Exemple #1
    def ComputeAllPropertyFiles(input_file, needed_property_files):
        # Write the current metadata entry with placeholders.
        with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, allowZip64=True) as input_zip:
            for property_files in needed_property_files:
                    property_files.name] = property_files.Compute(input_zip)
            namelist = input_zip.namelist()

        if METADATA_NAME in namelist or METADATA_PROTO_NAME in namelist:
            ZipDelete(input_file, [METADATA_NAME, METADATA_PROTO_NAME])
        output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'a', allowZip64=True)
        WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)

        if OPTIONS.no_signing:
            return input_file

        prelim_signing = MakeTempFile(suffix='.zip')
        SignOutput(input_file, prelim_signing)
        return prelim_signing
Exemple #2
def FinalizeMetadata(metadata, input_file, output_file, needed_property_files):
    """Finalizes the metadata and signs an A/B OTA package.

  In order to stream an A/B OTA package, we need 'ota-streaming-property-files'
  that contains the offsets and sizes for the ZIP entries. An example
  property-files string is as follows.


  OTA server can pass down this string, in addition to the package URL, to the
  system update client. System update client can then fetch individual ZIP
  entries (ZIP_STORED) directly at the given offset of the URL.

    metadata: The metadata dict for the package.
    input_file: The input ZIP filename that doesn't contain the package METADATA
        entry yet.
    output_file: The final output ZIP filename.
    needed_property_files: The list of PropertyFiles' to be generated.
    def ComputeAllPropertyFiles(input_file, needed_property_files):
        # Write the current metadata entry with placeholders.
        with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, allowZip64=True) as input_zip:
            for property_files in needed_property_files:
                    property_files.name] = property_files.Compute(input_zip)
            namelist = input_zip.namelist()

        if METADATA_NAME in namelist or METADATA_PROTO_NAME in namelist:
            ZipDelete(input_file, [METADATA_NAME, METADATA_PROTO_NAME])
        output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'a', allowZip64=True)
        WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)

        if OPTIONS.no_signing:
            return input_file

        prelim_signing = MakeTempFile(suffix='.zip')
        SignOutput(input_file, prelim_signing)
        return prelim_signing

    def FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files):
        with zipfile.ZipFile(prelim_signing,
                             allowZip64=True) as prelim_signing_zip:
            for property_files in needed_property_files:
                    property_files.name] = property_files.Finalize(

    # SignOutput(), which in turn calls signapk.jar, will possibly reorder the ZIP
    # entries, as well as padding the entry headers. We do a preliminary signing
    # (with an incomplete metadata entry) to allow that to happen. Then compute
    # the ZIP entry offsets, write back the final metadata and do the final
    # signing.
    prelim_signing = ComputeAllPropertyFiles(input_file, needed_property_files)
        FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files)
    except PropertyFiles.InsufficientSpaceException:
        # Even with the preliminary signing, the entry orders may change
        # dramatically, which leads to insufficiently reserved space during the
        # first call to ComputeAllPropertyFiles(). In that case, we redo all the
        # preliminary signing works, based on the already ordered ZIP entries, to
        # address the issue.
        prelim_signing = ComputeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing,
        FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files)

    # Replace the METADATA entry.
    ZipDelete(prelim_signing, [METADATA_NAME, METADATA_PROTO_NAME])
    output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(prelim_signing, 'a', allowZip64=True)
    WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)

    # Re-sign the package after updating the metadata entry.
    if OPTIONS.no_signing:
        output_file = prelim_signing
        SignOutput(prelim_signing, output_file)

    # Reopen the final signed zip to double check the streaming metadata.
    with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, allowZip64=True) as output_zip:
        for property_files in needed_property_files:

    # If requested, dump the metadata to a separate file.
    output_metadata_path = OPTIONS.output_metadata_path
    if output_metadata_path:
        WriteMetadata(metadata, output_metadata_path)