Exemple #1
 def run_second(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(f2, job_id='f')
     cc.batch_command('clean;make recurse=1')
Exemple #2
 def run_first(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(e1, job_id='e')
     cc.batch_command('make recurse=1; ls')
Exemple #3
 def run_second(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(e2, job_id='e')
     cc.batch_command('details e;clean;ls;make recurse=1')
 def run_second(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(f2, job_id='f')
     cc.batch_command('clean;make recurse=1')
 def run_second(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(e2, job_id='e')
     cc.batch_command('details e;clean;ls;make recurse=1')
 def run_first(self, root):
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     cc = Context(db=db)
     cc.comp_dynamic(e1, job_id='e')
     cc.batch_command('make recurse=1; ls')
Exemple #7
def f(x):
    print('f(x=%r)' % x)
    return x * 2

def schedule(context, params):
    print('schedule(context, params=%s)' % params.__repr__())
    for p in [42, 43, 44]:
        context.comp(f, x=p)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context
    c = Context()
    c.comp_dynamic(schedule, params=[42, 43, 44])
    c.batch_command('clean;parmake echo=1 recurse=1')
def f(x): 
    print('f(x=%r)' % x)
    return x * 2

def schedule(context, params):
    print('schedule(context, params=%s)' % params.__repr__())
    for p in [42, 43, 44]:
        context.comp(f, x=p)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context
    c = Context()
    c.comp_dynamic(schedule, params=[42, 43, 44])
    c.batch_command('clean;parmake echo=1 recurse=1')

def generate_tests(context, values):
    res = []
    for v in values:
        res.append(context.comp(func1, v))
    return context.comp(summary, res)

def summary(results):
    print('I finished with this: %s' % results)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context
    c = Context()

    values = c.comp(cases)
    # comp_dynamic gives the function an extra argument
    # "context" to further define jobs
    c.comp_dynamic(generate_tests, values)

    # Run command passed on command line or otherwise run console.
    import sys
    cmds = sys.argv[1:]
    if cmds:
        c.batch_command(' '.join(cmds))
        print('Use "make recurse=1" (or "parmake") to make all.')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context

    c = Context()

    from example_external_support import generate_tests, cases

    values = c.comp(cases)
    # comp_dynamic gives the function an extra argument 
    # "context" to further define jobs
    c.comp_dynamic(generate_tests, values)

    # Run command passed on command line or otherwise run console.    
    import sys

    cmds = sys.argv[1:]
    if cmds:
        c.batch_command(' '.join(cmds))
        print('Use "make recurse=1" or "parmake recurse=1" to make all.')
def f(x):
    print('f(x=%r)' % x)
    return x * 2

def statistics(res):
    print('statistics(res=%s)' % res.__repr__())
    return sum(res)

def schedule(context, params):
    print('schedule(context, params=%s)' % params.__repr__())
    jobs = [context.comp(f, x=p) for p in params]
    summary = context.comp(statistics, jobs)
    # returns a job "promise", not a value!
    return summary

def report(summary):
    print('report(summary=%r)' % summary)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context
    c = Context()
    summary = c.comp_dynamic(schedule, [42, 43, 44])
    c.comp(report, summary)
    c.batch_command('clean;parmake echo=1 recurse=1')
from filesystem import list_categories
from instancing import instance_categories
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Get the full path to the dataset
    dataset = os.path.realpath('101_ObjectCategories')
    output = os.path.realpath('out')
    from compmake import Context
    context = Context()
    categories = context.comp(list_categories, dataset)
    context.comp_dynamic(instance_categories, categories, output)
    import sys
    cmds = sys.argv[1:]
    if cmds:
        context.batch_command(" ".join(cmds))
def f(x): 
    print('f(x=%r)' % x)
    return x * 2

def statistics(res): 
    print('statistics(res=%s)' % res.__repr__())
    return sum(res)

def schedule(context, params):
    print('schedule(context, params=%s)' % params.__repr__())
    jobs = [context.comp(f, x=p) for p in params]
    summary = context.comp(statistics, jobs)
    # returns a job "promise", not a value!
    return summary

def report(summary):
    print('report(summary=%r)' % summary)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from compmake import Context
    c = Context()
    summary = c.comp_dynamic(schedule, [42, 43, 44])
    c.comp(report, summary)
    c.batch_command('clean;parmake echo=1 recurse=1')