Exemple #1
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result
        assert 'REDIS_URL' in result.environ

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # be sure we generate the config html that would use the old one
        requirement = _redis_requirement()
        status = requirement.check_status(result.environ, local_state_file,
                                          'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        html = RedisProvider().config_html(requirement, result.environ,
                                           UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        assert 'Use the redis-server we started earlier' in html

        # now try again, and we should re-use the exact same server
        pidfile_mtime = os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content = file.read()
        result2 = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result2

        # port should be the same, and set in the environment
        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(

        # no new pid file
        assert pidfile_mtime == os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content2 = file.read()
        assert pidfile_content == pidfile_content2

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result2)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemple #2
    def prepare_then_update_environ(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(FOO='bar')
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result

        other = minimal_environ(BAR='baz')
        assert dict(FOO='bar', BAR='baz', PROJECT_DIR=dirname) == strip_environ(other)
Exemple #3
    def prepare_then_update_environ(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(FOO='bar')
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result

        other = minimal_environ(BAR='baz')
        assert dict(FOO='bar', BAR='baz', PROJECT_DIR=dirname) == strip_environ(other)
Exemple #4
    def check(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name='foo')
        assert result
        assert os.path.join(project.directory_path, 'foo.py') in result.command_exec_info.args

        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name='bar')
        assert result
        assert os.path.join(project.directory_path, 'bar.py') in result.command_exec_info.args
Exemple #5
    def check(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name='foo')
        assert result
        assert result.command_exec_info.bokeh_app == 'foo.py'

        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name='bar')
        assert result
        assert result.command_exec_info.bokeh_app == 'bar.py'
Exemple #6
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result
        assert 'REDIS_URL' in result.environ

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # be sure we generate the config html that would use the old one
        requirement = _redis_requirement()
        status = requirement.check_status(result.environ, local_state_file, 'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        html = RedisProvider().config_html(requirement, result.environ, local_state_file, UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        assert 'Use the redis-server we started earlier' in html

        # now try again, and we should re-use the exact same server
        pidfile_mtime = os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content = file.read()
        result2 = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result2

        # port should be the same, and set in the environment
        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result2.environ)

        # no new pid file
        assert pidfile_mtime == os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content2 = file.read()
        assert pidfile_content == pidfile_content2

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result2)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
    def provide_download_of_zip_no_unzip(zipname, dirname):
        with codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:

        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            assert self._url.endswith(".zip")
            # we aren't going to unzip so we should be downloading straignt to
            # the specified filename 'data' without the .zip on it
            assert not self._filename.endswith(".zip")
            shutil.copyfile(zipname, self._filename)
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, 'data'))
        with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(dirname, 'data')) as zf:
            assert zf.namelist() == ['foo']
    def provide_download_of_zip(zipname, dirname):
        with codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:

        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            # we add .zip to the download filename, even though it wasn't in the URL
            assert not self._url.endswith(".zip")
            assert self._filename.endswith(".zip")
            shutil.copyfile(zipname, self._filename)
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, 'data'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo'))
        assert codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo')).read() == 'hello\n'
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = test_redis_provider._prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state('REDIS_URL')
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # now clean it up
        code = _parse_args_and_run_subcommand(['conda-kapsel', 'remove-service', 'REDIS_URL', '--directory', dirname])
        assert code == 0

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "services"))
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
    def provide_download_of_zip(dirname):
        with codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:

        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            assert self._url.endswith(".zip")
            assert self._filename.endswith(".zip")
            with codecs.open(self._filename, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
                f.write("This is not a zip file.")
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert not result
        assert [("Failed to unzip %s: File is not a zip file" % os.path.join(dirname, "data.zip")),
                "missing requirement to run this project: A downloaded file which is referenced by DATAFILE.",
                "  Environment variable DATAFILE is not set."] == result.errors
Exemple #11
    def prepare_with_browser(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False, io_loop=io_loop)
        assert result
        assert dict(FOO_PASSWORD='******', PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert dict() == strip_environ(environ)

        # wait for the results of the POST to come back,
        # awesome hack-tacular
        while 'post_fill_in_password' not in http_results:
            io_loop.call_later(0.01, lambda: io_loop.stop())

        assert 'get_click_submit' in http_results
        assert 'post_click_submit' in http_results
        assert 'post_fill_in_password' in http_results

        assert 200 == http_results['get_click_submit'].code
        assert 200 == http_results['post_click_submit'].code
        assert 200 == http_results['post_fill_in_password'].code

        final_done_html = str(http_results['post_fill_in_password'].body)
        assert "Done!" in final_done_html
        assert "Environment variable FOO_PASSWORD is set." in final_done_html

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(project.directory_path)
        assert local_state_file.get_value(['variables', 'FOO_PASSWORD']) is None
Exemple #12
 def unprepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
    def provide_download_of_zip(zipname, dirname):
        with codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:

        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            assert self._url.endswith(".zip")
            assert self._filename.endswith(".zip")
            shutil.copyfile(zipname, self._filename)
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, 'data'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo'))
        assert codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo')).read() == 'hello\n'

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data')
        assert status.logs == ["Removed downloaded file %s." % filename,
                               ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
        assert status.status_description == "Success."
Exemple #14
 def check(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name="blah")
     assert not result
     assert result.errors
     assert "Command name 'blah' is not in" in result.errors[0]
Exemple #15
    def prepare_with_browser(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ()
        result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False, io_loop=io_loop)
        assert result
        assert dict(FOO_PASSWORD='******', PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert dict() == strip_environ(environ)

        # wait for the results of the POST to come back,
        # awesome hack-tacular
        while 'post_fill_in_password' not in http_results:
            io_loop.call_later(0.01, lambda: io_loop.stop())

        assert 'get_click_submit' in http_results
        assert 'post_click_submit' in http_results
        assert 'post_fill_in_password' in http_results

        assert 200 == http_results['get_click_submit'].code
        assert 200 == http_results['post_click_submit'].code
        assert 200 == http_results['post_fill_in_password'].code

        final_done_html = str(http_results['post_fill_in_password'].body)
        assert "Done!" in final_done_html
        assert "Environment variable FOO_PASSWORD is set." in final_done_html

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(project.directory_path)
        assert local_state_file.get_value(['variables', 'FOO_PASSWORD']) is None
Exemple #16
 def no_start_local_redis(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     result = _prepare_printing_errors(project,
     assert not result
     assert 3 == len(can_connect_args_list)
Exemple #17
 def unprepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv'), 'w') as out:
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        def mock_remove(path):
            raise IOError("Not gonna remove this")

        monkeypatch.setattr("os.remove", mock_remove)

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status.logs == []
        assert status.status_description == ('Failed to remove %s: Not gonna remove this.' % filename)
        assert status.errors == []
        assert not status
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        monkeypatch.undo()  # so os.remove isn't broken during directory cleanup
Exemple #19
 def prepare_some_env_var(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(FOO='bar')
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     assert dict(FOO='bar', PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
     assert dict(FOO='bar') == strip_environ(environ)
Exemple #20
 def prepare_some_env_var(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(FOO='bar')
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     assert dict(FOO='bar', PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
     assert dict(FOO='bar') == strip_environ(environ)
Exemple #21
 def prepare_redis_url(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
     assert result
     assert dict(REDIS_URL="redis://localhost:6379",
                 PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
     assert dict(host='localhost', port=6379, timeout_seconds=0.5) == can_connect_args
Exemple #22
 def check(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name="blah")
     assert not result
     assert result.errors
     assert "Command name 'blah' is not in" in result.errors[0]
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv'), 'w') as out:
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status.logs == ["Removed downloaded file %s." % filename,
                               ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
        assert status.status_description == 'Success.'
        assert status
        assert not os.path.exists(filename)
Exemple #24
 def unprepare_nothing(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result, whitelist=[])
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Nothing to clean up.'
Exemple #25
 def unprepare_nothing(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result, whitelist=[])
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Nothing to clean up.'
Exemple #26
 def prepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     assert dict(PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
     assert dict() == strip_environ(environ)
     assert result.command_exec_info is None
Exemple #27
 def prepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     assert dict(PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
     assert dict() == strip_environ(environ)
     assert result.command_exec_info is None
Exemple #28
    def check(dirname):
        env_var = conda_api.conda_prefix_variable()

            project = Project(dirname)
            environ = minimal_environ()
            result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, env_spec_name='foo')
            expected_path = project.env_specs['foo'].path(project.directory_path)
            assert result.environ[env_var] == expected_path

            environ = minimal_environ()
            result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, env_spec_name='bar')
            assert result
            expected_path = project.env_specs['bar'].path(project.directory_path)
            assert result.environ[env_var] == expected_path
Exemple #29
    def check(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
        result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False)
        assert not result
        assert dict(BAR='bar') == strip_environ(environ)

        assert [('Icon file %s does not exist.' % os.path.join(dirname, 'foo.png')), 'Unable to load the project.'
                ] == result.errors
Exemple #30
    def check(dirname):
        env_var = conda_api.conda_prefix_variable()

            project = Project(dirname)
            environ = minimal_environ()
            result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, env_spec_name='foo')
            expected_path = project.env_specs['foo'].path(project.directory_path)
            assert result.environ[env_var] == expected_path

            environ = minimal_environ()
            result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, env_spec_name='bar')
            assert result
            expected_path = project.env_specs['bar'].path(project.directory_path)
            assert result.environ[env_var] == expected_path
Exemple #31
 def check_env_var_provider_prepare(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(FOO='bar'))
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Success.'
     assert status.logs == ["Nothing to clean up for FOO.",
                            ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
Exemple #32
 def prepare_redis_url(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
     assert result
     assert dict(REDIS_URL="redis://localhost:6379",
                 PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
     assert dict(host='localhost', port=6379,
                 timeout_seconds=0.5) == can_connect_args
Exemple #33
    def check(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
        result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False)
        assert not result
        assert dict(BAR='bar') == strip_environ(environ)

        assert [('Icon file %s does not exist.' % os.path.join(dirname, 'foo.png')), 'Unable to load the project.'
                ] == result.errors
    def config_html(dirname):
        FILENAME = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        requirement = _download_requirement()
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        status = requirement.check_status(environ, local_state_file, 'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        provider = DownloadProvider()
        html = provider.config_html(requirement, environ, local_state_file, UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        assert 'Download {} to {}'.format(requirement.url, requirement.filename) in html

        with open(FILENAME, 'w') as f:

        env = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        status = requirement.check_status(env, local_state_file, 'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        html = provider.config_html(requirement, env, local_state_file, UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        expected_choice = 'Use already-downloaded file {}'.format(FILENAME)
        assert expected_choice in html
Exemple #35
def test_browser_ui_changing_to_new_prefix(monkeypatch):
    directory_contents = {DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME: ""}
    envprefix = os.path.join("not", "a", "real", "environment")
    envprefix2 = os.path.join("another", "non", "real", "environment")
    initial_environ = minimal_environ(**{conda_env_var: envprefix})

    stuff = dict()

    def get_initial(url):
        response = yield http_get_async(url)
        assert response.code == 200
        body = response.body.decode('utf-8')
        assert "default' doesn't look like it contains a Conda environment yet." in body
        stuff['form_names'] = _form_names(response)
                            # by default, use one of the project-defined named envs
                            ('project', True),
                            # offer choice to always use activated env
                            ('inherited', False),
                            # allow typing in a manual value
                            ('variables', False)))

    def post_choosing_inherited(url):
        form = _prefix_form(stuff['form_names'], {'source': 'inherited'})
        response = yield http_post_async(url, form=form)
        assert response.code == 200
        # print("POST BODY: " + body)
        body = response.body.decode('utf-8')
        assert "Done!" not in body
        # error message should be about the environ thing we chose
        assert envprefix + "' doesn't look like it contains a Conda environment yet." in body
        _verify_choices(response, (('project', False), ('inherited', True), ('variables', False)))

    def post_choosing_new_environ(url):
        form = _prefix_form(stuff['form_names'], {'source': 'variables', 'value': envprefix2})
        response = yield http_post_async(url, form=form)
        assert response.code == 200
        # print("POST BODY: " + body)
        body = response.body.decode('utf-8')
        assert "Done!" not in body
        # error message should be about the environ thing we chose
        assert envprefix2 + "' doesn't look like it contains a Conda environment yet." in body
        _verify_choices(response, (('project', False), ('inherited', False), ('variables', True)))

    def final_result_check(dirname, result):
        assert not result
        assert ['Browser UI main loop was stopped.'] == result.errors

                         http_actions=[get_initial, post_choosing_inherited, post_choosing_new_environ],
Exemple #36
 def check(dirname):
     # create a command that isn't in the Project
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     command = ProjectCommand(name="foo",
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command=command)
     assert result
     assert result.command_exec_info.bokeh_app == 'foo.py'
Exemple #37
 def unprepare_problems(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert not result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert not status
     assert status.status_description == 'Unable to load the project.'
     assert status.errors == ['variables section contains wrong value type 42, ' +
                              'should be dict or list of requirements']
Exemple #38
 def unprepare_problems(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert not result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert not status
     assert status.status_description == 'Unable to load the project.'
     assert status.errors == ['variables section contains wrong value type 42, ' +
                              'should be dict or list of requirements']
Exemple #39
 def check(dirname):
     # create a command that isn't in the Project
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     command = ProjectCommand(name="foo",
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command=command)
     assert result
     assert os.path.join(project.directory_path, 'foo.py') in result.command_exec_info.args
Exemple #40
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        # now clean it up, but arrange for that to fail
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        local_state_file.set_service_run_state('REDIS_URL', {'shutdown_commands': [['false']]})
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert not status
        assert status.status_description == 'Shutdown commands failed for REDIS_URL.'
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            raise Exception("should not have tried to download in check mode")

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project,
        assert not result
Exemple #42
 def check_missing_package(dirname):
     requirement = CondaEnvRequirement(
             'default', ['boguspackage', 'boguspackage2'], [])))
     local_state = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
     status = requirement.check_status(
         environ, local_state, 'default',
     assert "Conda environment is missing packages: boguspackage, boguspackage2" == status.status_description
Exemple #43
 def check_missing_package(dirname):
     requirement = CondaEnvRequirement(
         env_specs=dict(default=EnvSpec('default', ['boguspackage', 'boguspackage2'], [])))
     local_state = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
     status = requirement.check_status(environ,
     assert "Conda environment is missing packages: boguspackage, boguspackage2" == status.status_description
    def provide_download(dirname):
        FILENAME = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        requirement = _download_requirement()
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        local_state_file.set_service_run_state(requirement.env_var, {'filename': FILENAME})
        with open(FILENAME, 'w') as out:
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
Exemple #45
    def prepare_project_scoped_env_with_packages(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result

        prefix = result.environ[conda_env_var]
        installed = conda_api.installed(prefix)

        assert 'ipython' in installed
        assert 'numpy' in installed
        assert 'bokeh' not in installed

        # Preparing it again with new packages added should add those
        deps = project.project_file.get_value('packages')
        project.project_file.set_value('packages', deps + ['bokeh'])
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result

        prefix = result.environ[conda_env_var]
        installed = conda_api.installed(prefix)

        assert 'ipython' in installed
        assert 'numpy' in installed
        assert 'bokeh' in installed

        installed_pip = pip_api.installed(prefix)
        assert 'flake8' in installed_pip

        # Preparing it again with a bogus package should fail
        deps = project.project_file.get_value('packages')
        project.project_file.set_value(['packages'], deps + ['boguspackage'])
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert not result
Exemple #46
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        # now clean it up, but arrange for that to fail
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
            'REDIS_URL', {'shutdown_commands': [['false']]})
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert not status
        assert status.status_description == 'Shutdown commands failed for REDIS_URL.'
Exemple #47
    def prepare_project_scoped_env_fails(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert not result

        assert 'CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV' not in result.environ
        assert 'CONDA_ENV_PATH' not in result.environ

        # unprepare should not have anything to do
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status
        assert status.errors == []
        assert status.status_description == "Nothing to clean up for environment 'default'."
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            # if we don't even get an HTTP response, the errors are handled this way,
            # e.g. if the URL is bad.
            self._errors = ['This went horribly wrong']
            raise gen.Return(None)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert not result
        assert ('missing requirement to run this project: A downloaded file which is referenced by DATAFILE.'
                ) in result.errors
Exemple #49
    def check(dirname):
        env_var = conda_api.conda_prefix_variable()

            project = Project(dirname)
            environ = minimal_environ()
            # we specify the command name but not the
            # env_spec_name but it should imply the proper env
            # spec name.
            result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command_name='hello')
            expected_path = project.env_specs['foo'].path(project.directory_path)
            assert result.environ[env_var] == expected_path
Exemple #50
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        from subprocess import Popen as real_Popen

        def mock_Popen(*args, **kwargs):
            if 'args' not in kwargs:
                # `pip list` goes through this codepath while redis launch
                # happens to specify args= as a kwarg
                assert 'pip' in args[0][0]
                return real_Popen(*args, **kwargs)
            kwargs['args'] = ['this-is-not-on-the-path']
            return real_Popen(*args, **kwargs)

        monkeypatch.setattr("subprocess.Popen", mock_Popen)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert not result
Exemple #51
    def start_local_redis_and_time_out(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        from time import sleep as real_sleep

        killed = {}

        def mock_sleep_kills_redis(seconds):
            # first time the Redis provider sleeps to wait for the
            # server to appear, we kill the server; after that
            # we make sleep into a no-op so we rapidly time out.
            if 'done' in killed:

            pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services", "REDIS_URL",
            count = 0
            while count < 15:
                if os.path.exists(pidfile):
                count = count + 1

            assert os.path.exists(pidfile)

            with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
                for line in f.readlines():
                        import signal
                        os.kill(int(line.strip()), signal.SIGKILL)
                    except Exception:

            # be sure it's gone
            killed['done'] = True

        monkeypatch.setattr('time.sleep', mock_sleep_kills_redis)

        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert not result

        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "redis-server started successfully, but we timed out trying to connect to it on port" in out
        assert "redis-server process failed or timed out, exited with code 0" in err
Exemple #52
    def prepare_some_env_var_keep_going(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
        stage = prepare_in_stages(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=True)

        # there's an initial stage to set the conda env
        next_stage = stage.execute()
        assert not stage.failed
        assert stage.environ['PROJECT_DIR'] == dirname
        stage = next_stage

        for i in range(1, 10):
            next_stage = stage.execute()
            assert next_stage is not None
            assert stage.failed
            assert stage.environ['PROJECT_DIR'] == dirname
            stage = next_stage
        assert dict(BAR='bar') == strip_environ(environ)
Exemple #53
    def prepare_with_browser(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
        result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False, io_loop=io_loop)
        assert not result
        assert dict(BAR='bar') == strip_environ(environ)

        # wait for the results of the POST to come back,
        # awesome hack-tacular
        while 'post' not in http_results:
            io_loop.call_later(0.01, lambda: io_loop.stop())

        assert 'get' in http_results
        assert 'post' in http_results

        assert 200 == http_results['get'].code
        assert 200 == http_results['post'].code
Exemple #54
    def prepare_with_app_entry(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(FOO='bar')
        env_path = conda_api.environ_get_prefix(environ)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result

        command = result.command_exec_info
        assert 'FOO' in command.env
        assert command.cwd == project.directory_path
        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            commandpath = os.path.join(env_path, "python.exe")
            commandpath = os.path.join(env_path, "bin", "python")
        assert command.args == [commandpath, 'echo.py', env_path, 'foo', 'bar']
        p = command.popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        (out, err) = p.communicate()
        # strip is to pull off the platform-specific newline
        assert out.decode().strip() == ("['echo.py', '%s', 'foo', 'bar']" % (env_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")))
        assert err.decode() == ""
Exemple #55
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")

        from subprocess import Popen as real_Popen

        failscript = os.path.join(dirname, "fail.py")
        with codecs.open(failscript, 'w', 'utf-8') as file:
from __future__ import print_function
import codecs
import sys
import os
print('It did not work stdout')
print('It did not work stderr', file=sys.stderr)
logfile = sys.argv[1]
fail_mode = sys.argv[2]
if fail_mode == 'no_logfile':
elif fail_mode == 'is_dir':
    with codecs.open(logfile, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
        f.write('This is in the logfile')

        def mock_Popen(*args, **kwargs):
            if 'args' not in kwargs:
                # `pip list` goes through this codepath while redis launch
                # happens to specify args= as a kwarg
                assert 'pip' in args[0][0]
                return real_Popen(*args, **kwargs)
            kwargs['args'] = ['python', failscript, logfile, logfile_fail_mode]
            return real_Popen(*args, **kwargs)

        monkeypatch.setattr("subprocess.Popen", mock_Popen)

        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert not result
Exemple #56
    def check_fails_while_listing_installed(dirname):
        def sabotaged_installed_command(prefix):
            from conda_kapsel.internal import conda_api
            raise conda_api.CondaError("sabotage!")


        local_state = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)

        requirement = CondaEnvRequirement(
                default=EnvSpec('default', ['not_a_real_package'], [])))
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        status = requirement.check_status(
            environ, local_state, 'default',
        assert status.status_description.startswith(
            "Conda failed while listing installed packages in ")
        assert status.status_description.endswith(": sabotage!")
Exemple #57
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state('REDIS_URL')
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        servicedir = os.path.join(dirname, "services")
        redisdir = os.path.join(servicedir, "REDIS_URL")

        pidfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(logfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(redisdir)
        assert not os.path.exists(servicedir)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemple #58
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = test_redis_provider._prepare_printing_errors(
            project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state('REDIS_URL')
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # now clean it up
        code = _parse_args_and_run_subcommand([
            'conda-kapsel', 'remove-service', 'REDIS_URL', '--directory',
        assert code == 0

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "services"))
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemple #59
 def prepare_bad_provide_mode(dirname):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
         project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
         environ = minimal_environ()
         prepare_in_stages(project, mode="BAD_PROVIDE_MODE", environ=environ)
     assert "invalid provide mode" in repr(excinfo.value)
Exemple #60
 def prepare_some_env_var(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ(BAR='bar')
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert not result
     assert dict(BAR='bar') == strip_environ(environ)