Exemple #1
 def test_is_dir(self):
     test_dir = self.get_test_loc('symlink', copy=True)
     temp_dir = fileutils.get_temp_dir()
     test_link = join(temp_dir, 'test-dir-link')
     os.symlink(test_dir, test_link)
     assert filetype.is_dir(test_link, follow_symlinks=True)
     assert not filetype.is_dir(test_link, follow_symlinks=False)
Exemple #2
def walk(location, ignored=None, follow_symlinks=False):
    Walk location returning the same tuples as os.walk but with a different
     - always walk top-down, breadth-first.
     - always ignore and never follow symlinks (unless `follow_symlinks` is True),
     - always ignore special files (FIFOs, etc.)
     - optionally ignore files and directories by invoking the `ignored`
       callable on files and directories returning True if it should be ignored.
     - location is a directory or a file: for a file, the file is returned.

    If `follow_symlinks` is True, then symlinks will not be ignored and be
    collected like regular files and directories
    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fsencode(location)

    # TODO: consider using the new "scandir" module for some speed-up.

    is_ignored = ignored(location) if ignored else False
    if is_ignored:
        if TRACE:
            logger_debug('walk: ignored:', location, is_ignored)

    if filetype.is_file(location, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks):
        yield parent_directory(location), [], [file_name(location)]

    elif filetype.is_dir(location, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks):
        dirs = []
        files = []
        # TODO: consider using scandir
        for name in os.listdir(location):
            loc = os.path.join(location, name)
            if filetype.is_special(loc) or (ignored and ignored(loc)):
                if (follow_symlinks and filetype.is_link(loc)
                        and not filetype.is_broken_link(location)):
                    if TRACE:
                        ign = ignored and ignored(loc)
                        logger_debug('walk: ignored:', loc, ign)
            # special files and symlinks are always ignored
            if filetype.is_dir(loc, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks):
            elif filetype.is_file(loc, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks):
        yield location, dirs, files

        for dr in dirs:
            for tripple in walk(os.path.join(location, dr),
                yield tripple
Exemple #3
def parse(location):
    Return a Package built from parsing a file or directory at 'location'
    if filetype.is_dir(location):
        package = parse_unpackaged_source(location)
        if package:
            parse_dependencies(location, package)
            return package
        file_name = fileutils.file_name(location)
        parsers = {
            'setup.py': parse_setup_py,
            'requirements.txt': parse_requirements_txt,
            'requirements.in': parse_requirements_txt,
            'Pipfile.lock': parse_pipfile_lock,
            'metadata.json': parse_metadata,
            'PKG-INFO': parse_unpackaged_source,
            '.whl': parse_wheel,
            '.egg': parse_egg_binary,
            '.tar.gz': parse_source_distribution,
            '.zip': parse_source_distribution,
        for name, parser in parsers.items():
            if file_name.endswith(name):
                package = parser(location)
                if package:
                    parent_directory = fileutils.parent_directory(location)
                    parse_dependencies(parent_directory, package)
                    return package
    def __init__(self, location):
        if not location or (not os.path.exists(location) and not filetype.is_broken_link(location)):
            raise IOError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: " "'%(location)r'" % locals())
        self.location = location
        # flags and values
        self.is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
        self.is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
        self.is_regular = filetype.is_regular(location)
        self.is_special = filetype.is_special(location)

        self.date = filetype.get_last_modified_date(location)

        self.is_link = filetype.is_link(location)
        self.is_broken_link = filetype.is_broken_link(location)

        # FIXME: the way the True and False values are checked in properties is verbose and contrived at best
        # and is due to use None/True/False as different values
        # computed on demand
        self._size = None
        self._link_target = None

        self._mimetype_python = None
        self._filetype_file = None
        self._mimetype_file = None
        self._filetype_pygments = None
        self._is_pdf_with_text = None
        self._is_text = None
        self._is_binary = None
def parse_with_dparse(location):
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
    if is_dir:
    file_name = fileutils.file_name(location)

    dependency_type = get_dependency_type(file_name)

    if dependency_type not in (filetypes.requirements_txt,
    if py2:
        mode = 'rb'
        mode = 'r'
    with open(location, mode) as f:
        content = f.read()

    df = dparse.parse(content, file_type=dependency_type)
    df_dependencies = df.dependencies

    if not df_dependencies:

    package_dependencies = []
    for df_dependency in df_dependencies:
        specs = list(df_dependency.specs._specs)
        is_resolved = False
        requirement = None
        purl = PackageURL(
        if specs:
            requirement = str(df_dependency.specs)
            for spec in specs:
                operator = spec.operator
                version = spec.version
                if any(operator == element for element in ('==', '===')):
                    is_resolved = True
                    purl = PackageURL(

    return package_dependencies
Exemple #6
def resource_paths(base_path, user_ignores):
    Yield tuples of (absolute path, base_path-relative path) for all the files found
    at base_path (either a directory or file) given an absolute base_path. Only yield
    Files, not directories.
    absolute path is a native OS path.
    base_path-relative path is a POSIX path.

    The relative path is guaranted to be unicode and may be URL-encoded and may not
    be suitable to address an actual file.
    base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(base_path)
    len_base_path = len(base_path)
    ignores = dict()
    ignored = partial(ignore.is_ignored, ignores=ignores, unignores={})
    resources = fileutils.resource_iter(base_path, ignored=ignored)

    for abs_path in resources:
        posix_path = fileutils.as_posixpath(abs_path)
        # fix paths: keep the path as relative to the original base_path
        rel_path = get_relative_path(posix_path, len_base_path, base_is_dir)
        yield abs_path, rel_path
Exemple #7
def parse2(location):
    Parse using the pkginfo library according the file types and return package.
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
    if is_dir:
        parser = parse_unpackaged_source
        package = parser(location)
        if package:
            parse_dependencies(location, package)
            return package
        file_name = fileutils.file_name(location)
        parsers = {
            'setup.py': parse_unpackaged_source,
            '.whl': parse_wheel,
            '.egg': parse_egg_binary,
            '.tar.gz': parse_source_distribution,
            '.zip': parse_source_distribution,
        for name, parser in parsers.items():
            if file_name.endswith(name):
                package = parser(location)
                if package:
                    parent_directory = fileutils.parent_directory(location)
                    parse_dependencies(parent_directory, package)
                    return package
Exemple #8
def resource_paths(base_path, diag, scans_cache_class, pre_scan_plugins=()):
    Yield `Resource` objects for all the files found at base_path
    (either a directory or file) given an absolute base_path. Only yield
    Files, not directories.
    absolute path is a native OS path.
    base_path-relative path is a POSIX path.

    The relative path is guaranted to be unicode and may be URL-encoded and may not
    be suitable to address an actual file.
    if base_path:
        if on_linux:
            base_path = path_to_bytes(base_path)
            base_path = path_to_unicode(base_path)

    base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(base_path)))
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(base_path)
    len_base_path = len(base_path)
    ignores = {}
    if pre_scan_plugins:
        for plugin in pre_scan_plugins:

    ignorer = build_ignorer(ignores, unignores={})
    resources = fileutils.resource_iter(base_path, ignored=ignorer)

    for abs_path in resources:
        resource = Resource(scans_cache_class, abs_path, base_is_dir, len_base_path)
        # always fetch infos and cache.
        resource.put_info(scan_infos(abs_path, diag=diag))
        yield resource
Exemple #9
def chmod(location, flags, recurse=False):
    Update permissions for `location` with with `flags`. `flags` is one of R,
    RW, RX or RWX with the same semantics as in the chmod command. Update is
    done recursively if `recurse`.
    if not location or not os.path.exists(location):
    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fsencode(location)

    location = os.path.abspath(location)

    new_flags = flags
    if filetype.is_dir(location):
        # POSIX dirs need to be executable to be readable,
        # and to be writable so we can change perms of files inside
        new_flags = RWX

    # FIXME: do we really need to change the parent directory perms?
    # FIXME: may just check them instead?
    parent = os.path.dirname(location)
    current_stat = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(parent).st_mode)
    if not is_rwx(parent):
        os.chmod(parent, current_stat | RWX)

    if filetype.is_regular(location):
        current_stat = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(location).st_mode)
        os.chmod(location, current_stat | new_flags)

    if recurse:
        chmod_tree(location, flags)
def chmod(location, flags, recurse=False):
    Update permissions for `location` with with `flags`. `flags` is one of R,
    RW, RX or RWX with the same semantics as in the chmod command. Update is
    done recursively if `recurse`.
    if not location or not os.path.exists(location):

    location = os.path.abspath(location)

    new_flags = flags
    if filetype.is_dir(location):
        # POSIX dirs need to be executable to be readable,
        # and to be writable so we can change perms of files inside
        new_flags = RWX

    # FIXME: do we really need to change the parent directory perms?
    # FIXME: may just check them instead?
    parent = os.path.dirname(location)
    current_stat = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(parent).st_mode)
    if not is_rwx(parent):
        os.chmod(parent, current_stat | RWX)

    if filetype.is_regular(location):
        current_stat = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(location).st_mode)
        os.chmod(location, current_stat | new_flags)

    if recurse:
        chmod_tree(location, flags)
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, location):
        if (not location
            or (not os.path.exists(location)
                and not filetype.is_broken_link(location))):
            raise IOError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
                          "'%(location)r'" % locals())
        self.location = location
        # flags and values
        self.is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
        self.is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
        self.is_regular = filetype.is_regular(location)
        self.is_special = filetype.is_special(location)

        self.date = filetype.get_last_modified_date(location)

        self.is_link = filetype.is_link(location)
        self.is_broken_link = filetype.is_broken_link(location)

        # computed on demand
        self._size = None
        self._link_target = None

        self._mimetype_python = None
        self._filetype_file = None
        self._mimetype_file = None
        self._filetype_pygments = None
        self._is_pdf_with_text = None
        self._is_text = None
        self._is_binary = None
    def __init__(self, location):
        if (not location
            or (not os.path.exists(location)
                and not filetype.is_broken_link(location))):
            raise IOError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
                          "'%(location)r'" % locals())
        self.location = location
        # flags and values
        self.is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
        self.is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
        self.is_regular = filetype.is_regular(location)
        self.is_special = filetype.is_special(location)

        self.date = filetype.get_last_modified_date(location)

        self.is_link = filetype.is_link(location)
        self.is_broken_link = filetype.is_broken_link(location)

        # FIXME: the way the True and False values are checked in properties is verbose and contrived at best
        # and is due to use None/True/False as different values
        # computed on demand
        self._size = None
        self._link_target = None

        self._mimetype_python = None
        self._filetype_file = None
        self._mimetype_file = None
        self._filetype_pygments = None
        self._is_pdf_with_text = None
        self._is_text = None
        self._is_binary = None
        self._contains_text = None
Exemple #13
def parse_with_dparse(location):
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
    if is_dir:
    file_name = fileutils.file_name(location)
    if file_name not in (filetypes.requirements_txt, filetypes.conda_yml,
                         filetypes.tox_ini, filetypes.pipfile,
    if py2:
        mode = 'rb'
        mode = 'r'
    with open(location, mode) as f:
        content = f.read()
        df = dparse.parse(content, file_type=file_name)
        df_dependencies = df.dependencies
        if not df_dependencies:
        package_dependencies = []
        for df_dependency in df_dependencies:
            specs = df_dependency.specs
            requirement = None
            if specs:
                requirement = str(specs)
        return package_dependencies
def walk(location, ignored=ignore_nothing):
    Walk location returning the same tuples as os.walk but with a different
     - always walk top-down, breadth-first.
     - always ignore and never follow symlinks, .
     - always ignore special files (FIFOs, etc.)
     - optionally ignore files and directories by invoking the `ignored`
       callable on files and directories returning True if it should be ignored.
     - location is a directory or a file: for a file, the file is returned.
    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)

    # TODO: consider using the new "scandir" module for some speed-up.
    if TRACE:
        ign = ignored(location)
        logger_debug('walk: ignored:', location, ign)
    if ignored(location):

    if filetype.is_file(location):
        yield parent_directory(location), [], [file_name(location)]

    elif filetype.is_dir(location):
        dirs = []
        files = []
        # TODO: consider using scandir
        for name in os.listdir(location):
            loc = os.path.join(location, name)
            if filetype.is_special(loc) or ignored(loc):
                if TRACE:
                    ign = ignored(loc)
                    logger_debug('walk: ignored:', loc, ign)
            # special files and symlinks are always ignored
            if filetype.is_dir(loc):
            elif filetype.is_file(loc):
        yield location, dirs, files

        for dr in dirs:
            for tripple in walk(os.path.join(location, dr), ignored):
                yield tripple
def walk(location, ignored=ignore_nothing):
    Walk location returning the same tuples as os.walk but with a different
     - always walk top-down, breadth-first.
     - always ignore and never follow symlinks, .
     - always ignore special files (FIFOs, etc.)
     - optionally ignore files and directories by invoking the `ignored`
       callable on files and directories returning True if it should be ignored.
     - location is a directory or a file: for a file, the file is returned.
    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)

    # TODO: consider using the new "scandir" module for some speed-up.
    if TRACE:
        ign = ignored(location)
        logger_debug('walk: ignored:', location, ign)
    if ignored(location):

    if filetype.is_file(location) :
        yield parent_directory(location), [], [file_name(location)]

    elif filetype.is_dir(location):
        dirs = []
        files = []
        # TODO: consider using scandir
        for name in os.listdir(location):
            loc = os.path.join(location, name)
            if filetype.is_special(loc) or ignored(loc):
                if TRACE:
                    ign = ignored(loc)
                    logger_debug('walk: ignored:', loc, ign)
            # special files and symlinks are always ignored
            if filetype.is_dir(loc):
            elif filetype.is_file(loc):
        yield location, dirs, files

        for dr in dirs:
            for tripple in walk(os.path.join(location, dr), ignored):
                yield tripple
Exemple #16
def get_file_infos(location):
    Return a mapping of file information collected from the file or
    directory at `location`.
    from commoncode import fileutils
    from commoncode import filetype
    from commoncode.hash import multi_checksums
    from typecode import contenttype

    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)
        location = path_to_unicode(location)

    infos = OrderedDict()
    is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)

    T = contenttype.get_type(location)

    infos['type'] = filetype.get_type(location, short=False)
    name = fileutils.file_name(location)
    if is_file:
        base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(location)
        base_name = name
        extension = ''

    if on_linux:
        infos['name'] = path_to_unicode(name)
        infos['base_name'] = path_to_unicode(base_name)
        infos['extension'] = path_to_unicode(extension)
        infos['name'] = name
        infos['base_name'] = base_name
        infos['extension'] = extension

    infos['date'] = is_file and filetype.get_last_modified_date(
        location) or None
    infos['size'] = T.size
    infos.update(multi_checksums(location, (
    infos['files_count'] = is_dir and filetype.get_file_count(location) or None
    infos['mime_type'] = is_file and T.mimetype_file or None
    infos['file_type'] = is_file and T.filetype_file or None
    infos['programming_language'] = is_file and T.programming_language or None
    infos['is_binary'] = bool(is_file and T.is_binary)
    infos['is_text'] = bool(is_file and T.is_text)
    infos['is_archive'] = bool(is_file and T.is_archive)
    infos['is_media'] = bool(is_file and T.is_media)
    infos['is_source'] = bool(is_file and T.is_source)
    infos['is_script'] = bool(is_file and T.is_script)

    return infos
def chmod_tree(location, flags):
    Update permissions recursively in a directory tree `location`.
    if filetype.is_dir(location):
        for top, dirs, files in walk(location):
            for d in dirs:
                chmod(os.path.join(top, d), flags, recurse=False)
            for f in files:
                chmod(os.path.join(top, f), flags, recurse=False)
Exemple #18
def chmod_tree(location, flags):
    Update permissions recursively in a directory tree `location`.
    if filetype.is_dir(location):
        for top, dirs, files in walk(location):
            for d in dirs:
                chmod(os.path.join(top, d), flags, recurse=False)
            for f in files:
                chmod(os.path.join(top, f), flags, recurse=False)
Exemple #19
def get_file_infos(location):
    Return a mapping of file information collected from the file or
    directory at `location`.
    from commoncode import fileutils
    from commoncode import filetype
    from commoncode.hash import multi_checksums
    from typecode import contenttype

    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)
        location = path_to_unicode(location)

    infos = OrderedDict()
    is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)

    T = contenttype.get_type(location)

    infos['type'] = filetype.get_type(location, short=False)
    name = fileutils.file_name(location)
    if is_file:
        base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(location)
        base_name = name
        extension = ''

    if on_linux:
        infos['name'] = path_to_unicode(name)
        infos['base_name'] = path_to_unicode(base_name)
        infos['extension'] = path_to_unicode(extension)
        infos['name'] = name
        infos['base_name'] = base_name
        infos['extension'] = extension

    infos['date'] = is_file and filetype.get_last_modified_date(location) or None
    infos['size'] = T.size
    infos.update(multi_checksums(location, ('sha1', 'md5',)))
    infos['files_count'] = is_dir and filetype.get_file_count(location) or None
    infos['mime_type'] = is_file and T.mimetype_file or None
    infos['file_type'] = is_file and T.filetype_file or None
    infos['programming_language'] = is_file and T.programming_language or None
    infos['is_binary'] = bool(is_file and T.is_binary)
    infos['is_text'] = bool(is_file and T.is_text)
    infos['is_archive'] = bool(is_file and T.is_archive)
    infos['is_media'] = bool(is_file and T.is_media)
    infos['is_source'] = bool(is_file and T.is_source)
    infos['is_script'] = bool(is_file and T.is_script)

    return infos
def delete(location, _err_handler=_rm_handler):
    Delete a directory or file at `location` recursively. Similar to "rm -rf"
    in a shell or a combo of os.remove and shutil.rmtree.
    if not location:

    if os.path.exists(location) or filetype.is_broken_link(location):
        chmod(os.path.dirname(location), RW, recurse=False)
        if filetype.is_dir(location):
            shutil.rmtree(location, False, _rm_handler)
def delete(location, _err_handler=_rm_handler):
    Delete a directory or file at `location` recursively. Similar to "rm -rf"
    in a shell or a combo of os.remove and shutil.rmtree.
    if not location:

    if os.path.exists(location) or filetype.is_broken_link(location):
        chmod(os.path.dirname(location), RW, recurse=False)
        if filetype.is_dir(location):
            shutil.rmtree(location, False, _rm_handler)
Exemple #22
def _get_root_dir(input_path, strip_root=False):
    Return a root dir name or None.
    if strip_root:
        root_dir = None
        _scanned_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(input_path)))
        if filetype.is_dir(_scanned_path):
            root_dir = _scanned_path
            root_dir = fileutils.parent_directory(_scanned_path)
        root_dir = fileutils.file_name(root_dir)

    return root_dir
Exemple #23
def delete(location, _err_handler=_rm_handler):
    Delete a directory or file at `location` recursively. Similar to "rm -rf"
    in a shell or a combo of os.remove and shutil.rmtree.
    This function is design to never fails: instead it logs warnings if the
    file or directory was not deleted correctly.
    if not location:

    if os.path.exists(location) or filetype.is_broken_link(location):
        if filetype.is_dir(location):
            shutil.rmtree(location, False, _rm_handler)
Exemple #24
def _get_root_dir(input_path, strip_root=False, full_root=False):
    Return a root dir name or None.
    On Windows, the path uses POSIX (forward slash) separators.
    if strip_root:

    scanned_path = os.path.abspath(
    scanned_path = fileutils.as_posixpath(scanned_path)
    if full_root:
        return scanned_path

    if filetype.is_dir(scanned_path):
        root_dir = scanned_path
        root_dir = fileutils.parent_directory(scanned_path)
    return fileutils.file_name(root_dir)
Exemple #25
def get_file_infos(location, as_list=True):
    Return a list of dictionaries of informations collected from the file or
    directory at location.
    from commoncode import fileutils
    from commoncode import filetype
    from commoncode.hash import multi_checksums
    from scancode import utils
    from typecode import contenttype

    infos = OrderedDict()
    is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)

    T = contenttype.get_type(location)

    infos['type'] = filetype.get_type(location, short=False)
    infos['name'] = fileutils.file_name(location)
    infos['extension'] = is_file and fileutils.file_extension(location) or ''
    infos['date'] = is_file and filetype.get_last_modified_date(
        location) or None
    infos['size'] = T.size
    infos.update(multi_checksums(location, (
    infos['files_count'] = is_dir and filetype.get_file_count(location) or None
    infos['mime_type'] = is_file and T.mimetype_file or None
    infos['file_type'] = is_file and T.filetype_file or None
    infos['programming_language'] = is_file and T.programming_language or None
    infos['is_binary'] = bool(is_file and T.is_binary)
    infos['is_text'] = bool(is_file and T.is_text)
    infos['is_archive'] = bool(is_file and T.is_archive)
    infos['is_media'] = bool(is_file and T.is_media)
    infos['is_source'] = bool(is_file and T.is_source)
    infos['is_script'] = bool(is_file and T.is_script)

    if as_list:
        return [infos]
        return infos
Exemple #26
def _get_root_dir(input_path, strip_root=False, full_root=False):
    Return a root dir name or None.
    On Windows, the path uses POSIX (forward slash) separators.
    if strip_root:

    scanned_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(input_path)))
    scanned_path = fileutils.as_posixpath(scanned_path)
    if filetype.is_dir(scanned_path):
        root_dir = scanned_path
        root_dir = fileutils.parent_directory(scanned_path)
        root_dir = fileutils.as_posixpath(root_dir)

    if full_root:
        return root_dir
        return fileutils.file_name(root_dir)
def resource_paths(base_path, diag, scans_cache_class, pre_scan_plugins=None):
    Yield `Resource` objects for all the files found at base_path
    (either a directory or file) given an absolute base_path. Only yield
    Files, not directories.
    absolute path is a native OS path.
    base_path-relative path is a POSIX path.

    The relative path is guaranted to be unicode and may be URL-encoded and may not
    be suitable to address an actual file.
    if base_path:
        if on_linux:
            base_path = path_to_bytes(base_path)
            base_path = path_to_unicode(base_path)

    base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(base_path)
    len_base_path = len(base_path)
    ignores = {}
    if pre_scan_plugins:
        for plugin in pre_scan_plugins:

    ignorer = build_ignorer(ignores, unignores={})
    resources = fileutils.resource_iter(base_path, ignored=ignorer)

    for abs_path in resources:
        resource = Resource(scans_cache_class, abs_path, base_is_dir,
        # always fetch infos and cache.
        resource.put_info(scan_infos(abs_path, diag=diag))
        if pre_scan_plugins:
            for plugin in pre_scan_plugins:
                resource = plugin.process_resource(resource)
        if resource:
            yield resource
Exemple #28
def is_node_modules(location):
    return (filetype.is_dir(location)
            and fileutils.file_name(location).lower() == 'node_modules')
Exemple #29
def rebuild_rootfs(image, target_dir, layerid_len=DEFAULT_ID_LEN):
    Extract and merge all layers to target_dir. Extraction is done in
    sequence from bottom (root) to top (latest layer).

    Return a mapping of errors and a list of whiteouts/deleted files.

    The extraction process consists of these steps:
     - extract the layer in a temp directory
     - move layer to the target directory, overwriting existing files
     - if any, remove AUFS special files/dirs in the target directory
     - if any, remove whiteouts file/directory pairs in the target directory

    from extractcode.extract import extract_file

    assert filetype.is_dir(target_dir)
    assert os.path.exists(target_dir)
    extract_errors = []
    # log whiteouts deletions
    whiteouts = []

    for layer_id, layer in image.layers.items():
        layer_tarball = join(image.repo_dir, layer_id[:layerid_len],
        logger.debug('Extracting layer tarball: %(layer_tarball)r' % locals())
        temp_target = fileutils.get_temp_dir('conan-docker')
        xevents = list(extract_file(layer_tarball, temp_target))
        for x in xevents:
            if x.warnings or x.errors:

        # FIXME: the order of ops is WRONG: we are getting whiteouts incorrectly
        # it should be:
        # 1. extract a layer to temp.
        # 2. find whiteouts in that layer.
        # 3. remove whiteouts in the previous layer stack (e.g. the WIP rootfs)
        # 4. finall copy the extracted layer over the WIP rootfs

        # move extracted layer to target_dir
            'Moving extracted layer from: %(temp_target)r to: %(target_dir)r')
        fileutils.copytree(temp_target, target_dir)

            'Merging extracted layers and applying AUFS whiteouts/deletes')
        for top, dirs, files in fileutils.walk(target_dir):
            # delete AUFS dirs and apply whiteout deletions
            for dr in dirs[:]:
                whiteable_dir = join(top, dr)
                if dr.startswith(WHITEOUT_PREFIX):
                    # delete the .wh. dir...
                    logger.debug('Deleting whiteout dir: %(whiteable_dir)r' %

                    # ... and delete the corresponding dir it does "whiteout"
                    base_dir = dr[len(WHITEOUT_PREFIX):]
                    except ValueError:
                        # FIXME: should we really raise an exception here?
                        msg = ('Inconsistent layers: '
                               'missing directory to whiteout: %(base_dir)r' %
                        raise InconsistentLayersError(msg)
                    wdo = join(top, base_dir)
                    logger.debug('Deleting real dir:  %(wdo)r' % locals())

                # delete AUFS special dirs
                elif dr.startswith(WHITEOUT_SPECIAL_DIR_PREFIX):
                        'Deleting AUFS special dir:  %(whiteable_dir)r' %

            # delete AUFS files and apply whiteout deletions
            all_files = set(files)
            for fl in all_files:
                whiteable_file = join(top, fl)
                if fl.startswith(WHITEOUT_PREFIX):
                    # delete the .wh. marker file...
                    logger.debug('Deleting whiteout file: %(whiteable_file)r' %
                    # ... and delete the corresponding file it does "whiteout"
                    # e.g. logically delete
                    base_file = fl[len(WHITEOUT_PREFIX):]

                    wfo = join(top, base_file)
                    if base_file in all_files:
                        logger.debug('Deleting real file:  %(wfo)r' % locals())

                # delete AUFS special files
                elif fl.startswith(WHITEOUT_SPECIAL_DIR_PREFIX):
                        'Deleting AUFS special file:  %(whiteable_file)r' %

    return extract_errors, whiteouts
Exemple #30
def parse_with_dparse(location):
    Return a list of DependentPackage built from a dparse-supported dependency
    manifest such as requirements.txt, Conda manifest or Pipfile.lock files, or
    return an empty list.
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)
    if is_dir:

    file_name = fileutils.file_name(location)

    dependency_type = get_dparse_dependency_type(file_name)
    if not dependency_type:

    with open(location) as f:
        content = f.read()

    dep_file = dparse.parse(content, file_type=dependency_type)
    if not dep_file:
        return []

    dependent_packages = []

    for dependency in dep_file.dependencies:
        requirement = dependency.name
        is_resolved = False
        purl = PackageURL(type='pypi', name=dependency.name)

        # note: dparse.dependencies.Dependency.specs comes from
        # packaging.requirements.Requirement.specifier
        # which in turn is a packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet objects
        # and a SpecifierSet._specs is a set of either:
        # packaging.specifiers.Specifier or packaging.specifiers.LegacySpecifier
        # and each of these have a .operator and .version property

        # a packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet
        specifiers_set = dependency.specs
        # a list of packaging.specifiers.Specifier
        specifiers = specifiers_set._specs

        if specifiers:
            # SpecifierSet stringifies to comma-separated sorted Specifiers
            requirement = str(specifiers_set)
            # are we pinned e.g. resolved?
            if len(specifiers) == 1:
                specifier = list(specifiers)[0]
                if specifier.operator in ('==', '==='):
                    is_resolved = True
                    purl = purl._replace(version=specifier.version)

                # are we always this scope? what if we have requirements-dev.txt?

    return dependent_packages
Exemple #31
def extractcode(ctx, input, verbose, quiet, shallow, replace_originals, ignore,
                *args, **kwargs):  # NOQA
    """extract archives and compressed files found in the <input> file or directory tree.

    Archives found inside an extracted archive are extracted recursively.
    Extraction for each archive is done in-place in a new directory named 
    '<archive file name>-extract' created side-by-side with an archive.

    abs_location = fileutils.as_posixpath(path.abspath(path.expanduser(input)))

    def extract_event(item):
        Display an extract event.
        if quiet:
            return ''
        if not item:
            return ''
        source = item.source
        if not isinstance(source, compat.unicode):
            source = toascii(source, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        if verbose:
            if item.done:
                return ''
            line = source and get_relative_path(path=source,
                                                base_is_dir=base_is_dir) or ''
            line = source and fileutils.file_name(source) or ''
        if not isinstance(line, compat.unicode):
            line = toascii(line, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        return 'Extracting: %(line)s' % locals()

    def display_extract_summary():
        Display a summary of warnings and errors if any.
        has_warnings = False
        has_errors = False
        summary = []
        for xev in extract_result_with_errors:
            has_errors = has_errors or bool(xev.errors)
            has_warnings = has_warnings or bool(xev.warnings)
            source = fileutils.as_posixpath(xev.source)
            if not isinstance(source, compat.unicode):
                source = toascii(source,
                                 translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                source = get_relative_path(path=source,
            for e in xev.errors:
                echo_stderr('ERROR extracting: %(source)s: %(e)s' % locals(),
            for warn in xev.warnings:
                echo_stderr('WARNING extracting: %(source)s: %(warn)s' %

        summary_color = 'green'
        if has_warnings:
            summary_color = 'yellow'
        if has_errors:
            summary_color = 'red'

        echo_stderr('Extracting done.', fg=summary_color, reset=True)

    # use for relative paths computation
    len_base_path = len(abs_location)
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(abs_location)

    extract_result_with_errors = []
    unique_extract_events_with_errors = set()
    has_extract_errors = False

    extractibles = extract_archives(abs_location,
                                    recurse=not shallow,

    if not quiet:
        echo_stderr('Extracting archives...', fg='green')
        with cliutils.progressmanager(extractibles,
                                      verbose=verbose) as extraction_events:

            for xev in extraction_events:
                if xev.done and (xev.warnings or xev.errors):
                    has_extract_errors = has_extract_errors or xev.errors
                    if repr(xev) not in unique_extract_events_with_errors:
        for xev in extractibles:
            if xev.done and (xev.warnings or xev.errors):
                has_extract_errors = has_extract_errors or xev.errors

    rc = 1 if has_extract_errors else 0
Exemple #32
def extractcode(ctx, input, verbose, quiet, shallow, *args, **kwargs):  # @ReservedAssignment
    """extract archives and compressed files found in the <input> file or directory tree.

    Use this command before scanning proper as an <input> preparation step.
    Archives found inside an extracted archive are extracted recursively.
    Extraction is done in-place in a directory named '-extract' side-by-side with an archive.

    abs_location = fileutils.as_posixpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(input)))

    def extract_event(item):
        Display an extract event.
        if quiet:
            return ''
        if not item:
            return ''
        source = item.source
        if not isinstance(source, unicode):
            source = toascii(source, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        if verbose:
            if item.done:
                return ''
            line = source and utils.get_relative_path(path=source, len_base_path=len_base_path, base_is_dir=base_is_dir) or ''
            line = source and fileutils.file_name(source) or ''
        if not isinstance(line, unicode):
            line = toascii(line, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        return 'Extracting: %(line)s' % locals()

    def display_extract_summary():
        Display a summary of warnings and errors if any.
        has_warnings = False
        has_errors = False
        summary = []
        for xev in extract_results:
            has_errors = has_errors or bool(xev.errors)
            has_warnings = has_warnings or bool(xev.warnings)
            source = fileutils.as_posixpath(xev.source)
            if not isinstance(source, unicode):
                source = toascii(source, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                source = utils.get_relative_path(path=source, len_base_path=len_base_path, base_is_dir=base_is_dir)
            for e in xev.errors:
                echo_stderr('ERROR extracting: %(source)s: %(e)s' % locals(), fg='red')
            for warn in xev.warnings:
                echo_stderr('WARNING extracting: %(source)s: %(warn)s' % locals(), fg='yellow')

        summary_color = 'green'
        if has_warnings:
            summary_color = 'yellow'
        if has_errors:
            summary_color = 'red'

        echo_stderr('Extracting done.', fg=summary_color, reset=True)

    # use for relative paths computation
    len_base_path = len(abs_location)
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(abs_location)

    extract_results = []
    has_extract_errors = False
    if not quiet:
        echo_stderr('Extracting archives...', fg='green')

    with utils.progressmanager(extract_archives(abs_location, recurse=not shallow), item_show_func=extract_event,
                               verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet) as extraction_events:
        for xev in extraction_events:
            if xev.done and (xev.warnings or xev.errors):
                has_extract_errors = has_extract_errors or xev.errors

    if not quiet:

    rc = 1 if has_extract_errors else 0
def extractcode(ctx, input, verbose, quiet, shallow, *args, **kwargs):  # @ReservedAssignment
    """extract archives and compressed files found in the <input> file or directory tree.

    Use this command before scanning proper as an <input> preparation step.
    Archives found inside an extracted archive are extracted recursively.
    Extraction is done in-place in a directory named '-extract' side-by-side with an archive.

    abs_location = fileutils.as_posixpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(input)))

    def extract_event(item):
        Display an extract event.
        if quiet:
            return ''
        if not item:
            return ''
        source = item.source
        if not isinstance(source, unicode):
            source = toascii(source, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        if verbose:
            if item.done:
                return ''
            line = source and utils.get_relative_path(path=source, len_base_path=len_base_path, base_is_dir=base_is_dir) or ''
            line = source and fileutils.file_name(source) or ''
        if not isinstance(line, unicode):
            line = toascii(line, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        return 'Extracting: %(line)s' % locals()

    def display_extract_summary():
        Display a summary of warnings and errors if any.
        has_warnings = False
        has_errors = False
        summary = []
        for xev in extract_results:
            has_errors = has_errors or bool(xev.errors)
            has_warnings = has_warnings or bool(xev.warnings)
            source = fileutils.as_posixpath(xev.source)
            if not isinstance(source, unicode):
                source = toascii(source, translit=True).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                source = utils.get_relative_path(path=source, len_base_path=len_base_path, base_is_dir=base_is_dir)
            for e in xev.errors:
                echo_stderr('ERROR extracting: %(source)s: %(e)s' % locals(), fg='red')
            for warn in xev.warnings:
                echo_stderr('WARNING extracting: %(source)s: %(warn)s' % locals(), fg='yellow')

        summary_color = 'green'
        if has_warnings:
            summary_color = 'yellow'
        if has_errors:
            summary_color = 'red'

        echo_stderr('Extracting done.', fg=summary_color, reset=True)

    # use for relative paths computation
    len_base_path = len(abs_location)
    base_is_dir = filetype.is_dir(abs_location)

    extract_results = []
    has_extract_errors = False
    if not quiet:
        echo_stderr('Extracting archives...', fg='green')

    with utils.progressmanager(extract_archives(abs_location, recurse=not shallow), item_show_func=extract_event,
                               verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet) as extraction_events:
        for xev in extraction_events:
            if xev.done and (xev.warnings or xev.errors):
                has_extract_errors = has_extract_errors or xev.errors

    if not quiet:

    rc = 1 if has_extract_errors else 0
Exemple #34
def is_node_modules(location):
    return (filetype.is_dir(location)
            and fileutils.file_name(location).lower() == 'node_modules')