Exemple #1
def f1(time, rdd):
    lt = rdd.collect()
    if not lt:
    print '**** f1'
    print lt
    print '**** end f1'
    f = open(
        'a')  # % datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), 'a')
    msg = ''.join('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' %
                  (s[0], s[1][0][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
                   s[1][0][1], s[1][0][2], s[1][1]) for s in lt)
    d = Q.value

    # return rdd tuple (-,((-,-),-)): name = 0--, time 100, sd 101, mean 102, vol 11-

    for s in lt:
        if s[0].find('HSI-20151029-0') > 0 and (s[1][0][1] > 4.5
                                                or s[1][1] > 100000):
            msg  = 'Unusal trading activity: %s (SD=%0.2f, mean px=%d, vol=%d) at %s\n'\
                 % (s[0], \
                    s[1][0][1], s[1][0][2],\
                    s[1][0][0].strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            q = RedisQueue(d['alert_bot_q'][1], d['alert_bot_q'][0], d['host'],
                           d['port'], d['db'])
Exemple #2
def process(time, rdd):
    #print (time, rdd)
    lt = (rdd.collect())
    #print '\n'.join ('%d %s'% (l[0], ''.join(('%f'% e) for e in l[1])) for l in list)
    if len(lt) == 2:
        a = list(lt[0][1])
        b = list(lt[1][1])
        #print a, b
        corr = 0.0
        if len(a) > 1 and len(b) > 1:
            if len(a) > len(b):
                corr = numpy.corrcoef(a[:len(b)], b)
                corr = numpy.corrcoef(b[:len(a)], a)

            print "%s corr---> %f" % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S'),
            d = Q.value

            q = RedisQueue(d['qname'], d['namespace'], d['host'], d['port'],
            corr = corr.tolist()[0][1]
            if not numpy.isnan(corr):
                print 'insert into redis'
                q.put((time, corr))
Exemple #3
def f1(time, rdd):
    lt =  rdd.collect()
    print '**** f1'
    print lt
    print '**** end f1'
    f = open('/home/larry/l1304/workspace/finopt/data/mds_files/std/std-%s.txt' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), 'a')
    f.write(''.join('%s,%s,%s\n'%(s[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),s[1],s[2]) for s in lt))
    d = Q.value
    if float(lt[0][1]) > 4.6:
        msg = 'Stock SD alert triggered: '.join('%s,%0.2f,%02.f\n'%(s[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),s[1],s[2]) for s in lt)
        print msg
        q = RedisQueue(d['alert_bot_q'][1], d['alert_bot_q'][0], d['host'], d['port'], d['db'])
Exemple #4
    def detect_trend(x1, y1, num_points_ahead, ric):
        z4 = polyfit(x1, y1, 3)
        p4 = poly1d(z4)  # construct the polynomial
        #print y1

        z5 = polyfit(x1, y1, 4)
        p5 = poly1d(z5)

        extrap_y_max_limit = len(x1) * 2  # 360 days
        x2 = linspace(
            0, extrap_y_max_limit,
            50)  # 0, 160, 100 means 0 - 160 with 100 data points in between
        )  # switch to agg backend that support writing in non-main threads
        pylab.plot(x1, y1, 'o', x2, p4(x2), '-g', x2, p5(x2), '-b')
        pylab.legend(['%s to fit' % ric, '4th degree poly', '5th degree poly'])
            0, len(x1) * 1.1,
            min(y1) * 0.997,
            max(y1) * 1.002
        ])  # first pair tells the x axis boundary, 2nd pair y axis boundary

        # compute the slopes of each set of data points
        # sr - slope real contains the slope computed from real data points from d to d+5 days
        # s4 - slope extrapolated by applying 4th degree polynomial
        y_arraysize = len(y1)
        #         s4, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(range(0,num_points_ahead), [p4(i) for i in range(y_arraysize,y_arraysize + num_points_ahead )])
        #         s5, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(range(0,num_points_ahead), [p5(i) for i in range(y_arraysize,y_arraysize + num_points_ahead )])
        s4, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x1, y1)
        s5, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x1, y1)

        rc = (1.0 if s4 > 0.0 else 0.0, 1.0 if s5 > 0.0 else 0.0)
        print s4, s5, rc, y_arraysize
        pylab.savefig('../data/extrapolation/%s-%s.png' % (ric, time))

        d = Q.value
        q = RedisQueue(d['qname'], d['namespace'], d['host'], d['port'],
        q.put((time, y1))

        #         # clear memory
        return rc
Exemple #5
def simple(time, rdd):
    lt = (rdd.collect())

    if lt:

        first = lt[0][1][0]
        last_pos = len(lt) - 1
        last = lt[last_pos][1][0]
        change = (last - first) / last
        msg = '%0.6f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f' % (change, first, last, last_pos)
        print 'process............. %d {%s}' % (NumProcessed.value, msg)
        if abs(change) > Threshold.value:
            d = Q.value
            q = RedisQueue(d['alert_bot_q'][1], d['alert_bot_q'][0], d['host'],
                           d['port'], d['db'])
