Exemple #1
def show_config(file):
    from compmake.utils.visualization import colored

    ordered_sections = sorted(config_sections.values(),
                              key=lambda section: section.order)

    max_len_name = 1 + max([len(s.name) for s in config_switches.values()])
    max_len_val = 1 + max([len(str(compmake_config.__dict__[s.name]))
                             for s in config_switches.values()])
    for section in ordered_sections:
        file.write("  ---- %s ----  \n" % section.name)
        if section.desc:
            # XXX  multiline
            file.write("  | %s \n" % section.desc)
        for name in section.switches:
            switch = config_switches[name]
            value = compmake_config.__dict__[name]
            changed = (value != switch.default_value)
            if changed:
                attrs = ['bold']
                attrs = []  
            value = str(value)
            desc = str(switch.desc)
            file.write("  | %s  %s  %s\n" % 
                       (colored(rjust(name, max_len_name), attrs=['bold']),
                        colored(rjust(value, max_len_val), attrs=attrs),
Exemple #2
def display_stats(job_list):
    states_order = [Cache.NOT_STARTED, Cache.IN_PROGRESS,
              Cache.MORE_REQUESTED, Cache.FAILED,
    # initialize counters to 0
    states2count = dict(map(lambda x: (x, 0), states_order))

    function2state2count = {}
    total = 0
    for job_id in job_list:
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id)   
        states2count[cache.state] += 1
        total += 1
        function_id = get_job(job_id).command_desc
        # initialize record if not present
        if not function_id in function2state2count:
            function2state2count[function_id] = dict(map(lambda x: (x, 0), states_order) + 
                                                     [('all', 0)])
        # update
        function2state2count[function_id][cache.state] += 1
        function2state2count[function_id]['all'] += 1
        if total == 100: # XXX: use standard method
            info("Loading a large number of jobs...")
    print("Found %s jobs in total. Summary by state:" % total)
    for state in states_order:
        desc = "%30s" % Cache.state2desc[state]
        # colorize output
        desc = colored(desc, **state2color[state])

        num = states2count[state]
        if num > 0:
            print("%s: %5d" % (desc, num))
    print("Summary by function:")

    for function_id, function_stats in function2state2count.items():
        ndone = function_stats[Cache.DONE]
        nfailed = function_stats[Cache.FAILED]
        nrest = function_stats['all'] - ndone - nfailed
        failed_s = "%5d failed" % nfailed
        if nfailed > 0:
            failed_s = colored(failed_s, color='red')
        s = "%5d done, %s, %5d to do." % (ndone, failed_s, nrest)
        print(" %30s(): %s" % (function_id, s)) 
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, prefix, echo_stdout=True, echo_stderr=True):
        self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
        self.old_stderr = sys.stderr
        t1 = lambda s: "%s| %s" % (prefix, colored(s, "cyan", attrs=["dark"]))
        t2 = lambda s: pad_to_screen(t1(s))
        dest = {True: sys.stdout, False: None}[echo_stdout]
        self.stdout_replacement = StreamCapture(transform=t2, dest=dest)
        sys.stdout = self.stdout_replacement

        t3 = lambda s: "%s| %s" % (prefix, colored(s, "red", attrs=["dark"]))
        t4 = lambda s: pad_to_screen(t3(s))
        dest = {True: sys.stderr, False: None}[echo_stderr]
        self.stderr_replacement = StreamCapture(transform=t4, dest=dest)
        sys.stderr = self.stderr_replacement
Exemple #4
def list_job_detail(job_id):
    #computation = get_computation(job_id)
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id)     
    parents = direct_parents(job_id)
    children = direct_children(job_id)
    up, reason = up_to_date(job_id)

    red = lambda x: colored(x, 'red')
    bold = lambda x:  colored(rjust(x + ' ', 15), attrs=['bold'])
        print bold('Job ID:') + '%s' % job_id 
        print bold('Status:') + '%s' % Cache.state2desc[cache.state]
        print bold('Uptodate:') + '%s (%s)' % (up, reason)
        print bold('Children:') + '%s' % ', '.join(children)
        print bold('Parents:') + '%s' % ', '.join(parents)
        if cache.state == Cache.DONE and cache.done_iterations > 1:
            print bold('Iterations:') + '%s' % cache.done_iterations 
            print bold('Wall Time:') + '%.4f s' % cache.walltime_used 
            print bold('CPU Time:') + '%.4f s' % cache.cputime_used
            print bold('Host:') + '%s' % cache.host

        if cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
            print bold('Progress:') + '%s/%s' % \
                (cache.iterations_in_progress, cache.iterations_goal)

        if cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            print red(cache.exception)
            print red(cache.backtrace)
        def display_with_prefix(buffer, prefix,
                                transform=lambda x:x, out=sys.stdout):
            for line in buffer.split('\n'):
                out.write('%s%s\n' % (prefix, transform(line)))
        if cache.captured_stdout:
            print "-----> captured stdout <-----"
            display_with_prefix(cache.captured_stdout, prefix='|',
                                transform=lambda x: colored(x, attrs=['dark']))
        if cache.captured_stderr:
            print "-----> captured stderr <-----"
            display_with_prefix(cache.captured_stdout, prefix='|',
                                transform=lambda x: colored(x, attrs=['dark']))
    except AttributeError:
Exemple #5
def list_jobs(job_list):
    for job_id in job_list:
        up, reason = up_to_date(job_id)
        s = job_id
        s += " " + (" " * (60 - len(s)))
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id)
        tag = Cache.state2desc[cache.state]
        #if not up:
        #    tag += ' (needs update)' 
        k = (cache.state, up)
        assert k in state2color, "I found strange state %s" % str(k)
        color_args = state2color[k]
        s += colored(tag, **color_args)
        if cache.state == Cache.DONE and cache.done_iterations > 1:
            s += ' %s iterations completed ' % cache.done_iterations 
        if cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
            s += ' (%s/%s iterations in progress) ' % \
                (cache.iterations_in_progress, cache.iterations_goal)
        if up:
            when = duration_human(time() - cache.timestamp)
            s += " (%s ago)" % when
            if cache.state in [Cache.DONE, Cache.MORE_REQUESTED]:
                s += " (needs update: %s)" % reason 
        print s
Exemple #6
def console_starting(event): #@UnusedVariable
    # starting console
    print "%s %s -- ``%s,, -- %s " % (
        colored('Compmake', attrs=['bold']),
        version, banner, banner2)
    print "Welcome to the compmake console. " + \
            "(write 'help' for a list of commands)"
    njobs = len(list(all_jobs()))
    print("%d jobs loaded; using namespace '%s'." % (njobs, get_namespace()))
Exemple #7
def list_commands_with_sections(file=sys.stdout):
    ordered_sections = sorted(sections.values(),
                              key=lambda section: section.order)
    max_len = 1 + max([len(cmd.name) for cmd in commands.values()])
    for section in ordered_sections:
        file.write("  ---- %s ----  \n" % section.name)
        if section.desc:
            # XXX  multiline
            file.write("  | %s \n" % section.desc)
        for name in section.commands:
            cmd = commands[name]
            short_doc = cmd.doc.split('\n')[0].strip()
            file.write("  | %s  %s\n" % 
                       (colored(ljust(name, max_len), attrs=['bold']), short_doc))
Exemple #8
def handle_event(event): #@UnusedVariable
    # FIXME bug
    s = "Done %s/%s " % (len(tracker.done), len(tracker.all_targets))
    if tracker.failed:
        s += colored("Failed %s " % len(tracker.failed), 'red')
    def get_string(level):
        X = []
        for job_id, status in tracker.status.items():
            x = []
            if level >= 1:
                x += [job_id ] # + ':'
            if level <= 1 or not job_id in tracker.status_plus:
                x += [ status]
            elif job_id in tracker.status_plus:
                x += []
                stack = tracker.status_plus[job_id]
                for i, frame in enumerate(stack):
                    if level >= 3:
                        x += [frame.name]
                    if level >= 2:
                        x += ["%s/%s" % (frame.iterations[0] + 1,
                    if level >= 4 and frame.iteration_desc is not None:
                        x += ["(" + frame.iteration_desc + ")"]
                    if i < len(stack) - 1:
                        x += ['>>']       
            X += ["[" + " ".join(x) + "]" ]
        return " ".join(X) 
    cols, rows = getTerminalSize() #@UnusedVariable
    choice = '%d processing' % len(tracker.status)
    for level in [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]:
        x = s + get_string(level)
        if len(x) <= cols:
            choice = x
    choice = string.ljust(choice, cols - 1)
Exemple #9
def console_ending(event): #@UnusedVariable
    print "Thanks for using compmake. Problems? Suggestions? \
Praise? Go to %s" % colored(compmake_issues_url, attrs=['bold'])
def job_redefined(event): #@UnusedVariable
    stream.write(colored('Redefined %s\r' % event.job_id, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']))
    stream.write(colored(event.reason, 'yellow'))