Exemple #1
	def _call(self, url, data=None, fmt=_urd_typeify):
		assert self._url, "No urd configured for this daemon"
		url = url.replace(' ', '%20')
		if data is not None:
			req = Request(url, json_encode(data), self._headers)
			req = Request(url)
		tries_left = 3
		while True:
				r = urlopen(req)
					return fmt(r.read())
					except Exception:
			except HTTPError as e:
				if e.code in (401, 409,):
				tries_left -= 1
				if not tries_left:
				print('Error %d from urd, %d tries left' % (e.code, tries_left,), file=sys.stderr)
			except ValueError:
				tries_left -= 1
				if not tries_left:
				print('Bad data from urd, %d tries left' % (tries_left,), file=sys.stderr)
			except URLError:
				print('Error contacting urd', file=sys.stderr)
Exemple #2
    def get_access_token(self, verifier=None):
        After user has authorized the request token, get access token
        with user supplied verifier.
            url = self._get_oauth_url('access_token')
            # build request
            request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
            request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer,

            # send request
            resp = urlopen(Request(request.to_url()))  # must
            self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(

            #print ('Access token key: ' + str(self.access_token.key))
            #print ('Access token secret: ' + str(self.access_token.secret))

            return self.access_token
        except Exception as e:
            raise QWeiboError(e)
Exemple #3
    def refresh(self, refresh_token=None):
        """Get a new access token from the supplied refresh token
        endpoint = 'access_token'
        refresh_token = refresh_token or self.refresh_token
        if not refresh_token:
            raise ValueError("refresh_token can't be empty")

        args = {
            'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
            'client_id': self._api_key,
            'refresh_token': refresh_token,

        uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.BASE_URL, endpoint)
        body = urlencode(args)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        req = Request(uri, body, headers)
        resp = urlopen(req)
        content = resp.read()

        if not resp.code == 200:
            raise Error(content)

        response_args = dict(parse_qsl(content))
        self.access_token = response_args.get("access_token", None)
        self.refresh_token = response_args.get("refresh_token", None)
        return response_args
Exemple #4
    def get_access_token(self, verifier=None):
        After user has authorized the request token, get access token
        with user supplied verifier.
            url = self._get_oauth_url('access_token')
            # build request
            request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
                token=self.request_token, http_url=url,
            request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, self.request_token)

            # send request
            resp = urlopen(Request(request.to_url()))  # must
            self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read().decode('ascii'))

            #print ('Access token key: ' + str(self.access_token.key))
            #print ('Access token secret: ' + str(self.access_token.secret))

            return self.access_token
        except Exception as e:
            raise QWeiboError(e)
Exemple #5
    def refresh(self, refresh_token=None):
        """Get a new access token from the supplied refresh token
        endpoint = 'access_token'
        refresh_token = refresh_token or self.refresh_token
        if not refresh_token:
            raise ValueError("refresh_token can't be empty")

        args = {
            'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
            'client_id': self._api_key,
            'refresh_token': refresh_token,

        uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.BASE_URL, endpoint)
        body = urlencode(args)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        req = Request(uri, body, headers)
        resp = urlopen(req)
        content = resp.read()

        if not resp.code == 200:
            raise Error(content)

        response_args = dict(parse_qsl(content))
        self.access_token = response_args.get("access_token", None)
        self.refresh_token = response_args.get("refresh_token", None)
        return response_args
Exemple #6
    def get_access_token(self, code):
        """user code to access token
        Get an access token from the supplied code
        if code is None:
            raise ValueError("Code must be set.")


        params = {}
        if 'state' in self.params:
            params['state'] = self.params['state']

        args = {
            'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
            'client_id': self._api_key,
            'client_secret': self._api_secret,
            'code': code,
            'redirect_uri': self.callback,

        args.update(params or {})

        uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.BASE_URL, endpoint)
        body = urlencode(args)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        req = Request(uri, body, headers)
        resp = urlopen(req)
        content = resp.read()

        if not resp.code == 200:
            print (resp, resp.code, content)
            raise Error(content)

        response_args = dict(parse_qsl(content))

        error = response_args.get('error', None)
        if error is not None:
            msg = "%s:%s" % (error,
                             response_args.get('error_description', ''))
            raise Error(msg)

        refresh_token = response_args.get('refresh_token', None)
        access_token = response_args.get('access_token', None)
        openid = response_args.get('openid', None)

        self.refresh_token = refresh_token
        self.access_token = access_token
        self.openid = openid

        if refresh_token is not None:
            response_args = self.refresh(refresh_token)

        return response_args
Exemple #7
    def get_access_token(self, code):
        """user code to access token
        Get an access token from the supplied code
        if code is None:
            raise ValueError("Code must be set.")

        endpoint = 'access_token'

        params = {}
        if 'state' in self.params:
            params['state'] = self.params['state']

        args = {
            'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
            'client_id': self._api_key,
            'client_secret': self._api_secret,
            'code': code,
            'redirect_uri': self.callback,

        args.update(params or {})

        uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.BASE_URL, endpoint)
        body = urlencode(args)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        req = Request(uri, body, headers)
        resp = urlopen(req)
        content = resp.read()

        if not resp.code == 200:
            print(resp, resp.code, content)
            raise Error(content)

        response_args = dict(parse_qsl(content))

        error = response_args.get('error', None)
        if error is not None:
            msg = "%s:%s" % (error, response_args.get('error_description', ''))
            raise Error(msg)

        refresh_token = response_args.get('refresh_token', None)
        access_token = response_args.get('access_token', None)
        openid = response_args.get('openid', None)

        self.refresh_token = refresh_token
        self.access_token = access_token
        self.openid = openid

        if refresh_token is not None:
            response_args = self.refresh(refresh_token)

        return response_args
Exemple #8
	def _url_get(self, *path, **kw):
		url = self.url + os.path.join('/', *path)
		req = urlopen(url, **kw)
			resp = req.read()
		if PY3:
			resp = resp.decode('utf-8')
		return resp
Exemple #9
 def _get_request_token(self):
         url = self._get_oauth_url('request_token')
         request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
             self._consumer, http_url=url, callback=self.callback)
         request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, None)
         resp = urlopen(Request(request.to_url()))  # must
         return oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read().decode('ascii'))
     except RuntimeError as e:
         raise QWeiboError(e)
Exemple #10
 def _get_request_token(self):
         url = self._get_oauth_url('request_token')
         request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(
             self._consumer, http_url=url, callback=self.callback
         request.sign_request(self._sigmethod, self._consumer, None)
         resp = urlopen(Request(request.to_url()))  # must
         return oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(resp.read().decode('ascii'))
     except RuntimeError as e:
         raise QWeiboError(e)
Exemple #11
    def resolve_remote(self, uri):
        Resolve a remote ``uri``.

        If called directly, does not check the store first, but after
        retrieving the document at the specified URI it will be saved in
        the store if :attr:`cache_remote` is True.

        .. note::

            If the requests_ library is present, ``jsonschema`` will use it to
            request the remote ``uri``, so that the correct encoding is
            detected and used.

            If it isn't, or if the scheme of the ``uri`` is not ``http`` or
            ``https``, UTF-8 is assumed.


            uri (str):

                The URI to resolve


            The retrieved document

        .. _requests: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/


        scheme = urlsplit(uri).scheme

        if scheme in self.handlers:
            result = self.handlers[scheme](uri)
        elif (
            scheme in [u"http", u"https"] and
            requests and
            getattr(requests.Response, "json", None) is not None
            # Requests has support for detecting the correct encoding of
            # json over http
            if callable(requests.Response.json):
                result = requests.get(uri).json()
                result = requests.get(uri).json
            # Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8
            result = json.loads(urlopen(uri).read().decode("utf-8"))

        if self.cache_remote:
            self.store[uri] = result
        return result
  def _next_key_and_value(self):
    Parse a single attribute type and value pair from one or
    more lines of LDIF data

    Returns attr_type (text) and attr_value (bytes)
    # Reading new attribute line
    unfolded_line = self._unfold_lines()
    # Ignore comments which can also be folded
    while unfolded_line and unfolded_line[0]=='#':
      unfolded_line = self._unfold_lines()
    if not unfolded_line:
      return None,None
    if unfolded_line=='-':
      return '-',None
      colon_pos = unfolded_line.index(':')
    except ValueError as e:
      raise ValueError('no value-spec in %s' % (repr(unfolded_line)))
    attr_type = unfolded_line[0:colon_pos]
    # if needed attribute value is BASE64 decoded
    value_spec = unfolded_line[colon_pos:colon_pos+2]
    if value_spec==': ':
      attr_value = unfolded_line[colon_pos+2:].lstrip()
      # All values should be valid ascii; we support UTF-8 as a
      # non-official, backwards compatibility layer.
      attr_value = attr_value.encode('utf-8')
    elif value_spec=='::':
      # attribute value needs base64-decoding
      # base64 makes sens only for ascii
      attr_value = unfolded_line[colon_pos+2:]
      attr_value = attr_value.encode('ascii')
      attr_value = self._b64decode(attr_value)
    elif value_spec==':<':
      # fetch attribute value from URL
      url = unfolded_line[colon_pos+2:].strip()
      attr_value = None
      if self._process_url_schemes:
        u = urlparse(url)
        if u[0] in self._process_url_schemes:
          attr_value = urlopen(url).read()
      # All values should be valid ascii; we support UTF-8 as a
      # non-official, backwards compatibility layer.
      attr_value = unfolded_line[colon_pos+1:].encode('utf-8')
    return attr_type,attr_value
Exemple #13
    def resolve_remote(self, uri):
        Resolve a remote ``uri``.

        Does not check the store first, but stores the retrieved document in
        the store if :attr:`RefResolver.cache_remote` is True.

        .. note::

            If the requests_ library is present, ``jsonschema`` will use it to
            request the remote ``uri``, so that the correct encoding is
            detected and used.

            If it isn't, or if the scheme of the ``uri`` is not ``http`` or
            ``https``, UTF-8 is assumed.

        :argument str uri: the URI to resolve
        :returns: the retrieved document

        .. _requests: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/


        scheme = urlsplit(uri).scheme

        if scheme in self.handlers:
            result = self.handlers[scheme](uri)
        elif (
            scheme in ["http", "https"] and
            requests and
            getattr(requests.Response, "json", None) is not None
            # Requests has support for detecting the correct encoding of
            # json over http
            if callable(requests.Response.json):
                result = requests.get(uri).json()
                result = requests.get(uri).json
            # Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8
            result = json.loads(urlopen(uri).read().decode("utf-8"))

        if self.cache_remote:
            self.store[uri] = result
        return result
    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
        if len(args):
            raise TypeError('Only keyword arguments are allowed')
        form = _MultiPartForm()
        for (k, v) in kargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, File):
                form.add_file(k, v.get_filename(), v.content)

        url = self._urlbase
        for k, v in self._mkarg(kargs).items():
            form.add_field(k, v)

        body = form.bytes
        request = Request(url, data=body)
        request.add_header('Content-type', form.get_content_type())
        request.add_header('Content-length', str(len(body)))


        retry = self._api.max_retries
        while True:
            retry -= 1
                ret = urlopen(request, timeout=self._api.timeout).read()
            except HTTPError as e:
                raise APIError(e.code, url, e.read())
            except (socket.error, URLError) as e:
                if retry < 0:
                    raise e
                _print_debug('caught error: {}; retrying'.format(e))

        if self._api.decode_result:
                ret = json.loads(ret, object_hook=ObjectDict)
                raise APIError(-1, url,
                               'json decode error, value={0!r}'.format(ret))
        return ret
Exemple #15
def _json_file(path):
    return json.loads(urlopen(path).read().decode("utf-8"))
Exemple #16
        def execute(self):
            # Build the request URL
            url = self.api_root + self.path
            #if self.api.source is not None:
            #    self.parameters.setdefault('source',self.api.source)

            if len(self.parameters):
                if self.method == 'GET':
                    url = '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(self.parameters))
                    self.headers.setdefault("User-Agent", "pyqqweibo")
                    if self.post_data is None:
                        self.headers.setdefault("Accept", "text/html")
                        self.headers.setdefault("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                        # asure in bytes format
                        self.post_data = urlencode(self.parameters).encode('ascii')
            # Query the cache if one is available
            # and this request uses a GET method.
            if self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET':
                cache_result = self.api.cache.get(url)
                # if cache result found and not expired, return it
                if cache_result:
                    # must restore api reference
                    if isinstance(cache_result, list):
                        for result in cache_result:
                            result._api = self.api
                        cache_result._api = self.api
                    return cache_result
            # Continue attempting request until successful
            # or maximum number of retries is reached.
            sTime = time.time()
            retries_performed = 0
            while retries_performed < self.retry_count + 1:
                # Open connection
                # FIXME: add timeout
                # Apply authentication
                if self.require_auth and self.api.auth:
                    url_full = self.api.auth.get_authed_url(
                        self.scheme + self.host + url,
                        self.method, self.headers, self.parameters
                else:                   # this brunch is never accoured
                    url_full = self.api.auth.get_signed_url(
                        self.scheme + self.host + url,
                        self.method, self.headers, self.parameters
                    if self.method == 'POST':
                        req = Request(url_full, data=self.post_data, headers=self.headers)
                        req = Request(url_full)
                    resp = urlopen(req)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise QWeiboError("Failed to request %s headers=%s %s" % \
                                      (url, self.headers, e))

                # Exit request loop if non-retry error code
                if self.retry_errors:
                    if resp.code not in self.retry_errors:
                    if resp.code == 200:

                # Sleep before retrying request again
                retries_performed += 1

            # If an error was returned, throw an exception
            body = resp.read()
            self.api.last_response = resp
            if self.api.log is not None:
                requestUrl = "URL:http://" + self.host + url
                eTime = '%.0f' % ((time.time() - sTime) * 1000)
                postData = ""
                if self.post_data is not None:
                    postData = ",post:" + self.post_data[:500]
                self.api.log.debug("%s, time: %s, %s result: %s" % (requestUrl, eTime, postData, body))

            retcode = 0
            errcode = 0
            # for py3k, ^_^
            if not hasattr(body, 'encode'):
                body = str(body, 'utf-8')
            if self.api.parser.payload_format == 'json':
                    # BUG: API BUG, refer api.doc.rst
                    if body.endswith('out of memery'):
                        body = body[:body.rfind('}')+1]
                    json = self.api.parser.parse_error(self, body)
                    retcode = json.get('ret', 0)
                    msg = json.get('msg', '')
                    # only in some post request
                    errcode = json.get('errcode', 0)
                except ValueError as e:
                    retcode = -1
                    msg = "Bad json format (%s)" % e
                    if retcode + errcode != 0:
                        raise QWeiboError("Response error: %s. (ret=%s, errcode=%s)" % \
                                          (msg, retcode, errcode))

            # Parse the response payload
            result = self.api.parser.parse(self, body)

            # Store result into cache if one is available.
            if self.api.cache and self.method == 'GET' and result:
                self.api.cache.store(url, result)
            return result