def distribute_variants(metadata, variants, permit_unsatisfiable_variants=False, stub_subpackages=False): rendered_metadata = {} need_reparse_in_env = False need_source_download = True unsatisfiable_variants = [] packages_needing_building = set() # don't bother distributing python if it's a noarch package if metadata.noarch or metadata.noarch_python: conform_dict = {'python': variants[0]['python']} variants = conform_variants_to_value(variants, conform_dict) # store these for reference later metadata.config.variants = variants if variants: recipe_requirements = metadata.extract_requirements_text() for variant in variants: mv = metadata.copy() # this determines which variants were used, and thus which ones should be locked for # future rendering = False mv.config.variant = {} mv.parse_again(permit_undefined_jinja=True, stub_subpackages=True) vars_in_recipe = set(mv.undefined_jinja_vars) mv.config.variant = variant conform_dict = {} for key in vars_in_recipe: if PY3 and hasattr(recipe_requirements, 'decode'): recipe_requirements = recipe_requirements.decode() elif not PY3 and hasattr(recipe_requirements, 'encode'): recipe_requirements = recipe_requirements.encode() # We use this variant in the top-level recipe. # constrain the stored variants to only this version in the output # variant mapping if"\s+\{\{\s*%s\s*(?:.*?)?\}\}" % key, recipe_requirements): conform_dict[key] = variant[key] compiler_matches = re.findall(r"compiler\([\'\"](.*)[\'\"].*\)", recipe_requirements) if compiler_matches: from conda_build.jinja_context import native_compiler for match in compiler_matches: compiler_key = '{}_compiler'.format(match) conform_dict[compiler_key] = variant.get( compiler_key, native_compiler(match, mv.config)) conform_dict['target_platform'] = variant[ 'target_platform'] build_reqs = mv.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('build', []) if 'python' in build_reqs: conform_dict['python'] = variant['python'] mv.config.variants = conform_variants_to_value( mv.config.variants, conform_dict) # reset this to our current variant to go ahead mv.config.variant = variant if 'target_platform' in variant: mv.config.host_subdir = variant['target_platform'] if not need_reparse_in_env: try: mv.parse_until_resolved(stub_subpackages=stub_subpackages) need_source_download = (bool(mv.meta.get('source')) and not mv.needs_source_for_render and not os.listdir(mv.config.work_dir)) # if python is in the build specs, but doesn't have a specific associated # version, make sure to add one to newly parsed 'requirements/build'. if build_reqs and 'python' in build_reqs: python_version = 'python {}'.format( mv.config.variant['python']) mv.meta['requirements']['build'] = [ python_version if re.match('^python(?:$| .*)', pkg) else pkg for pkg in mv.meta['requirements']['build'] ] fm = finalize_metadata(mv) rendered_metadata[fm.dist()] = (fm, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env) except DependencyNeedsBuildingError as e: unsatisfiable_variants.append(variant) packages_needing_building.update(set(e.packages)) if permit_unsatisfiable_variants: rendered_metadata[mv.dist()] = (mv, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env) continue except exceptions.UnableToParseMissingSetuptoolsDependencies: need_reparse_in_env = True except: raise else: # computes hashes based on whatever the current specs are - not the final specs # This is a deduplication step. Any variants that end up identical because a # given variant is not used in a recipe are effectively ignored, though we still # pay the price to parse for that variant. rendered_metadata[mv.build_id()] = (mv, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env) else: rendered_metadata['base_recipe'] = (metadata, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env) if unsatisfiable_variants and not permit_unsatisfiable_variants: raise DependencyNeedsBuildingError(packages=packages_needing_building) # list of tuples. # each tuple item is a tuple of 3 items: # metadata, need_download, need_reparse_in_env return list(rendered_metadata.values())
def distribute_variants(metadata, variants, permit_unsatisfiable_variants=False, allow_no_other_outputs=False, bypass_env_check=False): rendered_metadata = {} need_source_download = True # don't bother distributing python if it's a noarch package if metadata.noarch or metadata.noarch_python: conform_dict = {'python': variants[0]['python']} variants = conform_variants_to_value(variants, conform_dict) # store these for reference later metadata.config.variants = variants # These are always the full set. just 'variants' is the one that gets # used mostly, and can be reduced metadata.config.input_variants = variants squished_variants = list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(variants) recipe_requirements = metadata.extract_requirements_text() recipe_package_and_build_text = metadata.extract_package_and_build_text() recipe_text = recipe_package_and_build_text + recipe_requirements if PY3 and hasattr(recipe_text, 'decode'): recipe_text = recipe_text.decode() elif not PY3 and hasattr(recipe_text, 'encode'): recipe_text = recipe_text.encode() for variant in variants: mv = metadata.copy() # this determines which variants were used, and thus which ones should be locked for # future rendering = False mv.config.variant = {} mv.parse_again(permit_undefined_jinja=True, allow_no_other_outputs=True, bypass_env_check=True) vars_in_recipe = set(mv.undefined_jinja_vars) mv.config.variant = variant conform_dict = {} for key in vars_in_recipe: # We use this variant in the top-level recipe. # constrain the stored variants to only this version in the output # variant mapping if"\s*\{\{\s*%s\s*(?:.*?)?\}\}" % key, recipe_text): if key in variant: variant_index = squished_variants[key].index(variant[key]) zipped_keys = [key] if 'zip_keys' in variant: zip_key_groups = variant['zip_keys'] if zip_key_groups and not isinstance( zip_key_groups[0], list): zip_key_groups = [zip_key_groups] for group in zip_key_groups: if key in group: zipped_keys = group break for zipped_key in zipped_keys: conform_dict[zipped_key] = squished_variants[ zipped_key][variant_index] conform_dict.update({ key: val for key, val in variant.items() if key in mv.meta.get('requirements').get('build', []) + mv.meta.get('requirements').get('host', []) }) compiler_matches = re.findall(r"compiler\([\'\"](.*)[\'\"].*\)", recipe_requirements) if compiler_matches: from conda_build.jinja_context import native_compiler for match in compiler_matches: compiler_key = '{}_compiler'.format(match) conform_dict[compiler_key] = variant.get( compiler_key, native_compiler(match, mv.config)) conform_dict['target_platform'] = variant['target_platform'] build_reqs = mv.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('build', []) host_reqs = mv.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('host', []) if 'python' in build_reqs or 'python' in host_reqs: conform_dict['python'] = variant['python'] pin_run_as_build = variant.get('pin_run_as_build', {}) if mv.numpy_xx and 'numpy' not in pin_run_as_build: pin_run_as_build['numpy'] = {'min_pin': 'x.x', 'max_pin': 'x.x'} mv.config.variants = conform_variants_to_value(mv.config.variants, conform_dict) numpy_pinned_variants = [] for _variant in mv.config.variants: _variant['pin_run_as_build'] = pin_run_as_build numpy_pinned_variants.append(_variant) mv.config.variants = numpy_pinned_variants if mv.needs_source_for_render and mv.variant_in_source: mv.parse_again() utils.rm_rf(mv.config.work_dir) source.provide(mv) mv.parse_again() mv.parse_until_resolved(allow_no_other_outputs=allow_no_other_outputs, bypass_env_check=bypass_env_check) need_source_download = (bool(mv.meta.get('source')) and not mv.needs_source_for_render and not os.listdir(mv.config.work_dir)) # if python is in the build specs, but doesn't have a specific associated # version, make sure to add one to newly parsed 'requirements/build'. for env in ('build', 'host', 'run'): utils.insert_variant_versions(mv, env) fm = mv.copy() # HACK: trick conda-build into thinking this is final, and computing a hash based # on the current meta.yaml. The accuracy doesn't matter, all that matters is # our ability to differentiate configurations = True rendered_metadata[fm.dist()] = (mv, need_source_download, None) # list of tuples. # each tuple item is a tuple of 3 items: # metadata, need_download, need_reparse_in_env return list(rendered_metadata.values())
def distribute_variants(metadata, variants, permit_unsatisfiable_variants=False, allow_no_other_outputs=False, bypass_env_check=False): rendered_metadata = {} need_reparse_in_env = False need_source_download = True # don't bother distributing python if it's a noarch package if metadata.noarch or metadata.noarch_python: conform_dict = {'python': variants[0]['python']} variants = conform_variants_to_value(variants, conform_dict) # store these for reference later metadata.config.variants = variants recipe_requirements = metadata.extract_requirements_text() for variant in variants: mv = metadata.copy() # this determines which variants were used, and thus which ones should be locked for # future rendering = False mv.config.variant = {} mv.parse_again(permit_undefined_jinja=True, allow_no_other_outputs=True, bypass_env_check=True) vars_in_recipe = set(mv.undefined_jinja_vars) mv.config.variant = variant conform_dict = {} for key in vars_in_recipe: if PY3 and hasattr(recipe_requirements, 'decode'): recipe_requirements = recipe_requirements.decode() elif not PY3 and hasattr(recipe_requirements, 'encode'): recipe_requirements = recipe_requirements.encode() # We use this variant in the top-level recipe. # constrain the stored variants to only this version in the output # variant mapping if"\s+\{\{\s*%s\s*(?:.*?)?\}\}" % key, recipe_requirements): conform_dict[key] = variant[key] compiler_matches = re.findall(r"compiler\([\'\"](.*)[\'\"].*\)", recipe_requirements) if compiler_matches: from conda_build.jinja_context import native_compiler for match in compiler_matches: compiler_key = '{}_compiler'.format(match) conform_dict[compiler_key] = variant.get( compiler_key, native_compiler(match, mv.config)) conform_dict['target_platform'] = variant['target_platform'] build_reqs = mv.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('build', []) host_reqs = mv.meta.get('requirements', {}).get('host', []) if 'python' in build_reqs or 'python' in host_reqs: conform_dict['python'] = variant['python'] mv.config.variants = conform_variants_to_value(mv.config.variants, conform_dict) if not need_reparse_in_env: mv.parse_until_resolved( allow_no_other_outputs=allow_no_other_outputs, bypass_env_check=bypass_env_check) need_source_download = (bool(mv.meta.get('source')) and not mv.needs_source_for_render and not os.listdir(mv.config.work_dir)) # if python is in the build specs, but doesn't have a specific associated # version, make sure to add one to newly parsed 'requirements/build'. for env in ('build', 'host'): insert_python_version(mv, env) fm = mv.copy() # HACK: trick conda-build into thinking this is final, and computing a hash based # on the current meta.yaml. The accuracy doesn't matter, all that matters is # our ability to differentiate configurations = True rendered_metadata[fm.dist()] = (mv, need_source_download, need_reparse_in_env) # list of tuples. # each tuple item is a tuple of 3 items: # metadata, need_download, need_reparse_in_env return list(rendered_metadata.values())