def mesh_scale(mesh, scale=1.0):
    points = [mesh.vertex_coordinates(key) for key in mesh.vertices()]
    points = scale_points(points, scale)
    for index, (key, attr) in enumerate(mesh.vertices(True)):
        x, y, z = points[index]
        attr['x'] = x
        attr['y'] = y
        attr['z'] = z
Exemple #2
    def constant_stress_fields(self):
        plots and calculates constant stress fields
        new_edg_f_dic = self.dic_attr['new_edg_f_dic']
        map_edg_dic = self.dic_attr['map_edg_dic']
        form_net = self.dic_attr['form_net']
        force_90_net = self.dic_attr['force_90_net']
        form_leaves = form_net.leaves()

        TH = 1.0  # [m]  thickness of the coneret element
        SC = 1.0 / (self.sig_c * TH)  # [m], [(kN/100)/m^2]

        # find convex hulls, anchor lines and memeber CLs for stress field
        hull_lis = []
        ten_lines_dic = {
        }  # {index:[[(pt1_line1),(pt2_line1)],[(pt1_line2),(pt2_line2)]]}
        ten_ind = 0
        for edg, dual_edg in map_edg_dic.items():
            if edg[0] in form_leaves:  # to avoid producing extra anchor points at leaves
                CONST = 0
            elif edg[1] in form_leaves:
                CONST = 1
                CONST = 2
            coor1 = form_net.node_coordinates(edg[0])
            coor2 = form_net.node_coordinates(edg[1])
            dual_coor1 = force_90_net.node_coordinates(dual_edg[0])
            dual_coor2 = force_90_net.node_coordinates(dual_edg[1])
            sc_pts_lis = scale_points([dual_coor1, dual_coor2], SC)
            if new_edg_f_dic[edg] > self.den_tol:  # tension
                line_pts_lis = hf.sf_cl_anchor_lines(sc_pts_lis,
                                                     [coor1, coor2], CONST)
                ten_lines_dic[ten_ind] = line_pts_lis
                ten_ind += 1
            elif new_edg_f_dic[edg] < -self.den_tol:  # compression
                hull = hf.minkowski_sum(sc_pts_lis, [coor1, coor2])

        hf.plot_stress_fields(hull_lis, ten_lines_dic)
        hf.sf_rhino_inputs(hull_lis, ten_lines_dic)
Exemple #3
def test_scale_points():
    assert scale_points([[0, 1, 2]], 5) == [[0, 5, 10]]
Exemple #4
    from compas.datastructures import Mesh
    from compas.datastructures import mesh_quads_to_triangles
    from compas.datastructures import mesh_flip_cycles

    from compas.plotters import MeshPlotter
    from compas.utilities import i_to_blue
    from compas.geometry import scale_points

    # mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('models/head-poses/head-reference.obj'))

    mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('models/camel-poses/camel-reference.obj'))

    vertices = scale_points(mesh.get_vertices_attributes('xyz'), 10.0)

    for key, attr in mesh.vertices(True):
        x, y, z = vertices[key]
        attr['x'] = x
        attr['y'] = y
        attr['z'] = z

    # mesh = Mesh.from_obj(compas.get('faces.obj'))
    # mesh_quads_to_triangles(mesh)

    # mesh = Mesh.from_polyhedron(12)
    # mesh_quads_to_triangles(mesh)

    index_key = mesh.index_key()