Exemple #1
def handle_remove_command():
	Handles the parsing of the remove command. This allows the user to manually remove
	a session log from the database.
    verify_username = raw_input('What is your Slack username (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if verify_username is None:
        print('You must provide your name to sign session timestamps!')
        return None

    verify_data = user.get_user(verify_username)
    if verify_data is None:
        print('Unable to find your name ' + str(verify_username) + '.')
        return None

    # get the uuid of the person verifying
    verify_uuid = str(verify_data[0])

    req_name = raw_input(
        'Name of the user to remove a session log from (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if req_name is None:
        print('You must provide the name of the user!')
        return None

    user_data = user.get_user(req_name)
    if user_data is None:
        print('Unable to find ' + str(req_name) + '. Are you sure they exist?')
        return None

    start_date = raw_input('The date of the session log (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if start_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid start date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        s_year, s_month, s_day = _format_date(start_date)
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert date to representation... Are you sure it was entered correctly?'
        return None

    # delete session log
    user_session.delete_user_session_log(user_data[0], start_date)
    print('Successfully deleted ' + str(req_name) + '\'s session log for ' +
          str(start_date) + ' if it existed!')
Exemple #2
def handle_add_command():
	Handles the parsing of the add command. This allows the user to manually add
	a session log to the database.
    verify_username = raw_input('What is your Slack username (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if verify_username is None:
        print('You must provide your name to sign session timestamps!')
        return None

    verify_data = user.get_user(verify_username)
    if verify_data is None:
        print('Unable to find your name ' + str(verify_username) + '.')
        return None

    # get the uuid of the person verifying
    verify_uuid = str(verify_data[0])

    req_name = raw_input(
        'Name of the user to add a session log for (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if req_name is None:
        print('You must provide the name of the user!')
        return None

    user_data = user.get_user(req_name)
    if user_data is None:
        print('Unable to find ' + str(req_name) + '. Are you sure they exist?')
        return None

    start_date = raw_input('The date of the session log (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if start_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid start date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        s_year, s_month, s_day = _format_date(start_date)
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert date to representation... Are you sure it was entered correctly?'
        return None

    worked_hours = raw_input(
        'Number of hours for this session log (Ex: 2.5)?: ')
    if worked_hours is None:
        print('You must enter their worked hours!')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        worked_hours_ms = float(worked_hours) * 3600000
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert hours to representation... Are you sure it was entered correctly?'
        return None

    # add to their session log
    user_session.create_user_session_log(user_data[0], worked_hours_ms,
                                         start_date, start_date, verify_uuid)

    print('Successfully added ' + str(worked_hours) + ' to ' + str(req_name) +
          '\'s session log for ' + str(start_date))
Exemple #3
def handle_verify_command():
	Handles the parsing of the verify command. This allows the user
	to sign session timestamps.
    verify_username = raw_input('What is your Slack username (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if verify_username is None:
        print('You must provide your name to sign session timestamps!')
        return None

    verify_data = user.get_user(verify_username)
    if verify_data is None:
        print('Unable to find your name ' + str(verify_username) + '.')
        return None

    # get the uuid of the person verifying
    verify_uuid = str(verify_data[0])

    req_name = raw_input(
        'Name of the user to verify timestamps for (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if req_name is None:
        print('You must provide the name of the user!')
        return None

    user_data = user.get_user(req_name)
    if user_data is None:
        print('Unable to find ' + str(req_name) + '. Are you sure they exist?')
        return None

    start_date = raw_input(
        'The starting date to verify for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if start_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid start date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    end_date = raw_input(
        'The ending date to verify for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if end_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid end date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        s_year, s_month, s_day = _format_date(start_date)
        e_year, e_month, e_day = _format_date(end_date)
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert dates to representation... Are you sure they are entered correctly?'
        return None

    # convert to timestamp that SQL knows
    start_date = datetime.datetime(s_year, s_month, s_day, 0, 0,
                                   0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    end_date = datetime.datetime(e_year, e_month, e_day, 0, 0,
                                 0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # get all their session logs
    session_info = user_session.get_session_logs(user_data[0], start_date,

    # if they have session logs
    if session_info is not None and len(session_info) > 0:

        # build a list of the not verified ones
        not_verified = []
        for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in session_info:
            if approved == 'None':
                    (log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved))

        # if they have not verified ones
        if len(not_verified) > 0:
            print('\nDisplaying unapproved session timestamps for ' +
                  str(req_name) + ' between ' + str(start_date) + ' and ' +
                  str(end_date) + ': \n')

            not_verified_ids = []
            for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in not_verified:
                hours = '%.2f' % (work_time / 3600000.0)
                print('Log ID #' + str(log_id) + ' shows ' + str(hours) +
                      ' hours of work starting on ' + str(start) + '.')

            # allow the user to verify
            _handle_verify_session(verify_uuid, not_verified_ids)
            print('No unapproved session timestamps found for ' +
                  str(req_name) + ' between ' + str(start_date) + ' and ' +
                  str(end_date) + '.')

        print('No found session information for ' + str(req_name) +
              ' in the time period of ' + str(start_date) + ' and ' +
Exemple #4
def handle_report_command():
	Handles the parsing of the report command. This allows the user to print
	session information about a user and get detailed information about them.
    req_name = raw_input(
        'Name of the user to generate the report for (Ex: stephen)?: ')
    if req_name is None:
        print('You must provide the name of the user!')
        return None

    user_data = user.get_user(req_name)
    if user_data is None:
        print('Unable to find ' + str(req_name) + '. Are you sure they exist?')
        return None

    start_date = raw_input(
        'The starting date to query for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if start_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid start date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    end_date = raw_input(
        'The ending date to query for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if end_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid end date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        s_year, s_month, s_day = _format_date(start_date)
        e_year, e_month, e_day = _format_date(end_date)
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert dates to representation... Are you sure they are entered correctly?'
        return None

    # convert to timestamp that SQL knows
    start_date = datetime.datetime(s_year, s_month, s_day, 0, 0,
                                   0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    end_date = datetime.datetime(e_year, e_month, e_day, 0, 0,
                                 0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # get all their session logs
    session_info = user_session.get_session_logs(user_data[0], start_date,

    if session_info is not None and len(session_info) > 0:

        # sort the logs to verified/not
        not_verified = []
        verified = []
        for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in session_info:
            if approved == 'None':
                    (log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved))
                    (log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved))

        # determine the time that was verified
        verified_time = 0
        for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in verified:
            verified_time = verified_time + work_time

        # determine the time that was not verified
        not_verified_time = 0
        for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in not_verified:
            not_verified_time = not_verified_time + work_time

        print('\nUser report for ' + str(req_name) + ' between ' +
              str(start_date) + ' and ' + str(end_date) + ': \n')

        verified_hours = '%.2f' % (verified_time / 3600000.0)
        not_verified_hours = '%.2f' % (not_verified_time / 3600000.0)
            str(len(not_verified)) +
            ' transactions were NOT VERIFIED totalling ' +
            str(not_verified_hours) + ' hours.\n')
            str(len(verified)) + ' transactions were VERIFIED totalling ' +
            str(verified_hours) + ' hours.\n')

        # determine if they've reached their goal
        goal_hours = user.get_goal_total(user_data[0])
        reached_goal = False
        failed_by_hours = goal_hours - float(verified_hours)
        if failed_by_hours <= 0:
            reached_goal = True

        print('The monthly goal hours for ' + str(req_name) + ' is ' +

        if reached_goal:
            print(str(req_name) + ' has reached their monthly goal!')
                str(req_name) + ' was ' + str(failed_by_hours) +
                ' hours short of their goal!')

        send_report = raw_input(
            'Would you like to me to send this report to the user [Yes/No]?: ')
        if send_report is not None and (send_report.lower() == 'yes'
                                        or send_report.lower() == 'y'):
            send_user_report(user_data, start_date, end_date, verified_hours,
                             not_verified_hours, goal_hours)

        print('No found session information for ' + str(req_name) +
              ' in the time period of ' + str(start_date) + ' and ' +
Exemple #5
def handle_session_command():
	Handles the parsing of the session command. This allows the user to print
	session information about a user.
    req_name = raw_input(
        'What is the name of the user you wish to list session information (Ex: stephen)?: '
    if req_name is None:
        print('You must provide the name of the user!')
        return None

    user_data = user.get_user(req_name)
    if user_data is None:
        print('Unable to find ' + str(req_name) + '. Are you sure they exist?')
        return None

    start_date = raw_input(
        'The starting date to query for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if start_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid start date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    end_date = raw_input(
        'The ending date to query for the user (Ex: YYYY-MM-DD)?: ')
    if end_date is None:
        print('You must provide a valid end date, such as 2016-11-16')
        return None

    # attempt to format their input
        s_year, s_month, s_day = _format_date(start_date)
        e_year, e_month, e_day = _format_date(end_date)
    except Exception as e:
            'Unable to convert dates to representation... Are you sure they are entered correctly?'
        return None

    # convert to timestamp that SQL knows
    start_date = datetime.datetime(s_year, s_month, s_day, 0, 0,
                                   0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    end_date = datetime.datetime(e_year, e_month, e_day, 0, 0,
                                 0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # get all their session logs
    session_info = user_session.get_session_logs(user_data[0], start_date,

    if session_info is not None and len(session_info) > 0:

        print('\nDisplaying session info for ' + str(req_name) + ' between ' +
              str(start_date) + ' and ' + str(end_date) + ': \n')

        # iterate and print
        for log_id, user_id, work_time, start, end, approved in session_info:
            hours = '%.2f' % (work_time / 3600000.0)

            if approved == 'None':
                approved = False

            print('Log ID #' + str(log_id) + ' shows ' + str(hours) +
                  ' hours of work starting on ' + str(start) + '. [Approved=' +
                  str(approved) + ']')
        print('No found session information for ' + str(req_name) +
              ' in the time period of ' + str(start_date) + ' and ' +