def setFamData(rfid = None, ftype = None,**kwargs): assert rfid; assert ftype; fprefix = 'FA' if ftype == 'all' else 'RS' sdat = bsu.load_data('{1}_{0}'.format(rfid,fprefix), 'output') tdat = bsu.load_data('{1}_tree_{0}'.format(rfid,fprefix), 'output') return sdat, tdat
def run_single(run_id): ''' Given an input dictionary containing a single paramater set run mcmc in matlab using bs_macros.run_matlab. ''' input_dict = butils.load_data(run_id,'input') return bsm.runmat('run_mcmc', input_dict, run_id)
def run(run_id): data = bsu.load_data(run_id, 'input') ofs = data['ofs'] outputs = get_consensus(ofs, run_id = run_id, reset = True) return(outputs)
def view2(): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/outputs")) if "mcmc" in l] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] ids = ids[::10] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] outs = [butils.load_data(i, "output") for i in ids] # idxs_good = nonzero(greater([elt.get('improve_ratio') for elt in outs],, .2 )[0] idxs_good = range(len(outs)) outs = [o for idx, o in enumerate(outs) if idx in idxs_good] inps = [i for idx, i in enumerate(inps) if idx in idxs_good] params = inps[0].keys() f = myplots.fignum(1, (8, 8)) params = params for i, p in enumerate(params): ax = f.add_axes([0.05, i * (1.0 / len(params)), 0.9, 1.0 / len(params)], title=p) # ax.set_yticks([]) # ax.set_xticks([]) xvals = [elt.get(p) for elt in inps] if type(xvals[0]) == str: continue yvals = [elt.get("improve_ratio") for elt in outs] yvals2 = [elt.get("stay_same") for elt in outs] yvals += random.rand(*shape(yvals)) * (max(yvals) - min(yvals)) / 50 yvals2 += random.rand(*shape(yvals)) * (max(yvals) - min(yvals)) / 50 xvals += random.rand(*shape(xvals)) * (max(xvals) - min(xvals)) / 50 ax.scatter(xvals, yvals) # ax.scatter(xvals , yvals + yvals2, 25, color = 'red') ax.annotate(p, [0, 0], xycoords="axes fraction", ha="left", va="bottom") f.savefig(cfg.dataPath("figs/soheil/")) raise Exception() return inps
def get_tree(rfid, fam_type='all'): if fam_type == 'riboswitch': rname = rfid si = 'FA_{0}'.format(rfid) ti = 'FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) elif fam_type == 'all': rname = rfid si = 'FA_{0}'.format(rfid) ti = 'FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) print 'Loading family for {0}'.format(rname) try: structs = bsu.load_data(si, 'output') trees = bsu.load_data(ti, 'output') print 'Success! Analyzing tree output' except Exception, e: print 'Failure! Did I make a booboo?' return None
def get_tree(rfid, fam_type = 'all'): if fam_type == 'riboswitch': rname = rfid si ='FA_{0}'.format(rfid) ti = 'FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) elif fam_type == 'all': rname = rfid si = 'FA_{0}'.format(rfid) ti = 'FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) print 'Loading family for {0}'.format(rname) try: structs = bsu.load_data(si, 'output') trees = bsu.load_data(ti, 'output') print 'Success! Analyzing tree output' except Exception, e: print 'Failure! Did I make a booboo?' return None
def test_bsubfun(run_id): """ A sample function to demonstrate the calling of a matlab script (here, ap_frompy) from within python. Taking an input dictionary and a run_id, this script is designed to be called using the 'eyeball' class from utils/ inputs: input_dict: {similarities: a similarity matrix for the input points, self_similarity: a single value for the self similarity of datapoints. Control cluster size. outputs: outpt_dict: {indexes: cluster exemplar indices.} """ input_dict = butils.load_data(run_id, "input") return bsm.runmat("ap_frompy", input_dict, run_id)
def test_bsubfun(run_id): ''' A sample function to demonstrate the calling of a matlab script (here, ap_frompy) from within python. Taking an input dictionary and a run_id, this script is designed to be called using the 'eyeball' class from utils/ inputs: input_dict: {similarities: a similarity matrix for the input points, self_similarity: a single value for the self similarity of datapoints. Control cluster size. outputs: outpt_dict: {indexes: cluster exemplar indices.} ''' input_dict = butils.load_data(run_id, 'input') return bsm.runmat('ap_frompy', input_dict, run_id)
def setModules(**kwargs): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp")) if "mcmc" in l] fpaths = [os.path.join(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp"), f) for f in files] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] modules = {} lin_modules = {} for fidx, f in enumerate(fpaths): print "Getting module info for: {0}".format(f) data = sio.loadmat(f) tfnames = [d[0][0] for d in data["tf_names"]] tgnames = [d[0][0] for d in data["gene_names"]] coefs = [d[0][0] for d in data["coefs_dic_nonlinear"]] inp = inps[fidx] term_list = [list(it.chain(*mod)) for mod in data["model"]] for j, terms in enumerate(term_list): if sum([len(t) for t in terms]) == 0: continue for k, t in enumerate(terms): mod = tuple([tfnames[i] for i in sorted(t - 1)]) mod_d = modules.get(mod, dict(genes=[], coefs=[], fpaths=[], clust_fpaths=[])) mod_d["genes"].append(tgnames[j]) mod_d["coefs"].append(coefs[j][k]) mod_d["clust_fpaths"].append(inp["filename"]) mod_d["fpaths"].append(f) modules[mod] = mod_d lin_coefs = [d[0][0] for d in data["coefs_dic_nonlinear"]] term_list = [list(it.chain(*mod)) for mod in data["model_linear"]] for j, terms in enumerate(term_list): if sum([len(t) for t in terms]) == 0: continue for k, t in enumerate(terms): mod = tuple([tfnames[i] for i in sorted(t - 1)]) mod_d = lin_modules.get(mod, dict(genes=[], coefs=[], fpaths=[], clust_fpaths=[])) mod_d["genes"].append(tgnames[j]) mod_d["coefs"].append(coefs[j][k]) mod_d["fpaths"].append(f) mod_d["clust_fpaths"].append(inp["filename"]) lin_modules[mod] = mod_d return modules, lin_modules
def remote_make_tests(run_id): ''' the idea is that this function will queue up the batch jobs and submit them with bsub. Using eyeball, it will then wait until all jobs are done and when they are, export output back to gliese. inputs: run_id output: the datapath (same for local and remote) of data output from threads. ''' test = False if test: mirnaf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[0][1]), 'miRNA.mat') mirna = sio.loadmat(mirnaf) expr = mirna['expression'] e_norms = sum(expr**2, 1) cluster_dists = e_norms[:,newaxis] + e_norms[newaxis,:] \ - 2 * dot(expr, expr.T) sims = -cluster_dists inp_dicts = [] percentiles = logspace(-2, 1.99, 3) for p in percentiles: inp_dicts.append( dict(similarities=sims, self_similarity=percentile(sims.flatten(), p))) else: inp_dicts = butils.load_data(run_id, 'input') eyeball = bsub.eyeball(run_id, os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1]), inp_dicts, func='test_bsubfun', name=run_id + '_test_', mem=2) eyeball.launch() eyeball. await () eyeball.package() eyeball.complete()
def bic_clustering(run_id): """ A matlab/bsub process to compute the BIC maximal clustering for an input dictionary containing a similarity matrix. inputs: input_dict: {similarities: a similarity matrix} outputs: output_dict: {inds:cluster exemplar indices, (MAX BIC) self_similarity:float, self similarity (MAX BIC) inds_[#]: (same as above, ALL BIC) self_similarity_[#}: (...) bic_[#]: (...) } """ input_dict = butils.load_data(run_id, "input") return bsm.runmat("ap_max_bic", input_dict, run_id)
def bic_clustering(run_id): ''' A matlab/bsub process to compute the BIC maximal clustering for an input dictionary containing a similarity matrix. inputs: input_dict: {similarities: a similarity matrix} outputs: output_dict: {inds:cluster exemplar indices, (MAX BIC) self_similarity:float, self similarity (MAX BIC) inds_[#]: (same as above, ALL BIC) self_similarity_[#}: (...) bic_[#]: (...) } ''' input_dict = butils.load_data(run_id, 'input') return bsm.runmat('ap_max_bic', input_dict, run_id)
def fetch_genes(): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp")) if "mcmc" in l] fpaths = [os.path.join(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp"), f) for f in files] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] l_info = {} for l, elt in enumerate(zip(fpaths, inps)): f, inp = elt if inp["out_iter_num"] == 2: continue print inp["filename"] clustname ="_([^_]+)\.mat"), inp["filename"]).group(1) l_info[l] = {} l_info[l]["cname"] = clustname l_info[l]["filename"] = inp["filename"] data = sio.loadmat(f) l_info[l]["stay_same"] = data["stay_same"] l_info[l]["improve_ratio"] = data["improve_ratio"] l_info[l]["error_test"] = data["error_test"] l_info[l]["error_test"] = data["error_test"]
def errors(): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp")) if "mcmc" in l] fpaths = [os.path.join(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp"), f) for f in files] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] idxs_good = nonzero(greater([elt.get("out_iter_num") for elt in inps], -1))[0] inps = [inps[i] for i in idxs_good] fpaths = [fpaths[i] for i in idxs_good] errors, staysames, improves = [], [], [] for l, elt in enumerate(zip(fpaths, inps)): f, inp = elt data = sio.loadmat(f) errors.append(data["error"]) staysames.append(data["stay_same"]) improves.append(data["improve_ratio"]) gnames = data["gene_names"] return errors, staysames, improves, gnames
def remote_make_tests(run_id): """ the idea is that this function will queue up the batch jobs and submit them with bsub. Using eyeball, it will then wait until all jobs are done and when they are, export output back to gliese. inputs: run_id output: the datapath (same for local and remote) of data output from threads. """ test = False if test: mirnaf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[0][1]), "miRNA.mat") mirna = sio.loadmat(mirnaf) expr = mirna["expression"] e_norms = sum(expr ** 2, 1) cluster_dists = e_norms[:, newaxis] + e_norms[newaxis, :] - 2 * dot(expr, expr.T) sims = -cluster_dists inp_dicts = [] percentiles = logspace(-2, 1.99, 3) for p in percentiles: inp_dicts.append(dict(similarities=sims, self_similarity=percentile(sims.flatten(), p))) else: inp_dicts = butils.load_data(run_id, "input") eyeball = bsub.eyeball( run_id, os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1]), inp_dicts, func="test_bsubfun", name=run_id + "_test_", mem=2 ) eyeball.launch() eyeball.await() eyeball.package() eyeball.complete()
def eval_seq_group(gap_seqs, rfid, run_id, inp_run_id, reset = True, draw_alis = draw_all_easy, clade_alignment_method = clade_alignment_method, max_structs = 5): rutils = utils data = butils.load_data(inp_run_id, 'output') structs = data['structs'] energies = data['energies'] esrt = argsort(energies)[::-1] s_inds = esrt[:max_structs] structs, energies = [structs[i] for i in s_inds], [energies[i] for i in s_inds] refseq = data['seq'] nq = len(gap_seqs) ns = len(structs) names = ['N{1:04}'.format(rfid, idx) for idx in range(nq)] seqs = [rutils.ungapped_seq(gap_seqs[i], names[i]) for i in range(nq)] profiles = mem.getOrSet(setProfiles, **mem.rc({}, seq = refseq, structs = structs, run_id = rfid, reset = reset, on_fail = 'compute', register = 'tuprof_{0}'.format(rfid))) if draw_alis: draw_cm_muscle_congruencies(seqs, profiles, run_id, reset = reset) if clade_alignment_method == 'cm': alis, refs, all_pairs =\ mem.getOrSet(setAlignments, **mem.rc({}, seqs = seqs, profiles = profiles, run_id = rfid, ali_type = 'struct', reset = reset, on_fail = 'compute', register = 'tuali_struct_{0}'.format(rfid))) else: raise Exception('No methods besides cm are yet implemented') seq_group_data = {} seq_group_data['seqs'] = gap_seqs seq_group_data['structs'] = [] for i, struct in enumerate(structs): struct_data = {} ali = alis[i] ref = refs[i] pairs = all_pairs[i] #NOTE THAT DUE TO AN AWKWARD SYNTAX DECISION, #I AM ALLOWING FOR THE POSSIBILITY THAT EACH #ALI ELT HAS DIFFERENT PAIRS. # #ALL OF MY ROUTINES SO FAR ONLY USE A SINGLE #PAIR SET AND SO I USE PAIRS[0] EXCLUSIVELY struct_data.update(ref = ref[0], pairs = pairs[0], ali = ali) rid = '{0}_{1}'.format(run_id, i) if clade_tree_method == 'bionj': tree = phyml.tree(ali, run_id = rid, bionj = True) else: tree = get_phase_tree(ali, pairs[0], run_id) for i, ct in enumerate(tree.get_terminals()): seq = filter(lambda x: ==, ali)[0] ct.m = {'seq':seq, 'probs':array([1 for j in range(len(seq))])} if clade_ancestor_method == 'independent': ml_tree = get_ml_ancestor_tree(tree, ali, '{0}_paml{1}'.format(run_id, i)) else: ml_tree = get_structure_ancestor_tree(\ tree, ali,'{0}_stree{1}'.format(run_id, i)) muts, times, gaps, irresolvables = tree_conservation.count_struct(ml_tree, pairs[0]) struct_data.update(muts = muts, times = times, gaps = gaps, irresolvables = irresolvables) seq_group_data['structs'].append(struct_data) return seq_group_data
def view3(): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp")) if "mcmc" in l] fpaths = [os.path.join(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp"), f) for f in files] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] idxs_good = nonzero(greater([elt.get("out_iter_num") for elt in inps], 2))[0] inps = [inps[i] for i in idxs_good] fpaths = [fpaths[i] for i in idxs_good] fig = myplots.fignum(3, (35, 15)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) for f, inp in zip(fpaths, inps): if inp["out_iter_num"] == 2: continue print inp["filename"] data = sio.loadmat(f) import compbio.utils.colors as mycolors ct = mycolors.getct(len(data["gene_names"])) term_list = [list(it.chain(*mod)) for mod in data["model"]] fac_list = [list(it.chain(*t)) for t in term_list] xvals, yvals, colors, rads = [], [], [], [] for i, terms in enumerate(term_list): for j, term in enumerate(terms): for k, fact in enumerate(term): xvals.extend([i] * len(term)) yvals.extend([fact] * len(term)) colors.extend([ct[c] for c in sorted(term)]) rads.extend(((arange(1, len(term) + 1) ** 2) * 50)[::-1]) vecs = zeros((len(fac_list), len(fac_list))) for i, fl in enumerate(fac_list): for f in fl: vecs[i, f] = 1 # plt.imshow(vecs) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) import hcluster clusters = hcluster.fclusterdata(vecs, 1.1, criterion="inconsistent", method="complete") # ax1.imshow(vecs) # ax2.imshow(vecs[argsort(clusters)]) # raise Exception() csrt = argsort(argsort(clusters)) xvals2 = [csrt[x] for x in xvals] # raise Exception() plt.scatter(xvals2, yvals, rads, color=colors) raise Exception() raise Exception()
def ribo_struct_outfile(rfid): si = 'RS_{0}'.format(rfid) return bsu.load_data(si, 'output')
def check_trees(fam_type = 'riboswitch'): if fam_type == 'riboswitch': sdicts = rutils.switch_dicts() rfids = [ 'RF{0:05}'.format(n) for n in sdicts.values()] names = sdicts.keys() struct_ids = ['RS_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] tree_ids = ['RS_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] elif fam_type == 'all': rfids = [ 'RF{0:05}'.format(n) for n in range(0,1493)] names = rfids struct_ids = ['FA_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] tree_ids = ['FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] switch_muts = {} switch_times= {} switch_structs= {} for i, rname in enumerate(names): print 'Loading family for {0}'.format(rname) si, ti = zip(*[struct_ids, tree_ids])[i] try: structs = bsu.load_data(si, 'output') trees = bsu.load_data(ti, 'output') print 'Success! Analyzing tree output' except Exception, e: print 'Failure! Did I make a booboo?' continue str_esrt = argsort(structs['energies'])[::-1] #SORT STRUCTURES IN DECREASING ORDER OF ENERGY (MATCH TREES) structs['structs'] = [structs['structs'][j] for j in str_esrt] structs['energies'] = [structs['energies'][j] for j in str_esrt] mc, tc, sc = {},{},{} sc['energies'] = structs['energies'] sc['structs'] = structs['structs'] sc['seq'] = structs['seq'] for j, t in enumerate(trees): if t == None:continue mc[j] = {} tc[j] = {} for idx in range(len(t['structs'])): t_infos = t['structs'] t_str = t_infos[idx]['pairs'] s_str = structs['structs'][idx] e = structs['energies'][idx] t_times =t_infos[idx]['times'] t_muts =t_infos[idx]['muts'] frac_resolved = t_times['total'] /\ (t_times['total_incl_unresolved']) frac_paired = t_times['paired'] /\ (t_times['unpaired'] + t_times['paired']) n_2cons = t_muts['comp'] n_1cons = t_muts['wob'] n_0cons = t_muts['ucom'] n_pluscons = t_muts['reco'] n_nocons = t_muts['bbad'] frac_silent = (n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons)/\ (n_0cons + n_nocons+\ n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons) frac_double = (n_2cons)/\ (n_2cons+n_1cons) frac_destructive=(n_0cons)/\ (n_2cons+n_1cons+n_0cons) total_muts = (n_0cons + n_nocons+\ n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons) total_silent = (n_2cons+n_1cons) total_pair_mutants = (n_2cons+n_1cons+n_0cons) tc[j][idx] = dict(frac_resolved = frac_resolved, frac_paired = frac_paired, total_time = array([t_times['total_incl_unresolved']]*len(t_times['total'])), total_time_res = t_times['total']) mc[j][idx] = dict(frac_silent = frac_silent, frac_double = frac_double, frac_destructive = frac_destructive, total_muts = total_muts, total_silent = total_silent, total_pair_mutants = total_pair_mutants) print '''Done! Results: {0} subtrees computed. '''.format(len(mc)) switch_muts[rname] = mc switch_times[rname] = tc switch_structs[rname] = sc
def run(run_id): data = bsu.load_data(run_id, 'input') ofs = data['ofs'] outputs = get_consensus(ofs, run_id=run_id, reset=True) return (outputs)
def view4(): files = [l for l in os.listdir(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp")) if "mcmc" in l] fpaths = [os.path.join(cfg.dataPath("batch/tmp"), f) for f in files] ids = [l[0:10] for l in files] inps = [butils.load_data(i, "input") for i in ids] idxs_good = nonzero(greater([elt.get("out_iter_num") for elt in inps], -1))[0] inps = [inps[i] for i in idxs_good] fpaths = [fpaths[i] for i in idxs_good] termgroups, cnames, xvals, gvals, yvals, colors, rads, tfs, all_coefs = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] l_info = {} for l, elt in enumerate(zip(fpaths, inps)): f, inp = elt if inp["out_iter_num"] == 2: continue print inp["filename"] clustname ="_([^_]+)\.mat"), inp["filename"]).group(1) cnames.append(clustname) l_info[l] = {} l_info[l]["cname"] = clustname l_info[l]["filename"] = inp["filename"] data = sio.loadmat(f) l_info[l]["stay_same"] = data["stay_same"] l_info[l]["improve_ratio"] = data["improve_ratio"] l_info[l]["error_test"] = data["error_test"] import compbio.utils.colors as mycolors ct = mycolors.getct(len(data["gene_names"])) term_list = [list(it.chain(*mod)) for mod in data["model"]] fac_list = [list(it.chain(*t)) for t in term_list] seen = set() all_coefs.append(data["coefs_dic_nonlinear"]) coefs = data["coefs_dic_nonlinear"] nlcof_all = open( cfg.dataPath("network/network_predmodel/regressionwts/nonlinear_all/nw_{0}.sif".format(l)), "w" ) nlcof_sing = open( cfg.dataPath("network/network_predmodel/regressionwts/nonlinear_sing/nw_{0}.sif".format(l)), "w" ) tfnames = data["tf_names"] tgnames = data["gene_names"] for i, terms in enumerate(term_list): if i in (5, 49, 53, 30, 17, 8, 38): if sum(terms) > 0: raise Exception() terms = [t - 1 for t in terms] for j, term in enumerate(terms): if len(term) == 1: wt = coefs[i][0][0][j] nlcof_sing.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n".format(tfnames[term][0][0], tgnames[i][0], wt)) for k, fact in enumerate(list(set(term))): wt = coefs[i][0][0][j] nlcof_all.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n".format(tfnames[fact][0][0], tgnames[i][0][0], wt)) gvals.append([i] * (len(term) + 1)) yvals.append([fact] * (len(term) + 1)) colors.append([ct[c] for c in sorted(term)] + [1, 1, 1]) tfs.append([c for c in sorted(term)]) rads.append(((arange(1, len(term) + 2) ** 2) * 50)[::-1]) xvals.append([l] * (len(term) + 1)) nlcof_all.close() nlcof_sing.close() return cnames, xvals, gvals, yvals, colors, rads, l_info, tfs, coefs
def check_trees(fam_type='riboswitch'): if fam_type == 'riboswitch': sdicts = rutils.switch_dicts() rfids = ['RF{0:05}'.format(n) for n in sdicts.values()] names = sdicts.keys() struct_ids = ['RS_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] tree_ids = ['RS_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] elif fam_type == 'all': rfids = ['RF{0:05}'.format(n) for n in range(0, 1493)] names = rfids struct_ids = ['FA_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] tree_ids = ['FA_tree_{0}'.format(rfid) for rfid in rfids] switch_muts = {} switch_times = {} switch_structs = {} for i, rname in enumerate(names): print 'Loading family for {0}'.format(rname) si, ti = zip(*[struct_ids, tree_ids])[i] try: structs = bsu.load_data(si, 'output') trees = bsu.load_data(ti, 'output') print 'Success! Analyzing tree output' except Exception, e: print 'Failure! Did I make a booboo?' continue str_esrt = argsort(structs['energies'])[::-1] #SORT STRUCTURES IN DECREASING ORDER OF ENERGY (MATCH TREES) structs['structs'] = [structs['structs'][j] for j in str_esrt] structs['energies'] = [structs['energies'][j] for j in str_esrt] mc, tc, sc = {}, {}, {} sc['energies'] = structs['energies'] sc['structs'] = structs['structs'] sc['seq'] = structs['seq'] for j, t in enumerate(trees): if t == None: continue mc[j] = {} tc[j] = {} for idx in range(len(t['structs'])): t_infos = t['structs'] t_str = t_infos[idx]['pairs'] s_str = structs['structs'][idx] e = structs['energies'][idx] t_times = t_infos[idx]['times'] t_muts = t_infos[idx]['muts'] frac_resolved = t_times['total'] /\ (t_times['total_incl_unresolved']) frac_paired = t_times['paired'] /\ (t_times['unpaired'] + t_times['paired']) n_2cons = t_muts['comp'] n_1cons = t_muts['wob'] n_0cons = t_muts['ucom'] n_pluscons = t_muts['reco'] n_nocons = t_muts['bbad'] frac_silent = (n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons)/\ (n_0cons + n_nocons+\ n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons) frac_double = (n_2cons)/\ (n_2cons+n_1cons) frac_destructive=(n_0cons)/\ (n_2cons+n_1cons+n_0cons) total_muts = (n_0cons + n_nocons+\ n_2cons+n_1cons+n_pluscons) total_silent = (n_2cons + n_1cons) total_pair_mutants = (n_2cons + n_1cons + n_0cons) tc[j][idx] = dict( frac_resolved=frac_resolved, frac_paired=frac_paired, total_time=array([t_times['total_incl_unresolved']] * len(t_times['total'])), total_time_res=t_times['total']) mc[j][idx] = dict(frac_silent=frac_silent, frac_double=frac_double, frac_destructive=frac_destructive, total_muts=total_muts, total_silent=total_silent, total_pair_mutants=total_pair_mutants) print '''Done! Results: {0} subtrees computed. '''.format(len(mc)) switch_muts[rname] = mc switch_times[rname] = tc switch_structs[rname] = sc