Exemple #1
def get_rank_deviations(expt_settings, method, feature_type, embeddings_type,
    # Load the results for GPPL with Ling.
    expt_settings_1 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_1['method'] = method
    expt_settings_1['feature_type'] = feature_type
    expt_settings_1['embeddings_type'] = embeddings_type

    data_root_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/data/personalised_argumentation/")
    resultsfile_template = 'habernal_%s_%s_%s_%s_acc%.2f_di%.2f'

    resultsdir_1 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    deviations = np.zeros(0)
    utexts = np.zeros(0)

    nFolds = len(list(folds.keys()))

    for f in range(nFolds):
        fold = list(folds.keys())[f]

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_1 and expt_settings_1[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f1 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_1['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f1 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_1 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f1
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_1 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')
            print(("Error -- data not found at %s" % foldfile))

        # Load the ground truth classifications
        _, _, _, _, gold_score, pred_score, _, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_1, f1, expt_settings_1)
        pred_score = pred_score.flatten()

        # Sort
        gold_ranked_idxs = np.argsort(gold_score)
        pred_ranked_idxs = np.argsort(pred_score)

        deviations_f = np.array([
            i - np.argwhere(pred_ranked_idxs == idx)[0][0]
            for i, idx in enumerate(gold_ranked_idxs)

        deviations = np.concatenate((deviations, deviations_f))

        # get associated text
        argids, utexts_f = get_text_from_fold_regression(
            folds_r.get(fold)['test'], expt_settings_1['dataset'])
        utexts_f = np.array(utexts_f)[argids]

        utexts = np.concatenate((utexts, utexts_f))

    return deviations, utexts
Exemple #2
def compute_entropies(expt_settings, method, feature_type, embeddings_type):
    expt_settings_1 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_1['method'] = method
    expt_settings_1['feature_type'] = feature_type
    expt_settings_1['embeddings_type'] = embeddings_type

    data_root_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/data/personalised_argumentation/")
    resultsfile_template = 'habernal_%s_%s_%s_%s_acc%.2f_di%.2f'

    resultsdir_1 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    nFolds = len(list(folds.keys()))

    true_entropy = np.zeros(0)
    false_entropy = np.zeros(0)

    for f in range(nFolds):
        fold = list(folds.keys())[f]

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_1 and expt_settings_1[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f1 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_1['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f1 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_1 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f1
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_1 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')
            print(("Error -- data not found at %s" % foldfile))

        gold_disc_1, pred_disc_1, gold_prob, pred_prob, _, _, _, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_1, f1, expt_settings_1)
        if expt_settings_1['method'] == 'SVM':
            if pred_disc_1.ndim == 2:
                pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1[:, 1]
            if pred_prob.ndim == 2:
                pred_prob = pred_prob[:, 1]

        pred_prob = pred_prob.flatten()
        entropy = -gold_prob * np.log(pred_prob) - (
            1 - gold_prob) * np.log(1 - pred_prob)

        pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1.flatten()
        false_pairs_1 = pred_disc_1 != gold_disc_1
        true_pairs_1 = pred_disc_1 == gold_disc_1

        false_entropy_f = entropy[false_pairs_1]
        true_entropy_f = entropy[true_pairs_1]

        false_entropy = np.concatenate((false_entropy, false_entropy_f))
        true_entropy = np.concatenate((true_entropy, true_entropy_f))

    return np.mean(true_entropy), np.mean(false_entropy)
Exemple #3
def print_where_one_right_two_wrong(expt_settings,

    # Load the results for GPPL with Ling.
    expt_settings_1 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_1['feature_type'] = feature_type_one
    expt_settings_1['embeddings_type'] = embeddings_type_one
    if method1 is not None:
        expt_settings_1['method'] = method1

    data_root_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/data/personalised_argumentation/")
    resultsfile_template = 'habernal_%s_%s_%s_%s_acc%.2f_di%.2f'

    resultsdir_1 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    # Load the results for GPPL with Glove.
    expt_settings_2 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_2['feature_type'] = feature_type_two
    expt_settings_2['embeddings_type'] = embeddings_type_two
    if method2 is not None:
        expt_settings_2['method'] = method2
    resultsdir_2 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    nFolds = len(list(folds.keys()))

    allcounts_1 = np.zeros(0)
    alltexts_1 = np.zeros(0)

    # count up the types of mistake for each argument.
    # If the argument is a1, +1 means label should be 0 but 2 was predicted (argument was overrated by the algorithm).
    # -1 means label should be 2 but +1 was predicted (argument was underrated)
    # If the argument is a2, flip the labels.
    errorcounts_1 = np.zeros(
        (0, 2))  # first column for +1s and second column for -1s

    for f in range(nFolds):
        fold = list(folds.keys())[f]

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_1 and expt_settings_1[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f1 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_1['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f1 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_1 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f1
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_1 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_2 and expt_settings_2[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f2 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_2['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f2 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_2 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f2
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_2 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')

        # Load the ground truth classifications
        gold_disc_1, pred_disc_1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_1, f1, expt_settings_1)
        gold_disc_2, pred_disc_2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_2, f2, expt_settings_2)

        # Identify the falsely classified pairs with Ling
        #gold_disc_1 = gold_disc_1[:, None]
        #gold_disc_2 = gold_disc_2[:, None]
        if expt_settings_1['method'] == 'SVM':
            pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1[:, 1]
        if expt_settings_2['method'] == 'SVM':
            pred_disc_2 = pred_disc_2[:, 1]
        pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1.flatten()
        pred_disc_2 = pred_disc_2.flatten()
        false_pairs_1 = pred_disc_1 != gold_disc_1
        false_pairs_2 = pred_disc_2 != gold_disc_2

        errors1 = np.zeros((len(pred_disc_1), 2), dtype=int)
        errors1[:, 0] = (gold_disc_1 == 0) & (
            pred_disc_1 == 2)  # a1 was underrated, a2 was overrated
        errors1[:, 1] = -((gold_disc_1 == 2) & (pred_disc_1 == 0)).astype(
            int)  # a1 was overrated, a2 was underrated

        errors2 = np.zeros((len(pred_disc_2), 2), dtype=int)
        errors2[:, 0] = (gold_disc_2 == 0) & (pred_disc_2 == 2)
        errors2[:, 1] = -((gold_disc_2 == 2) & (pred_disc_2 == 0)).astype(int)

        # pairs falsely classified by one and not the other
        if len(false_pairs_1) != len(false_pairs_2):
            print(("mismatched fold %i: " % f))
            print(("word mean: " + str(len(false_pairs_1))))
            print(("ling: " + str(len(false_pairs_2))))

        # cases where 1 is wrong and 2 is right
        false_pairs_only1 = false_pairs_1 & np.invert(false_pairs_2)
        errors1 = errors1[false_pairs_only1]

        # Get the argument IDs for this fold
        #X_train_a1, X_train_a2 are lists of lists of word indexes
        #X_train_a1, X_train_a2, prefs_train, ids_train, personIDs_train, tr_a1, tr_a2 = folds.get(fold)["training"]
        testids_a1, testids_a2, utexts = get_text_from_fold(
            folds.get(fold)['test'], expt_settings_1['dataset'])

        # Rank by number of false pairwise labels.
        falseids_1only_a1 = testids_a1[false_pairs_only1]
        falseids_1only_a2 = testids_a2[false_pairs_only1]
        counts = np.bincount(
            np.concatenate((falseids_1only_a1, falseids_1only_a2)))
        error_sum1 = np.zeros((len(counts), 2))
        for i, argid in enumerate(falseids_1only_a1):
            errors_arg1 = errors1[falseids_1only_a1 == argid, :]
            error_sum1[argid, :] += np.sum(errors_arg1, axis=0)

        for i, argid in enumerate(falseids_1only_a2):
            errors_arg2 = errors1[falseids_1only_a2 == argid, :]

            error_sum1[argid, 0] -= np.sum(errors_arg2,
                                           axis=0)[1]  # flip the order
            error_sum1[argid, 1] -= np.sum(errors_arg2, axis=0)[0]
        top = np.argsort(counts)[-25:]

        allcounts_1 = np.concatenate((allcounts_1, counts[top]))
        false_texts = np.array(utexts)[top]
        alltexts_1 = np.concatenate((alltexts_1, false_texts))
        errorcounts_1 = np.concatenate((errorcounts_1, error_sum1[top]))

        top = np.argsort(counts)[-25:]

    # Pick the top 25.
    top_ids = np.argsort(allcounts_1)[-25:]
    top_texts_1 = alltexts_1[top_ids]

    # Get the original argument text. Print it with the mis-classification label and score.
    print(("Showing the top 25 most incorrectly labelled arguments for %s: " %
    print("No. times underrated; no.times overrated; argument text")
    for i, text in enumerate(top_texts_1):
        print(("\t %i %i %s \n" %
               (errorcounts_1[i, 0], errorcounts_1[i, 1], text)))
Exemple #4
def compute_errors_in_training(expt_settings, method, feature_type,

    expt_settings_1 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_1['dataset'] = 'UKPConvArgCrowdSample_evalMACE'
    folds_noisy, _, _, _, _ = load_train_test_data(expt_settings_1['dataset'])
    expt_settings_1['folds'] = folds_noisy

    expt_settings_2 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_2['dataset'] = 'UKPConvArgAll'
    folds_clean, _, _, _, _ = load_train_test_data(expt_settings['dataset'])

    expt_settings_1['method'] = method
    expt_settings_1['feature_type'] = feature_type
    expt_settings_1['embeddings_type'] = embeddings_type

    data_root_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/data/personalised_argumentation/")
    resultsfile_template = 'habernal_%s_%s_%s_%s_acc%.2f_di%.2f'

    resultsdir_1 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    nFolds = len(list(folds_noisy.keys()))

    correct_given_trerror = np.zeros(
        (2, 2)
    )  # correct/incorrect answers (cols) given training label errors (rows)

    for f in range(nFolds):
        fold = list(folds_noisy.keys())[f]

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_1 and expt_settings_1[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f1 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_1['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f1 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_1 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f1
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_1 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')
            print(("Error -- data not found at %s" % foldfile))

        _, _, _, _, _, _, pred_tr, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_1, f1, expt_settings_1)
        if expt_settings_1['method'] == 'SVM':
            if pred_tr.ndim == 2:
                pred_tr = pred_tr[:, 1]
        pred_tr = pred_tr.flatten()

        # find the errors in the training data
        noisy_gold_tr = folds_noisy[fold]['training'][2]
        clean_gold_tr = folds_clean[fold]['training'][2]

        trerrors = noisy_gold_tr != clean_gold_tr
        trcorrect = noisy_gold_tr == clean_gold_tr

        pred_errors = pred_tr != clean_gold_tr
        pred_correct = pred_tr == clean_gold_tr

        correct_given_trerror[0, 0] += np.sum(
            pred_correct & trcorrect)  # no training error, correct prediction
        correct_given_trerror[0, 1] += np.sum(
            pred_errors & trcorrect)  # no training error, incorrect prediction
        correct_given_trerror[1, 0] += np.sum(
            pred_correct & trerrors)  # training error, correct prediction
        correct_given_trerror[1, 1] += np.sum(
            pred_errors & trerrors)  # training error, incorrect prediction

        "Matrix of counts of correct predictions given training data errors:")

    return correct_given_trerror
Exemple #5
def compute_max_train_similarity(expt_settings,
    Find the maximum cosine similarity for arguments in the dataset.

    Compute the mean/variance of the max similarity for correct/incorrect pairs.
    # Load the results for GPPL with Ling.
    expt_settings_1 = expt_settings.copy()
    expt_settings_1['method'] = method
    expt_settings_1['feature_type'] = 'ling'
    expt_settings_1['embeddings_type'] = ''

    data_root_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/data/personalised_argumentation/")
    resultsfile_template = 'habernal_%s_%s_%s_%s_acc%.2f_di%.2f'

    resultsdir_1 = get_results_dir(data_root_dir, resultsfile_template,

    # Load the results for GPPL with Glove.

    nFolds = len(list(folds.keys()))

    mean_false = 0
    mean_true = 0
    var_false = 0
    var_true = 0

    if similarities_all is None:
        feats = items_feat / ls[None, :]
        similarities_all = cosine_similarity(
            feats, feats, dense_output=True
        )  #matern_3_2_from_raw_vals(items_feat, ls, items_feat)

    total_count_true = 0
    total_count_false = 0

    for f in range(nFolds):
        fold = list(folds.keys())[f]

        if 'fold_order' in expt_settings_1 and expt_settings_1[
                'fold_order'] is not None:
            f1 = np.argwhere(
                np.array(expt_settings_1['fold_order']) == fold)[0][0]
            f1 = f

        foldfile = resultsdir_1 + '/fold%i.pkl' % f1
        if os.path.isfile(foldfile):
            with open(foldfile, 'rb') as fh:
                data_1 = pickle.load(fh, encoding='latin1')

        # Load the ground truth classifications
        gold_disc_1, pred_disc_1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = get_fold_data(
            data_1, f1, expt_settings_1)

        # Identify the falsely classified pairs with Ling
        #gold_disc_1 = gold_disc_1[:, None]
        #gold_disc_2 = gold_disc_2[:, None]
        if expt_settings_1['method'] == 'SVM':
            pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1[:, 1]
        pred_disc_1 = pred_disc_1.flatten()
        false_pairs_1 = pred_disc_1 != gold_disc_1
        true_pairs_1 = pred_disc_1 == gold_disc_1

        # Get the argument IDs for this fold
        X_test_a1, X_test_a2, _, ids_test, _, test_a1, test_a2 = folds.get(
        test_a1 = np.array(test_a1)[:, None]
        test_a2 = np.array(test_a2)[:, None]

        testids = np.array([ids_pair.split('_') for ids_pair in ids_test])
        X_test_a1 = np.array(X_test_a1)
        X_test_a2 = np.array(X_test_a2)

        testids_a1 = get_docidxs_from_ids(docids, testids[:, 0])
        testids_a2 = get_docidxs_from_ids(docids, testids[:, 1])

        X_tr_a1, X_tr_a2, _, ids_tr, _, tr_a1, tr_a2 = folds.get(
        tr_a1 = np.array(tr_a1)[:, None]
        tr_a2 = np.array(tr_a2)[:, None]

        trids = np.array([ids_pair.split('_') for ids_pair in ids_tr])
        X_tr_a1 = np.array(X_tr_a1)
        X_tr_a2 = np.array(X_tr_a2)

        _, docids = load_ling_features(expt_settings_1['dataset'])
        trids_a1 = get_docidxs_from_ids(docids, trids[:, 0])
        trids_a2 = get_docidxs_from_ids(docids, trids[:, 1])

        true_similarities = similarities_all[np.concatenate((testids_a1[true_pairs_1], testids_a2[true_pairs_1])), :]\
                                [:, np.concatenate((trids_a1, trids_a2))]
        true_similarities = np.max(true_similarities, axis=1)

        false_similarities = similarities_all[np.concatenate((testids_a1[false_pairs_1], testids_a2[false_pairs_1])), :]\
                                [:, np.concatenate((trids_a1, trids_a2))]
        false_similarities = np.max(false_similarities, axis=1)

        total_count_true += np.sum(true_pairs_1) * 2.0
        total_count_false += np.sum(false_pairs_1) * 2.0
        mean_total_sims_true = np.sum(true_similarities)
        mean_total_sims_false = np.sum(false_similarities)
        var_total_sims_true = np.var(true_similarities)
        var_total_sims_false = np.var(false_similarities)

        mean_false += mean_total_sims_false
        mean_true += mean_total_sims_true
        var_false += var_total_sims_false
        var_true += var_total_sims_true

        #print "mean total_similarity for correctly classified pairs: %f (STD %f)" % (mean_total_sims_true,
        #                                                                           np.sqrt(var_total_sims_true))
        #print "mean total_similarity for incorrectly classified pairs: %f (STD %f)" % (mean_total_sims_false,
        #                                                                            np.sqrt(var_total_sims_false))

    mean_false /= total_count_false
    mean_true /= total_count_true
    var_false /= nFolds
    var_false = np.sqrt(var_false)
    var_true /= nFolds
    var_true = np.sqrt(var_true)

        "For all folds: mean total_sim for correctly classified pairs: %f (STD %f)"
        % (mean_true, np.sqrt(var_true))))
        "For all folds: mean total_sim for incorrectly classified pairs: %f (STD %f)"
        % (mean_false, np.sqrt(var_false))))

    return similarities_all
                        % (foldfile, resultsfile))

                if not os.path.isdir(resultsdir):
                data_f = []
                for thing in data:
                    if f in thing:
                with open(foldfile, 'wb') as fh:
                    pickle.dump(data_f, fh)

            gold_disc, pred_disc, gold_prob, pred_prob, gold_rank, pred_rank, pred_tr_disc, \
                                        pred_tr_prob, postprocced = get_fold_data(data_f, f, expt_settings)

            acc_m[f] = accuracy_score(gold_disc[gold_disc != 1],
                                      pred_disc[gold_disc != 1])
            runtimes_m[f] = data_f[6]

        acc_m = acc_m[acc_m > 0]
        runtimes_m = runtimes_m[runtimes_m > 0]

        if len(acc_m):
            acc_both[m] = np.mean(acc_m)
            runtimes_both[m] = np.mean(runtimes_m)
            if expt_settings['method'] in dims_methods:
                m_dims = dims_methods == expt_settings['method']
                runtimes_dims[m_dims, 3] = runtimes_both[m]