def get_all(self):
     photos = []
     for album in self.albums:
         if album[FILENAME_IDX] in self.enabledAlbums:
             for photouri in album[PHOTOS_IDX]:
                 if Vfs.uri_exists(photouri):
     return photos
Exemple #2
 def do_image_dataprovider_tests(self, supportsGet, supportsDelete, safePhotoLUID, ext="png"):
     Tests get(), put(), delete() and Image dataprovider specific
     #Test get() and image specific friends
     if supportsGet:
             info = self.sink.module._get_photo_info(safePhotoLUID)
             ok("Got photo info", info != None)
             url = self.sink.module._get_raw_photo_url(info)
             ok("Got photo url (%s)" % url, url != None and Vfs.uri_exists(str(url)))
         except Exception, err:
             ok("Got photo info/url (%s)" % err, False)
Exemple #3
def read_removable_volume_group_file(folderUri):
    items = []
    f = File.File(URI=folderUri)
    if f.is_on_removale_volume():
        #read from the /volume/root/.conduit file
        rooturi,path = get_removable_volume_info(f)
        if rooturi and path:
            conf = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
            for p,n in conf.items("DEFAULT"):
                log.debug("Read group (%s = %s)" % (p,n))
                #check the path still exists on the volume
                if Vfs.uri_exists(rooturi+p):
    return items
Exemple #4
    old_hash = temp.get_hash();

    # now, add some more
    tempsize = random.randint(100, 200)
    contents += "b"*tempsize
    ok("Base: Check if appending to a file changes its hash", temp.get_hash() != old_hash)

    # reset the mtime, and make sure the hash is still different
    temp.set_mtime( old_mtime )
    ok( "Base: Check if reseting a file's mtime is successful", temp.get_mtime() == old_mtime )
    ok( "Base: Check that the hash is still different, even with the same mtime.", temp.get_hash() != old_hash )

    remUri = get_external_resources('folder')['removable-volume']
    rf = File.File(remUri,implName=impl)
    if Vfs.uri_exists(remUri):
        ok("Base: Removable volume detected", rf.is_on_removale_volume() == True)
        ok("Base: Removable volume calculate root path", rf.get_removable_volume_root_uri() == remUri)

    folder = File.File(os.environ["HOME"],implName=impl)
    ok("Base: check if HOME exists", folder.exists() == True)
    ok("Base: check if HOME is folder", folder.is_directory() == True)

    localURIs = [   os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_path,"..", "test-data","oldest")),
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_path,"..", "test-data","older")),
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_path,"..", "test-data","newer")),
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_path,"..", "test-data","newest"))

    #test the comparison of files by mtime
    oldest = File.File(localURIs[0],implName=impl)
Exemple #5
 def is_configured(self, isSource, isTwoWay):
     return self.folder and Vfs.uri_exists(self.folder)
Exemple #6

    ok("--- TESTING VFS WITH FILE IMPL: %s" % impl, True)
    #print Vfs.FolderScanner

    safe = '/&=:@'
    unsafe = ' !<>#%()[]{}'
    safeunsafe = '%20%21%3C%3E%23%25%28%29%5B%5D%7B%7D'

    ok("Dont escape path characters",Vfs.uri_escape(safe+unsafe) == safe+safeunsafe)
    ok("Unescape back to original",Vfs.uri_unescape(safe+safeunsafe) == safe+unsafe)
    ok("Get protocol", Vfs.uri_get_protocol("file:///foo/bar") == "file://")
    name, ext = Vfs.uri_get_filename_and_extension("file:///foo/bar.ext")
    ok("Get filename (%s,%s)" % (name,ext), name == "bar" and ext == ".ext")
    ok("file:///home exists", Vfs.uri_exists("file:///home") == True)
    ok("/home exists", Vfs.uri_exists("/home") == True)
    ok("/home is folder", Vfs.uri_is_folder("/home") == True)
    ok("/foo/bar does not exist", Vfs.uri_exists("/foo/bar") == False)
    ok("format uri", Vfs.uri_format_for_display("file:///foo") == "/foo")

    tmpdiruri = Utils.new_tempdir()

    # Test the folder scanner theading stuff
    fileuri = Utils.new_tempfile("bla").get_local_uri()
    stm = Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager(maxConcurrentThreads=1)

    def prog(*args): pass
    def done(*args): pass

    t1 = stm.make_thread("file:///tmp", False, False, prog, done)