Exemple #1
def handle_triple(line, reader, out, map_out):
    subj, pred, obj, tag = reader.parse_line(line)
    if tag != 'URL':

    # Ignore types of edges that we don't care about:
    #   - Homepage links
    #   - GIS features
    #   - Assertions that something "is a thing"
    #   - Anonymous nodes identified with double-underscores, such as the node
    #     "Alfred_Nobel__1", which means "Alfred Nobel's occupation, whatever
    #     it is"
    #   - Nodes that are articles named "List of X" on Wikipedia
    if ('foaf/0.1/homepage' in pred or '_Feature' in obj or '#Thing' in obj or
        '__' in subj or '__' in obj or 'List_of' in subj or 'List_of' in obj):

    # We don't try to parse URIs from outside of dbpedia.org's namespace.
    if 'dbpedia.org' not in obj:

    subj_concept = translate_dbpedia_url(subj, 'en')
    obj_concept = translate_dbpedia_url(obj, 'en')

    # DBPedia categorizes a lot of things as 'works', which causes unnecessary
    # ambiguity. Disregard these edges; there will almost always be a more
    # specific edge calling it a 'creative work' anyway.
    if obj_concept == '/c/en/work':

    rel = map_dbpedia_relation(pred)
    if rel is None:

    # We've successfully converted this Semantic Web triple to ConceptNet URIs.
    # Now write the results to the 'sw_map' file so others can follow this
    # mapping.
    mapped_pairs = [
        (pred, rel),
        (subj, subj_concept),
        (obj, obj_concept)
    for sw_url, conceptnet_uri in mapped_pairs:
        conceptnet_url = full_conceptnet_url(conceptnet_uri)
        map_out.write_link(conceptnet_url, sw_url)

    edge = make_edge(rel, subj_concept, obj_concept,

Exemple #2
def run_wordnet(input_dir, output_file, sw_map_file):
    out = MsgpackStreamWriter(output_file)
    map_out = NTriplesWriter(sw_map_file)
    reader = NTriplesReader()

    synset_senses = defaultdict(list)
    sense_synsets = {}

    labels = {}
    glossary = {}
    concept_map = {}
    sense_to_synset = {}

    # Parse lines such as:
    #   wn30:synset-Aeolian-noun-2 rdfs:label "Aeolian"@en-us .
    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(os.path.join(input_dir, 'wordnet-synset.ttl')):
        if resource_name(rel) == 'label':
            # Everything in WordNet is in English
            assert objtag == 'en'
            labels[subj] = obj

    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(os.path.join(input_dir, 'wordnet-glossary.ttl')):
        if resource_name(rel) == 'gloss':
            assert objtag == 'en'

            # Take the definition up to the first semicolon
            text = obj.split(';')[0]

            # Remove introductory phrases with a colon
            text = text.split(': ', 1)[-1]

            # Remove parenthesized expressions
            while True:
                newtext = re.sub(r'\(.+?\) ?', '', text).strip()
                if newtext == text or newtext == '':
                    text = newtext

            glossary[subj] = text.replace('/', '_')

    # Get the list of word senses in each synset, and make a bidirectional mapping.
    # Example line:
    #   wn30:synset-Aeolian-noun-2 wn20schema:containsWordSense wn30:wordsense-Aeolian-noun-2 .
    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(os.path.join(input_dir, 'full/wordnet-wordsense-synset-relations.ttl')):
        if resource_name(rel) == 'containsWordSense':
            sense_synsets[obj] = subj

    # Assign every synset to a disambiguated concept.
    for synset in synset_senses:
        synset_name = labels[synset]
        synset_pos = synset.split('-')[-2]
        pos = PARTS_OF_SPEECH[synset_pos]
        disambig = glossary[synset]

        concept = standardized_concept_uri('en', synset_name, pos, disambig)
        concept_map[synset] = concept

    # Map senses to their synsets.
    for sense, synset in sense_synsets.items():
        sense_to_synset[sense] = synset

    for filename in (
        'wordnet-attribute.ttl', 'wordnet-causes.ttl',
        'wordnet-classifiedby.ttl', 'wordnet-entailment.ttl',
        'wordnet-hyponym.ttl', 'wordnet-instances.ttl',
        'wordnet-membermeronym.ttl', 'wordnet-partmeronym.ttl',
        'wordnet-sameverbgroupas.ttl', 'wordnet-similarity.ttl',
        'wordnet-substancemeronym.ttl', 'full/wordnet-antonym.ttl',
        filepath = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(filepath):
                # If this relation involves word senses, map them to their synsets
                # first.
                if web_subj in sense_to_synset:
                    web_subj = sense_to_synset[web_subj]
                if web_obj in sense_to_synset:
                    web_obj = sense_to_synset[web_obj]
                subj = concept_map[web_subj]
                obj = concept_map[web_obj]
                pred_label = resource_name(web_rel)
                if pred_label in REL_MAPPING:
                    mapped_rel = REL_MAPPING[pred_label]

                    # Handle WordNet relations that are the reverse of ConceptNet
                    # relations. Change the word 'meronym' to 'holonym' if
                    # necessary.
                    if mapped_rel.startswith('~'):
                        subj, obj = obj, subj
                        web_subj, web_obj = web_obj, web_subj
                        web_rel = web_rel.replace('meronym', 'holonym')
                        mapped_rel = mapped_rel[1:]
                    rel = join_uri('r', mapped_rel)
                    rel = join_uri('r', 'wordnet', pred_label)

                map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel))
                map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj))
                map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj))
                edge = make_edge(
                    rel, subj, obj, dataset='/d/wordnet/3.0',
                    license='/l/CC/By', sources=SOURCE, weight=2.0
Exemple #3
def handle_triple(line, reader, out, map_out):
    subj, pred, obj, tag = reader.parse_line(line)
    if tag != "URL":

    # Ignore types of edges that we don't care about:
    #   - Homepage links
    #   - GIS features
    #   - Assertions that something "is a thing"
    #   - Anonymous nodes identified with double-underscores, such as the node
    #     "Alfred_Nobel__1", which means "Alfred Nobel's occupation, whatever
    #     it is"
    #   - Nodes that are articles named "List of X" on Wikipedia
    if (
        "foaf/0.1/homepage" in pred
        or "_Feature" in obj
        or "#Thing" in obj
        or "__" in subj
        or "__" in obj
        or "List_of" in subj
        or "List_of" in obj
        or "Wikidata:" in obj

    # We don't try to parse URIs from outside of dbpedia.org's namespace.
    if "dbpedia.org" not in obj:

    subj_concept = translate_dbpedia_url(subj)
    obj_concept = translate_dbpedia_url(obj)
    subj_text = un_camel_case(parse_topic_name(resource_name(subj))[0])
    obj_text = un_camel_case(parse_topic_name(resource_name(obj))[0])
    if subj_concept is None or obj_concept is None:

    # DBPedia categorizes a lot of things as 'works', which causes unnecessary
    # ambiguity. Disregard these edges; there will almost always be a more
    # specific edge calling it a 'creative work' anyway.
    if obj_concept in CONCEPT_BLACKLIST:

    rel = map_dbpedia_relation(pred)
    if rel is None:

    if rel in {"/r/IsA", "/r/TranslationOf"}:
        obj_text = obj_text.lower()

    # We've successfully converted this Semantic Web triple to ConceptNet URIs.
    # Now write the results to the 'sw_map' file so others can follow this
    # mapping.
    mapped_pairs = [(pred, rel), (subj, subj_concept), (obj, obj_concept)]
    for sw_url, conceptnet_uri in mapped_pairs:
        conceptnet_url = full_conceptnet_url(conceptnet_uri)
        map_out.write_link(conceptnet_url, sw_url)

    edge = make_edge(
        surfaceText=make_surface_text(rel, subj_text, obj_text),

Exemple #4
def run_wordnet(input_dir, output_file, sw_map_file):
    out = MsgpackStreamWriter(output_file)
    map_out = NTriplesWriter(sw_map_file)
    reader = NTriplesReader()

    synset_senses = defaultdict(list)
    sense_synsets = {}

    labels = {}
    glossary = {}
    concept_map = {}
    sense_to_synset = {}

    # Parse lines such as:
    #   wn30:synset-Aeolian-noun-2 rdfs:label "Aeolian"@en-us .
    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(
            os.path.join(input_dir, 'wordnet-synset.ttl')):
        if resource_name(rel) == 'label':
            # Everything in WordNet is in English
            assert objtag == 'en'
            labels[subj] = obj

    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(
            os.path.join(input_dir, 'wordnet-glossary.ttl')):
        if resource_name(rel) == 'gloss':
            assert objtag == 'en'

            # Take the definition up to the first semicolon
            text = obj.split(';')[0]

            # Remove introductory phrases with a colon
            text = text.split(': ', 1)[-1]

            # Remove parenthesized expressions
            while True:
                newtext = re.sub(r'\(.+?\) ?', '', text).strip()
                if newtext == text or newtext == '':
                    text = newtext

            glossary[subj] = text.replace('/', '_')

    # Get the list of word senses in each synset, and make a bidirectional mapping.
    # Example line:
    #   wn30:synset-Aeolian-noun-2 wn20schema:containsWordSense wn30:wordsense-Aeolian-noun-2 .
    for subj, rel, obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(
        if resource_name(rel) == 'containsWordSense':
            sense_synsets[obj] = subj

    # Assign every synset to a disambiguated concept.
    for synset in synset_senses:
        synset_name = labels[synset]
        synset_pos = synset.split('-')[-2]
        pos = PARTS_OF_SPEECH[synset_pos]
        disambig = glossary[synset]

        concept = standardized_concept_uri('en', synset_name, pos, disambig)
        concept_map[synset] = concept

    # Map senses to their synsets.
    for sense, synset in sense_synsets.items():
        sense_to_synset[sense] = synset

    for filename in ('wordnet-attribute.ttl', 'wordnet-causes.ttl',
                     'wordnet-classifiedby.ttl', 'wordnet-entailment.ttl',
                     'wordnet-hyponym.ttl', 'wordnet-instances.ttl',
                     'wordnet-membermeronym.ttl', 'wordnet-partmeronym.ttl',
                     'wordnet-sameverbgroupas.ttl', 'wordnet-similarity.ttl',
        filepath = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(
                # If this relation involves word senses, map them to their synsets
                # first.
                if web_subj in sense_to_synset:
                    web_subj = sense_to_synset[web_subj]
                if web_obj in sense_to_synset:
                    web_obj = sense_to_synset[web_obj]
                subj = concept_map[web_subj]
                obj = concept_map[web_obj]
                pred_label = resource_name(web_rel)
                if pred_label in REL_MAPPING:
                    mapped_rel = REL_MAPPING[pred_label]

                    # Handle WordNet relations that are the reverse of ConceptNet
                    # relations. Change the word 'meronym' to 'holonym' if
                    # necessary.
                    if mapped_rel.startswith('~'):
                        subj, obj = obj, subj
                        web_subj, web_obj = web_obj, web_subj
                        web_rel = web_rel.replace('meronym', 'holonym')
                        mapped_rel = mapped_rel[1:]
                    rel = join_uri('r', mapped_rel)
                    rel = join_uri('r', 'wordnet', pred_label)

                map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel))
                map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj))
                map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj))
                edge = make_edge(rel,
def run_umbel(input_dir, output_file, sw_map_file):
    Read N-Triples files containing Umbel data, outputting a file of
    ConceptNet edges and a file of mappings between the Semantic Web and
    out = MsgpackStreamWriter(output_file)
    map_out = NTriplesWriter(sw_map_file)
    reader = NTriplesReader()

    labels = {}
    label_sets = defaultdict(set)

    # There are two files we want to parse:
    # - umbel.nt, a transformation of umbel.n3, which is available from
    #   https://github.com/structureddynamics/UMBEL/.
    # - umbel_links.nt, distributed with DBPedia 3.9.
    # We parse them both in this file so that umbel_links can reuse the
    # concept names extracted from umbel.nt.
    main_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'umbel.nt')
    dbpedia_link_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'umbel_links.nt')

    # Read through umbel.nt once, finding all the "preferred labels". We will
    # use these as the surface texts for the nodes.
    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(main_file):
        if resource_name(web_rel) == 'prefLabel':
            # 'CW' and 'PCW' are Cyc jargon for 'conceptual works'. If a node
            # cannot be described except as a CW, we're probably not
            # interested in it.
            if 'CW' not in web_obj.split() and 'PCW' not in web_obj.split():
                labels[web_subj] = web_obj
        if resource_name(web_rel).endswith('Label'):
            text = standardize_text(web_obj)

    # Read through umbel.nt again and extract ConceptNet edges.
    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(main_file):
        if objtag == 'URL' and acceptable_node(web_obj) and acceptable_node(
            # Only use nodes for which we've seen preferred labels.
            # (This skips some anonymous OWL-cruft nodes.)
            if web_subj in labels and web_obj in labels:
                subj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', labels[web_subj])
                obj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', labels[web_obj])
                rel_name = resource_name(web_rel)
                # Check if this is a relation we want to handle.
                if rel_name in REL_MAPPING:
                    # Write the ConceptNet edges and the mappings to Semantic Web URLs.
                    rel_uri, frame = REL_MAPPING[rel_name]
                    surface = frame % (labels[web_subj], labels[web_obj])
                        umbel_edge(rel_uri, subj_uri, obj_uri, surface,
                    map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj_uri))

        # altLabel relations assign different texts to the same node. We'll
        # represent those in ConceptNet with Synonym relations.
        elif web_rel.endswith('altLabel'):
            # Make sure we know what's being labeled.
            if web_subj in labels:
                name = web_obj
                words = name.split(' ')
                if standardized_concept_name(
                        'en', name) != standardized_concept_name(
                            'en', labels[web_subj]):
                    if not set(words) & IGNORED_WORDS:
                        main_label = standardized_concept_uri(
                            'en', labels[web_subj])
                        name_text = standardize_text(name)
                        if len(label_sets[name_text]) >= 2 or len(
                                name_text) <= 3:
                            disambig = un_camel_case(resource_name(web_subj))

                            # Cyc does not distinguish texts by their part of speech, so use
                            # '_' as the part of speech symbol.
                            alt_label = standardized_concept_uri(
                                'en', name, '_', disambig)
                            alt_label = standardized_concept_uri('en', name)
                        surface = SYN_FRAME % (name, labels[web_subj])
                            umbel_edge('/r/Synonym', alt_label, main_label,
                                       surface, SOURCE))

    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(
        if objtag == 'URL' and acceptable_node(web_obj) and acceptable_node(
            if web_obj in labels:
                subj_label = resource_name(web_subj).replace('_', ' ')
                subj_uri = translate_dbpedia_url(web_subj)
                obj_label = labels[web_obj]
                obj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', obj_label)
                rel_name = resource_name(web_rel)
                if rel_name in REL_MAPPING:
                    rel_uri, frame = REL_MAPPING[rel_name]
                    surface = frame % (subj_label, obj_label)
                        umbel_edge(rel_uri, subj_uri, obj_uri, surface,
                    map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj_uri))
Exemple #6
def run_umbel(input_dir, output_file, sw_map_file):
    Read N-Triples files containing Umbel data, outputting a file of
    ConceptNet edges and a file of mappings between the Semantic Web and
    out = MsgpackStreamWriter(output_file)
    map_out = NTriplesWriter(sw_map_file)
    reader = NTriplesReader()

    labels = {}
    label_sets = defaultdict(set)

    # There are two files we want to parse:
    # - umbel.nt, a transformation of umbel.n3, which is available from
    #   https://github.com/structureddynamics/UMBEL/.
    # - umbel_links.nt, distributed with DBPedia 3.9.
    # We parse them both in this file so that umbel_links can reuse the
    # concept names extracted from umbel.nt.
    main_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'umbel.nt')
    dbpedia_link_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'umbel_links.nt')

    # Read through umbel.nt once, finding all the "preferred labels". We will
    # use these as the surface texts for the nodes.
    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(main_file):
        if resource_name(web_rel) == 'prefLabel':
            # 'CW' and 'PCW' are Cyc jargon for 'conceptual works'. If a node
            # cannot be described except as a CW, we're probably not
            # interested in it.
            if 'CW' not in web_obj.split() and 'PCW' not in web_obj.split():
                labels[web_subj] = web_obj
        if resource_name(web_rel).endswith('Label'):
            text = standardize_text(web_obj)

    # Read through umbel.nt again and extract ConceptNet edges.
    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(main_file):
        if objtag == 'URL' and acceptable_node(web_obj) and acceptable_node(web_subj):
            # Only use nodes for which we've seen preferred labels.
            # (This skips some anonymous OWL-cruft nodes.)
            if web_subj in labels and web_obj in labels:
                subj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', labels[web_subj])
                obj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', labels[web_obj])
                rel_name = resource_name(web_rel)
                # Check if this is a relation we want to handle.
                if rel_name in REL_MAPPING:
                    # Write the ConceptNet edges and the mappings to Semantic Web URLs.
                    rel_uri, frame = REL_MAPPING[rel_name]
                    surface = frame % (labels[web_subj], labels[web_obj])
                    out.write(umbel_edge(rel_uri, subj_uri, obj_uri, surface, SOURCE))
                    map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj_uri))

        # altLabel relations assign different texts to the same node. We'll
        # represent those in ConceptNet with Synonym relations.
        elif web_rel.endswith('altLabel'):
            # Make sure we know what's being labeled.
            if web_subj in labels:
                name = web_obj
                words = name.split(' ')
                if standardized_concept_name('en', name) != standardized_concept_name('en', labels[web_subj]):
                    if not set(words) & IGNORED_WORDS:
                        main_label = standardized_concept_uri('en', labels[web_subj])
                        name_text = standardize_text(name)
                        if len(label_sets[name_text]) >= 2 or len(name_text) <= 3:
                            disambig = un_camel_case(resource_name(web_subj))

                            # Cyc does not distinguish texts by their part of speech, so use
                            # '_' as the part of speech symbol.
                            alt_label = standardized_concept_uri('en', name, '_', disambig)
                            alt_label = standardized_concept_uri('en', name)
                        surface = SYN_FRAME % (name, labels[web_subj])
                        out.write(umbel_edge('/r/Synonym', alt_label, main_label, surface, SOURCE))

    for web_subj, web_rel, web_obj, objtag in reader.parse_file(dbpedia_link_file):
        if objtag == 'URL' and acceptable_node(web_obj) and acceptable_node(web_subj):
            if web_obj in labels:
                subj_label = resource_name(web_subj).replace('_', ' ')
                subj_uri = translate_dbpedia_url(web_subj)
                obj_label = labels[web_obj]
                obj_uri = standardized_concept_uri('en', obj_label)
                rel_name = resource_name(web_rel)
                if rel_name in REL_MAPPING:
                    rel_uri, frame = REL_MAPPING[rel_name]
                    surface = frame % (subj_label, obj_label)
                    out.write(umbel_edge(rel_uri, subj_uri, obj_uri, surface, LINK_SOURCE))
                    map_out.write_link(web_rel, full_conceptnet_url(rel_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_subj, full_conceptnet_url(subj_uri))
                    map_out.write_link(web_obj, full_conceptnet_url(obj_uri))