def compress(self, log=None, **options): """ Searches templates containing 'compress' nodes and compresses them "offline" -- outside of the request/response cycle. The result is cached with a cache-key derived from the content of the compress nodes (not the content of the possibly linked files!). """ extensions = options.get('extensions') extensions = self.handle_extensions(extensions or ['html']) verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0)) if not log: log = StringIO() if not django_settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS: raise OfflineGenerationError("No template loaders defined. You " "must set TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your " "settings.") paths = set() for loader in self.get_loaders(): try: module = import_module(loader.__module__) get_template_sources = getattr(module, 'get_template_sources', None) if get_template_sources is None: get_template_sources = loader.get_template_sources paths.update(list(get_template_sources(''))) except (ImportError, AttributeError), e: # Yeah, this didn't work out so well, let's move on pass
def compress(self, log=None, **options): """ Searches templates containing 'compress' nodes and compresses them "offline" -- outside of the request/response cycle. The result is cached with a cache-key derived from the content of the compress nodes (not the content of the possibly linked files!). """ extensions = options.get('extensions') extensions = self.handle_extensions(extensions or ['html']) verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0)) if not log: log = StringIO() if not settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS: raise OfflineGenerationError("No template loaders defined. You " "must set TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your " "settings.") paths = set() for loader in self.get_loaders(): try: module = import_module(loader.__module__) get_template_sources = getattr(module, 'get_template_sources', None) if get_template_sources is None: get_template_sources = loader.get_template_sources paths.update(list(get_template_sources(''))) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Yeah, this didn't work out so well, let's move on pass if not paths: raise OfflineGenerationError("No template paths found. None of " "the configured template loaders " "provided template paths. See " " " "for more information on template " "loaders.") if verbosity > 1: log.write("Considering paths:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n") templates = set() for path in paths: for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=options.get('followlinks', False)): templates.update(os.path.join(root, name) for name in files if any(fnmatch(name, "*%s" % glob) for glob in extensions)) if not templates: raise OfflineGenerationError("No templates found. Make sure your " "TEMPLATE_LOADERS and TEMPLATE_DIRS " "settings are correct.") if verbosity > 1: log.write("Found templates:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(templates) + "\n") compressor_nodes = SortedDict() for template_name in templates: try: template_file = open(template_name) try: template = Template( settings.FILE_CHARSET)) finally: template_file.close() except IOError: # unreadable file -> ignore if verbosity > 0: log.write("Unreadable template at: %s\n" % template_name) continue except TemplateSyntaxError: # broken template -> ignore if verbosity > 0: log.write("Invalid template at: %s\n" % template_name) continue except UnicodeDecodeError: if verbosity > 0: log.write("UnicodeDecodeError while trying to read " "template %s\n" % template_name) nodes = list(self.walk_nodes(template)) if nodes: compressor_nodes.setdefault(template_name, []).extend(nodes) if not compressor_nodes: raise OfflineGenerationError("No 'compress' template tags found in templates.") if verbosity > 0: log.write("Found 'compress' tags in:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(compressor_nodes.keys()) + "\n") log.write("Compressing... ") count = 0 results = [] context = Context(settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT) for nodes in compressor_nodes.values(): for node in nodes: key = get_offline_cachekey(node.nodelist) result = node.render(context, forced=True) cache.set(key, result, settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_TIMEOUT) results.append(result) count += 1 log.write("done\nCompressed %d block(s) from %d template(s).\n" % (count, len(compressor_nodes))) return count, results
def compress(self, log=None, **options): """ Searches templates containing 'compress' nodes and compresses them "offline" -- outside of the request/response cycle. The result is cached with a cache-key derived from the content of the compress nodes (not the content of the possibly linked files!). """ extensions = options.get('extensions') extensions = self.handle_extensions(extensions or ['html']) verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0)) if not log: log = StringIO() if not settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS: raise OfflineGenerationError("No template loaders defined. You " "must set TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your " "settings.") paths = set() for loader in self.get_loaders(): try: module = import_module(loader.__module__) get_template_sources = getattr(module, 'get_template_sources', None) if get_template_sources is None: get_template_sources = loader.get_template_sources paths.update(list(get_template_sources(''))) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Yeah, this didn't work out so well, let's move on pass if not paths: raise OfflineGenerationError("No template paths found. None of " "the configured template loaders " "provided template paths. See " " " "for more information on template " "loaders.") if verbosity > 1: log.write("Considering paths:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n") templates = set() for path in paths: for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=options.get( 'followlinks', False)): templates.update( os.path.join(root, name) for name in files if any( fnmatch(name, "*%s" % glob) for glob in extensions)) if not templates: raise OfflineGenerationError("No templates found. Make sure your " "TEMPLATE_LOADERS and TEMPLATE_DIRS " "settings are correct.") if verbosity > 1: log.write("Found templates:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(templates) + "\n") compressor_nodes = SortedDict() for template_name in templates: try: template_file = open(template_name) try: template = Template( settings.FILE_CHARSET)) finally: template_file.close() except IOError: # unreadable file -> ignore if verbosity > 0: log.write("Unreadable template at: %s\n" % template_name) continue except TemplateSyntaxError: # broken template -> ignore if verbosity > 0: log.write("Invalid template at: %s\n" % template_name) continue except UnicodeDecodeError: if verbosity > 0: log.write("UnicodeDecodeError while trying to read " "template %s\n" % template_name) nodes = list(self.walk_nodes(template)) if nodes: compressor_nodes.setdefault(template_name, []).extend(nodes) if not compressor_nodes: raise OfflineGenerationError( "No 'compress' template tags found in templates.") if verbosity > 0: log.write("Found 'compress' tags in:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(compressor_nodes.keys()) + "\n") log.write("Compressing... ") count = 0 results = [] context = Context(settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT) for nodes in compressor_nodes.values(): for node in nodes: key = get_offline_cachekey(node.nodelist) result = node.render(context, forced=True) cache.set(key, result, settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_TIMEOUT) results.append(result) count += 1 log.write("done\nCompressed %d block(s) from %d template(s).\n" % (count, len(compressor_nodes))) return count, results