Exemple #1
def get(flag, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    cpu_tuple = collections.namedtuple('cpu_tuple', ['flag', 'cpu'])

    if not flag or flag == 'host':
        cpu = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_CPU', '')
    elif flag == 'target':
        cpu = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_CPU', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(flag)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if cpu == 'none' or (flag == 'host' and not cpu):
        return cpu_tuple('none', 'none')

    # Handle backwards compatability - CHPL_TARGET_ARCH might be
    # set instead of the currently preferred CHPL_TARGET_CPU.
    if not cpu:
        oldarch = None
        if not flag or flag == 'host':
            oldarch = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
        elif flag == 'target':
            oldarch = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
            raise InvalidLocationError(flag)

        # If the oldarch indicates a CPU, use it
        if arch_for_cpu(oldarch, flag):
            cpu = oldarch

    # Adjust arch for compiler (not all compilers support all arch
    # settings; PrgEnv might override arch, etc)
    cpu = adjust_cpu_for_compiler (cpu, flag, get_lcd)

    # Now, if is not yet set, we should set the default.
    if not cpu:
        cpu = default_cpu(flag)

    verify_cpu(cpu, flag)

    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if map_to_compiler and not isprgenv:
        # Map cpu to compiler argument
        # Don't do this for PrgEnv compiles since the compiler driver
        # handles specialization.
        version = get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        cpu = argument_map.find(cpu, compiler_val, version)
    if cpu and cpu != 'none' and cpu != 'unknown':
        # x86 uses -march= where the others use -mcpu=
        if is_x86_variant(get_native_machine()):
            flag = 'arch'
            flag = 'cpu'
        flag = 'none'

    return cpu_tuple(flag or 'none', cpu or 'unknown')
def get_link_args():
    link_args = third_party_utils.default_get_link_args(
        "qthread", ucp=get_uniq_cfg_path(), libs=["libqthread_chpl.la", "-lchpl", "libqthread.la"]
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get("target")
    if compiler_val == "cray-prgenv-cray" or (compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val) and chpl_llvm.get() != "none"):
    return link_args
def get_link_args():
    link_args = \
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
    if ( compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray' or
         (compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val) and chpl_llvm.get() != 'none' )):
    return link_args
def get_link_args():
    link_args = \
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
    if ( compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray' or
         (compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val) and chpl_llvm.get() != 'none' )):
    return link_args
Exemple #5
def adjust_architecture_for_compiler(arch, flag, get_lcd):
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if compiler_val == 'clang-included':
        isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(chpl_compiler.get(flag,

    if isprgenv:
        cray_arch = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if arch and (arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown'
                     and arch != cray_arch):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        arch = cray_arch
        if arch == 'none':
                "Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        return arch
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'

    return arch
Exemple #6
def adjust_cpu_for_compiler(cpu, flag, get_lcd):
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if compiler_val == 'clang-included':
      isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(chpl_compiler.get(flag,

    if isprgenv:
        cray_cpu = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if cpu and (cpu != 'none' and cpu != 'unknown' and cpu != cray_cpu):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        cpu = cray_cpu
        if cpu == 'none':
            stderr.write("Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                         "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                         "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            cpu = get_module_lcd_cpu(platform_val, cpu)
            if cpu == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        return cpu
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'

    return cpu
Exemple #7
def verify_arch(arch, flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)

    # Only try to do any architecture verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    check_arch = False
    if not isprgenv:
        if flag == 'target':
            if comm_val == 'none':
                if ('linux' in platform_val or platform_val == 'darwin'
                        or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
                    check_arch = True
        if flag == 'host':
            check_arch = True

    if check_arch and arch and arch not in ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
        # Print a friendly warning if it's unlikely the user could run
        # their program. This could be printed in cross-compilation settings.
        machine = machine_for_arch(arch)
        cur_machine = get_native_machine()
        warn = (machine != cur_machine)

            vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
            detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
            if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                warn = True
        except ValueError:
                "Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")

        if warn:
            stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                         "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                         "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                         "not run on the current machine.\n")
Exemple #8
def get(flag, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    arch_tuple = collections.namedtuple('arch_tuple', ['flag', 'arch'])

    if not flag or flag == 'host':
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
    elif flag == 'target':
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(flag)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == 'none' or (flag == 'host' and not arch):
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')

    # Adjust arch for compiler (not all compilers support all arch
    # settings; PrgEnv might override arch, etc)
    arch = adjust_architecture_for_compiler(arch, flag, get_lcd)

    # Now, if is not yet set, we should set the default.
    if not arch:
        arch = default_arch(flag)

    verify_arch(arch, flag)

    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if map_to_compiler and not isprgenv:
        # Map flag/arch to compiler flag/argument
        # Don't do this for PrgEnv compiles since the compiler driver
        # handles specialization.
        version = get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        (flag, arch) = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)
    elif arch and arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown':
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            flag = 'cpu'
            flag = 'arch'
        flag = 'none'

    return arch_tuple(flag or 'none', arch or 'unknown')
Exemple #9
def verify_cpu(cpu, flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)

    # Only try to do any architecture verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    check_cpu = False
    if not isprgenv:
        if flag == 'target':
            if comm_val == 'none':
                if ('linux' in platform_val or
                     platform_val == 'darwin' or
                    check_cpu = True
        if flag == 'host':
            check_cpu = True

    if check_cpu and cpu and cpu not in  ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
        # Print a friendly warning if it's unlikely the user could run
        # their program. This could be printed in cross-compilation settings.
        warn = False
            vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
            detected_cpu = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
            if not feature_sets.subset(cpu, detected_cpu):
                warn = True
        except ValueError:
            stderr.write("Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")

        if warn:
                stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                             "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                             "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                             "not run on the current machine.\n")
Exemple #10
def get(location, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    arch_tuple = collections.namedtuple('arch_tuple', ['flag', 'arch'])

    if not location or location == "host":
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
    elif location == 'target':
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(location)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == 'none':
        return arch_tuple('none', arch)

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(location)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(location)

    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if compiler_val == 'clang-included':
        isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(
            chpl_compiler.get(location, llvm_mode="orig"))

    if isprgenv:
        cray_arch = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if arch and (arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown'
                     and arch != cray_arch):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        arch = cray_arch
        if arch == 'none':
                "Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            return arch_tuple('cpu', arch)
            return arch_tuple('arch', arch)
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')

    # Only try to do any auto-detection or verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val
                               or platform_val == 'darwin'
                               or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
        if arch and arch not in ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
            if location == 'host':
                # when a user supplies an architecture, and it seems reasonable
                # to double check their choice we do so. This will only
                # generate a warning that the user may not be able to run
                # whatever they compile.
                # This only runs when location is 'host' since we
                # conservatively assume that a setting for 'target' could be in
                # a cross-compilation setting
                    vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
                    detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string,
                    if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                            "Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                            "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                            "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                            "not run on the current machine.\n")
                except ValueError:
                        "Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n"
            # Clang cannot detect the architecture for aarch64.  Otherwise,
            # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
            # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
            # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
            # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
            if compiler_val in ['clang', 'clang-included']:
                if get_native_machine() == 'aarch64':
                    arch = 'unknown'
                    arch = 'native'
                arch = 'native'

    if map_to_compiler:
        version = get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        (flag, arch) = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)
    elif arch and arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown':
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            flag = 'cpu'
            flag = 'arch'
        flag = 'none'

    return arch_tuple(flag or 'none', arch or 'unknown')
Exemple #11
def get(location, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    arch_tuple = collections.namedtuple('arch_tuple', ['flag', 'arch'])

    if not location or location == "host":
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
    elif location == 'target':
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(location)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == 'none':
        return arch_tuple('none', arch)

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(location)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(location)

    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if compiler_val == 'clang-included':
      isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(chpl_compiler.get(location,

    if isprgenv:
        cray_arch = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if arch and (arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown' and arch != cray_arch):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        arch = cray_arch
        if arch == 'none':
            stderr.write("Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                         "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                         "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            return arch_tuple('cpu', arch)
            return arch_tuple('arch', arch)
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')

    # Only try to do any auto-detection or verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val or
                               platform_val == 'darwin' or
        if arch and arch not in  ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
            if location == 'host':
                # when a user supplies an architecture, and it seems reasonable
                # to double check their choice we do so. This will only
                # generate a warning that the user may not be able to run
                # whatever they compile.
                # This only runs when location is 'host' since we
                # conservatively assume that a setting for 'target' could be in
                # a cross-compilation setting
                    vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
                    detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
                    if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                        stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                                     "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                                     "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                                     "not run on the current machine.\n")
                except ValueError:
                    stderr.write("Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")
            # Clang cannot detect the architecture for aarch64.  Otherwise,
            # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
            # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
            # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
            # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
            if compiler_val in ['clang', 'clang-included']:
                if get_native_machine() == 'aarch64':
                    arch = 'unknown'
                    arch = 'native'
                arch = 'native'

    if map_to_compiler:
        version = get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        (flag, arch) = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)
    elif arch and arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown':
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            flag = 'cpu'
            flag = 'arch'
        flag = 'none'

    return arch_tuple(flag or 'none', arch or 'unknown')