def insert(self, table, fields): """inserts data in fields into table \param table \param fields must be hash like that {"field_name" : data_to_insert} or list of that hashes \return id of last inserted row """ assert(isinstance(fields, dict) or hasattr(fields, "__iter__")) names = set() for kk in (isinstance(fields, dict) and [fields] or fields): for k in kk.keys(): assert(isinstance(k, basestring)) names.add(k) names = sorted(names) if isinstance(fields, dict): data = map(lambda a: fields[a], names) else: data = map(lambda a: map(lambda x: gethash(a, x), names), fields) qqs = reduce_by_string(", ", map(lambda a: "?", names)) nns = reduce_by_string(", ", names) query = "insert into {0}({1}) values ({2})".format(table, nns, qqs) if isinstance(fields, dict): return self.execute(query, data).lastrowid else: return self.executemany(query, data).lastrowid
def modify_account(self): """runs account dialog and modifies selected account""" if self._parent.connected(): row = self.accounts_list.get_selected_row() if row != None: acc = self._parent.model.get_account(row[0]) self._parent.account_edit.reset_widget() self._parent.account_edit.set_name(acc['name']) self._parent.account_edit.set_comment(gethash(acc, "comments")) self._parent.account_edit.set_currency(self._parent.model.get_money(acc["money_id"])["name"]) self._parent.account_edit.set_first_money(acc["money_count"]) ret = if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: dd = self._parent.account_edit.get_data() self._parent.model.tachange_account(acc["id"], dd["name"], dd["money_name"], dd["money_count"], ('' if gethash(dd, 'comment') == None else dd['comment'])) self._parent.call_update_callback()
def __init__(self, ): """\brief constructor """ self._config_data = None self._default_cinfig_data = {'database' : {'path' : ''}, 'behavior' : {'load_last_database' : True}, 'interface' : {'odd_color' : '#FFFFFF', 'even_color' : '#FFFFFF'}, 'chart' : {'legend': {'position' : 'bottom', 'font' : 'Sans 14', 'color' : '#FFFFFF'}, 'mesh' : {'line_width' : 1.5, 'color' : '#FFFFFF', 'font' : {'name' : 'Sans 14'}}, 'background' : {'color' : '#FFFFFF'}, 'top_indent' : 5, 'bottom_indent' : 5}} if in ['posix', 'nt']: # there is HOME environment under windoze in 2.7 python at least if == 'nt': os.environ['HOME'] = os.path.join(os.environ['HOMEDRIVE'], os.environ['HOMEPATH']) config_dir = None if not is_null_or_empty(gethash(os.environ, 'TD_CONFIG_DIR')): config_dir = os.environ['TD_CONFIG_DIR'] else: if not is_null_or_empty(gethash(os.environ, 'HOME')): config_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.track-deals') # this is default config directory else: raise EnvironmentError('There is not HOME environment specified') else: raise NotImplementedError('There is no code for windoze yet') self.config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, 'gtk-view.cfg') if not os.path.exists(config_dir): os.makedirs(config_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.config_file): self.make_default_config() else: self.read_config()
def load_from_deal(self, data): """\brief load data from deal into widget \param data - int, deal id """ if not self._parent.connected(): return d = self._parent.model.get_deal(data) if d == None: return for (setter, key) in [ (self.datetime.set_datetime, "datetime"), (self.direction.set_value, "direction"), (self.account.set_value, "account_id"), (self.instrument.set_value, "paper_id"), (self.price.set_value, "points"), (self.count.set_value, "count"), (self.commission.set_value, "commission"), ]: m = gethash(d, key) if m != None: setter(m) self.attributes.set_attributes((d["user_attributes"] if d.has_key("user_attributes") else None))
def add_account(self): """runs account adder dialog and adds account to the database""" if self._parent.connected(): self._parent.account_edit.reset_widget() ret = if ret == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: try: data = self._parent.account_edit.get_data() self._parent.model.tacreate_account(data["name"], data["money_name"], data["money_count"], gethash(data, "comment")) except Exception as e: show_and_print_error(e, self._parent.window.builder.get_object("main_window")) self._parent.call_update_callback()