def getItemsByVersion(self, _items, _versions): _versions.sort(cmp=VersionUtil.cmpVersion) version_bugs = dict((ver, list()) for ver in _versions) size = len(_versions) for idx in range(0, size): version = _versions[idx] nextVersion = _versions[ idx + 1] if idx != size - 1 else u'10000.0' # assign big. version number for bugitem in _items: if VersionUtil.cmpVersion(version, bugitem['version']) > 0 and idx != 0: continue if VersionUtil.cmpVersion(bugitem['version'], nextVersion) >= 0: continue version_bugs[version].append(bugitem) vKeys = version_bugs.keys() for version in vKeys: if len(version_bugs[version]) != 0: continue del version_bugs[version] return version_bugs
def runOLD(self, _type, _sGroup=None, _sProject=None, _sProgram=None): self.TYPE = _type nameTag = self.TYPE + (u'_%s' % _sGroup if _sGroup is not None else u'') + (u'_%s' % _sProject if _sProject is not None else u'') self.log = open(os.path.join(self.ProgramPATH, 'logs', self.logFileName%nameTag), 'w') self.S = Previous() for program in self.ProgramNames: if _sProgram is not None and program != _sProgram: continue for group in self.S.groups: if _sGroup is not None and group != _sGroup: continue for project in self.S.projects[group]: if _sProject is not None and project != _sProject: continue maxVersion = self.S.get_max_versions(program, project) versionName = u'%s_%s' % (project, VersionUtil.get_versionName(maxVersion)) alpha = 0.2 if not (program == 'BugLocator' and project == 'AspectJ') else 0.3 params = self.get_paramsOLD(program, group, project, alpha, versionName) #print(u'java %s -jar %s%s.jar ' % (self.JavaOptions, self.ProgramPATH, program) + self.createArguments(params)) self.executeJava(program, params, _project=project, _vname =versionName) t = timestr = t.strftime(u'Done:%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') print(u'\n\n[%s]' % timestr) self.log.write('\n\n[%s]' % timestr) pass
def bug_counting(self, _group, _project): statistics = {} repo = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository.xml') statistics['all'] = self.getBugs(repo) for version in self.S.versions[_project].keys(): vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, _project) repo = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository', u'%s.xml' % vname) result = self.getBugs(repo) if result is None: continue statistics[vname] = result # Check missed items idset = set(statistics['all']) for key in statistics: if key == 'all': continue idset -= set(statistics[key]) statistics['miss'] = list(idset) pretty = PrettyStringBuilder(_indent_depth=2) text = pretty.get_dicttext({_project: statistics}) f = open( os.path.join(self.S.getPath_base(_group, _project), u'bugs.txt'), 'w') f.write(text) f.close() pass
def source_counting(self, _group, _project): statistics = {} progress = Progress('source counting', 2, 10, True) progress.set_upperbound(len(self.S.versions[_project].keys())) progress.start() for version in self.S.versions[_project].keys(): vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, _project) repo = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_source(_group, _project, vname), ) result = self.getCodeCount(repo) if result is None: continue statistics[vname] = result progress.check() progress.done() maxValue = 0 for vname in statistics: if maxValue < statistics[vname]: maxValue = statistics[vname] statistics['max'] = maxValue pretty = PrettyStringBuilder(_indent_depth=2) text = pretty.get_dicttext({_project: statistics}) f = open( os.path.join(self.S.getPath_base(_group, _project), u'sources.txt'), 'w') f.write(text) f.close()
def make_minimumVersion(self, _bugs): for bug in _bugs: min_version = u'10000.0' # assign big version for version in bug['version'].split(u', '): if VersionUtil.cmpVersion(version, min_version) < 0: min_version = version bug['version'] = min_version pass
def run(self, _type, _sGroup=None, _sProject=None, _sProgram=None, _sVersion=None, _isUnion=False, _isDist=False, _useMerge=False): self.TYPE = _type nameTag = self.TYPE + (u'_%s'%_sGroup if _sGroup is not None else u'') + (u'_%s'%_sProject if _sProject is not None else u'') + (u'_%s'%_sVersion if _sVersion is not None else u'') + (u'_%s'%_sProgram if _sProgram is not None else u'') self.log = open(os.path.join(self.ProgramPATH, 'logs', self.logFileName%(nameTag)), 'w') # select target subjects or select all. for program in (self.ProgramNames if _sProgram is None else [_sProgram]): for group in (self.S.groups if _sGroup is None else [_sGroup]): for project in (self.S.projects[group] if _sProject is None else [_sProject]): #working selected subject and program. versions = self.S.bugs[project].keys() if _isDist is True: codeVersion = VersionUtil.get_latest_version(self.S.bugs[project].keys()) for verName in (versions if _sVersion is None else [_sVersion]): if verName == 'all': continue params = self.get_paramsDist(program, group, project, 0.2, verName, codeVersion) self.executeJava(program+u'_dist', params, _project=project, _vname =verName) elif _isUnion is True: # if the self.S.version[project] uses, the error occurs because there are versions with no bug report verName = VersionUtil.get_latest_version(self.S.bugs[project].keys()) params = self.get_params(program, group, project, 0.2, verName, _isUnion) self.executeJava(program, params, _project=project, _vname =verName) else: # In the version is not single case, for verName in (versions if _sVersion is None else [_sVersion]): if verName == 'all': continue if _useMerge is True: if verName not in self.S.answers_merge[project]: continue # if the self.S.version[project] uses, the error occurs because there are versions with no bug report outputFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPATH, _type, group, project, u'%s_%s_%s_output.txt'%(program, project, verName)) # if os.path.exists(outputFile) is True: # print(u'Already exists :: %s '% outputFile) # continue params = self.get_params(program, group, project, 0.2, verName, _isUnion, _useMerge) self.executeJava(program, params, _project=project, _vname =verName) # for version # for program # for project #for group t = timestr = t.strftime(u'Done:%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') print(u'\n\n[%s]' % timestr) self.log.write('\n\n[%s]' % timestr)
def inflate(self, _versions): if _versions is None: return None self.projectPath = self.clone(True) print(u'Git Repo: %s' % self.projectPath) time.sleep(2) #check output path if os.path.exists(self.sourcesPath) is False: os.makedirs(self.sourcesPath) #get tags # tags = self.get_tags() # if tags is None: return False #print(self.projectName + u':: the number of tags are ' + str(len(tags))) size = len(_versions) count = 0 for version, tag in _versions.items(): vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, self.projectName) count += 1 print(u'%s(%d/%d) :: [%s]' % (self.projectName, count, size, vname), end=u'') dest = os.path.join(self.sourcesPath, vname) if os.path.exists(dest) is True: print(u' already exists!') continue tag = tag.strip() if tag == u'': print(u'invalidate tag name: "%s"' % tag) continue print(u' checkout %s... ' % tag, end=u'') if self.checkout(tag) is False: print(u'Failed') continue time.sleep(2) #copy dest = os.path.join(self.sourcesPath, vname) print(u' copy...', end=u'') if self.makecopy(dest) is False: print(u'Failed!') continue print(u'Done') time.sleep(2) print(u'All checkout works done!!') pass
def make_answers(self, _project, _items, _versionItems): answers = {'all': {}} for item in _items: answers['all'][int(item['id'])] = len(item['fixedFiles']) for version in _versionItems: versionName = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, _project) answers[versionName] = {} for item in _versionItems[version]: answers[versionName][int(item['id'])] = len(item['fixedFiles']) return answers
def merge(self, _group, _project, _bugs, _dups): merges = [] bugID = 0 for src, dup in _dups: if src not in _bugs or dup not in _bugs: print('passed %s\t%s\t%d\t%d' % (_group, _project, src, dup)) continue bugID += 1 bug = {} bug['id'] = str(bugID) bug['master'] = _bugs[src]['id'] bug['duplicate'] = _bugs[dup]['id'] bug['summary'] = _bugs[src]['summary'] + u' ' + _bugs[dup][ 'summary'] bug['description'] = _bugs[src]['description'] + u' ' + _bugs[dup][ 'description'] verSrc = _bugs[src]['version'] verDup = _bugs[dup]['version'] bug['version'] = verSrc if VersionUtil.cmpVersion( verSrc, verDup) > 0 else verDup verSrc = _bugs[src]['fixedVersion'] verDup = _bugs[dup]['fixedVersion'] bug['fixedVersion'] = verSrc if VersionUtil.cmpVersion( verSrc, verDup) > 0 else verDup bug['resolution'] = _bugs[src]['resolution'] bug['opendate'] = min(_bugs[src]['opendate'], _bugs[dup]['opendate']) bug['fixdate'] = max(_bugs[src]['fixdate'], _bugs[dup]['fixdate']) bug['type'] = _bugs[src]['type'] bug['fixedFiles'] = _bugs[src]['fixedFiles'] bug['links'] = _bugs[src]['links'] + _bugs[dup]['links'] merges.append(bug) return merges
def make(self, _group, _project): ''' make repository files :param _group: :param _project: :return: ''' self.S = Subjects() print(u'working with %s / %s' % (_group, _project)) filename = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository.xml') bugs = self.load_bugs(filename) dups = self.S.duplicates[_project] merges = self.merge(_group, _project, bugs, dups) print(u'created %d merged reports.' % len(merges)) versionItems = self.getItemsByVersion(merges, self.S.versions[_project].keys()) print(u'created %d version repositories from merged reports.' % len(versionItems)) print(u'storing....', end=u'') repositoryPath = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository_merge') if os.path.exists(repositoryPath) is True: shutil.rmtree(repositoryPath) if os.path.exists(repositoryPath) is False: os.makedirs(repositoryPath) self.outputXML( _project, merges, os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository_merge.xml')) for ver in versionItems.keys(): filename = os.path.join( repositoryPath, VersionUtil.get_versionName(ver, _project) + u'.xml') self.outputXML(_project, versionItems[ver], filename) print(u'Done') answers = self.make_answers(_project, merges, versionItems) self.save_answers({_project: answers}, os.path.join(self.S.getPath_base(_group, _project), u'answers_merge.txt')) pass
def answers_counting(self, _group, _project): statistics = {} repo = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository.xml') statistics['all'] = self.getAnswers(repo) for version in self.S.versions[_project].keys(): vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, _project) repo = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), u'repository', u'%s.xml'%vname) result = self.getAnswers(repo) if result is None: continue statistics[vname] = result pretty = PrettyStringBuilder(_indent_depth=2) text = pretty.get_dicttext({_project: statistics}) f = open(os.path.join(self.S.getPath_base(_group, _project), u'answers.txt'), 'w') f.write(text) f.close()
def get_gitversion(self, _id): ''' get bug version information from git repository :param _id: :return: ''' if _id not in self.gitlogs: return u'' min_version = u'' commits = self.gitlogs[_id] for commit in commits: if commit['hash'] not in self.gitversions: continue version = self.gitversions[commit['hash']] if version is None: continue if min_version == u'': min_version = version if VersionUtil.cmpVersion(version, min_version) < 0: min_version = version return min_version
def run(self, _group, _project, _versions, _src, _dest): ''' create result file ''' techniques = ['BLIA']#'BugLocator', "BRTracer"]#, 'BLUiR', 'BLIA','AmaLgam', 'Locus'] for tech in techniques: for version in _versions: vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName(version, _project) src_path = os.path.join(_src, u'%s_%s_%s' % (tech, _project, vname), u'recommended') if os.path.exists(src_path) is False: print(u'%s is not exists!!'%src_path) continue target_path = os.path.join(_dest, tech, _group, _project, u'%s_%s' % (tech, vname)) shutil.copytree(src_path, target_path) print(u'%s is Done!!' % src_path) pass
def get_countings(self, _group, _project, _tech): from Counting import Counting counter = Counting() if _tech == u'BLIA' and _project in [u'AspectJ', u'SWT', u'ZXing']: filename = u'BLIA_repository.xml' elif _tech == u'Locus' and _project == u'AspectJ': filename = u'Locus_repository.xml' else: filename = u'repository.xml' repoPath = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_bugrepo(_group, _project), filename) answers = counter.getAnswers(repoPath) bugs = counter.getBugs(repoPath) # make the count of source code cache = os.path.join(self.S.getPath_base(_group, _project), u'sources.txt') if os.path.exists(cache) is False: print(u'making sourcecode counts...', end=u'') counts = {_project: {}} baseCodePath = self.S.getPath_source(_group, _project) for dir in os.listdir(baseCodePath): counts[_project][dir] = counter.getCodeCount( os.path.join(baseCodePath, dir)) from utils.PrettyStringBuilder import PrettyStringBuilder builder = PrettyStringBuilder(_indent_depth=2) text = builder.get_dicttext(counts) f = open(cache, 'w') f.write(text) f.close() print(u'Done.') #read the count of source code f = open(cache, 'r') text = f.close() data = eval(text) vname = VersionUtil.get_versionName( self.S.get_max_versions(_tech, _project), _project) sources = data[_project][vname] return sources, bugs, answers
def complement_reports(self, _src, _dest, _both): ''' complement information from the duplicate bug report :param _bugitems: :param _dupgroups: :param _gitversions: :return: ''' # sync fixedfile if _both is False: if len(_src['fixedFiles']) == 0: _src['fixedFiles'] = _dest['fixedFiles'] _src['commits'] = _dest['commits'] else: _dest['fixedFiles'] = _src['fixedFiles'] _dest['commits'] = _src['commits'] # sync version if _dest['version'] != u'' and _src['version'] == u'': _src['version'] = _dest['version'] elif _src['version'] != u'' and _dest['version'] == u'': _dest['version'] = _src['version'] elif _src['version'] == u'' and _dest['version'] == u'': #if both report has no version, get version information from git repository v1 = self.get_gitversion(_src['id']) v2 = self.get_gitversion(_dest['id']) if v1 != u'' and v2 != u'': if v1 == u'': _src['version'] = v2 _src['version'] = v1 if VersionUtil.cmpVersion(v1, v2) < 0 else v2 _dest['version'] = _src['version'] # sync fixdate if _dest['fixdate'] != u'' and _src['fixdate'] == u'': _src['fixdate'] = _dest['fixdate'] if _src['fixdate'] != u'' and _dest['fixdate'] == u'': _src['fixdate'] = _src['fixdate'] pass
def getItemsOnlyVersion(self, _items): newItems = [] for item in _items: if VersionUtil.hasVersion(item['version']) is False: continue newItems.append(item) return newItems