def get(self): request = self.request GET = request.GET keywords = GET['keywords'] if keywords: keywords = keywords.strip() if keywords: cursor = unquoted_cursor(GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = keywords, None if request.is_admin else True, cursor) self.echo( 'search.html', { 'title': '搜索结果', 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'keywords': keywords, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'search' }) else: self.echo( 'message.html', { 'page': 'message', 'title': '请输入搜索关键字', 'h2': '连关键字都没有,你搜索啥啊?', 'msg': '填几个关键字再试试吧' })
def get(self, id, cursor=None): self.set_cache(0) self.set_content_type("json") id = int(id) if not id: self.write(simplejson.dumps({"next_cursor": None, "comments": []})) return (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( db.Key.from_path("Article", id), self.GET["order"] != "desc", cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor) ) comments_list = [] for comment, user in izip(comments, users): comments_list.append( { "user_name":, "url": escape( if else "", "img": user.get_gravatar(), "ua": if not (user.flag & 8) else "", "time": formatted_time(comment.time), "id": comment.key().id(), "content": comment.html_content(), } ) self.write(simplejson.dumps({"next_cursor": next_cursor, "comments": comments_list}))
def get(self, id, cursor=None): self.set_cache(0) self.set_content_type('json') id = int(id) if not id: self.write(simplejson.dumps({'next_cursor': None, 'comments': []})) return (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( db.Key.from_path('Article', id), self.GET['order'] != 'desc', cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) comments_list = [] for comment, user in izip(comments, users): comments_list.append({ 'user_name':, 'url': escape( if else '', 'img': user.get_gravatar(), 'ua': if not (user.flag & 8) else '', 'time': formatted_time(comment.time), 'id': comment.key().id(), 'content': comment.html_content() }) self.write( simplejson.dumps({ 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comments': comments_list }))
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_tag_by_name:' + name tag = memcache.get(memcache_key) if tag is None: tag = Tag.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, tag, TAGS_CACHE_TIME) if tag: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = tag.get_articles(cursor) self.echo('tag.html', { 'title': u'标签《%s》' % name, 'tag_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'tag' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该标签', 'h2': '糟糕', 'msg': '好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_category_by_name:' + name category = memcache.get(memcache_key) if category is None: category = Category.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache_client.set_multi_async({memcache_key: category}, CATEGORY_CACHE_TIME) if category: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = category.get_articles(cursor) self.echo('category.html', { 'title': u'Category: %s' % name, 'category_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'category' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this category", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_category_by_name:' + name category = memcache.get(memcache_key) if category is None: category = Category.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, category, CATEGORY_CACHE_TIME) if category: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = category.get_articles(cursor) self.echo('category.html', { 'title': u'分类《%s》' % name, 'category_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'category' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该分类', 'h2': '糟糕', 'msg': '好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_tag_by_name:' + name tag = memcache.get(memcache_key) if tag is None: tag = Tag.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache_client.set_multi_async({memcache_key: tag}, TAGS_CACHE_TIME) if tag: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = tag.get_articles(cursor) self.echo('tag.html', { 'title': u'Tag: %s' % name, 'tag_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'tag' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this tag", 'h2': 'Oh, my god!', 'msg': 'Something seems to be lost...' })
def get(self, id, cursor=None): article_id = int(id) article = Article.get_article_by_id(article_id) if article_id else None if article: (comments, next_cursor ), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( article.key(), cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) self.echo( 'comment.html', { 'comments': comments, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comment_users': users, 'id': id, 'article': article, 'title': u'%s - 评论页' % article.title, 'page': 'comments' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该评论页', 'h2': '找不到该评论页', 'msg': '请检查URL是否输入错误。' })
def get(self): cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET["cursor"]) articles, next_cursor = Article.get_articles_for_homepage(cursor) self.echo( "home_mobile.html", {"articles": articles, "next_cursor": next_cursor, "title": BLOG_TITLE, "cursor": cursor, "page": "home"}, )
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_category_by_name:' + name category = memcache.get(memcache_key) if category is None: category = Category.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, category, CATEGORY_CACHE_TIME) if category: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = category.get_articles(cursor) self.echo( 'category.html', { 'title': u'分类《%s》' % name, 'category_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'category' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该分类', 'h2': '糟糕', 'msg': '好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = 'get_tag_by_name:' + name tag = memcache.get(memcache_key) if tag is None: tag = Tag.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, tag, TAGS_CACHE_TIME) if tag: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = tag.get_articles(cursor) self.echo( 'tag.html', { 'title': u'标签《%s》' % name, 'tag_name': name, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'tag' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo( 'error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该标签', 'h2': '糟糕', 'msg': '好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…' })
def get(self): cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = Article.get_articles_for_homepage(cursor) self.echo('home_mobile.html', { 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'title': BLOG_TITLE, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'home' })
def get(self, cursor=None): cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = Article.get_unpublished_articles(cursor) self.echo('unpublished_articles.html', { 'cursor': cursor, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'title': '未发布的文章', 'page': 'unpublished_article' })
def get(self): id = self.GET['id'] id = int(id) if id else 0 num, next_cursor = Sitemap.fill(id, unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor'])) if num == Sitemap._LIMIT: # need fetch more articles taskqueue.add(queue_name='generate-sitemap', method='GET', url=BLOG_ADMIN_RELATIVE_PATH + 'generate_sitemap?id=%d&cursor=%s' % (id + 1, next_cursor)) self.write('The sitemap generating task has been added.') else: self.write('The sitemap has been generated.')
def get(self): cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = Article.get_articles_for_homepage(cursor) self.echo( 'home_mobile.html', { 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'title': BLOG_TITLE, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'home' })
def get(self): id = self.GET['id'] id = int(id) if id else 1 num, next_cursor = Sitemap.fill(id, unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor'])) if num == Sitemap._LIMIT: # 可能还没找到所有的 taskqueue.add(queue_name='generate-sitemap', method='GET', url=BLOG_ADMIN_RELATIVE_PATH + 'generate_sitemap?id=%d&cursor=%s' % (id + 1, next_cursor)) self.write('站点地图生成任务添加成功') else: self.write('站点地图生成完毕') memcache.delete('get_sitemap')
def get(self, cursor=None): import hook hook.init() cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor = Article.get_unpublished_articles(cursor) self.echo('unpublished_articles.html', { 'cursor': cursor, 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'title': 'Unpublished articles', 'page': 'unpublished_article' })
def get(self, id, cursor=None): self.set_cache(0) self.set_content_type('json') (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( db.Key.from_path('Article', int(id)), self.GET['order'] != 'desc', cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) comments_list = [] for comment, user in izip(comments, users): comments_list.append({ 'user_name':, 'url': escape( if else '', 'img': user.get_gravatar(), 'ua':, 'time': formatted_time(comment.time), 'id': comment.key().id(), 'content': comment.html_content() }) self.write(simplejson.dumps({ 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comments': comments_list }))
def get(self, id, cursor=None): article_id = int(id) article = Article.get_article_by_id(article_id) if article_id else None if article: (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( article.key(), cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor) ) self.echo( "comment.html", { "comments": comments, "next_cursor": next_cursor, "comment_users": users, "id": id, "article": article, "title": u"%s - 评论页" % article.title, "page": "comments", }, ) else: self.error(404) self.echo("error.html", {"page": "404", "title": "找不到该评论页", "h2": "找不到该评论页", "msg": "请检查URL是否输入错误。"})
def get(self, id, cursor=None): article = Article.get_article_by_id(int(id)) if article: (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( article.key(), cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) self.echo('comment.html', { 'comments': comments, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comment_users': users, 'id': id, 'article': article, 'title': u'%s - 评论页' % article.title, 'page': 'comments' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': '找不到该评论页', 'h2': '找不到该评论页', 'msg': '请检查URL是否输入错误。' })
def get(self, id, cursor=None): article_id = int(id) article = Article.get_article_by_id(article_id) if article_id else None if article: (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( article.key(), cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) self.echo('comment.html', { 'comments': comments, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comment_users': users, 'id': id, 'article': article, 'title': '%s - comments' % article.title, 'page': 'comments' }) else: self.error(404) self.echo('error.html', { 'page': '404', 'title': "Can't find out this comment", 'h2': "Can't find out this comment.", 'msg': 'Please check whether you entered a wrong URL.' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = "get_category_by_name:" + name category = memcache.get(memcache_key) if category is None: category = Category.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, category, CATEGORY_CACHE_TIME) if category: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET["cursor"]) articles, next_cursor = category.get_articles(cursor) self.echo( "category.html", { "title": u"分类《%s》" % name, "category_name": name, "articles": articles, "next_cursor": next_cursor, "cursor": cursor, "page": "category", }, ) else: self.error(404) self.echo("error.html", {"page": "404", "title": "找不到该分类", "h2": "糟糕", "msg": "好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…"})
def get(self): request = self.request GET = request.GET keywords = GET['keywords'] if keywords: keywords = keywords.strip() if keywords: cursor = unquoted_cursor(GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor =, None if request.is_admin else True, cursor) self.echo('search.html', { 'title': '搜索结果', 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'keywords': keywords, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'search' }) else: self.echo('message.html', { 'page': 'message', 'title': '请输入搜索关键字', 'h2': '连关键字都没有,你搜索啥啊?', 'msg': '填几个关键字再试试吧' })
def get(self): request = self.request GET = request.GET keywords = GET['keywords'] if keywords: keywords = keywords.strip() if keywords: cursor = unquoted_cursor(GET['cursor']) articles, next_cursor =, None if request.is_admin else True, cursor) self.echo('search.html', { 'title': 'Search result', 'articles': articles, 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'keywords': keywords, 'cursor': cursor, 'page': 'search' }) else: self.echo('message.html', { 'page': 'message', 'title': 'Please enter some search keywords', 'h2': 'What do you search for?', 'msg': 'Please enter some search keywords.' })
def get(self, name): name = path_to_unicode(name) memcache_key = "get_tag_by_name:" + name tag = memcache.get(memcache_key) if tag is None: tag = Tag.get_by_key_name(name) or ENTITY_NOT_FOUND memcache.set(memcache_key, tag, TAGS_CACHE_TIME) if tag: cursor = unquoted_cursor(self.GET["cursor"]) articles, next_cursor = tag.get_articles(cursor) self.echo( "tag.html", { "title": u"标签《%s》" % name, "tag_name": name, "articles": articles, "next_cursor": next_cursor, "cursor": cursor, "page": "tag", }, ) else: self.error(404) self.echo("error.html", {"page": "404", "title": "找不到该标签", "h2": "糟糕", "msg": "好像弄丢了什么东东,完全找不到了的说…"})
def get(self): request = self.request GET = request.GET keywords = GET["keywords"] if keywords: keywords = keywords.strip() if keywords: cursor = unquoted_cursor(GET["cursor"]) articles, next_cursor =, None if request.is_admin else True, cursor) self.echo( "search.html", { "title": "搜索结果", "articles": articles, "next_cursor": next_cursor, "keywords": keywords, "cursor": cursor, "page": "search", }, ) else: self.echo( "message.html", {"page": "message", "title": "请输入搜索关键字", "h2": "连关键字都没有,你搜索啥啊?", "msg": "填几个关键字再试试吧"} )
def get(self, id, cursor=None): self.set_cache(0) self.set_content_type('json') id = int(id) if not id: self.write(json.dumps({ 'next_cursor': None, 'comments': [] })) return isHttps = self.request.scheme == 'https' (comments, next_cursor), users = Comment.get_comments_with_user_by_article_key( db.Key.from_path('Article', id), self.GET['order'] != 'desc', cursor=unquoted_cursor(cursor)) comments_list = [] for comment, user in izip(comments, users): if user: user_name = user_site = escape( if else '' else: user_name = u'Anonymous' user_site = '' comments_list.append({ 'user_name': user_name, 'url': user_site, 'img': user.get_gravatar(isHttps), 'ua':, 'time': formatted_time(comment.time), 'id': comment.key().id(), 'content': comment.html_content() }) self.write(json.dumps({ 'next_cursor': next_cursor, 'comments': comments_list }))