Exemple #1
    def test_scenario3(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |
                | ../data/iris.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {}                   | 000004    | Iris-setosa    | 0.2629     |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {}                   | 000005    | 68.62224       | 27.5358    |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"Midterm": 20}      | 000005    | 46.69889      | 37.27594297134128   |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"Midterm": 20, "Tutorial": 90, "TakeHome": 100}     | 000005    | 28.06      | 24.86634   |

        print self.test_scenario3.__doc__
        examples = [[
            'data/iris.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000004', 'Iris-setosa',
                        'data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000005',
                        '68.62224', '27.5358'
                        'data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{"Midterm": 20}',
                        '000005', '46.69889', '37.27594297134128'
                        'data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10',
                        '{"Midterm": 20, "Tutorial": 90, "TakeHome": 100}',
                        '000005', '28.06', '24.86634'
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
                self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
    def test_scenario10(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy and balanced models:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a balanced model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"
                And I create local probabilities for "<data_input>"
                Then the local probabilities are "<probabilities>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |

        examples = [
                'data/iris_unbalanced.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000004',
                'Iris-setosa', '0.25284', '[0.33333, 0.33333, 0.33333]'
                'data/iris_unbalanced.csv', '10', '10', '10',
                '{"petal length":1, "sepal length":1, "petal width": 1, "sepal width": 1}',
                '000004', 'Iris-setosa', '0.7575', '[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]'
        show_doc(self.test_scenario10, examples)
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
                self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
            prediction_create.the_confidence_is(self, example[7])
                self, example[7])
            prediction_compare.i_create_local_probabilities(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_probabilities_are(self, example[8])
    def test_scenario3(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |
                | ../data/iris.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {}                   | 000004    | Iris-setosa    | 0.2629     |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {}                   | 000005    | 68.62224       | 27.5358    |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"Midterm": 20}      | 000005    | 46.69889      | 37.27594297134128   |
                | ../data/grades.csv | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"Midterm": 20, "Tutorial": 90, "TakeHome": 100}     | 000005    | 28.06      | 24.86634   |

        print self.test_scenario3.__doc__
        examples = [
            ["data/iris.csv", "10", "10", "10", "{}", "000004", "Iris-setosa", "0.2629"],
            ["data/grades.csv", "10", "10", "10", "{}", "000005", "68.62224", "27.5358"],
            ["data/grades.csv", "10", "10", "10", '{"Midterm": 20}', "000005", "46.69889", "37.27594297134128"],
                '{"Midterm": 20, "Tutorial": 90, "TakeHome": 100}',
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            dataset_create.the_dataset_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
            prediction_create.i_create_a_proportional_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
            prediction_compare.i_create_a_proportional_local_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
Exemple #4
    def test_scenario6(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy for missing_splits models:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model with missing splits
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |
                | ../data/iris_missing2.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"petal width": 1}             | 000004    | Iris-setosa    | 0.8064     |
                | ../data/iris_missing2.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"petal width": 1, "petal length": 4}             | 000004    | Iris-versicolor    | 0.7847     |

        print self.test_scenario6.__doc__
        examples = [[
            'data/iris_missing2.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{"petal width": 1}',
            '000004', 'Iris-setosa', '0.8064'
                        'data/iris_missing2.csv', '10', '10', '10',
                        '{"petal width": 1, "petal length": 4}', '000004',
                        'Iris-versicolor', '0.7847'
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
                self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
            prediction_create.the_confidence_is(self, example[7])
                self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
                self, example[7])
    def test_scenario6(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy for missing_splits models:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model with missing splits
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |
                | ../data/iris_missing2.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"petal width": 1}             | 000004    | Iris-setosa    | 0.8064     |
                | ../data/iris_missing2.csv   | 10      | 10     | 10     | {"petal width": 1, "petal length": 4}             | 000004    | Iris-versicolor    | 0.7847     |

        print self.test_scenario6.__doc__
        examples = [
            ["data/iris_missing2.csv", "10", "10", "10", '{"petal width": 1}', "000004", "Iris-setosa", "0.8064"],
                '{"petal width": 1, "petal length": 4}',
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            dataset_create.the_dataset_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
            prediction_create.i_create_a_proportional_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
            prediction_create.the_confidence_is(self, example[7])
            prediction_compare.i_create_a_proportional_local_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_confidence_is(self, example[7])
    def test_scenario8(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with text options and proportional missing strategy:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I update the source with params "<options>"
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"


        examples = [
                'data/text_missing.csv', '20', '20', '30',
                '{"fields": {"000001": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}, "000000": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}}}',
                '{}', "000003", 'swap'
                'data/text_missing.csv', '20', '20', '30',
                '{"fields": {"000001": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}, "000000": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}}}',
                '{"category1": "a"}', "000003", 'paperwork'
        show_doc(self.test_scenario8, examples)
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            source_create.i_update_source_with(self, example[4])
                self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
                self, example[5])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[6], example[7])
                self, example[5])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[7])
    def test_scenario10(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy and balanced models:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a balanced model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"
                And I create local probabilities for "<data_input>"
                Then the local probabilities are "<probabilities>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |

        examples = [
            ['data/iris_unbalanced.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000004', 'Iris-setosa', '0.25284', '[0.33333, 0.33333, 0.33333]'],
            ['data/iris_unbalanced.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{"petal length":1, "sepal length":1, "petal width": 1, "sepal width": 1}', '000004', 'Iris-setosa', '0.7575', '[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]']]
        show_doc(self.test_scenario10, examples)
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            dataset_create.the_dataset_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
            prediction_create.i_create_a_proportional_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
            prediction_compare.i_create_a_proportional_local_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
            prediction_create.the_confidence_is(self, example[7])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_confidence_is(self, example[7])
            prediction_compare.i_create_local_probabilities(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_probabilities_are(self, example[8])
    def test_scenario3(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with proportional missing strategy:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And the confidence for the prediction is "<confidence>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"
                And the local prediction's confidence is "<confidence>"

                | data               | time_1  | time_2 | time_3 | data_input           | objective | prediction     | confidence |

        examples = [
            ['data/iris.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000004', 'Iris-setosa', '0.2629'],
            ['data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{}', '000005', '68.62224', '27.5358'],
            ['data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{"Midterm": 20}', '000005', '40.46667', '54.89713'],
            ['data/grades.csv', '10', '10', '10', '{"Midterm": 20, "Tutorial": 90, "TakeHome": 100}', '000005', '28.06', '25.65806']]
        show_doc(self.test_scenario3, examples)
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            dataset_create.the_dataset_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
            prediction_create.i_create_a_proportional_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[5], example[6])
            prediction_create.the_confidence_is(self, example[7])
            prediction_compare.i_create_a_proportional_local_prediction(self, example[4])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[6])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_confidence_is(self, example[7])
    def test_scenario11(self):
            Scenario: Successfully comparing predictions with text options and proportional missing strategy:
                Given I create a data source uploading a "<data>" file
                And I wait until the source is ready less than <time_1> secs
                And I update the source with params "<options>"
                And I create a dataset
                And I wait until the dataset is ready less than <time_2> secs
                And I create a model
                And I wait until the model is ready less than <time_3> secs
                And I create a local model
                When I create a proportional missing strategy prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the prediction for "<objective>" is "<prediction>"
                And I create a proportional missing strategy local prediction for "<data_input>"
                Then the local prediction is "<prediction>"

                | ../data/text_missing.csv | 20      | 20     | 30     | {"fields": {"000001": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}, {"000000": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}}} |{}       | paperwork     |

        print self.test_scenario11.__doc__
        examples = [
            ['data/text_missing.csv', '20', '20', '30', '{"fields": {"000001": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}, "000000": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}}}', '{}', "000003",'swap'],
            ['data/text_missing.csv', '20', '20', '30', '{"fields": {"000001": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}, "000000": {"optype": "text", "term_analysis": {"token_mode": "all", "language": "en"}}}}', '{"category1": "a"}', "000003",'paperwork']]
        for example in examples:
            print "\nTesting with:\n", example
            source_create.i_upload_a_file(self, example[0])
            source_create.the_source_is_finished(self, example[1])
            source_create.i_update_source_with(self, example[4])
            dataset_create.the_dataset_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[2])
            model_create.the_model_is_finished_in_less_than(self, example[3])
            prediction_create.i_create_a_proportional_prediction(self, example[5])
            prediction_create.the_prediction_is(self, example[6], example[7])
            prediction_compare.i_create_a_proportional_local_prediction(self, example[5])
            prediction_compare.the_local_prediction_is(self, example[7])