Exemple #1
def monitoring(matrix, rate, roundId, para):
    startTime = time.clock()
    logger.info('rate=%.2f, %2d-round starts.'%(rate, roundId + 1))

    # sampling
    logger.info('CS-PCA sampling...')
    startTime = time.clock() # to record the running time for one round
    (trainMatrix, observedMatrix, testMatrix) = CS_PCA.sampling(matrix, rate, roundId, para)

    # CS-PCA algorithm
    logger.info('CS-PCA estimation...')
    recoveredMatrix = CS_PCA.recover(trainMatrix, observedMatrix, para)
    runningTime = float(time.clock() - startTime) 
    # evaluate the estimation error  
    evalResult = evallib.evaluate(testMatrix, recoveredMatrix, para)
    result = (evalResult, runningTime)
    # dump the result at each rate
    outFile = '%s%s%s_result_%.2f%s.tmp'%(para['outPath'], para['dataName'], 
        ('_%s'%para['dataType'] if ('dataType' in para.keys()) else ''), rate, 
        '_round%02d'%(roundId + 1) if (para['rounds'] > 1) else '')
    evallib.dumpresult(outFile, result)
    logger.info('rate=%.2f, %2d-round done.'%(rate, roundId + 1))
Exemple #2
def executeOneSetting(matrix, density, roundId, para):
    logger.info('density=%.2f, %2d-round starts.' % (density, roundId + 1))

    # remove data matrix
    (trainMatrix, testMatrix) = evallib.removeEntries(matrix, density, roundId)

    # QoS prediction
    startTime = time.clock()  # to record the running time for one round

    predictedMatrix1 = UIPCC.UPCC(trainMatrix, para)
    predictedMatrix2 = UIPCC.IPCC(trainMatrix, para)
    predictedMatrix = UIPCC.UIPCC(trainMatrix, predictedMatrix1,
                                  predictedMatrix2, para)

    runningTime = float(time.clock() - startTime)

    # evaluate the estimation error
    evalResult = evallib.evaluate(testMatrix, predictedMatrix, para)
    result = (evalResult, runningTime)

    # dump the result at each density
    outFile = '%s%s_%s_result_%.2f_round%02d.tmp' % (
        para['outPath'], para['dataName'], para['dataType'], density,
        roundId + 1)
    evallib.dumpresult(outFile, result)

    logger.info('density=%.2f, %2d-round done.' % (density, roundId + 1))
Exemple #3
def monitoring(matrix, rate, para):
    startTime = time.clock()
    logger.info("rate=%.2f starts." % rate)

    # JGD algorithm
    startTime = time.clock()  # to record the running time for one round
    trainingPeriod = para["trainingPeriod"]
    trainMatrix = matrix[:, 0:trainingPeriod]
    testMatrix = matrix[:, trainingPeriod:]
    logger.info("monitor selection...")
    (selectedMonitors, toEstimateNodes) = JGD.selectMonitor(trainMatrix, rate, para)
    observedMatrix = testMatrix[selectedMonitors, :]
    logger.info("JGD estimation...")
    recoveredMatrix = JGD.recover(trainMatrix, observedMatrix, selectedMonitors, toEstimateNodes)
    runningTime = float(time.clock() - startTime)

    # evaluate the estimation error
    evalResult = evallib.evaluate(testMatrix, recoveredMatrix, para)
    result = (evalResult, runningTime)

    # dump the result at each rate
    outFile = "%s%s%s_result_%.2f.tmp" % (
        "_%s" % para["dataType"] if ("dataType" in para.keys()) else "",
    evallib.dumpresult(outFile, result)

    logger.info("rate=%.2f done." % rate)
Exemple #4
def monitoring(matrix, rate, roundId, para):
    startTime = time.clock()
    logger.info('rate=%.2f, %2d-round starts.'%(rate, roundId + 1))

    # sampling
    logger.info('CS sampling...')
    startTime = time.clock() # to record the running time for one round
    # sorting in ascending and permutation
    idx = np.argsort(-matrix[:, 0])
    matrix = matrix[idx, :]
    (trainMatrix, observedMatrix, testMatrix) = CS.sampling(matrix, rate, roundId, para)

    # CS algorithm
    logger.info('CS estimation...')
    recoveredMatrix = CS.recover(trainMatrix, observedMatrix, para)
    plot((matrix[:,30]), '-o')
    plot(recoveredMatrix[:,30], '-x')
    # sys.exit()
    runningTime = float(time.clock() - startTime) 
    # evaluate the estimation error  
    evalResult = evallib.evaluate(testMatrix, recoveredMatrix, para)
    result = (evalResult, runningTime)
    # dump the result at each rate
    outFile = '%s%s%s_result_%.2f%s.tmp'%(para['outPath'], para['dataName'], 
        ('_%s'%para['dataType'] if ('dataType' in para.keys()) else ''), rate, 
        '_round%02d'%(roundId + 1) if (para['rounds'] > 1) else '')
    evallib.dumpresult(outFile, result)

    logger.info('rate=%.2f, %2d-round done.'%(rate, roundId + 1))
Exemple #5
def executeOneSetting(matrix, density, roundId, para):
    logger.info('density=%.2f, %2d-round starts.'%(density, roundId + 1))
    # remove data matrix
    (trainMatrix, testMatrix) = evallib.removeEntries(matrix, density, roundId)

    # QoS prediction
    startTime = time.clock() # to record the running time for one round             
    predictedMatrix = NMF.predict(trainMatrix, para) 
    runningTime = float(time.clock() - startTime)

    # evaluate the estimation error  
    evalResult = evallib.evaluate(testMatrix, predictedMatrix, para)
    result = (evalResult, runningTime)

    # dump the result at each density
    outFile = '%s%s_%s_result_%.2f_round%02d.tmp'%(para['outPath'], para['dataName'], 
        para['dataType'], density, roundId + 1)
    evallib.dumpresult(outFile, result)
    logger.info('density=%.2f, %2d-round done.'%(density, roundId + 1))