        if len(data) != 2 : return

        # Decrypt message with our private key and break out message
        msg              = common.public_key_decrypt(data[0], data[1], server_priv_key)
        decoded_msg      = common.decode_msg(msg)
        uname            = decoded_msg[0]
        iv1              = decoded_msg[1]
        signature        = decoded_msg[2]
        encrypted_dh_val = decoded_msg[3]

        if connected_clients.get(uname) is not None: return

        # Lookup public key of the user
        user_pub_key = self.get_user_pub_key(uname)

        # Verify the user's signature
        h = SHA256.new(str(uname) + str(iv1))
        verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(user_pub_key)

        if verifier.verify(h, str(signature)):
            print "Signature Verified!"
            pass_hash = base64.b64decode( self.get_password_hash(uname) )

            # Decrypt DH val
            diff_hell_val = long(common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_dh_val, pass_hash, iv1))

            # Create random values
            nonce1         = Random.new().read( 32 )
            iv2            = Random.new().read( 16 )

            # Compute our diffie hellman value and encrypt with password hash
            dh = diffie_hellman.DiffieHellman()
            serv_dh_key = str(dh.genPublicKey())
            serv_dh = common.aes_encrypt(serv_dh_key, pass_hash, iv2)

            # Establish shared key
            shared_key = dh.getKey()

            # Sign the message
            signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(iv2))
            signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, server_priv_key )

            # Encrypt with public key of user
            encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([iv2, signature, serv_dh, nonce1])
            encrypted_server_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, user_pub_key)

            # Send message
            send_msg = encrypted_server_keys + "," + ciphertext
            data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, self.client_address, self.socket, 1024, 2)
            if len(data) != 2 : return

            rec_msg               = common.public_key_decrypt(data[0], data[1], server_priv_key)
            decoded_msg           = common.decode_msg(rec_msg)
            iv3                   = decoded_msg[0]
            encrypted_user_nonce1 = decoded_msg[1]
            nonce2                = decoded_msg[2]

            # Verify user encrypted nonce1 with the shared key
            user_nonce1 = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_user_nonce1, shared_key, iv3)

            if nonce1 == user_nonce1:
                print "Login Sucess for user: "******"Login Failure for user: "******"The signature is not authentic"
Exemple #17
def f(row):
	x1, x2 = row
	return sign(x1**2 + x2**2 - 0.6)
Exemple #18
def homotopy_update(A, y, N_iter, tolerance):
    Function:  homotopy_update
    uses the homotopy method to solve the equation
        min||x||_1  subject to A x = y

        A: sensing matrix
        y: signal
        N_iter: maximum number of iterations
        tolerance: sparsity budget

    This function solves the equation
        transpose(A) * A * d = sign(c)
    by continuously updating (transpose(A) * A)^(-1).

    returns: the sparse representation vector x

    M, N = A.shape

    # initialise x to a vector of zeros
    x = np.zeros(N)

    # initialise residual vector
    c = residual_vector(A, y, x)

    # initialise lambda = ||c||_inf
    c_inf = np.linalg.norm(c, np.inf)

    # initialise vector to hold indices of maximum absolute values
    lambda_indices = np.array([False] * N, dtype=bool)
    lambda_indices[np.argmax(np.abs(c))] = True

    # evaluate the first direction vector
    A_gamma = A[:, lambda_indices]
    c_gamma = c[lambda_indices]
    invAtA = 1.0 / (np.linalg.norm(A_gamma)**2)

    direction = np.zeros(N)
    direction[lambda_indices] = invAtA * helper.sign(c_gamma,

    k = update_x(A, y, x, direction, c_inf, lambda_indices)
    effective_index = sum(lambda_indices[0:k])

    # evaluate homotopy path segments in iterations
    for i in range(0, N_iter):
        # update A_gamma and inverse_A_gamma
        invAtA = upd_inv.one_col_inv(A_gamma, invAtA, effective_index, A[:, k],

        A_gamma = A[:, lambda_indices]

        # update residual vector
        c = residual_vector(A, y, x)
        c_gamma = c[lambda_indices]

        # update direction vector
        direction[lambda_indices] = np.dot(
            invAtA, helper.sign(c_gamma, tolerance=tolerance))

        # find lambda (i.e., infinity norm of residual vector)
        c_inf = np.linalg.norm(c, np.inf)

        # print update
        print("iteration {}\n  cinf={}\n  c={}\n  x={}\n".format(
            i, c_inf, c, x))

        # check if infinity norm of residual vector is within tolerance yet
        if c_inf < tolerance:

        k = update_x(A, y, x, direction, c_inf, lambda_indices)

        # find where in A_gamma the new index fits in
        effective_index = sum(lambda_indices[0:k])

    return x
Exemple #19
    def login_to_server(self, password):
            self.sock.sendto("LOGIN", self.server_address)
            dos_cookie = self.sock.recv(1024)

            # compute diffie hellman value and encrypt with password hash
            iv1         = Random.new().read( 16 )
            dh          = diffie_hellman.DiffieHellman()
            dh_key      = str(dh.genPublicKey())
            dh_val      = common.aes_encrypt(dh_key, password, iv1)

            # Sign the message
            signature_msg = SHA256.new(str(self.username) + str(iv1))
            signature     = common.sign(signature_msg, self.priv_key)

            # Encrypt plaintext using server public key
            encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([self.username, iv1, signature, dh_val])
            encrypted_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, server_pub_key)

            send_msg = "LOGIN," + dos_cookie + "," + encrypted_keys + "," + ciphertext
            data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, self.server_address, self.sock, 8192, 2)
            if len(data) != 2 : return None

            rec_msg = common.public_key_decrypt(data[0], data[1], self.priv_key)
            decoded_msg = common.decode_msg(rec_msg)
            iv2                   = decoded_msg[0]
            signature             = decoded_msg[1]
            encrypted_serv_dh_val = decoded_msg[2]
            nonce1                = decoded_msg[3]

            # Verify the signature
            h = SHA256.new(str(iv2))
            verifier = PKCS1_v1_5.new(server_pub_key)

            if verifier.verify(h, str(signature)):
                # Decrypt server dh val
                server_dh_val = long(common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_serv_dh_val, password, iv2))

                # Generate shared key
                shared_key = dh.getKey()

                # Encrypt nonce1 with our shared key
                nonce2         = Random.new().read( 32 )
                iv3            = Random.new().read( 16 )
                encrypted_n1   = common.aes_encrypt(nonce1, shared_key, iv3)

                # Encrypt mesage with pub key of the server
                encrypt_msg = common.encode_msg([iv3, encrypted_n1, nonce2])
                encrypted_keys, ciphertext = common.public_key_encrypt(encrypt_msg, server_pub_key)

                # Send message
                send_msg = encrypted_keys + ',' + ciphertext
                data = common.send_and_receive(send_msg, self.server_address, self.sock, 4096, 2)
                if len(data) != 2 : return None

                rec_msg               = common.public_key_decrypt(data[0], data[1], self.priv_key)
                decoded_msg           = common.decode_msg(rec_msg)
                iv4                   = decoded_msg[0]
                encrypted_serv_nonce2 = decoded_msg[1]

                # Verify user nonce1 value matches the value we sent
                serv_nonce2 = common.aes_decrypt(encrypted_serv_nonce2, shared_key, iv4)

                if nonce2 == serv_nonce2:
                    self.shared_key = shared_key
                    self.shared_iv  = iv4
                    print "Successfully logged in!"
                    self.shared_key = None
                    print "Login unsuccessful"
                print "Server could not be verified"

        except socket.timeout as e:
            print "Server is not responding"
def test_sign(inval: float, outval: str):
    assert sign(inval) == outval
Exemple #21
    def _loop_calculate_speeds(self):
        speeds = self.adjust_speeds(
        b = 200 if self.config['rough'] else 400
        # HA:
        ha_speed = self.slope(
            speeds['speed_ha'], self.current['ha_err'], a=20, b=b)
        ha_speed = self.speed_real_to_motor(
            ha_speed, dagor_motors.MAX_SPEED_HA)
        ha_speed = min(
            conf.MOTORS['speed_limit'] * speeds[
                'speed_ha'] / dagor_motors.MAX_SPEED_HA)
        ha_speed = int(ha_speed * sign(self.current['ha_err']))
        if not self.config['target_is_static']:
            ha_speed += dagor_motors.TRACKING_SPEED
        # DE:
        de_speed = self.slope(speeds['speed_de'], self.current['de_err'], b=b)
        de_speed = self.speed_real_to_motor(
            de_speed, dagor_motors.MAX_SPEED_DE)
        de_speed = min(
            conf.MOTORS['speed_limit'] * speeds[
                'speed_de'] / dagor_motors.MAX_SPEED_DE)
        de_speed = int(de_speed * sign(self.current['de_err']))

        # TODO This is ugly hardcoded gear direction switch accelerator! OMG!
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        if 0 < abs(de_speed) < 15 and de_speed == self._last_de_speed:
            if self._de_speed_same_since is None:
                self._de_speed_same_since = now
            if now - self._de_speed_same_since > timedelta(seconds=2):
                self._de_warp_speed = True
            self._de_warp_speed = False
            self._de_speed_same_since = None
        self._last_de_speed = de_speed
        if self._de_warp_speed:
            print "DE WARP SPEED!!!!!!......"
            de_speed *= 8
        if self.config['target_is_static']:
            if 0 < abs(ha_speed) < 15 and ha_speed == self._last_ha_speed:
                if self._ha_speed_same_since is None:
                    self._ha_speed_same_since = now
                if now - self._ha_speed_same_since > timedelta(seconds=2):
                    self._ha_warp_speed = True
                self._ha_warp_speed = False
                self._ha_speed_same_since = None
            self._last_ha_speed = ha_speed
            if self._ha_warp_speed:
                print "HA WARP SPEED!!!!!!......"
                ha_speed *= 8

        # limit total speed:
        sum_speed = abs(ha_speed) + abs(de_speed)
        if sum_speed > conf.TRACKING['total_speed_limit']:
            correct_factor = conf.TRACKING['total_speed_limit'] / sum_speed
            ha_speed *= correct_factor
            de_speed *= correct_factor

        # all done: