def create_users(emails): failed = [] users = [] for email in emails: username = email.split('@')[0] data = { 'username': username, 'password': config['default_password'], 'email': email } dumped = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') resp = url="{}/register/".format(base_url), data=dumped, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'}) if resp.status_code == 400: failed.append(email) LOGGER.error( "Failed to create account for email {0}. Response: {1}".format( email, str(resp.json()))) if resp.status_code == 201: users.append(resp.json())"Account successfully created.") return users, failed
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Start a number of CVEL servers') parser.add_argument('-a', '--ami_id', help='the AMI id to use') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance_type', required=True, help='the instance type to use') parser.add_argument('-c', '--created_by', help='the username to use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='the instance name to use') parser.add_argument('-s', '--spot_price', type=float, help='the spot price to use') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bash_script', help='the bash script to use') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=1, help='the number of processes to run') parser.add_argument('-fc', '--frequency_channels', type=int, default=28, help='how many frequency channels per AWS instance') parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='proceed with a frequency band even if we already have it') parser.add_argument('obs_ids', nargs='+', help='the ids of the observation') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error('The arguments are incorrect: {0}'.format(args)) else: start_servers( args['processes'], corrected_args['ami_id'], corrected_args['user_data'], corrected_args['setup_disks'], args['instance_type'], corrected_args['obs_ids'], corrected_args['created_by'], args['name'], corrected_args['instance_details'], corrected_args['spot_price'], args['frequency_channels'], args['force'])
def __call__(self): """ Actually run the job """ # Get the name of the volume ec2_helper = EC2Helper() iops = None if self._instance_details.iops_support: iops = 500 zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(self._instance_type, self._spot_price) if zone is not None: volume, snapshot_name = ec2_helper.create_volume(self._snapshot_id, zone, iops=iops)'obs_id: {0}, volume_name: {1}'.format(self._obs_id, snapshot_name)) user_data_mime = self.get_mime_encoded_user_data( if self._spot_price is not None: ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( self._ami_id, self._spot_price, user_data_mime, self._instance_type,, self._created_by, '{1}-{2}-{0}'.format(self._name, snapshot_name, self._counter), self._instance_details, zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format(self._instance_type, self._spot_price))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Start a number of CLEAN servers') parser.add_argument('-a', '--ami_id', help='the AMI id to use') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance_type', required=True, help='the instance type to use') parser.add_argument('-c', '--created_by', help='the username to use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='the instance name to use') parser.add_argument('-s', '--spot_price', type=float, help='the spot price to use') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bash_script', help='the bash script to use') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=1, help='the number of processes to run') parser.add_argument('frequencies', nargs='+', help='the frequencies to use (vis_14XX~14YY') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error('The arguments are incorrect: {0}'.format(args)) else: start_servers( args['processes'], corrected_args['ami_id'], corrected_args['user_data'], corrected_args['setup_disks'], args['instance_type'], args['frequencies'], corrected_args['created_by'], args['name'], corrected_args['instance_details'], corrected_args['spot_price'])
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Start a number of CLEAN servers') parser.add_argument('-a', '--ami_id', help='the AMI id to use') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance_type', required=True, help='the instance type to use') parser.add_argument('-c', '--created_by', help='the username to use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='the instance name to use') parser.add_argument('-s', '--spot_price', type=float, help='the spot price to use') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bash_script', help='the bash script to use') parser.add_argument('-e', '--ebs', type=int, help='the size in GB of any EBS volume') parser.add_argument('bottom_frequency', help='The bottom frequency') parser.add_argument('frequency_range', help='the range of frequencies') parser.add_argument('obs_id', help='the observation id') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error('The arguments are incorrect: {0}'.format(args)) else: start_servers( corrected_args['ami_id'], corrected_args['user_data'], corrected_args['setup_disks'], args['instance_type'], make_safe_filename(args['obs_id']), corrected_args['created_by'], args['name'], corrected_args['instance_details'], corrected_args['spot_price'], args['ebs'], args['bottom_frequency'], args['frequency_range'])
def open_mdb_connection(): for host in MARIA_DB_CONFIGURATION['hosts']: try: connection = pymysql.connect( user=MARIA_DB_CONFIGURATION['user'], password=MARIA_DB_CONFIGURATION['password'], database=MARIA_DB_CONFIGURATION['database'], host=host, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, autocommit=True, ) except: if host == MARIA_DB_CONFIGURATION['hosts'][-1]: log_str = "Failed to connect to any MariaDB host" LOGGER.exception(log_str, exc_info=True) raise DBError(log_str) else: LOGGER.warning( 'Failed to connect to MariaDB on host {}. Trying next host.' .format(host)) else: if LOGGER.debug( 'mariadb connection to host {} successful.'.format(host)) return connection else: err_str = 'Connection to MariaDB failed.' LOGGER.error(err_str) raise DBError(err_str)
def create_posts(user): access_token, refresh_token = obtain_token_pair(user['username'], config['default_password']) num_posts = random.randint(1, config['max_number_of_posts']) headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token), } for i in range(num_posts): title = "{0} {1}".format(user['username'], str(i)) content = "{0} says: {1}".format(user['username'], config['post_content']) payload = { "title": title, "content": content } resp ="{}/posts/".format(base_url), json=payload, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 401 and resp.json()['code'] == 'token_not_valid': LOGGER.warning("{}. Obtaining new token pair...".format(resp.json()['messages'][0]['message'])) access_token, refresh_token = obtain_token_pair(user['username'], config['default_password']) headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token) } resp ="{}/posts/".format(base_url), json=payload, headers=headers) if resp.status_code != 201: LOGGER.error("Failed to create post. Response code: {}".format(resp.status_code))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Start a number of CLEAN servers") parser.add_argument("-a", "--ami_id", help="the AMI id to use") parser.add_argument("-i", "--instance_type", required=True, help="the instance type to use") parser.add_argument("-c", "--created_by", help="the username to use") parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True, help="the instance name to use") parser.add_argument("-s", "--spot_price", type=float, help="the spot price to use") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bash_script", help="the bash script to use") parser.add_argument("-p", "--processes", type=int, default=1, help="the number of processes to run") parser.add_argument("snapshots", nargs="+", help="the snapshots to use") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error("The arguments are incorrect: {0}".format(args)) else: start_server( args["processes"], corrected_args["ami_id"], corrected_args["user_data"], corrected_args["setup_disks"], args["instance_type"], args["snapshots"], corrected_args["created_by"], args["name"], corrected_args["instance_details"], corrected_args["spot_price"], )
def __call__(self): """ Actually run the job """'frequency_id: {0}'.format(self._frequency_id)) ec2_helper = EC2Helper() zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(self._instance_type, self._spot_price) if zone is not None: user_data_mime = self.get_mime_encoded_user_data()'{0}'.format(user_data_mime)) ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( self._ami_id, self._spot_price, user_data_mime, self._instance_type, None, self._created_by, '{0}-{1}'.format(self._frequency_id, self._name), instance_details=self._instance_details, zone=zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format( self._instance_type, self._spot_price))
def detect_wrong_format(pattern_dict: dict, dump_file): try: type = pattern_dict['type'] except KeyError: LOGGER.error("Introduce a type in the configuration file!") sys.exit(1) try: regex = pattern_dict['regex'] except KeyError: LOGGER.error("Introduce if the pattern is a regex in the configuration file!") sys.exit(1) if regex: handler = PatternHandlerFactoryRegEx(pattern_dict) else: handler = PatternHandlerFactoryPattern(pattern_dict) if dump_file.endswith('.gz'): input_file =, 'rb') else: input_file = open(dump_file, 'rb') output_file = open('ldap_wrong_format.txt', 'w') processing_object = processing_object_builder(type, output_file, handler) parser = ldap_parser.ParseLDIF(input_file, processing_object) parser.parse()
def processing_object_builder(type, output_file, handler): if type == 'general': return ProblemsDetectorGeneral(output_file, handler) elif type == 'lock_submit': return SubmitLockDetector(output_file, handler, mariadb_connection=open_mdb_connection()) else: LOGGER.error("Introduce a defined type in the configuration file!") sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, output_file, handler: PatternHandlerFactory, mariadb_connection): super().__init__(output_file, handler) self.mariadb_connection = mariadb_connection try: self.query = self.handler.pattern_dict['mariadb_query'] except KeyError: LOGGER.error('Provide a MariaDB query!') sys.exit(1)
def get(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: try: rpc_proxy: Pyro4.Proxy = get_health_service_rpc_proxy('pong') except LookupError as e: LOGGER.error(f"{e}: {traceback.format_exc()}") return {'hello': f'error {e}'}, src='duang')) with make_service_proxy() as service_proxy:, src='duang')) return {'hello': 'world'}
def detect_wrong_format(input_file, pattern): """Delete entries in ldap older than limit_days_ago before today :param input_file: Ldap dumb file to parse :param pattern: Pattern to be detected, it must be defined in config.yml! """ cfg = load_config() try: cfg[pattern] except KeyError: LOGGER.error("Pattern not found in the config.yml file!") sys.exit(1) else: detect_ldap_problems.detect_wrong_format(cfg[pattern], input_file)
def start_servers( ami_id, user_data, setup_disks, instance_type, obs_id, created_by, name, instance_details, spot_price, ebs, bottom_frequency, frequency_range):'obs_id: {0}, bottom_frequency: {1}, frequency_range: {2}'.format(obs_id, bottom_frequency, frequency_range)) ec2_helper = EC2Helper() zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(instance_type, spot_price) if zone is not None: # Swap size if ebs is None: swap_size = 1 else: ephemeral_size = instance_details.number_disks * instance_details.size swap_size = min(int(ephemeral_size * 0.75), 16) user_data_mime = get_mime_encoded_user_data( user_data, obs_id, setup_disks, bottom_frequency, frequency_range, swap_size )'{0}'.format(user_data_mime)) ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( ami_id, spot_price, user_data_mime, instance_type, None, created_by, name + '- {0}'.format(obs_id), instance_details=instance_details, zone=zone, ebs_size=ebs, number_ebs_volumes=4, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format(instance_type, spot_price))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Start a number of CVEL servers') parser.add_argument('-a', '--ami_id', help='the AMI id to use') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance_type', required=True, help='the instance type to use') parser.add_argument('-c', '--created_by', help='the username to use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='the instance name to use') parser.add_argument('-s', '--spot_price', type=float, help='the spot price to use') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bash_script', help='the bash script to use') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=1, help='the number of processes to run') parser.add_argument('-fc', '--frequency_channels', type=int, default=28, help='how many frequency channels per AWS instance') parser.add_argument( '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='proceed with a frequency band even if we already have it') parser.add_argument('obs_ids', nargs='+', help='the ids of the observation') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error('The arguments are incorrect: {0}'.format(args)) else: start_servers(args['processes'], corrected_args['ami_id'], corrected_args['user_data'], corrected_args['setup_disks'], args['instance_type'], corrected_args['obs_ids'], corrected_args['created_by'], args['name'], corrected_args['instance_details'], corrected_args['spot_price'], args['frequency_channels'], args['force'])
def check_args(args): """ Check the arguments and prompt for new ones """ map_args = {} if args['obs_ids'] is None: return None elif len(args['obs_ids']) == 1 and args['obs_ids'][0] == '*': map_args['obs_ids'] = OBS_IDS.keys() else: map_args['obs_ids'] = args['obs_ids'] if args['instance_type'] is None: return None if args['name'] is None: return None instance_details = AWS_INSTANCES.get(args['instance_type']) if instance_details is None: LOGGER.error('The instance type {0} is not supported.'.format( args['instance_type'])) return None else: 'instance: {0}, vCPU: {1}, RAM: {2}GB, Disks: {3}x{4}GB, IOPS: {5}' .format(args['instance_type'], instance_details.vCPU, instance_details.memory, instance_details.number_disks, instance_details.size, instance_details.iops_support)) map_args.update({ 'ami_id': args['ami_id'] if args['ami_id'] is not None else AWS_AMI_ID, 'created_by': args['created_by'] if args['created_by'] is not None else getpass.getuser(), 'spot_price': args['spot_price'] if args['spot_price'] is not None else None, 'user_data': get_script(args['bash_script'] if args['bash_script'] is not None else BASH_SCRIPT_CVEL), 'setup_disks': get_script(BASH_SCRIPT_SETUP_DISKS), 'instance_details': instance_details, }) return map_args
def check_args(args): """ Check the arguments and prompt for new ones """ map_args = {} if args['obs_ids'] is None: return None elif len(args['obs_ids']) == 1 and args['obs_ids'][0] == '*': map_args['obs_ids'] = OBS_IDS.keys() else: map_args['obs_ids'] = args['obs_ids'] if args['instance_type'] is None: return None if args['name'] is None: return None instance_details = AWS_INSTANCES.get(args['instance_type']) if instance_details is None: LOGGER.error('The instance type {0} is not supported.'.format(args['instance_type'])) return None else: 'instance: {0}, vCPU: {1}, RAM: {2}GB, Disks: {3}x{4}GB, IOPS: {5}'.format( args['instance_type'], instance_details.vCPU, instance_details.memory, instance_details.number_disks, instance_details.size, instance_details.iops_support)) map_args.update({ 'ami_id': args['ami_id'] if args['ami_id'] is not None else AWS_AMI_ID, 'created_by': args['created_by'] if args['created_by'] is not None else getpass.getuser(), 'spot_price': args['spot_price'] if args['spot_price'] is not None else None, 'user_data': get_script(args['bash_script'] if args['bash_script'] is not None else BASH_SCRIPT_CVEL), 'setup_disks': get_script(BASH_SCRIPT_SETUP_DISKS), 'instance_details': instance_details, }) return map_args
def check_args(args): """ Check the arguments and prompt for new ones """ map_args = {} if args["snapshots"] is None: return None if args["instance_type"] is None: return None if args["name"] is None: return None instance_details = AWS_INSTANCES.get(args["instance_type"]) if instance_details is None: LOGGER.error("The instance type {0} is not supported.".format(args["instance_type"])) return None else: "instance: {0}, vCPU: {1}, RAM: {2}GB, Disks: {3}x{4}GB, IOPS: {5}".format( args["instance_type"], instance_details.vCPU, instance_details.memory, instance_details.number_disks, instance_details.size, instance_details.iops_support, ) ) map_args.update( { "ami_id": args["ami_id"] if args["ami_id"] is not None else AWS_AMI_ID, "created_by": args["created_by"] if args["created_by"] is not None else getpass.getuser(), "spot_price": args["spot_price"] if args["spot_price"] is not None else None, "user_data": get_script(args["bash_script"] if args["bash_script"] is not None else BASH_SCRIPT_CLEAN_ALL), "setup_disks": get_script(BASH_SCRIPT_SETUP_DISKS), "instance_details": instance_details, } ) return map_args
def start_servers( ami_id, user_data, setup_disks, instance_type, obs_id, created_by, name, instance_details, spot_price): snapshot_id = OBS_IDS.get(obs_id) if snapshot_id is None: LOGGER.warning('The obs-id: {0} does not exist in the settings file') else: ec2_helper = EC2Helper() iops = None if instance_details.iops_support: iops = 500 zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(instance_type, spot_price) if zone is not None: volume, snapshot_name = ec2_helper.create_volume(snapshot_id, zone, iops=iops)'obs_id: {0}, volume_name: {1}'.format(obs_id, snapshot_name)) now = user_data_mime = get_mime_encoded_user_data(, setup_disks, user_data, now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S')) if spot_price is not None: ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( ami_id, spot_price, user_data_mime, instance_type,, created_by, '{1}-{0}'.format(name, snapshot_name), instance_details, zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format(instance_type, spot_price))
def start_servers(ami_id, user_data, setup_disks, instance_type, obs_id, created_by, name, instance_details, spot_price): snapshot_id = OBS_IDS.get(obs_id) if snapshot_id is None: LOGGER.warning('The obs-id: {0} does not exist in the settings file') else: ec2_helper = EC2Helper() iops = None if instance_details.iops_support: iops = 500 zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(instance_type, spot_price) if zone is not None: volume, snapshot_name = ec2_helper.create_volume(snapshot_id, zone, iops=iops)'obs_id: {0}, volume_name: {1}'.format( obs_id, snapshot_name)) now = user_data_mime = get_mime_encoded_user_data(, setup_disks, user_data, now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S')) if spot_price is not None: ec2_helper.run_spot_instance(ami_id, spot_price, user_data_mime, instance_type,, created_by, '{1}-{0}'.format( name, snapshot_name), instance_details, zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format( instance_type, spot_price))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Start a number of CLEAN servers') parser.add_argument('-a', '--ami_id', help='the AMI id to use') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance_type', required=True, help='the instance type to use') parser.add_argument('-c', '--created_by', help='the username to use') parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', required=True, help='the instance name to use') parser.add_argument('-s', '--spot_price', type=float, help='the spot price to use') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bash_script', help='the bash script to use') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=1, help='the number of processes to run') parser.add_argument('frequencies', nargs='+', help='the frequencies to use (vis_14XX~14YY') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) corrected_args = check_args(args) if corrected_args is None: LOGGER.error('The arguments are incorrect: {0}'.format(args)) else: start_servers(args['processes'], corrected_args['ami_id'], corrected_args['user_data'], corrected_args['setup_disks'], args['instance_type'], args['frequencies'], corrected_args['created_by'], args['name'], corrected_args['instance_details'], corrected_args['spot_price'])
def __call__(self): """ Actually run the job """ # Get the name of the volume ec2_helper = EC2Helper() iops = None if self._instance_details.iops_support: iops = 500 zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(self._instance_type, self._spot_price) if zone is not None: volume, snapshot_name = ec2_helper.create_volume(self._snapshot_id, zone, iops=iops)'obs_id: {0}, volume_name: {1}'.format( self._obs_id, snapshot_name)) user_data_mime = self.get_mime_encoded_user_data( if self._spot_price is not None: ec2_helper.run_spot_instance(self._ami_id, self._spot_price, user_data_mime, self._instance_type,, self._created_by, '{1}-{2}-{0}'.format( self._name, snapshot_name, self._counter), self._instance_details, zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format( self._instance_type, self._spot_price))
def __call__(self): """ Actually run the job """'frequency_id: {0}'.format(self._frequency_id)) ec2_helper = EC2Helper() zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(self._instance_type, self._spot_price) if zone is not None: user_data_mime = self.get_mime_encoded_user_data()'{0}'.format(user_data_mime)) ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( self._ami_id, self._spot_price, user_data_mime, self._instance_type, None, self._created_by, '{0}-{1}'.format(self._frequency_id, self._name), instance_details=self._instance_details, zone=zone, ephemeral=True) else: LOGGER.error('Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}'.format(self._instance_type, self._spot_price))
def start_server( processes, ami_id, user_data, setup_disks, instance_type, snapshot_ids, created_by, name, instance_details, spot_price, ):"snapshot_ids: {0}".format(snapshot_ids)) ec2_helper = EC2Helper() zone = ec2_helper.get_cheapest_spot_price(instance_type, spot_price) if zone is not None: # Get the snapshot details connection = ec2_helper.ec2_connection snapshot_details = {} for snapshot in connection.get_all_snapshots(owner="self"): name = snapshot.tags.get("Name") if name is None:"Looking at {0} - None".format( elif snapshot.status == "completed":"Looking at {0} - {1}".format(, snapshot.tags["Name"])) if snapshot.tags["Name"].endswith("_FINAL_PRODUCTS"): snapshot_details[] = snapshot else: "Looking at {0} - {1} which is {2}".format(, snapshot.tags["Name"], snapshot.status) ) # Create the volumes bdm = blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping() # The ephemeral disk xvdb = BlockDeviceType() xvdb.ephemeral_name = "ephemeral0" bdm["/dev/xvdb"] = xvdb if instance_details.number_disks == 2: xvdc = BlockDeviceType() xvdc.ephemeral_name = "ephemeral1" bdm["/dev/xvdc"] = xvdc # The Scratch space for disks in range(0, SCRATCH_DISKS): xvd_n = blockdevicemapping.EBSBlockDeviceType(delete_on_termination=True) xvd_n.size = int(SCRATCH_DISK_SIZE) # size in Gigabytes xvd_n.volume_type = "gp2" last_char = chr(ord("d") + disks) bdm["/dev/xvd" + last_char] = xvd_n disks = 0 for snapshot_id in snapshot_ids: snapshot_detail = snapshot_details.get(snapshot_id) xvd_n = blockdevicemapping.EBSBlockDeviceType(delete_on_termination=True) xvd_n.size = int(snapshot_detail.volume_size) # size in Gigabytes xvd_n.volume_type = "gp2" xvd_n.snapshot_id = snapshot_id last_char = chr(ord("d") + disks + SCRATCH_DISKS) bdm["/dev/xvd" + last_char] = xvd_n disks += 1 user_data_mime = get_mime_encoded_user_data(instance_details, setup_disks, user_data)"{0}".format(user_data_mime)) ec2_helper.run_spot_instance( ami_id, spot_price, user_data_mime, instance_type, None, created_by, "BIG Clean", instance_details=instance_details, zone=zone, ephemeral=True, bdm=bdm, ) else: LOGGER.error("Cannot get a spot instance of {0} for ${1}".format(instance_type, spot_price))
kodi(XBMC_dic[IR]) elif codeIR[0] in extra_esp_keys: e = ESP() e.Go_parallel(extra_esp_keys[IR]) else:'speaking only ' + IR) Speak(IR) last = [IR,] except: logger.error('error : ' + str(sys.exc_info())) Speak('error in lirc module') sleep(2) sleep(0.3) if __name__ == '__main__': # with daemon.DaemonContext(): try: from common import LOGGER, PID logger = LOGGER('lirc') # logger = log # compatibility'starting lirc') from time import sleep from KODI_control import kodi PID() import lirc sockid = lirc.init("test", blocking=False) Start() except: logger.error('error on initiation: ' + str(sys.exc_info()))