Exemple #1
def ags_inputs(network):
    Post-Processing Function:
    saves edg_dic_GT and ver_dic_GT files to be used in AGS
    ags_net=Network()  # make a new network 
    map_key_dic=dict(zip(old_key_lis, new_key_lis))  # {old_key:new_key}
    for ver in map_key_dic:
        ags_net.add_node(key=map_key_dic[ver], x=ver_coor[ver]['x'], y=ver_coor[ver]['y'], z=ver_coor[ver]['z'])
    for edg in network.edges():
        if (u, v) not in ags_net.edges() and (v, u) not in ags_net.edges():
            ags_net.add_edge(u, v)
    for key in ags_net.node:
    for ind_edg, edg in enumerate(ags_net.edges()):
    # save the dictionaries to the Source folder
    with open(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'ver_dic_GT.p'), 'wb') as fp: 
        pickle.dump(ver_dic, fp, protocol=2)
    with open(os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'edg_dic_GT.p'), 'wb') as fp:
        pickle.dump(edg_dic, fp, protocol=2)
    return ags_net        
def network_smoothen_lines(lines, fixed):
    net = Network.from_lines(lines)
    fixed = []
    for vk in net.vertex:
        if net.vertex_degree(vk) == 1:
    smooth_network_centroid(net, fixed)
    print net
    return net.to_lines()
Exemple #3
def make_new_network (orig_net, edg_lis):
    makes a new newtork according to new edges
    for edg in edg_lis:
        if edg[0] not in new_net.node:
            new_net.add_node(edg[0], {'x': coor0[0], 'y': coor0[1], 'z': coor0[2]})
        if edg[1] not in new_net.node:    
            new_net.add_node(edg[1], {'x': coor1[0], 'y': coor1[1], 'z': coor1[2]})
        new_net.add_edge(edg[0], edg[1])

    return new_net
Exemple #4
def network_from_bmesh(bmesh, add_faces=False):
    """ Create a Network datastructure from a Blender mesh.

        bmesh (obj): Blender mesh object.
        add_faces (bool): Add the bmesh faces to the Network.

        obj: Network object.
    vertices, edges, faces = bmesh_data(bmesh)
    network = Network.from_vertices_and_edges(vertices, edges)
    if add_faces:
        for c, face in enumerate(faces):
            network.add_face(face, fkey=c)
    return network
Exemple #5
def make_network(ver_dic, edg_dic):
    make "compas" network using ver_dic and edg_dic
    for ind, ver in ver_dic.items():
        net.add_node(ind, {'x': ver[0], 'y': ver[1], 'z': ver[2]})
    for edg in edg_dic.values():
        net.add_edge(edg[0], edg[1])
    return net
def fd_network(net_data):
    network = Network.from_data(net_data)
    k_i = network.key_index()
    xyz = network.get_vertices_attributes(('x', 'y', 'z'))
    loads = network.get_vertices_attributes(('px', 'py', 'pz'))
    q = network.get_edges_attribute('q')

    fixed = [k_i[k] for k in network if network.vertex[k]['is_anchor']]
    edges = [(k_i[u], k_i[v]) for u, v in network.edges_iter()]

    xyz, q, f, l, r = fd(xyz, edges, fixed, q, loads, rtype='list')

    for key in network:
        index = k_i[key]
        network.vertex[key]['x'] = xyz[index][0]
        network.vertex[key]['y'] = xyz[index][1]
        network.vertex[key]['z'] = xyz[index][2]
    return network.to_lines()
Exemple #7
    def network_from_ground_truss(self):
        generate compas network of ground truss and saves it in dic_attr['gt_net']
        (the vertices are the same as the mesh vertices)
        mesh = self.dic_attr['mesh']
        bars = self.dic_attr['bars']
        gt_net = Network()
        for v_key, v_attr in mesh.vertex.items():
            gt_net.add_node(v_key, v_attr)
        for edg in bars:
            gt_net.add_edge(edg[0], edg[1])

        self.dic_attr['gt_net'] = gt_net
Exemple #8
def make_network_from_face(network, key_lis):
    makes a network from list of vertex keys of a face
    used in "find_inner_face_corners" and "find_outer_face_corners"
    for key in key_lis:
        xyz=(network.node[key]['x'], network.node[key]['y'], network.node[key]['z'])
        net.add_node(key, {'x': xyz[0], 'y': xyz[1], 'z': xyz[2]})   
    for edg in network.edges():
        if edg[0] in key_lis and edg[1] in key_lis:
            net.add_edge(edg[0], edg[1])     
    return net
Exemple #9
def rotate_dual(force_net, ANG):
    rotates the force_net coordinates 90 deg counterclockwise
    # save the rotated verteces in ver_coor_90_dic    
    AX=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  # normal to the plane of rotation
    ORG=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    for key in force_net.node:
        pt=rotate_points([coor], ANG, AX, ORG) 
        ver_coor_90_dic[key]=np.round_(pt[0], 3).tolist()            
    # make new rotated dual network 
    for key, coor in ver_coor_90_dic.items():
        force_90_net.add_node(key, {'x': coor[0], 'y': coor[1], 'z': coor[2]})       
    for edg in force_net.edges():
        force_90_net.add_edge(edg[0], edg[1])    

    return force_90_net
Exemple #10
def graph_from_strip_overlap(mesh):
    """Create the strip overlap graph of a (coarse) quad mesh.
	A graph node is a quad face strip and a graph edge is a face crossed by two quad face strips.
	The strip of each edge must be previously stored as an edge attribute.

	mesh : Mesh
		A (coarse) quad mesh.

	graph : graph
		The strip overlap graph.


    graph = Network()

    # add vertices
    strips_to_faces = strip_to_faces_dict(mesh)

    for strip, faces in strips_to_faces.items():
        if strip == -1:
        x, y, z = centroid_points([mesh.face_centroid(fkey) for fkey in faces])
        graph.add_vertex(key=strip, attr_dict={'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z})

    # add edges
    edges = []
    faces_to_strips = faces_to_strips_dict(mesh)
    for strip_1, strip_2 in faces_to_strips.values():
        # no duplicates
        if (strip_1, strip_2) not in edges and (strip_2, strip_1) not in edges:
            edges.append((strip_1, strip_2))
    for u, v in edges:
        graph.add_edge(u, v)

    return graph
Exemple #11
    edges_0 = [
        [6, 3],
        [3, 0],
        [0, 5],
        [5, 4],
        [4, 1],
        [1, 6],
        [6, 2],

    # graph = Network.from_vertices_and_edges(vertices_0, edges_0)
    # key_color = try_colour_graph_with_two_colours(graph)
    # if key_color is not None:
    # 	colors = ['#ff0000', '#0000ff', '#00ff00']
    # 	plotter = NetworkPlotter(graph, figsize=(10, 7))
    # 	plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: colors[key_color[key]] for key in graph.vertices()})
    # 	plotter.draw_edges()
    # 	plotter.show()
    import time
    graph = Network()
    for i in range(7):
        graph.add_vertex(attr_dict={'x': i, 'y': 0, 'z': 0})
    graph.add_edge(0, 1)
    graph.add_edge(2, 1)
    graph.add_edge(3, 4)
    t0 = time.time()
    print graph_disjointed_parts(graph)
    t1 = time.time()
    print t1 - t0
Exemple #12
def mesh_multiple_strip_collapse(cls, mesh, strips_to_collapse):

    boundary_vertices = mesh.vertices_on_boundary()
    boundary_corner_vertices = [
        vkey for vkey in boundary_vertices
        if len(mesh.vertex_neighbors(vkey)) == 2

    edges_to_strips = edges_to_strips_dict(mesh)
    edges_to_collapse = [
        edge for edge, strip in edges_to_strips.items()
        if strip in strips_to_collapse
    faces_to_collapse = [
        fkey for fkey, strips in faces_to_strips_dict(mesh).items()
        if strips[0] in strips_to_collapse or strips[1] in strips_to_collapse

    # get groups of vertices to merge via graph of edges to collapse
    graph = Network()
    for vkey in mesh.vertices():
        x, y, z = mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)
        graph.add_vertex(key=vkey, attr_dict={'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z})
    for u, v in edges_to_collapse:
        graph.add_edge(u, v)
    parts = graph_disjointed_parts(graph)

    # refine boundaries to avoid collapse
    to_subdivide = []
    for boundary in mesh_boundaries(mesh):
        boundary_edges = [(boundary[i], boundary[i + 1])
                          for i in range(len(boundary) - 1)]
        boundary_edges_to_collapse = [
            edge for edge in edges_to_collapse
            if edge in boundary_edges or edge[::-1] in boundary_edges
        if len(boundary_edges) - len(boundary_edges_to_collapse) < 3:
            for edge in boundary_edges:
                if edge not in boundary_edges_to_collapse and edge[::
                                                                   -1] not in boundary_edges_to_collapse:
                    if edge not in to_subdivide and edge[::
                                                         -1] not in to_subdivide:
    # refine pole points to avoid collapse
    poles = {u: [] for u, v in mesh.edges() if u == v}
    for u, v in edges_to_collapse:
        for pole in poles:
            if pole in mesh.halfedge[u] and pole in mesh.halfedge[v]:
                poles[pole].append((u, v))
    for pole, pole_edges_to_collapse in poles.items():
        vertex_faces = list(set(mesh.vertex_faces(pole)))
        if not mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(pole):
            if len(vertex_faces) - len(pole_edges_to_collapse) < 3:
                for fkey in vertex_faces:
                    face_vertices = copy.copy(mesh.face_vertices(fkey))
                    u, v = face_vertices
                    if (u, v) not in pole_edges_to_collapse and (
                            v, u) not in pole_edges_to_collapse:
                        if (u, v) not in to_subdivide and (
                                v, u) not in to_subdivide:
                            to_subdivide.append((u, v))

    # delete faces
    for fkey in faces_to_collapse:

    for u, v in to_subdivide:
        face_strip_subdivide(cls, mesh, u, v)

    # merge vertices
    vertices_to_change = {}
    for part in parts:
        if len(part) > 1:
            # merge at the location of the unique two-valent boundary vertex ...
            xyz = None
            for vkey in part:
                if vkey in boundary_corner_vertices and xyz is None:
                    xyz = mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)
                elif vkey in boundary_corner_vertices and xyz is not None:
                    xyz = None
            # ... or the unique boundary vertex ...
            if xyz is None:
                for vkey in part:
                    if vkey in boundary_vertices and xyz is None:
                        xyz = mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)
                    elif vkey in boundary_vertices and xyz is not None:
                        xyz = None
            # ... or at the centroid
            if xyz is None:
                xyz = centroid_points(
                    [mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey) for vkey in part])
            x, y, z = xyz
            new_vkey = mesh.add_vertex(attr_dict={'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z})
            vertices_to_change.update({vkey: new_vkey for vkey in part})

    for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
        face_vertices = [
            vertices_to_change[vkey] if vkey in vertices_to_change else vkey
            for vkey in mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
        mesh.add_face(face_vertices, fkey)


    return mesh
Exemple #13
        'ry': 0.0,
        'rz': 0.0,

    dea = {
        'qpre': 1.0,
        'fpre': 0.0,
        'lpre': 0.0,
        'linit': 0.0,
        'E': 0.0,
        'radius': 0.0,

    lines = compas.get_data('lines.obj')

    network = Network.from_obj(lines)

    for key, attr in network.vertices(True):
        attr['is_fixed'] = network.vertex_degree(key) == 1

    count = 1
    for u, v, attr in network.edges(True):
        attr['qpre'] = count
        count += 1

    res = drx(network)

                if vkey_1 == vkey_2:
                    if (vkey_2 == polyedge_2[0] or vkey_2 == polyedge_2[-1]
                        ) and not mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(vkey_2):
                    if mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(
                            polyedge_1[0]) and mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(
                                polyedge_1[1]) and mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(
                                ) and mesh.is_vertex_on_boundary(
                    idx_0 = init_polyedges.index(polyedge_1)
                    idx_1 = init_polyedges.index(polyedge_2)
                    edges.append([idx_0, idx_1])

graph = Network.from_vertices_and_edges(vertices, edges)

adjacency = graph.adjacency

key_to_colour = vertex_coloring(adjacency)

colours = []
for key, colour in key_to_colour.items():
    if colour not in colours:

for colour in colours:

if rs.IsLayer(str(0)):
    rs.LayerColor(str(0), [255, 0, 0])
div = 10
factor = 1.0
tol = 0.01
steps = 10000
deg = pi / 180
du = 0.02
dr = 15 * deg
target = get_objects(0)[0]
Xt = array(bezier_curve_interpolate(target, div * n))

# Network

ds = L / m
xyz = [[i * ds, 0, 0] for i in range(n)]
uv = [[i, i + 1] for i in range(m)]
network = Network.from_vertices_and_edges(xyz, uv)
vertices = network.vertices()
edges = network.edges()
network.set_vertices_attributes(vertices, {'EIx': E * I, 'EIy': E * I})
network.set_edges_attributes(edges, {'E': E, 'A': A, 'l0': ds})
network.set_vertices_attributes([0, 1, m - 1, m], {'B': [0, 0, 0]})
network.beams = {'beam': {'nodes': list(range(n))}}

# Manual

dofs = 0, 0, 65 * deg, 0.6, 0, 135 * deg
#Xs = update(dofs, network, Xt, div, factor, tol, steps, ds, refresh=100, bmesh=True, plot=True)

# Optimise

xa, za = Xt[0, 0], Xt[0, 2]
Exemple #16
            if not any([b in network.halfedge[key] for key in colored_with_current]):
                key_to_color[b] = current_color
        for key in colored_with_current[1:]:
        current_color += 1
    return key_to_color

# ==============================================================================
# Debugging
# ==============================================================================

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import compas
    from compas.datastructures.network import Network
    from compas.visualization.plotters.networkplotter import NetworkPlotter

    network = Network.from_obj(compas.get_data('grid_irregular.obj'))

    key_color = network_vertex_coloring(network)
    colors = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff']

    plotter = NetworkPlotter(network)

    plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: colors[key_color[key]] for key in network})

import compas.cad.blender as compas_blender

from compas.datastructures.network import Network

from compas.numerical.methods.forcedensity import fd

__author__    = ['Tom Van Mele', ]
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2017, BRG - ETH Zurich',
__license__   = 'MIT'
__email__     = '*****@*****.**'

# make a network from sample data

network = Network.from_obj(compas.get_data('saddle.obj'))

compas_blender.draw_network(network, type="lines")

# set default vertex and edge attributes

dva = {'is_anchor': False, 'px': 0.0, 'py': 0.0, 'pz': 0.0}
dea = {'q': 1.0}


# identify *anchored* vertices

for key in network:
Exemple #18
    return True

# ==============================================================================
# Debugging
# ==============================================================================

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import compas

    from compas.datastructures.network import Network
    from compas.visualization.plotters.networkplotter import NetworkPlotter

    network = Network.from_obj(compas.get_data('fink.obj'))

    embedding = network.copy()

    fix = (1, 12)

    if embed_network_in_plane(embedding, fix=fix):

        plotter = NetworkPlotter(embedding)

            'start': network.vertex_coordinates(u, 'xy'),
            'end': network.vertex_coordinates(v, 'xy'),
            'color': '#cccccc'
        } for u, v in network.edges()])
    return CtQC

def CitQCi():

def CitQCf():

# ==============================================================================
# Debugging
# ==============================================================================

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import compas
    from compas.datastructures.network import Network

    network = Network.from_obj(compas.get_data('lines.obj'))

    key_index = network.key_index()
    edges = [(key_index[u], key_index[v]) for u, v in network.edges()]

    n = network.number_of_vertices()

    C = connectivity_matrix(edges, n)

    print C
__author__    = ['Tom Van Mele', ]
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2017, BRG - ETH Zurich',
__license__   = 'MIT'
__email__     = '*****@*****.**'

# connect to the MATLAB COM automation server

matlab = MatlabClient()

# make a network from line geometry

guids = compas_rhino.select_lines()
lines = compas_rhino.get_line_coordinates(guids)

network = Network.from_lines(lines)

# vertex coordinates

xyz = matlab.matrix_from_list(network.get_vertices_attributes('xyz'))

# connectivity matrix

m, n = network.number_of_edges(), network.number_of_vertices()
key_index = network.key_index()

C = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]

for i, (u, v) in enumerate(network.edges()):
    j, k = key_index[u], key_index[v]
    C[i][j] = -1