def __init__(self,
        Constructs a new com.oonics cdsl from given L{ComoonicsCdslRepository} and nodes. 
        The constructor gets the needed nodes either from list (nodes) or from a given 
        L{ComoonicsClusterInfo} but never from both! You can optional assign the creation 
        timestamp manually.
        Additional the constructor is setting the default values from
        L{ComoonicsCdslRepository} to variables which can easily be accessed during cdsl 
        @param src: source of cdsl to create
        @type src: string
        @param type: type of cdsl to create, could be hostdependent or shared
        @type type: string
        @param cdslRepository: cdslRepository to use
        @type cdslRepository: L{ComoonicsCdslRepository}
        @param clusterinfo: clusterinfo with information about used nodes (Default: None)
        @type clusterinfo: L{ComoonicsClusterInfo}
        @param nodes: Array of nodes to use for cdsl (Default: None)
        @type nodes: Array of strings
        @param timestamp: Timestamp to set to cdsl (Default: None), if not set create timestamp from systemtime
        @type timestamp: string

        #set reldir to current path
        self.reldir = os.getcwd()

        self.logger = ComLog.getLogger("comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl.ComoonicsCdsl")
        src = cdslRepository.stripsrc(src)
        cdslRepository = cdslRepository.getRepositoryForCdsl(src)
        #add default node to a special nodelist
        super(ComoonicsCdsl, self).__init__(src,
        self.nodesWithDefaultdir = self.nodes[:]
        src = cdslRepository.stripsrc(src, False)

        #get needed pathes from cdslrepository and normalize them
        self.cdsltree = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getTreePath())
        self.cdsltree_shared = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getSharedTreepath())
        self.default_dir = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getDefaultDir())
        self.cdsl_link = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getLinkPath())
    def __init__(self, src, _type, cdslRepository, clusterinfo=None, nodes=None, timestamp=None, ignoreerrors=False, realpath=True, stripsource=True):
        Constructs a new com.oonics cdsl from given L{ComoonicsCdslRepository} and nodes. 
        The constructor gets the needed nodes either from list (nodes) or from a given 
        L{ComoonicsClusterInfo} but never from both! You can optional assign the creation 
        timestamp manually.
        Additional the constructor is setting the default values from
        L{ComoonicsCdslRepository} to variables which can easily be accessed during cdsl 
        @param src: source of cdsl to create
        @type src: string
        @param type: type of cdsl to create, could be hostdependent or shared
        @type type: string
        @param cdslRepository: cdslRepository to use
        @type cdslRepository: L{ComoonicsCdslRepository}
        @param clusterinfo: clusterinfo with information about used nodes (Default: None)
        @type clusterinfo: L{ComoonicsClusterInfo}
        @param nodes: Array of nodes to use for cdsl (Default: None)
        @type nodes: Array of strings
        @param timestamp: Timestamp to set to cdsl (Default: None), if not set create timestamp from systemtime
        @type timestamp: string
        @param realpath: Should this src path be resolved to its realpath. Default: True.
        @type  realpath: L{Boolean}
        @param stripsource: Should this src path be stripped and checked or taken as is. 
                            This can be switched of if read from repo (speed up). Default: True.
        @type  stripsource: L{Boolean}

        #set reldir to current path
        self.reldir = os.getcwd()
        # private attribute to store stripped state.

        self.logger = ComLog.getLogger("comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl.ComoonicsCdsl")
        if stripsource and not self._stripped:
            src=cdslRepository.stripsrc(src, realpath=realpath)
        #add default node to a special nodelist
        super(ComoonicsCdsl,self).__init__(src, _type, cdslRepository, clusterinfo, nodes, timestamp, ignoreerrors=ignoreerrors)
        self.nodesWithDefaultdir = self.nodes[:]
        if stripsource and not self._stripped:
            src=cdslRepository.stripsrc(src, join=False, realpath=realpath)

        #get needed pathes from cdslrepository and normalize them
        self.cdsltree = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getTreePath())
        self.cdsltree_shared = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getSharedTreepath())    
        self.default_dir = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getDefaultDir())
        self.cdsl_link = dirtrim(cdslRepository.getLinkPath())
    def walkdir(self, top=".", names=None, recursive=True, onerror=None, filter=None):
        """Directory tree generator.
        Modified version of os.walk(). See L{os} for details of usage.
        In contrast to os.path.walk it does not stop when hitting a symbolic 
        link, but does stop when hitting a underlying mountpoint (replaced 
        i{if not islink(path):} with i{if not ismount(path):}). Needs import 
        from error, listdir of Module L{os} to get needed globals (added i{from 
        os import error, listdir}). Removed import from method islink(). Uses method 
        ismount which is defined in this module.
        from comoonics.cdsl.ComCdslRepository import CdslNotFoundException
        from comoonics.cdsl import ismount, dirtrim
        from comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl import Cdsl    
        if not filter:

        # We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
        # get a list of the files the directory contains.  os.path.walk
        # always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
        # minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
        # left to visit.  That logic is copied here.
            if isinstance(top, Cdsl):
            if not names:
                names = os.listdir(top)
            if isinstance(names, basestring):
                names = [ names, ]

            for name in names:
                # Only links are cdsls so far
                cdsllink=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.cdslrepository.workingdir, top, name))
                if not filter(cdsllink) and not os.path.isdir(cdsllink):
                if self.cdslrepository.isExpandedDir(name):
                cdslsrc=os.path.join(dirtrim(top), name)
                except CdslNotFoundException:
                        cdsl=self.cdslrepository.guessonerror(cdslsrc, self.clusterinfo)
                    except CdslNotFoundException:
                        self.logger.debug("Path %s does not exists and cannot be guessed. Skipping it." %cdslsrc)
                if cdsl:
                    yield cdsl
                if recursive and os.path.isdir(cdslsrc) and not ismount(cdslsrc):
                    for cdsl2 in self.walkdir(cdslsrc, onerror):
                        yield cdsl2
        except os.error, err:
            if onerror is not None:
 def _pathdepth(self,path):
     Method to calculate the depth of a given path.
     @param path: Path
     @type path: string
     @return: Depth of given path
     @rtype: int
     if not _path or _path == "":
         return 0
         return _path.count(os.sep)+1
 def _pathdepth(self, path):
     Method to calculate the depth of a given path.
     @param path: Path
     @type path: string
     @return: Depth of given path
     @rtype: int
     _path = dirtrim(os.path.normpath(path))
     if not _path or _path == "":
         return 0
         return _path.count(os.sep) + 1
    def __init__(self, src, _type, cdslRepository, clusterinfo=None, nodes=None, timestamp=None, ignoreerrors=False):
        Constructs a new cdsl-xml-object from given L{CdslRepository} and nodes. The constructor 
        gets the needed nodes either from list (nodes) or from a given L{ClusterInfo} but never 
        from both! You can optional assign the creation timestamp manually.
        @param src: source of cdsl to create
        @type src: string
        @param type: type of cdsl to create, could be hostdependent or shared
        @type type: string
        @param cdslRepository: cdslRepository to use
        @type cdslRepository: L{CdslRepository}
        @param clusterinfo: clusterinfo with information about used nodes (Default: None)
        @type clusterinfo: L{ClusterInfo}
        @param nodes: Array of nodes to use for cdsl (Default: None)
        @type nodes: Array of strings
        @param timestamp: Timestamp to set to cdsl (Default: None), if not set create timestamp from systemtime
        @type timestamp: string
        import xml.dom
        self.src = dirtrim(src)
        self.type = _type
        self.cdslRepository = cdslRepository
        self.clusterinfo = clusterinfo
        self.logger = ComLog.getLogger("comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl.Cdsl")
        if timestamp != None:
            self.timestamp = timestamp
            self.timestamp = time.time()
        #get nodes from clusterinfo if nodelist is not setgiven
        if (nodes == None or len(nodes)==0) and clusterinfo != None:
            self.node_prefix = cdslRepository.getNodePrefix()
            self.use_nodeids = cdslRepository.getUseNodeids()
            self.maxnodeidnum = cdslRepository.getMaxnodeidnum()
            if ((self.use_nodeids == "True") and (self.maxnodeidnum == "0")): #maxnodidnum is not set but use_nodeid is set
                self.nodes = clusterinfo.getNodeIdentifiers("id")
            elif (self.maxnodeidnum == "0"): #maxnodidnum is set but use_nodeid is not set
                self.nodes = clusterinfo.getNodeIdentifiers("name")
            else: #use_nodeids and maxnodeidnum are set
                self.nodes = range(1,(int(self.maxnodeidnum)+1))
            #value of node_prefix matters if use_nodeids is set
            if ((self.node_prefix) and (self.use_nodeids == "True")):
                for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
                    self.nodes[i] = str(self.node_prefix) + str(self.nodes[i])
            elif (self.node_prefix) and not (self.use_nodeids == "True"):
                raise CdslPrefixWithoutNodeidsException("Prefix could only be used together with use_nodeids")
        #set given nodelist
        elif (nodes != None):
            self.nodes = nodes
        #no nodelist or clusterinfo is given OR both is given
        elif cdslRepository and not self.nodes:
            for node in range(1, int(cdslRepository.getMaxnodeidnum())+1): self.nodes.append(str(node))
            raise TypeError("Cdsl constructor called with wrong parameters. Propably no cdslrepository given.")
        if not self.nodes or len(self.nodes) == 0:
            raise CdslNodeidsRequired("""No node identities specified for this cdsl %s. 
At least on node identity is specified. Either specify a default with with the maxnodeidnum option or add nodes at will.""" %self.src)
        #create DOM-Element
        doc = cdslRepository.getDocument()
        child = doc.documentElement.firstChild
        while child:
            # Do we care about the timestamp?? I think no!
            if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.getAttribute("src") == self.src and child.getAttribute("type") == self.type:
            child = child.nextSibling
        if not topelement:
            for node in self.nodes:
                node1=self._createNoderefElement(node, document=doc)

        #self.XmlElement = doc
        #element = xpath.Evaluate('/cdsl', self.XmlElement)[0]
        if self.parent and self.parent.type == self.type and not ignoreerrors:
            raise CdslOfSameType("Cannot create the cdsl %s of the same type then the already existing cdsl %s." %(self.src, self.parent.src))
    def __init__(self,
        Constructs a new cdsl-xml-object from given L{CdslRepository} and nodes. The constructor 
        gets the needed nodes either from list (nodes) or from a given L{ClusterInfo} but never 
        from both! You can optional assign the creation timestamp manually.
        @param src: source of cdsl to create
        @type src: string
        @param type: type of cdsl to create, could be hostdependent or shared
        @type type: string
        @param cdslRepository: cdslRepository to use
        @type cdslRepository: L{CdslRepository}
        @param clusterinfo: clusterinfo with information about used nodes (Default: None)
        @type clusterinfo: L{ClusterInfo}
        @param nodes: Array of nodes to use for cdsl (Default: None)
        @type nodes: Array of strings
        @param timestamp: Timestamp to set to cdsl (Default: None), if not set create timestamp from systemtime
        @type timestamp: string
        import xml.dom
        self.src = dirtrim(src)
        self.type = _type
        self.cdslRepository = cdslRepository
        self.clusterinfo = clusterinfo
        self.logger = ComLog.getLogger("comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl.Cdsl")

        if timestamp != None:
            self.timestamp = timestamp
            self.timestamp = time.time()

        #get nodes from clusterinfo if nodelist is not setgiven
        if (nodes == None) and (clusterinfo != None):
            self.node_prefix = cdslRepository.getNodePrefix()
            self.use_nodeids = cdslRepository.getUseNodeids()
            self.maxnodeidnum = cdslRepository.getMaxnodeidnum()

            if ((self.use_nodeids == "True") and
                 == "0")):  #maxnodidnum is not set but use_nodeid is set
                self.nodes = clusterinfo.getNodeIdentifiers("id")
            elif (self.maxnodeidnum == "0"
                  ):  #maxnodidnum is set but use_nodeid is not set
                self.nodes = clusterinfo.getNodeIdentifiers("name")

            else:  #use_nodeids and maxnodeidnum are set
                self.nodes = range(1, (int(self.maxnodeidnum) + 1))

            #value of node_prefix matters if use_nodeids is set
            if ((self.node_prefix) and (self.use_nodeids == "True")):
                for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
                    self.nodes[i] = str(self.node_prefix) + str(self.nodes[i])
            elif (self.node_prefix) and not (self.use_nodeids == "True"):
                raise CdslPrefixWithoutNodeidsException(
                    "Prefix could only be used together with use_nodeids")

        #set given nodelist
        elif (nodes != None) and (clusterinfo == None):
            self.nodes = nodes

        #no nodelist or clusterinfo is given OR both is given
        elif cdslRepository:
            self.nodes = []
            for node in range(1, int(cdslRepository.getMaxnodeidnum()) + 1):
            raise TypeError(
                "Cdsl constructor called with wrong parameters. Propably no cdslrepository given."

        #create DOM-Element
        doc = cdslRepository.getDocument()
        topelement = None
        child = doc.documentElement.firstChild
        while child:
            # Do we care about the timestamp?? I think no!
            if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.getAttribute(
                    "src") == self.src and child.getAttribute(
                        "type") == self.type:
                topelement = child
            child = child.nextSibling
        if not topelement:
            topelement = cdslRepository.getDocument().createElement("cdsl")
            topelement.setAttribute("src", self.src)
            topelement.setAttribute("type", self.type)
            topelement.setAttribute("timestamp", str(self.timestamp))

            nodes = doc.createElement("nodes")

            for node in self.nodes:
                node1 = doc.createElement("noderef")
                #If nodeids without prefix are used, use prefix id_ to get a valid xml-file
                #            _isDigit=re.match('^[0-9]*$',str(node))
                #            if _isDigit != None:
                #                node = "id_" + str(node)
                node1.setAttribute("ref", str(node))

        #self.XmlElement = doc
        #element = xpath.Evaluate('/cdsl', self.XmlElement)[0]

        super(Cdsl, self).__init__(topelement, doc)
        parent = self.getParent()
        if parent and parent.type == self.type and not ignoreerrors:
            raise CdslOfSameType(
                "Cannot create the cdsl %s of the same type then the already existing cdsl %s."
                % (self.src, parent.src))
    def walkdir(self,
        """Directory tree generator.
        Modified version of os.walk(). See L{os} for details of usage.
        In contrast to os.path.walk it does not stop when hitting a symbolic 
        link, but does stop when hitting a underlying mountpoint (replaced 
        i{if not islink(path):} with i{if not ismount(path):}). Needs import 
        from error, listdir of Module L{os} to get needed globals (added i{from 
        os import error, listdir}). Removed import from method islink(). Uses method 
        ismount which is defined in this module.
        from comoonics.cdsl.ComCdslRepository import CdslNotFoundException
        from comoonics.cdsl import ismount, dirtrim
        from comoonics.cdsl.ComCdsl import Cdsl
        if not filter:
            filter = os.path.islink

        # We may not have read permission for top, in which case we can't
        # get a list of the files the directory contains.  os.path.walk
        # always suppressed the exception then, rather than blow up for a
        # minor reason when (say) a thousand readable directories are still
        # left to visit.  That logic is copied here.
            if isinstance(top, Cdsl):
                top = top.src
            if not names:
                names = os.listdir(top)
            if isinstance(names, basestring):
                names = [

            for name in names:
                # Only links are cdsls so far
                cdsllink = os.path.normpath(
                    os.path.join(self.cdslrepository.workingdir, top, name))
                if not filter(cdsllink) and not os.path.isdir(cdsllink):
                cdsl = None
                if self.cdslrepository.isExpandedDir(name):
                cdslsrc = os.path.join(dirtrim(top), name)
                    cdsl = self.cdslrepository.getCdsl(cdslsrc)
                except CdslNotFoundException:
                        cdsl = self.cdslrepository.guessonerror(
                            cdslsrc, self.clusterinfo)
                    except CdslNotFoundException:
                            "Path %s does not exists and cannot be guessed. Skipping it."
                            % cdslsrc)
                if cdsl:
                    yield cdsl
                if recursive and os.path.isdir(
                        cdslsrc) and not ismount(cdslsrc):
                    for cdsl2 in self.walkdir(cdslsrc, onerror):
                        yield cdsl2
        except os.error, err:
            if onerror is not None: