def test_delete_volume(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) order_id = CommonMethods.post_volume(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Test Failed. Volume was not created') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_volume) if (get_response.status_code == GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status ): print(' Test Failed. Volume was not found') return CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_volume) if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_volume) if (get_response.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status): print(' Failed. Expecting http status %d, but got: %d' % (GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status, get_response.status_code)) return print(' Ok. Volume removed') if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(30) else: time.sleep(10)
def test_get_by_id_network(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) fake_id = 'fake-id' response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( fake_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status: print(' Failed. Expecting %d status, but got: %d' % (GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status, response_get.status_code)) return order_id = CommonMethods.post_network(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed when creating network, trying next test') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if response_get.status_code == GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: print(' Ok. Removing network') else: print( ' Failed. Expecting %d status, but got: %d. Removing network' % (GeneralConfigurations.ok_status, response_get.status_code)) CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) time.sleep(10)
def player_close_attack(self, _damage, _range): # 获取6位判定点 _index = [ self.player.face_to_index, self.player.face_to_index - 1, self.player.face_to_index + 1 ] if _index[2] > 7: _index[2] = 0 _points = [] for i in range(0, 3): _points.append((self.player.pos_pixel_x + self.player.FACE_TO[_index[i]][0] * _range, self.player.pos_pixel_y + self.player.FACE_TO[_index[i]][1] * _range)) _points.append((self.player.pos_pixel_x + self.player.FACE_TO[_index[i]][0] * _range * 2, self.player.pos_pixel_y + self.player.FACE_TO[_index[i]][1] * _range * 2)) _points.append((self.player.pos_pixel_x, self.player.pos_pixel_y)) # 检查被命中unit for _unit in self.awake_units: _x_range = (_unit.pos_pixel_x - _unit.collision_half_width, _unit.pos_pixel_x + _unit.collision_half_width) _y_range = (_unit.pos_pixel_y - 2 * _unit.collision_half_height, _unit.pos_pixel_y) for i in range(0, 6): if _x_range[0] < _points[i][0] < _x_range[1] and _y_range[ 0] < _points[i][1] < _y_range[1]: CommonMethods.handle_mixer('spl Hit 1', self) if 'hp' in['hp'] -= _damage break
def test_post_volumes(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) order_id = CommonMethods.post_volume(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed, volume was not created') return if CommonMethods.wait_instance_ready( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_volume): print(' Ok. Removing volume') else: print(' Failed. Removing volume') CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_volume)
def test_get_by_id_images(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) response_get_all = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_image) images_id = list(response_get_all.json().keys()) random_id = random.choice(images_id) response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( random_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_image) if response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: print(" Failed. Expected status %d, but got %d" % (GeneralConfigurations.ok_status, response_get.status_code)) return print(' Ok')
def test_post_networks(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) order_id = CommonMethods.post_network(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed. Could not create network') return False if CommonMethods.wait_instance_ready( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network): print(' Ok. Removing network') else: print(' Failed. Network was not ready') CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network)
def test_delete_network(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) order_id = CommonMethods.post_network(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed. Could not crete network') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if (get_response.status_code == GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status ): print(' Failed. Got http status: %d' % (get_response.status_code)) CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) return CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(30) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if (get_response.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status): print(' Failed. Got http status %d and was expected: %d' % (get_response.status_code, GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status)) return print(' Ok. Network removed') time.sleep(10)
def test_post_compute(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) member = extra_data[ GeneralConfigurations. provider] if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data else GeneralConfigurations.local_member if not CommonMethods.wait_compute_available(1, member): print(' Failed. There is not %d instance(s) available.' % 1) return order_id = CommonMethods.post_compute(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed, trying next test') return if cls.wait_instance_ready(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute): print(' Ok. Removing compute') else: print(' Failed. Removing compute') CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute)
def update_continuous_events(self): # 处理帧模式持续事件 for event in self.f_event_list: _method_str = event[0] CommonMethods.handle_interact(_interact_str=_method_str, _data=self) event[1] -= 1 if event[1] <= 0: self.f_event_list.remove(event) # 处理秒模式持续事件 if self.frames % 30 == 0: for event in self.s_event_list: _method_str = event[0] CommonMethods.handle_interact(_interact_str=_method_str, _data=self) event[1] -= 1 if event[1] <= 0: self.s_event_list.remove(event) # 处理10帧模式延时事件 if self.frames % 10 == 0: for event in self.d_event_list: if event[1] <= 0: _method_str = event[0] CommonMethods.handle_interact(_interact_str=_method_str, _data=self) self.d_event_list.remove(event) else: event[1] -= 1
def test_quota(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) response_get_quota = None member = extra_data[ GeneralConfigurations. provider] if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data else GeneralConfigurations.local_member if GeneralConfigurations.provider in data: #if remote response_get_quota = CommonMethods.get_quota( data[GeneralConfigurations.provider]) else: response_get_quota = CommonMethods.get_quota(member) if response_get_quota.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: print(' Failed. Got HTTP status: %d and message: %s' % (response_get_quota.status_code, response_get_quota.text)) return #review this test if response_get_quota.json() != '': print(' Ok') else: print(' Failed, trying next test')
def test_get_all_networks(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) response_get = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_network) time.sleep(10) if response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status or response_get.text != '[]': print( ' Failed. There was a network created already. Received http status %d and message: %s' % (response_get.status_code, response_get.text)) return orders_id = CommonMethods.post_multiple_orders( extra_data, GeneralConfigurations.max_networks, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if not orders_id: print(' Failed. Could not create networks') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) response_get = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_network) test_ok = not ( response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status or response_get.text == '[]' or len(response_get.json()) != GeneralConfigurations.max_networks) if test_ok: print(' Ok. Removing networks') else: print(' Failed. Removing networks') CommonMethods.delete_multiple_orders( orders_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(40) else: time.sleep(10)
def test_get_all_images(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) response_get_all = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_image) if response_get_all.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: print(" Failed. Expected status %d, but got %d" % (GeneralConfigurations.ok_status, response_get_all.status_code)) return images_id = response_get_all.json().keys() if (len(images_id) <= 0): print( " Failed. Expected at least 1 imageId available, but got %d" % len(images_id)) return print(' Ok')
def test_get_by_id_compute(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) fake_id = 'fake-id' member = extra_data[ GeneralConfigurations. provider] if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data else GeneralConfigurations.local_member if not CommonMethods.wait_compute_available( GeneralConfigurations.max_computes, member): print(' Failed. There is not %d instances available.' % GeneralConfigurations.max_computes) return response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( fake_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status: print(' Failed. Expecting %d status, but got: %d' % (GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status, response_get.status_code)) return order_id = CommonMethods.post_compute(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed when creating compute, trying next test') CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) #time to wait order to be deleted time.sleep(20) return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if response_get.status_code == GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: print(' Ok. Removing compute') else: print( ' Failed. Expecting %d status, but got: %d. Removing compute' % (GeneralConfigurations.ok_status, response_get.status_code)) CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) #time to wait order to be deleted time.sleep(20)
def wait_instance_ready(cls, order_id, order_type): state_key = 'state' ready_state = 'READY' for x in range(GeneralConfigurations.max_tries + 1): response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id(order_id, order_type) if response.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status: if (x < GeneralConfigurations.max_tries): time.sleep(GeneralConfigurations.sleep_time_secs) continue return False json_response = response.json() if json_response[state_key] != ready_state: if (x < GeneralConfigurations.max_tries): time.sleep(GeneralConfigurations.sleep_time_secs) continue return False break return True
def test_allocation(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) member = extra_data[ GeneralConfigurations. provider] if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data else GeneralConfigurations.local_member if not CommonMethods.wait_compute_available( GeneralConfigurations.max_computes, member): print(' Failed. There is not %d instances available.' % GeneralConfigurations.max_computes) return response_get_allocation = cls.get_allocation(member) if response_get_allocation.status_code != 200: print(' Failed, trying next test') return if not cls.empty_allocation(response_get_allocation.json()): print(response_get_allocation.json()) print(' Failed, allocationMode already in use, trying next test') return orders_id = CommonMethods.post_multiple_orders( extra_data, GeneralConfigurations.max_computes, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if not orders_id: print(' Failed. Could not create computes') return for order in orders_id: cls.wait_instance_ready(order, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) response_get_allocation = cls.get_allocation(member) allocationMode = response_get_allocation.json() if cls.empty_allocation(allocationMode): CommonMethods.delete_multiple_orders( orders_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) print( ' Failed. Allocation was not in use. Actual allocationMode was: %s' % allocationMode) return if allocationMode['instances'] == GeneralConfigurations.max_computes: print(' Ok. Removing compute') else: print(' Failed. Removing compute') CommonMethods.delete_multiple_orders( orders_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute)
def test_delete_compute(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) order_id = CommonMethods.post_compute(extra_data) if not order_id: print(' Failed. Could not create a compute') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if (get_response.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status): print(get_response.status_code) CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) #time to wait order to be deleted time.sleep(20) print(' Failed. Could not get order by id') return CommonMethods.delete_order(order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait delete request to be received time.sleep(10) get_response = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( order_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if (get_response.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status): print(' Failed. Expected %d HTTP status, but got: %d' % (GeneralConfigurations.not_found_status, get_response.status_code)) return print(' Ok. Compute removed') #time to wait order to be deleted time.sleep(20)
def test_get_all_compute(cls, data): extra_data = {} extra_data.update(data) member = extra_data[ GeneralConfigurations. provider] if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data else GeneralConfigurations.local_member if not CommonMethods.wait_compute_available( GeneralConfigurations.max_computes, member): print(' Failed. There is not %d instances available.' % GeneralConfigurations.max_computes) return response_get = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status or response_get.text != '[]': print( ' Failed. Wrong status in get request, got status: %d, and message: %s' % (response_get.status_code, response_get.text)) return orders_id = CommonMethods.post_multiple_orders( extra_data, GeneralConfigurations.max_computes, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) if not orders_id: print(' Failed. Could not create computes') return if GeneralConfigurations.provider in extra_data: #if it is remote, we need to wait order request to be received time.sleep(10) response_get = CommonMethods.get_all_order( GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) test_ok = not ( response_get.status_code != GeneralConfigurations.ok_status or response_get.text == '[]' or len(response_get.json()) != GeneralConfigurations.max_computes) if test_ok: print(' Ok. Removing computes') else: print(' Failed. Removing computes') CommonMethods.delete_multiple_orders( orders_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute)
def test_post_compute_with_private_network(cls, data): extra_data_network = {} extra_data_network.update(data) networks = [] network_id = CommonMethods.post_network(extra_data_network) networks.append(network_id) if not network_id: CommonMethods.delete_order(network_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) print(' Failed, could not create new network') return if not cls.wait_instance_ready(network_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network): print(' Failed. Network did not transitioned to \'ready\' state') CommonMethods.delete_order(network_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) return extra_data_compute = {GeneralConfigurations.networksId_key: networks} extra_data_compute.update(data) compute_id = CommonMethods.post_compute(extra_data_compute) if not compute_id: CommonMethods.delete_order(network_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network) print(' Failed, could not create new compute') return #for now, we do not check any get, because fogbow-core doesn't provide the extra network interface for users if cls.wait_instance_ready(compute_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute): print(' Ok. Removing compute and network') else: print(' Failed. Removing compute and network') response_get = CommonMethods.get_order_by_id( compute_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) CommonMethods.delete_order(compute_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_compute) CommonMethods.delete_order(network_id, GeneralConfigurations.type_network)
def __init__(self): # 初始化设置 settings self.settings = settings.Settings(800, 600) # 初始化字典 dictionary self.dictionary = dictionary.Dictionary() # 强化学习q-table self.q_table_close_hit_time = [80, 80, 20, 30, 100] self.q_table_close_shoot_time = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100] self.q_table_far_hit_time = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100] self.q_table_far_shoot_time = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100] self.Q_TABLE_SKILL_NAME = [ 'SmallFire', 'FireSurroundBlast', 'FireBall', 'FireStorm', 'MapFire' ] self.Q_TABLE_SKILL_DAMAGE = [20, 100, 20, 50, 1000] self.NEXT_RATIO = 0.1 # 初始化玩家 player self.player = player.Player() # 初始化主环境 main_environment self.main_environment = environment.Environment( name='main', matrix_width=256, matrix_height=256, _dictionary=self.dictionary) self.main_environment.SURROUND_GROUND = 'Blue' self.main_environment.MAIN_GROUND = 'Grass' self.main_environment.GROUND_NAME_LIST = [ 'Grass', 'Forest', 'Clay', 'YellowGrass', 'Snow', 'Swamp', 'Autumn', 'Blue' ] self.main_environment.BLOCK_NAME_LIST = [ 'Rock', 'Flint', 'Twig', 'CutGrass', 'Apple', 'Carrot', 'RedMushroom', 'BlueMushroom', 'Pepper', 'Decorate', 'Tree', 'GoldStone', 'BoneHeap', 'ClayStone' ] self.main_environment.BLOCK_CHANCE_LIST = [ [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 5, 5, 100, 25, 5, 5, 5], # Grass [5, 5, 50, 25, 50, 0, 25, 5, 5, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0], # Forest [75, 75, 5, 5, 0, 0, 10, 0, 5, 100, 0, 20, 20, 20], # Clay [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 5, 5, 100, 50, 5, 5, 5], # YellowGrass [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 10, 0, 5, 100, 50, 5, 0, 0], # Snow [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 10, 5, 100, 50, 5, 50, 0], # Swamp [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 5, 5, 100, 50, 5, 5, 5], # Autumn [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Blue ] self.main_environment.randomize_ground() self.main_environment.add_sand() self.main_environment.randomize_block() for i in range(0, 100): self.main_environment.units.append( unit.Unit('Deer', self.dictionary)) mx, my = self.main_environment.get_random_xy() self.main_environment.units[ -1].pos_pixel_x, self.main_environment.units[ -1].pos_pixel_y = CommonMethods.pos_matrix_to_pos_pixel( mx, my) self.main_environment.units[-1].data['speed'] = 5 self.main_environment.units[-1].data['hp'] = 20 self.main_environment.units[-1].data['movement'] = (0, 0) self.main_environment.units[-1].data['alert_distance'] = 0 self.main_environment.units[-1].data['drop_thing'] = 'Meat' self.main_environment.units[-1].data['face'] = 0 for i in range(0, 4): mx, my = self.main_environment.get_random_xy() self.main_environment.block[mx][my] = environment.Block( 'HellDoor', self.dictionary.block_dict) mx, my = self.main_environment.get_random_xy() self.player.pos_pixel_x, self.player.pos_pixel_y = CommonMethods.pos_matrix_to_pos_pixel( mx, my) self.player.pos_matrix_x, self.player.pos_matrix_y = mx, my # 初始化地狱环境 hell_environment self.hell_environment = environment.Environment( name='hell', matrix_width=64, matrix_height=96, _dictionary=self.dictionary) self.hell_environment.SURROUND_GROUND = 'Red' self.hell_environment.MAIN_GROUND = 'Stone' self.hell_environment.GROUND_NAME_LIST = [ 'Stone', 'Deep Stone', 'Hell', 'Obsidian' ] self.hell_environment.randomize_hell_ground() self.hell_environment.randomize_block() self.hell_environment.units.append(unit.Unit('PigMan', self.dictionary)) mx, my = self.hell_environment.get_random_xy_2() self.hell_environment.units[ -1].pos_pixel_x, self.hell_environment.units[ -1].pos_pixel_y = CommonMethods.pos_matrix_to_pos_pixel( mx, my) self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['attack_cd'] = False self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['attack'] = 5 self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['speed'] = 5 self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['hp'] = 600 self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['movement'] = (0, 0) self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['alert_distance'] = 5000 self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['drop_thing'] = 'RedMushroom' self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['face'] = 0 self.hell_environment.units[-1].data['action'] = 1 for str in self.Q_TABLE_SKILL_NAME: self.hell_environment.units[-1].data[str] = False self.hell_environment.units[-1].data[str + 'CD'] = False # 家 self.home_index_dict = dict() = [] # 当前绘制场景为main_environment self.environment = self.main_environment self.transforming = False self.fighting_boss = False self.victory = False self.next_environment = '' self.player_next_pos_pixel_x = 0 self.player_next_pos_pixel_y = 0 # 初始化awake_units self.awake_units = [] self.colliding_unit = '' # 初始化储物箱box self.box_items = dict() self.box_items_count = dict() # 初始化ui控制变量 self.show_box_ui = False self.show_ex_items_ui = False # 初始化常量 self.PLAYER_SCREEN_OFFSET = ( int(self.settings.get_screen_width() / 2) - 20, # 玩家屏幕偏移 int(self.settings.get_screen_height() / 2) - 40) self.UNIT_SCREEN_OFFSET = (int(self.settings.get_screen_width() / 2), int(self.settings.get_screen_height() / 2)) self.ONE_DAY_FRAMES = 2000 self.CHECK_AWAKE_UNITS_X = 500 self.CHECK_AWAKE_UNITS_Y = 400 # 初始化计时器 self.frames = 0 self.frame_time_sec = 0 self.frame_time_min = 0 self.frame_time_hour = 0 self.night = False # 初始化滤镜 self.filter_name = 'Day' # 初始化延时事件集合 self.f_event_list = [] self.s_event_list = [] self.d_event_list = []