def _convertLabelOrBranch(lblStr, template): try: if not lblStr: return None if lblStr[0] == '/': v = versions.VersionFromString(lblStr) if isinstance(v, versions.Branch): return v # Some day we could lift this restriction if its useful. raise errors.ParseError('Cannot specify version to promote' ' - must specify branch or label') if not template: return versions.Label(lblStr) hostName = template.getHost() nameSpace = template.getNamespace() tag = template.branch if lblStr[0] == ':': lblStr = '%s@%s%s' % (hostName, nameSpace, lblStr) elif lblStr[0] == '@': lblStr = '%s%s' % (hostName, lblStr) elif lblStr[-1] == '@': lblStr = '%s%s:%s' % (lblStr, nameSpace, tag) return versions.Label(lblStr) except Exception, msg: raise errors.ParseError('Error parsing %r: %s' % (lblStr, msg))
def fromString(cls, ttstr, withFrozenFlavor=False): try: ttstr = _cast(ttstr) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise errors.ParseError("Trove tuple must be ASCII safe") equals = ttstr.count('=') left = ttstr.count('[') right = ttstr.count(']') if equals != 1 or left not in (0, 1) or right != left: raise errors.ParseError("Not a valid trove tuple") equals = ttstr.find('=') left = ttstr.find('[') right = ttstr.find(']') name = ttstr[:equals] if left < 0: # No flavor. assert right < 0 left = right = len(ttstr) elif right != len(ttstr) - 1: raise errors.ParseError("Not a valid trove tuple") version = ttstr[equals + 1:left] flavor = ttstr[left + 1:right] if not version: raise errors.ParseError("Not a valid trove tuple") return cls(name, version, flavor)
def CloneTrove(cfg, targetBranch, troveSpecList, updateBuildInfo=True, info=False, cloneSources=False, message=None, test=False, fullRecurse=False, ignoreConflicts=False, exactFlavors=False): client = ConaryClient(cfg) repos = client.getRepos() targetBranch = versions.VersionFromString(targetBranch) if not isinstance(targetBranch, versions.Branch): raise errors.ParseError( 'Cannot specify full version "%s" to clone to - must specify target branch' % targetBranch) troveSpecs = [cmdline.parseTroveSpec(x) for x in troveSpecList] componentSpecs = [ x[0] for x in troveSpecs if ':' in x[0] and x[0].split(':')[1] != 'source' ] if componentSpecs: raise errors.ParseError('Cannot clone components: %s' % ', '.join(componentSpecs)) trovesToClone = repos.findTroves(cfg.installLabelPath, troveSpecs, cfg.flavor, exactFlavors=exactFlavors) trovesToClone = list(set(itertools.chain(*trovesToClone.itervalues()))) if not client.cfg.quiet: callback = client_callbacks.CloneCallback(client.cfg, message) else: callback = callbacks.CloneCallback() okay, cs = client.createCloneChangeSet(targetBranch, trovesToClone, updateBuildInfo=updateBuildInfo, infoOnly=info, callback=callback, fullRecurse=fullRecurse, cloneSources=cloneSources) if not okay: return return _finishClone(client, cfg, cs, callback, info=info, test=test, ignoreConflicts=ignoreConflicts)
def createSearchPathFromStrings(searchPath): """ Creates a list of items that can be passed into createSearchSource. Valid items in the searchPath include: 1. troveSpec (foo=:devel) or list of trovespecs 2. string for label ( 3. label objects or list of label objects. """ from conary.conaryclient import cmdline from conary import conarycfg labelList = [] finalPath = [] if not isinstance(searchPath, (list, tuple)): searchPath = [searchPath] for item in searchPath: if isinstance(item, conarycfg.CfgLabelList): item = tuple(item) elif isinstance(item, versions.Label): labelList.append(item) continue elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): # recurse item = list(itertools.chain(*createSearchPathFromStrings(item))) elif isinstance(item, str): if '=' in item: # only troveSpecs have = in them item = (cmdline.parseTroveSpec(item), ) elif '@' in item: try: item = versions.Label(item) except baseerrors.ParseError, err: raise baseerrors.ParseError( 'Error parsing label "%s": %s' % (item, err)) labelList.append(item) continue else: item = (cmdline.parseTroveSpec(item), ) else: raise baseerrors.ParseError('Unknown searchPath item "%s"' % item) # labels don't get here, so we know that this is not part of a # labelPath if labelList: finalPath.append(tuple(labelList)) labelList = [] finalPath.append(item)
def createSearchSourceStack(searchSource, searchPath, flavor, db=None, resolveLeavesFirst=True, troveSource=None, useAffinity=True, fallBackToRepos=True): """ Creates a searchSourceStack based on a searchPath. Valid parameters include: - a label object - a trove tuple - a trove object - a list of any of the above. """ if troveSource is None: troveSource = searchSource.getTroveSource() if resolveLeavesFirst: searchMethod = resolvemethod.RESOLVE_LEAVES_FIRST else: searchMethod = resolvemethod.RESOLVE_ALL searchStack = SearchSourceStack(resolveSearchMethod=searchMethod) hasNetworkSearchSource = False for item in searchPath: if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): item = [item] if isinstance(item[0], versions.Label): searchStack.addSource( NetworkSearchSource(troveSource, item, flavor, db, resolveSearchMethod=searchMethod)) hasNetworkSearchSource = True elif isinstance(item[0], trove.Trove): s = TroveSearchSource(searchSource.getTroveSource(), item, flavor) searchStack.addSource(s) elif isinstance(item[0], (list, tuple)): if not isinstance(item[0][1], versions.Version): item = searchSource.findTroves(item, useAffinity=useAffinity) item = list(itertools.chain(*item.itervalues())) s = TroveSearchSource(searchSource.getTroveSource(), item, flavor) searchStack.addSource(s) else: raise baseerrors.ParseError('unknown search path item %s' % (item, )) if fallBackToRepos and not hasNetworkSearchSource: searchStack.addSource( NetworkSearchSource(troveSource, [], flavor, db, resolveSearchMethod=searchMethod)) return searchStack
def requireParameters(self, args, expected=None, allowExtra=False, appendExtra=False, maxExtra=None): args = args[1:] # cut off argv[0] command = repr(args[0]) if isinstance(expected, str): expected = [expected] if expected is None: expected = ['command'] else: expected = ['command'] + expected if expected: missing = expected[len(args):] if missing: raise errors.ParseError( '%s missing %s command' ' parameter(s): %s' % (command, len(missing), ', '.join(missing))) extra = len(args) - len(expected) if not allowExtra and not appendExtra: maxExtra = 0 if maxExtra is not None and extra > maxExtra: if maxExtra: numParams = '%s-%s' % (len(expected) - 1, len(expected) + maxExtra - 1) else: numParams = '%s' % (len(expected) - 1) raise errors.ParseError('%s takes %s arguments, received %s' % (command, numParams, len(args) - 1)) if appendExtra: # final parameter is list return args[:len(expected) - 1] + [args[len(expected) - 1:]] elif allowExtra: return args[:len(expected)] + [args[len(expected):]] else: return args
def getCommand(self, argv, cfg): # note, cfg is not used by this implementation, but it # may be used by classes that derive from this one. if len(argv) == 1: # no command specified return None commandName = argv[1] if commandName not in self._supportedCommands: rc = self.usage() raise errors.ParseError("%s: unknown command: '%s'" % (, commandName)) return self._supportedCommands[commandName]
def fromString(cls, val, absolute=None): try: val = _cast(val) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise errors.ParseError("Job tuple must be ASCII safe") name, val = val.split('=') if '--' in val: old, new = val.split('--') else: old, new = '', val if old: old = TroveTuple.fromString('%s=%s' % (name, old))[1:3] else: old = (None, None) if new: new = TroveTuple.fromString('%s=%s' % (name, new))[1:3] else: new = (None, None) return cls(name, old, new, absolute)
def parse(self, text): # ensure that this is a legal conary upstream version rev = versions.Revision(text + '-1') if rev.buildCount != None: raise errors.ParseError('%s: not a conary upstream version' % text) _TextOp.parse(self, text)
def branch(repos, cfg, newLabel, troveSpecs, makeShadow=False, sourceOnly=False, binaryOnly=False, allowEmptyShadow=False, info=False, forceBinary=False, ignoreConflicts=False, targetFile=None): branchType = _getBranchType(binaryOnly, sourceOnly) client = conaryclient.ConaryClient(cfg) troveSpecs = [updatecmd.parseTroveSpec(x) for x in troveSpecs] componentSpecs = [ x[0] for x in troveSpecs if (':' in x[0] and x[0].split(':')[1] != 'source') ] if componentSpecs: raise errors.ParseError( 'Cannot branch or shadow individual components: %s' % ', '.join(componentSpecs)) result = repos.findTroves(cfg.buildLabel, troveSpecs, cfg.buildFlavor) troveList = [x for x in itertools.chain(*result.itervalues())] sigKey = selectSignatureKey(cfg, newLabel) if makeShadow: dups, cs = client.createShadowChangeSet(newLabel, troveList, allowEmptyShadow=\ allowEmptyShadow, branchType=branchType, sigKeyId=sigKey) else: dups, cs = client.createBranchChangeSet(newLabel, troveList, branchType=branchType, sigKeyId=sigKey) for (name, branch) in dups: log.warning("%s already has branch %s", name, branch.asString()) if not cs: return if makeShadow: branchOps = 'shadows' else: branchOps = 'branches' hasBinary = False for trvCs in cs.iterNewTroveList(): if not trvCs.getName().endswith(':source'): hasBinary = True break if cfg.interactive or info: print 'The following %s will be created:' % branchOps displayBranchJob(cs, shadow=makeShadow) if cfg.interactive: print if hasBinary and branchType & client.BRANCH_BINARY: print 'WARNING: You have chosen to create binary %s. ' \ 'This is not recommended\nwith this version of cvc.' \ % branchOps print okay = cmdline.askYn('Continue with %s? [y/N]' % branchOps.lower(), default=False) if not okay: return elif (not forceBinary) and hasBinary and branchType & client.BRANCH_BINARY: print 'Creating binary %s is only allowed in interactive mode. ' \ 'Rerun cvc\nwith --interactive.' % branchOps return 1 if not info: if targetFile: cs.writeToFile(targetFile) else: client.repos.commitChangeSet(cs)