Exemple #1
 def __makeFileGenerator(self):
     """return cmake related make file generator"""
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean(
             "Compile", "UseNinja", False):
         return "Ninja"
     if compiler.isMSVC2015():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 14 2015" + " Win64" if compiler.isX64(
             ) else ""
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     if compiler.isMSVC2010():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 10"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC2008():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 9 2008"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
         return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "MinGW Makefiles"
         EmergeDebug.die("unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler())
 def __makeFileGenerator(self):
     """return cmake related make file generator"""
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("Compile","UseNinja", False):
         return "Ninja"
     if compiler.isMSVC2015():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 14 2015" + " Win64" if compiler.isX64() else ""
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     if compiler.isMSVC2010():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 10"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC2008():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 9 2008"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
         return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "MinGW Makefiles"
         EmergeDebug.die("unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler())
    def configureOptions( self, defines=""):
        """returns default configure options"""
        options = BuildSystemBase.configureOptions(self)

        ## \todo why is it required to replace \\ by / ?
        options += " -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=\"%s\"" % self.mergeDestinationDir().replace( "\\", "/" )

        options += " -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"%s\"" % \
            self.mergeDestinationDir().replace( "\\", "/" )

        if( not self.buildType() == None ):
            options += " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % self.buildType()

        if self.buildTests:
            # @todo KDE4_BUILD_TESTS is only required for kde packages, how to detect this case
            if not self.subinfo.options.configure.testDefine == None:
                options += " " + self.subinfo.options.configure.testDefine + " "
                options += " -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=1 "
        if self.subinfo.options.buildTools:
            options += " " + self.subinfo.options.configure.toolsDefine + " "
        if self.subinfo.options.buildStatic and self.subinfo.options.configure.staticDefine:
            options += " " + self.subinfo.options.configure.staticDefine + " "
        if self.subinfo.options.configure.onlyBuildTargets :
            options += self.__onlyBuildDefines(self.subinfo.options.configure.onlyBuildTargets )
        if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useCTest:
            options += " -DCMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH=\"%s\" " % \
                            ( os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "dev-utils", "svn", "bin" ).replace( "\\", "/" ) )
        if compiler.isIntel():
            # this is needed because otherwise it'll detect the MSVC environment
            options += " -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=\"%s\" " % os.path.join(os.getenv("BIN_ROOT"), os.getenv("ARCH_PATH"), "icl.exe" ).replace( "\\", "/" )
            options += " -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=\"%s\" " % os.path.join(os.getenv("BIN_ROOT"), os.getenv("ARCH_PATH"), "icl.exe" ).replace( "\\", "/" )
            options += " -DCMAKE_LINKER=\"%s\" " % os.path.join(os.getenv("BIN_ROOT"), os.getenv("ARCH_PATH"), "xilink.exe" ).replace( "\\", "/" )
        options += " \"%s\"" % self.configureSourceDir()
        return options
    def getEnv( self ):
        out = dict( )
        if compiler.isMSVC( ):
            compilerDirs = {
                "msvc2010": "VS100COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2012": "VS110COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2013": "VS120COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2015": "VS140COMNTOOLS"
            architectures = { "x86": "x86", "x64": "amd64", "x64_cross": "x86_amd64" }
            crossmodifier = ""
            if not compiler.isNative(): crossmodifier="_cross"
            status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "\"%s\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % (
                os.getenv( compilerDirs[ compiler.getCompilerName( ) ] ), architectures[ compiler.architecture( ) + crossmodifier ]) )
            if status != 0:
                print( "Failed to setup msvc compiler", file = sys.stderr )
            out = self.stringToEnv( result )

        elif compiler.isIntel( ):
            architectures = { "x86": "ia32", "x64": "intel64" }
            programFiles = os.getenv( "ProgramFiles(x86)" ) or os.getenv( "ProgramFiles" )
            status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
                "\"%s\\Intel\\Composer XE\\bin\\compilervars.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % (
                    programFiles, architectures[ compiler.architecture( ) ]) )
            if status != 0:
                print( "Failed to setup intel compiler", file = sys.stderr )
            out = self.stringToEnv( result )
        elif compiler.isMinGW( ):
            out = { "Path": os.getenv( "Path" ) }
        return out
 def __init__(self):
     BuildSystemBase.__init__(self, "qmake")
     self.platform = ""
     if compiler.isMSVC():
         self.platform = "win32-%s" % self.compiler()
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         self.platform = "win32-g++"
     elif compiler.isIntel():
         self.platform = "win32-icc"
         utils.die("QMakeBuildSystem: unsupported compiler platform %s" % self.compiler())
 def _getmakeProgram(self):
     if self.supportsNinja and utils.envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_NINJA"):
         return "ninja"
     if EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM and self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         utils.debug( "set custom make program: %s" % EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM, 1 )
         return EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM
     elif not self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         if "MAKE" in os.environ:
             del os.environ["MAKE"]
     if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() :
         return "nmake /NOLOGO"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "mingw32-make"
         utils.die( "unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler() )
 def _getmakeProgram(self):
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_USE_NINJA", False):
         return "ninja"
     EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM = emergeSettings.get("General", "EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM", "" )
     if EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM != "" and self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         utils.debug( "set custom make program: %s" % EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM, 1 )
         return EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM
     elif not self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         if "MAKE" in os.environ:
             del os.environ["MAKE"]
     if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() :
         return "nmake /NOLOGO"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "mingw32-make"
         utils.die( "unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler() )
 def _getmakeProgram(self):
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("Compile","UseNinja", False):
         return "ninja"
     makeProgram = emergeSettings.get("Compile", "MakeProgram", "" )
     if makeProgram != "" and self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         EmergeDebug.debug("set custom make program: %s" % makeProgram, 1)
         return makeProgram
     elif not self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         if "MAKE" in os.environ:
             del os.environ["MAKE"]
     if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() :
         return "nmake /NOLOGO"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "mingw32-make"
         EmergeDebug.die("unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler())
 def __init__(self):
     BuildSystemBase.__init__(self, "qmake")
     self.platform = ""
     if compiler.isMSVC():
         if compiler.isClang():
             self.platform = "win32-clang-%s" % self.compiler()
             self.platform = "win32-%s" % self.compiler()
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         self.platform = "win32-g++"
     elif compiler.isIntel():
         self.platform = "win32-icc"
             "QMakeBuildSystem: unsupported compiler platform %s" %
Exemple #10
 def _getmakeProgram(self):
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("Compile","UseNinja", False):
         return "ninja"
     makeProgram = emergeSettings.get("Compile", "MakeProgram", "" )
     if makeProgram != "" and self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         EmergeDebug.debug("set custom make program: %s" % makeProgram, 1)
         return makeProgram
     elif not self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob:
         if "MAKE" in os.environ:
             del os.environ["MAKE"]
     if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() :
         return "nmake /NOLOGO"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "mingw32-make"
         EmergeDebug.die("unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler())
    def install(self, options=None):
        """implements the make step for Qt projects"""
        if not BuildSystemBase.install(self):
            return False

        # There is a bug in jom that parallel installation of qmake projects
        # does not work. So just use the usual make programs. It's hacky but
        # this was decided on the 2012 Windows sprint.
        if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
            installmake = "nmake /NOLOGO"
        elif compiler.isMinGW():
            installmake = "mingw32-make"

        if options != None:
            command = "%s %s" % (installmake, options)
            command = "%s install" % (installmake)

        return self.system(command)
 def __makeFileGenerator(self):
     """return cmake related make file generator"""
     if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_USE_NINJA", False):
         return "Ninja"
     if compiler.isMSVC2010():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 10"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC2008():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 9 2008"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
         return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "MinGW Makefiles"
         utils.die( "unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler() )
    def install(self, options=None):
        """implements the make step for Qt projects"""
        if not BuildSystemBase.install(self):
            return False

        # There is a bug in jom that parallel installation of qmake projects
        # does not work. So just use the usual make programs. It's hacky but
        # this was decided on the 2012 Windows sprint.
        if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
            installmake = "nmake /NOLOGO"
        elif compiler.isMinGW():
            installmake = "mingw32-make"

        if options != None:
            command = "%s %s" % (installmake, options)
            command = "%s install" % (installmake)

        return self.system(command)
Exemple #14
    def getEnv(self):
        out = dict()
        if compiler.isMSVC():
            compilerDirs = {
                "msvc2010": "VS100COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2012": "VS110COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2013": "VS120COMNTOOLS",
                "msvc2015": "VS140COMNTOOLS"
            architectures = {
                "x86": "x86",
                "x64": "amd64",
                "x64_cross": "x86_amd64"
            crossmodifier = ""
            if not compiler.isNative(): crossmodifier = "_cross"
            status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
                "\"%s\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" %s > NUL && set" %
                 architectures[compiler.architecture() + crossmodifier]))
            if status != 0:
                print("Failed to setup msvc compiler", file=sys.stderr)
            out = self.stringToEnv(result)

        elif compiler.isIntel():
            architectures = {"x86": "ia32", "x64": "intel64"}
            programFiles = os.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)") or os.getenv(
            status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
                "\"%s\\Intel\\Composer XE\\bin\\compilervars.bat\" %s > NUL && set"
                % (programFiles, architectures[compiler.architecture()]))
            if status != 0:
                print("Failed to setup intel compiler", file=sys.stderr)
            out = self.stringToEnv(result)
        elif compiler.isMinGW():
            out = {"Path": os.getenv("Path")}
        return out
 def __makeFileGenerator(self):
     """return cmake related make file generator"""
     if self.supportsNinja and utils.envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_NINJA"):
         return "Ninja"
     if compiler.isMSVC2010():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             return "Visual Studio 10"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC2008():
         if self.subinfo.options.cmake.useIDE or self.subinfo.options.cmake.openIDE:
             if self.isTargetBuild():
                 return "Visual Studio 9.0 Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)"
                 return "Visual Studio 9 2008"
             return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
         return "NMake Makefiles"
     elif compiler.isMinGW():
         return "MinGW Makefiles"
         utils.die( "unknown %s compiler" % self.compiler() )
Exemple #16
        self.patchToApply['2.8.0'] = [('pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release-20110729.diff', 1)]
        self.patchToApply['2.9.1'] = [('pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release-20130901.diff', 1)]
        self.targetDigests['2.8.0'] = 'da8371cb20e8e238f96a1d0651212f154d84a9ac'
        self.targetDigests['2.9.1'] = '24d40e89c2e66a765733e8c98d6f94500343da86'

        self.shortDescription = 'a POSIX thread implementation for windows'
        self.defaultTarget = '2.9.1'

    def setDependencies( self ):
        self.buildDependencies['virtual/base'] = 'default'

from Package.CMakePackageBase import *
from Package.VirtualPackageBase import *

class PthreadsPackage(CMakePackageBase):
    def __init__( self, **args ):
        self.subinfo.options.configure.defines = " -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF"

if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() or compiler.getMinGWVersion() == "4.4.7":
    class Package(PthreadsPackage):
        def __init__( self ):
            PthreadsPackage.__init__( self )
    class Package(VirtualPackageBase):
        def __init__( self ):
            VirtualPackageBase.__init__( self )

Exemple #17
            '2.9.1'] = '24d40e89c2e66a765733e8c98d6f94500343da86'

        self.shortDescription = 'a POSIX thread implementation for windows'
        self.defaultTarget = '2.9.1'

    def setDependencies(self):
        self.buildDependencies['virtual/base'] = 'default'

from Package.CMakePackageBase import *
from Package.VirtualPackageBase import *

class PthreadsPackage(CMakePackageBase):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        self.subinfo.options.configure.defines = " -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF"

if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel() or compiler.getMinGWVersion(
) == "4.4.7":

    class Package(PthreadsPackage):
        def __init__(self):

    class Package(VirtualPackageBase):
        def __init__(self):
Exemple #18
 def setDependencies( self ):
     self.dependencies['qt-libs/phonon'] = 'default'
     self.dependencies['binary/vlc'] = 'default'
     if compiler.isMSVC() or compiler.isIntel():
         self.dependencies['kdesupport/kdewin'] = 'default'