Exemple #1
    def monthly_density_list(self):
        municipality = self.request.context

        # parse date from request if any
        date_string = self.request.GET.get('period')
        if date_string:
                date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m')
            except ValueError:
                return HTTPBadRequest("Couldn't understand the date format")
            date = datetime.datetime.now()

        # determine the date ranges
        start, end = get_month_start_end(date)
        criterion = and_(MonthlyDensity.date >= start,
                         MonthlyDensity.date <= end)
        municipality_submissions = MunicipalitySubmission.get_items(
            municipality, MonthlyDensity, criterion)
        monthly_densities = [s for ms, s in municipality_submissions]
        average_density = MonthlyDensity.get_average_density(date)

        return {
            'municipality': municipality,
            'items': monthly_densities,
            'average_density': average_density,
            'date': date
Exemple #2
    def get_last_meter_reading(cls, municipality, current_date):
        Based on the specified month/year, get the meter reading for said
        municipality for the previous month, or None

        :param municipality: Municipality to check
        :param current_date: The current month/year with day set to 01
        :return: the ElectricityRegister record or None
        # get the start end dates for the current month
        start, end = get_month_start_end(current_date)
        # determine the previous month/year
        previous_month_year = get_previous_month_year(current_date)

        # select the `newest` ElectricityRegister->meter_reading that falls
        # under previous_month_year
        result = DBSession.query(
            .filter(MunicipalitySubmission.municipality == municipality,
                    Submission.date >= previous_month_year,
                    Submission.date < start)\
        return result and result[0] or None
Exemple #3
    def get_monthly_rejects_density(self):
        Get the monthly density of rejects from sieving instance which matches
        this date and is approved
        :return: MonthlyRejectsDensity monthly rejects density record or None
        if not found
        municipality_submission = self.municipality_submission
        if municipality_submission is None:
            return None

        start, end = get_month_start_end(self.date)
        return DBSession\
                == municipality_submission.municipality,
                == MonthlyRejectsDensity.XFORM_ID,
                MonthlyRejectsDensity.date >= start,
                MonthlyRejectsDensity.date <= end,
                MonthlyRejectsDensity.status == Submission.APPROVED)\
Exemple #4
 def test_site_reports_sets_start_end_to_current_month_if_not_specified(
     self.request.context = self.municipality
     result = self.views.site_reports()
     start, end = get_month_start_end(datetime.date.today())
     # if end is beyond today's date, end with be set to today
     today = datetime.date.today()
     end = today if end > today else end
     self.assertEqual(start, result['start'])
     self.assertEqual(end, result['end'])
Exemple #5
    def site_reports(self):
        municipality = self.request.context
        # default to start and end of current month
        today = datetime.date.today()
        default_start, default_end = get_month_start_end(today)

        start, end = get_start_end_date(self.request.GET, default_start,
                                        default_end, today)

        # not necessary but pretty format the date range when we can
        if start == default_start and end == default_end:
            label = "This Month"
        elif (today - start).days == 1:
            label = "Yesterday"
        elif end == today:
            time_labels = [
                # if start and end are the same, the label is today
                (lambda dt: dt.days == 0, "Today"),
                # if timedelta between start and end is less than 31 days,
                # last # days
                (lambda dt: 1 < dt.days < 30, "Last {} days")
            time_delta = today - start
            labels = [l for f, l in time_labels if f(time_delta)]
            label = labels[0].format(time_delta.days + 1)\
                if len(labels) == 1 else None
            label = None

        # confirm if site report for selected month period is available
        show_save_report = False
        update_report = False

        if (end - start).days <= 31:
            # show save button if the time period selected is a month
            show_save_report = True
                # try to retrieve month report
                SiteReport.get_report_by_date(end, municipality)
                update_report = True
            except NoResultFound:

        return {
            'municipality': municipality,
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
            'label': label,
            'show_save_report': show_save_report,
            'update_report': update_report
Exemple #6
    def save_site_report(self):
        # get the selected month to create a report for
        # if another report already exists, update it with the report_data
        # contained in the municipality
        today = datetime.date.today()
        default_start, default_end = get_month_start_end(today)
        start, end = get_start_end_date(self.request.POST, default_start,
                                        default_end, today)

        municipality = self.request.context

        # Populate report_data json
        report_json = municipality.get_data_map(start, end)

        # Get start and end date for the month being reported on
        month_start, month_end = get_month_start_end(start)
            site_report = SiteReport.get_report_by_date(
                month_start, municipality)
            site_report.report_json = report_json
            self.request.session.flash(u"The site report has been updated.",
        except NoResultFound:
            site_report = SiteReport(report_date=month_start,
            self.request.session.flash(u"The site report has been saved.",


        return HTTPFound(
                                   traverse=(municipality.id, 'reports'),
                                       'start': start,
                                       'end': end
Exemple #7
 def get_compost_density(self, municipality):
     start, end = get_month_start_end(self.date)
     # with our date as ref. find the density for the month
     self._compost_density = self._compost_density\
         or DBSession.query(CompostDensityRegister)\
         .filter(MunicipalitySubmission.municipality == municipality,
                 CompostDensityRegister.date >= start,
                 CompostDensityRegister.date <= end,
                 CompostDensityRegister.status == Submission.APPROVED)\
     return self._compost_density
Exemple #8
 def get_by_date(cls, date, municipality, *criterion):
     from composting.models.municipality_submission import\
     Tries to retrieve newest compost density record for whichever month is
     specified by date
     :param date: the target month
     start, end = get_month_start_end(date)
     return DBSession.query(cls)\
             cls.xform_id == cls.XFORM_ID,
             cls.date >= start,
             cls.date <= end,
             MunicipalitySubmission.municipality == municipality,
Exemple #9
    def get_average_density(cls, date):
        Get the average density for the month that said date falls in
        # get the minimum threshold
        threshold_min = cls.THRESHOLD_MIN
        settings = get_current_registry().settings
        if settings:
            threshold_min = int(settings['monthly_density_threshold_min'])

        # determine the start and end days for the month
        start, end = get_month_start_end(date)

        # get monthly density records that
        monthly_densities = DBSession.query(cls)\
                cls.date >= start, cls.date <= end,
                cls.status == Submission.APPROVED)\
        if len(monthly_densities) >= threshold_min:
            return cls.calculate_average_density(monthly_densities)
            return None
Exemple #10
    def monthly_waste_composition_list(self):
        municipality = self.request.context

        # parse date from request if any
        date_string = self.request.GET.get('period')
        if date_string:
                date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m')
            except ValueError:
                return HTTPBadRequest("Couldn't understand the date format")
            date = datetime.datetime.now()

        # determine the date ranges
        start, end = get_month_start_end(date)
        criterion = and_(MonthlyWasteComposition.date >= start,
                         MonthlyWasteComposition.date <= end)
        municipality_submissions = MunicipalitySubmission.get_items(
            municipality, MonthlyWasteComposition, criterion)
        monthly_waste_compositions = [s for ms, s in municipality_submissions]

        # calculate means and percentages
        total_waste_mean = MonthlyWasteComposition.get_total_waste_mean(
        means = MonthlyWasteComposition.get_means(monthly_waste_compositions)
        percentages = MonthlyWasteComposition.get_percentages(

        return {
            'municipality': municipality,
            'items': monthly_waste_compositions,
            'date': date,
            'total_waste_mean': total_waste_mean,
            'means': means,
            'percentages': percentages
Exemple #11
 def test_get_month_start_end_if_end_month(self):
     date = datetime.date(2014, 2, 28)
     start, end = utils.get_month_start_end(date)
     self.assertEqual(start, datetime.date(2014, 2, 1))
     self.assertEqual(end, datetime.date(2014, 2, 28))
Exemple #12
 def test_get_month_start_end_if_end_year(self):
     date = datetime.date(2013, 12, 25)
     start, end = utils.get_month_start_end(date)
     self.assertEqual(start, datetime.date(2013, 12, 1))
     self.assertEqual(end, datetime.date(2013, 12, 31))