Exemple #1
 def unpack(self, i):
     o, p = b'', 0
     while p < len(i):
         # for python 3 must use slice since i[p] returns int while slice returns character
         c = ord(i[p:p + 1])
         p += 1
         if (c >= 1 and c <= 8):
             o += i[p:p + c]
             p += c
         elif (c < 128):
             o += bchr(c)
         elif (c >= 192):
             o += b' ' + bchr(c ^ 128)
             if p < len(i):
                 c = (c << 8) | ord(i[p:p + 1])
                 p += 1
                 m = (c >> 3) & 0x07ff
                 n = (c & 7) + 3
                 if (m > n):
                     o += o[-m:n - m]
                     for _ in range(n):
                         # because of completely ass-backwards decision by python mainters for python 3
                         # we must use slice for bytes as i[p] returns int while slice returns character
                         if m == 1:
                             o += o[-m:]
                             o += o[-m:-m + 1]
     return o
Exemple #2
def Idpf_encryption_key(uid):
    # remove whitespace changing nothing else
    key = utf8_str(uid)
    key = key.replace(bchr(x20), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(x09), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(x0d), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(x0a), b'')
    key = SHA1(key)
    return key
Exemple #3
def Idpf_encryption_key(uid):
    # remove whitespace changing nothing else
    key = utf8_str(uid)
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x20),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x09),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0d),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0a),b'')
    key = SHA1(key)
    return key
Exemple #4
def Idpf_encryption_key(uid):
    # remove whitespace changing nothing else
    key = utf8_str(uid)
    if key.startswith(b"urn:uuid:"):
        key = key[9:]
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x20),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x09),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0d),b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0a),b'')
    key = SHA1(key)
    return key
Exemple #5
def Idpf_encryption_key(uid):
    # remove whitespace changing nothing else
    key = utf8_str(uid)
    if key.startswith(b"urn:uuid:"):
        key = key[9:]
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x20), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x09), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0d), b'')
    key = key.replace(bchr(0x0a), b'')
    key = SHA1(key)
    return key
Exemple #6
def Idpf_mangle_fonts(encryption_key, data):
    if isinstance(data, text_type):
        print('Error: font data must be a byte string')
    crypt = data[:1040]
    key = cycle(iter(map(bord, encryption_key)))
    encrypt = b''.join([bchr(bord(x) ^ next(key)) for x in crypt])
    return encrypt + data[1040:]
Exemple #7
def Idpf_mangle_fonts(encryption_key, data):
    if isinstance(data, text_type):
        print('Error: font data must be a byte string')
    crypt = data[:1040]
    key = cycle(iter(map(bord, encryption_key)))
    encrypt = b''.join([bchr(bord(x)^next(key)) for x in crypt])
    return encrypt + data[1040:]
Exemple #8
 def getIndexData(self, idx, label="Unknown"):
     sect = self.sect
     outtbl = []
     ctoc_text = {}
     if idx != 0xffffffff:
                                    "{0} Main INDX section".format(label))
         data = sect.loadSection(idx)
         idxhdr, hordt1, hordt2 = self.parseINDXHeader(data)
         IndexCount = idxhdr['count']
         # handle the case of multiple sections used for CTOC
         rec_off = 0
         off = idx + IndexCount + 1
         for j in range(idxhdr['nctoc']):
             cdata = sect.loadSection(off + j)
             sect.setsectiondescription(off + j,
                                        label + ' CTOC Data ' + str(j))
             ctocdict = self.readCTOC(cdata)
             for k in ctocdict:
                 ctoc_text[k + rec_off] = ctocdict[k]
             rec_off += 0x10000
         tagSectionStart = idxhdr['len']
         controlByteCount, tagTable = readTagSection(tagSectionStart, data)
         if self.DEBUG:
             print("ControlByteCount is", controlByteCount)
             print("IndexCount is", IndexCount)
             print("TagTable: %s" % tagTable)
         for i in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + IndexCount):
                 i, "{0} Extra {1:d} INDX section".format(label, i - idx))
             data = sect.loadSection(i)
             hdrinfo, ordt1, ordt2 = self.parseINDXHeader(data)
             idxtPos = hdrinfo['start']
             entryCount = hdrinfo['count']
             if self.DEBUG:
                 print(idxtPos, entryCount)
             # loop through to build up the IDXT position starts
             idxPositions = []
             for j in range(entryCount):
                 pos, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H', data,
                                           idxtPos + 4 + (2 * j))
             # The last entry ends before the IDXT tag (but there might be zero fill bytes we need to ignore!)
             # for each entry in the IDXT build up the tagMap and any associated text
             for j in range(entryCount):
                 startPos = idxPositions[j]
                 endPos = idxPositions[j + 1]
                 textLength = ord(data[startPos:startPos + 1])
                 text = data[startPos + 1:startPos + 1 + textLength]
                 if hordt2 is not None:
                     text = b''.join(bchr(hordt2[bord(x)]) for x in text)
                 tagMap = getTagMap(controlByteCount, tagTable, data,
                                    startPos + 1 + textLength, endPos)
                 outtbl.append([text, tagMap])
                 if self.DEBUG:
     return outtbl, ctoc_text
Exemple #9
def mangle_fonts(encryption_key, data):
    if isinstance(encryption_key, text_type):
        encryption_key = encryption_key.encode('latin-1')
    crypt = data[:1024]
    key = cycle(iter(map(bord, encryption_key)))
    # encrypt = ''.join([chr(ord(x)^key.next()) for x in crypt])
    encrypt = b''.join([bchr(bord(x) ^ next(key)) for x in crypt])
    return encrypt + data[1024:]
Exemple #10
    def applyInflectionRule(self, mainEntry, inflectionRuleData, start, end):
        Apply inflection rule.

        @param mainEntry: The word to inflect.
        @param inflectionRuleData: The inflection rules.
        @param start: The start position of the inflection rule to use.
        @param end: The end position of the inflection rule to use.
        @return: The string with the inflected word or None if an error occurs.
        mode = -1
        byteArray = array.array(array_format, mainEntry)
        position = len(byteArray)
        for charOffset in range(start, end):
            char = inflectionRuleData[charOffset:charOffset + 1]
            abyte = ord(char)
            if abyte >= 0x0a and abyte <= 0x13:
                # Move cursor backwards
                offset = abyte - 0x0a
                if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
                    mode = 0x02
                    position = len(byteArray)
                position -= offset
            elif abyte > 0x13:
                if mode == -1:
                        "Error: Unexpected first byte %i of inflection rule" %
                    return None
                elif position == -1:
                        "Error: Unexpected first byte %i of inflection rule" %
                    return None
                    if mode == 0x01:
                        # Insert at word start
                        byteArray.insert(position, abyte)
                        position += 1
                    elif mode == 0x02:
                        # Insert at word end
                        byteArray.insert(position, abyte)
                    elif mode == 0x03:
                        # Delete at word end
                        position -= 1
                        deleted = byteArray.pop(position)
                        if bchr(deleted) != char:
                            if DEBUG_DICT:
                                print("0x03: %s %s %s %s" %
                                       char, bchr(deleted)))
                                "Error: Delete operation of inflection rule failed"
                            return None
                    elif mode == 0x04:
                        # Delete at word start
                        deleted = byteArray.pop(position)
                        if bchr(deleted) != char:
                            if DEBUG_DICT:
                                print("0x03: %s %s %s %s" %
                                       char, bchr(deleted)))
                                "Error: Delete operation of inflection rule failed"
                            return None
                            "Error: Inflection rule mode %x is not implemented"
                            % mode)
                        return None
            elif abyte == 0x01:
                # Insert at word start
                if mode not in [0x01, 0x04]:
                    position = 0
                mode = abyte
            elif abyte == 0x02:
                # Insert at word end
                if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
                    position = len(byteArray)
                mode = abyte
            elif abyte == 0x03:
                # Delete at word end
                if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
                    position = len(byteArray)
                mode = abyte
            elif abyte == 0x04:
                # Delete at word start
                if mode not in [0x01, 0x04]:
                    position = 0
                # Delete at word start
                mode = abyte
                print("Error: Inflection rule mode %x is not implemented" %
                return None
        return utf8_str(byteArray.tostring())