Exemple #1
def check_bearer_delegation_token(token, peer_identity, auth_db=None):
    """Decodes the token, checks its validity, extracts delegated Identity.

  Logs details about the token.

    token: blob with base64 encoded delegation token.
    peer_identity: Identity of whoever tries to wield the token.
    auth_db: AuthDB instance with groups, defaults to get_request_auth_db().

    (Delegated Identity, validated delegation_pb2.Subtoken proto).

    BadTokenError if token is invalid.
    TransientError if token can't be verified due to transient errors.
    logging.info('Checking delegation token: fingerprint=%s',
    subtoken = unseal_token(deserialize_token(token))
    if subtoken.kind != delegation_pb2.Subtoken.BEARER_DELEGATION_TOKEN:
        raise exceptions.BadTokenError(
            'Not a valid delegation token kind: %s' % subtoken.kind)
    ident = check_subtoken(subtoken, peer_identity, auth_db
                           or api.get_request_auth_db())
        'Using delegation token: subtoken_id=%s, delegated_identity=%s',
        subtoken.subtoken_id, ident.to_bytes())
    return ident, subtoken
def _check_and_log_token(flavor, account_email, token):
    """Checks the lifetime and logs details about the generated access token."""
    expires_in = token.expiry - utils.time_time()
        'Got %s access token: email=%s, fingerprint=%s, expiry=%d, expiry_in=%d',
        flavor, account_email, utils.get_token_fingerprint(token.access_token),
        token.expiry, expires_in)
    # Give 2 min of wiggle room to account for various effects related to
    # relativity of clocks (us vs Google backends that produce the token) and
    # indeterminism of network propagation delays. 2 min should be more than
    # enough to account for them. These asserts should never be hit.
    assert expires_in < MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SEC + 60
    assert expires_in > MIN_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SEC - 60
Exemple #3
def _log_jwt(email, method, jwt):
  """Logs information about the signed JWT.

  Does some minimal validation which fails only if Google backends misbehave,
  which should not happen. Logs broken JWTs, assuming they are unusable.
  parts = jwt.split('.')
  if len(parts) != 3:
        'Got broken JWT (not <hdr>.<claims>.<sig>): by=%s method=%s jwt=%r',
        email, method, jwt)
    raise AccessTokenError('Got broken JWT, see logs')

    hdr = _b64_decode(parts[0])     # includes key ID
    claims = _b64_decode(parts[1])  # includes scopes and timestamp
    sig = parts[2][:12]             # only 9 bytes of the signature
  except (TypeError, ValueError):
        'Got broken JWT (can\'t base64-decode): by=%s method=%s jwt=%r',
        email, method, jwt)
    raise AccessTokenError('Got broken JWT, see logs')

  if not _is_json_object(hdr):
        'Got broken JWT (the header is not JSON dict): by=%s method=%s jwt=%r',
        email, method, jwt)
    raise AccessTokenError('Got broken JWT, see logs')
  if not _is_json_object(claims):
        'Got broken JWT (claims are not JSON dict): by=%s method=%s jwt=%r',
        email, method, jwt)
    raise AccessTokenError('Got broken JWT, see logs')

      'signed_jwt: by=%s method=%s hdr=%s claims=%s sig_prefix=%s fp=%s',
      email, method, hdr, claims, sig, utils.get_token_fingerprint(jwt))
Exemple #4
def delegate_async(audience,
                   min_validity_duration_sec=5 * 60,
                   max_validity_duration_sec=60 * 60 * 3,
    """Creates a delegation token by contacting the token server.

  Memcaches the token.

    audience (list of (str or Identity)): to WHOM caller's identity is
      delegated; a list of identities or groups, a string "REQUESTOR" (to
      indicate the current service) or symbol '*' (which means ANY).
      Example: ['user:[email protected]', 'group:abcdef', 'REQUESTOR'].
    services (list of (str or Identity)): WHERE token is accepted.
      Each list element must be an identity of 'service' kind, a root URL of a
      service (e.g. 'https://....'), or symbol '*'.
      Example: ['service:gae-app1', 'https://gae-app2.appspot.com']
    min_validity_duration_sec (int): minimally acceptable lifetime of the token.
      If there's existing token cached locally that have TTL
      min_validity_duration_sec or more, it will be returned right away.
      Default is 5 min.
    max_validity_duration_sec (int): defines lifetime of a new token.
      It will bet set as tokens' TTL if there's no existing cached tokens with
      sufficiently long lifetime. Default is 3 hours.
    impersonate (str or Identity): a caller can mint a delegation token on
      someone else's behalf (effectively impersonating them). Only a privileged
      set of callers can do that. If impersonation is allowed, token's
      delegated_identity field will contain whatever is in 'impersonate' field.
      Example: 'user:[email protected]'
    tags (list of str): optional list of key:value pairs to embed into the
      token. Services that accept the token may use them for additional
      authorization decisions.
    token_server_url (str): the URL for the token service that will mint the
      token. Defaults to the URL provided by the primary auth service.

    DelegationToken as ndb.Future.

    ValueError if args are invalid.
    TokenCreationError if could not create a token.
    TokenAuthorizationError on HTTP 403 response from auth service.
    assert isinstance(audience, list), audience
    assert isinstance(services, list), services

    id_to_str = lambda i: i.to_bytes() if isinstance(i, model.Identity) else i

    # Validate audience.
    if '*' in audience:
        audience = ['*']
        if not audience:
            raise ValueError('audience can\'t be empty')
        for a in audience:
            if isinstance(a, model.Identity):
                continue  # identities are already validated
            if not isinstance(a, basestring):
                raise ValueError('expecting a string or Identity')
            if a == 'REQUESTOR' or a.startswith('group:'):
            # The only remaining option is a string that represents an identity.
            # Validate it. from_bytes may raise ValueError.
        audience = sorted(map(id_to_str, audience))

    # Validate services.
    if '*' in services:
        services = ['*']
        if not services:
            raise ValueError('services can\'t be empty')
        for s in services:
            if isinstance(s, basestring):
                if s.startswith('https://'):
                    continue  # an URL, the token server knows how to handle it
                s = model.Identity.from_bytes(s)
            assert isinstance(s, model.Identity), s
            assert s.kind == model.IDENTITY_SERVICE, s
        services = sorted(map(id_to_str, services))

    # Validate validity durations.
    assert isinstance(min_validity_duration_sec,
                      int), min_validity_duration_sec
    assert isinstance(max_validity_duration_sec,
                      int), max_validity_duration_sec
    assert min_validity_duration_sec >= 5
    assert max_validity_duration_sec >= 5
    assert min_validity_duration_sec <= max_validity_duration_sec

    # Validate impersonate.
    if impersonate is not None:
        assert isinstance(impersonate,
                          (basestring, model.Identity)), impersonate
        impersonate = id_to_str(impersonate)

    # Validate tags.
    tags = sorted(tags or [])
    for tag in tags:
        parts = tag.split(':', 1)
        if len(parts) != 2 or parts[0] == '' or parts[1] == '':
            raise ValueError('Bad delegation token tag: %r' % tag)

    # Grab the token service URL.
    if not token_server_url:
        token_server_url = api.get_request_auth_db().token_server_url
        if not token_server_url:
            raise exceptions.TokenCreationError(
                'Token server URL is not configured')

    # End of validation.

    # See MintDelegationTokenRequest in
    # https://github.com/luci/luci-go/blob/master/tokenserver/api/minter/v1/token_minter.proto.
    req = {
        'delegatedIdentity': impersonate or 'REQUESTOR',
        'validityDuration': max_validity_duration_sec,
        'audience': audience,
        'services': services,
        'tags': tags,

    # Get from cache.
    cache_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(
        token_server_url + '\n' + json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True)).hexdigest()
    cache_key = 'delegation_token/v2/%s' % cache_key_hash
    ctx = ndb.get_context()
    token = yield ctx.memcache_get(cache_key)
    min_validity_duration = datetime.timedelta(
    now = utils.utcnow()
    if token and token.expiry - min_validity_duration > now:
        logging.info('Fetched cached delegation token: fingerprint=%s',
        raise ndb.Return(token)

    # Request a new one.
        'Minting a delegation token for %r',
        {k: v
         for k, v in req.iteritems() if v},
    res = yield service_account.authenticated_request_async(
        '%s/prpc/tokenserver.minter.TokenMinter/MintDelegationToken' %

    signed_token = res.get('token')
    if not signed_token or not isinstance(signed_token, basestring):
        logging.error('Bad MintDelegationToken response: %s', res)
        raise exceptions.TokenCreationError('Bad response, no token')

    token_struct = res.get('delegationSubtoken')
    if not token_struct or not isinstance(token_struct, dict):
        logging.error('Bad MintDelegationToken response: %s', res)
        raise exceptions.TokenCreationError(
            'Bad response, no delegationSubtoken')

    if token_struct.get('kind') != 'BEARER_DELEGATION_TOKEN':
        logging.error('Bad MintDelegationToken response: %s', res)
        raise exceptions.TokenCreationError(
            'Bad response, not BEARER_DELEGATION_TOKEN')

    actual_validity_duration_sec = token_struct.get('validityDuration')
    if not isinstance(actual_validity_duration_sec, (int, float)):
        logging.error('Bad MintDelegationToken response: %s', res)
        raise exceptions.TokenCreationError(
            'Unexpected response, validityDuration is absent or not a number')

    token = DelegationToken(
        expiry=now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=actual_validity_duration_sec),

        'Token server "%s" generated token (subtoken_id=%s, fingerprint=%s):\n%s',
        res.get('serviceVersion'), token_struct.get('subtokenId'),
                   separators=(',', ': ')))

    # Put to cache. Refresh the token 10 sec in advance.
    if actual_validity_duration_sec > 10:
        yield ctx.memcache_add(cache_key,
                               time=actual_validity_duration_sec - 10)

    raise ndb.Return(token)
 def test_get_token_fingerprint(self):
def _log_token_grant(prefix, token, exp_ts, log_call=logging.info):
    """Logs details about an OAuth token grant."""
    ts = utils.datetime_to_timestamp(exp_ts) / 1e6
    log_call('%s OAuth token grant: fingerprint=%s, expiry=%d, expiry_in=%d',
             prefix, utils.get_token_fingerprint(token), ts,
             ts - utils.time_time())