def get_openid(self, code): if not code: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR, '需要code参数')) client = AsyncHTTPClient() query = { 'appid': WXPAY_CONF['youcai']['appid'], 'secret': WXPAY_CONF['youcai']['secret'], 'code': code, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code' } try: response = yield client.fetch( '' + urllib.parse.urlencode(query)) text = response.body.decode() result = json.loads(text) if 'errmsg' in result: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.THIRDERR, result['errmsg'])) self.session['openid'] = result['openid'] # return self.write({'openid': result}) except Exception as e: log.error(e) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.REQERR, '请求openid出错'))
def insert_items(self, items_list): try: return self.db[_DATABASE].order_item.insert(items_list) except Exception as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def post(self): '''接受手机号,发送验证码 ''' try: mobile = self.get_argument('mobile') if not mobile: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return result = self.cache.get(mobile) if result: seconds = round(time.time()) - result['time'] if seconds < 60: return self.write( error(ErrorCode.REQERR, '请稍等%d秒重新发送' % (60 - seconds))) code = '%06d' % random.randint(0, 999999) content = "有菜手机验证码: {code}".format(code=code) try: self.sms(mobile, content)'send sms: %s, %s' % (mobile, content)) except Exception as e: log.error('send sms failed: %s, %s, %s' % (mobile, content, e)) self.cache.set(mobile, {'code': code, 'time': round(time.time())}, 5) self.write({})
def get(self): doc = [] page = records = total = "" try: request_param = self.request_arguments(["page"]) page = request_param.get_int("page", 1) length = request_param.get_int("rows", 10) sord = request_param.get_str("sord", 1) sidx = request_param.get_str("sidx", "id") start = (page - 1) * length sord = 1 if sord == "desc" else -1 doc = ( yield self.db["ops"] .test.find({}, {"_id": 0}) .sort([(sidx, sord)]) .skip(start) .limit(length) .to_list(length) ) records = yield self.db["ops"].test.count() total, reste = divmod(records, length) total = total + 1 if reste > 0 else total state = self.ecode.OK except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOWN log.error(e) self.write(dict(rows=doc, page=page, records=records, total=total, state=state.eid))
def get_seckill_item(self, uid, item_id): query = {'uid': uid, 'siid': item_id} try: return self.db[_DATABASE].user_seckill.find_one(query) except Exception as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def get(self): ua = self.request.headers['User-Agent'] # hasWx = True if -1 != ua.find('MicroMessenger') else False hasWx = 'MicroMessenger' in ua hasWx = False state_url = self.get_argument( 'state', '' ) # state 此参数扫码进来 如: if hasWx: # 微信 openid = self.session.get('openid') if not openid: # 没有 openid code = self.get_argument('code', None) if not code: # 没有 code 获取code redirect_uri = urllib.parse.quote(self.request.protocol + '://' + url = '' + YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['appid'] + \ '&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base' \ '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri \ + '&state=' + urllib.parse.quote(state_url) \ + '&connect_redirect=1#wechat_redirect' self.redirect(url) else: # 有 code 获取openid client = AsyncHTTPClient() query = { 'appid': WXPAY_CONF['youcai']['appid'], 'secret': WXPAY_CONF['youcai']['secret'], 'code': code, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code' } try: response = yield client.fetch( '' + urllib.parse.urlencode(query)) result = json.loads(response.body.decode()) # if 'errmsg' in result: log.error(result) return self.write( error(ErrorCode.THIRDERR, result['errmsg'])) self.session['openid'] = result['openid'] except Exception as e: log.error(e) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.REQERR, '请求openid出错')) if state_url: # 有状态 url 则重定向 _url = '/#!/' + state_url self.redirect(_url) return self.render('index.html')
def post(self): try: mobile = self.get_argument('mobile', None) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return self.set_cookie("yc_mobile", mobile) self.write({})
def get_recom_price(self, item_id): query = {'id': item_id} filters = {'_id': 0, 'price': 1, 'title': 1, 'img': 1} sort = [('id', -1)] try: return self.db[_DATABASE].recom_item.find( query, filters).sort(sort).limit(1).to_list(1) except Exception as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def request_arguments(self, params): arguments = self.request.arguments for param in params: if not arguments.get(param, ''): log.error("param:%s is need" % param) raise self.ecode.PARAM_ERR dto = Dict() dto.update({key: arguments[key][0].decode('utf-8') for key in arguments}) log.warning("req params=%s" % dto) return dto
def request_arguments(self, params): arguments = self.request.arguments for param in params: if not arguments.get(param, ''): log.error("param:%s is need" % param) raise self.ecode.PARAM_ERR dto = Dict() dto.update( {key: arguments[key][0].decode('utf-8') for key in arguments}) log.warning("req params=%s" % dto) return dto
def make_order(openid, title, order_no, fee, remote_ip): #'================openid===========') # params = { 'appid': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['appid'], 'mch_id': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['mchid'], 'nonce_str': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'body': title, 'detail': '公众号扫码订单', 'out_trade_no': order_no, 'total_fee': fee, 'spbill_create_ip': remote_ip, 'notify_url': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['notify'], 'trade_type': 'JSAPI', 'openid': openid } #'================params===========') # params.update({'sign': wxpay_sign(params)}) try: xml = xmltodict.unparse({'xml': params}, full_document=False) resp = HTTPClient().fetch(YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['url'] + '/pay/unifiedorder', method='POST', body=xml) ret = xmltodict.parse(resp.body.decode())['xml'] pay_params = {} if ret['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS' and ret['result_code'] == 'SUCCESS': sign = ret.pop('sign') if sign == wxpay_sign(ret): pay_params = { 'appId': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['appid'], 'timeStamp': round(time.time()), 'nonceStr': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'package': 'prepay_id={prepay_id}'.format(prepay_id=ret['prepay_id']), 'signType': 'MD5' } ret_sign = wxpay_sign(pay_params) pay_params.update({'paySign': ret_sign}) else: log.error(ret) return pay_params except Exception as e: log.error(e)
def get(self): try: pid = int(self.get_argument('pid', -1)) rrange = int(self.get_argument('range', 1)) rtype = int(self.get_argument('type', 0)) start = max(int(self.get_argument('start', 0)), 0) length = int(self.get_argument('length', 50)) group = int(self.get_argument('group', 0)) if pid == -1 and rtype == 2 and group: start = 0 length = 1000 else: group = 0 length = min(max(int(length), 1), 100) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return query = {'status': 1} if rrange == 1 else {} if pid != -1: query.update({'pid': pid}) elif rtype: if rtype == 2: query.update({'type': rtype}) else: query.update({'pid': 0}) try: result = [] if group: result = self.cache.get('group_city') if not result: result = yield self.db['hamlet'].region.find( query, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'isleaf': 1 }).sort('priority', 1).skip(start).limit(length).to_list(length) if group:'group_city', result) self.write({'regions': result}) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def add_seckill_item(self, uid, item_id): now = round(time.time() * 1000) try: return self.db[_DATABASE].user_seckill.insert({ 'id': mongo_uid(_DATABASE, 'user_seckill'), "uid": uid, "siid": item_id, 'created': now }) except Exception as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def post(self): user = self.get_argument('user') passwd = self.get_argument('passwd') print(self.user_info) try: user_info = yield self.db['ops'].operator.find_one({'user': user, 'pwd': passwd}, {'_id': 0, 'passwd': 0}) if user_info: self.save_user_info(user_info) self.redirect(self.get_argument("next", "/overview")) else: raise self.ecode.LOGIN_ERR except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOW log.error(e) self.render('login.html', status=state.eid)
def post(self): try: request_param = self.request_arguments(['oper']) oper = request_param.get_str('oper', 'add') if oper == 'add': uid = yield self.get_id('operator') yield self.db['ops'].operator.insert({'id': uid['id'], 'modified': '2016-03-01 01:00', 'role': 0, 'status': 1, 'pid': [], 'pwd': "123", 'user': '******', }) state = self.ecode.OK except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOWN log.error(e) self.write(dict(state=state.eid))
def get(self): if self.userid == 0: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.LOGINERR)) try: docs = yield self.db['hamlet'].address.find({ 'uid': self.userid }, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'mobile': 1, 'city': 1, 'region': 1, 'address': 1, 'default': 1 }).sort([('default', -1), ('id', -1)]).limit(5).to_list(5) self.write(docs) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def get(self): try: recom_item_id = int(self.get_argument('id')) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return try: recom_item = yield self.db['youcai'].recom_item.find_one( {'id': recom_item_id}, {'_id': 0}) if recom_item: if IMG_CACHE_URL: recom_item['imgs'] = list( map( lambda x: IMG_CACHE_URL + x[len(IMAGE_DOMAIN):] if x.startswith(IMAGE_DOMAIN) else x, recom_item['imgs'])) recom_item['descr'] = recom_item['descr'].replace( '\n', '<br/>') recom_item['detail']['content'] = recom_item['detail'][ 'content'].replace('\n', '<br/>') buffer = io.BytesIO() url = pyqrcode.create(self.request.protocol + '://' + + '/#!/recomitem/' + str(recom_item_id)) url.png(buffer, scale=5, quiet_zone=0) qrcode = base64.encodebytes( buffer.getvalue()).decode().replace('\n', '') recom_item['qrcode'] = qrcode return self.write(recom_item) else: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.NODATA)) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DATAERR)) return
def post(self): try: request_param = self.request_arguments(['oper']) oper = request_param.get_str('oper', 'add') if oper == 'add': uid = yield self.get_id('operator') yield self.db['ops'].operator.insert({ 'id': uid['id'], 'modified': '2016-03-01 01:00', 'role': 0, 'status': 1, 'pid': [], 'pwd': "123", 'user': '******', }) state = self.ecode.OK except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOWN log.error(e) self.write(dict(state=state.eid))
def post(self): user = self.get_argument('user') passwd = self.get_argument('passwd') print(self.user_info) try: user_info = yield self.db['ops'].operator.find_one( { 'user': user, 'pwd': passwd }, { '_id': 0, 'passwd': 0 }) if user_info: self.save_user_info(user_info) self.redirect(self.get_argument("next", "/overview")) else: raise self.ecode.LOGIN_ERR except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOW log.error(e) self.render('login.html', status=state.eid)
def post(self): try: request_param = self.request_arguments(["oper"]) oper = request_param.get_str("oper") if oper == "add": uid = yield self.get_id("server") yield self.db["ops"].test.insert( { "id": uid["id"], "modified": "2016-03-01 01:00", "project_name": "aa", "status": "Yes", "location_name": "aa", "note": "haha", } ) state = self.ecode.OK except Exception as e: state = isinstance(e, Exception) and e or self.ecode.UNKNOWN log.error(e) self.write(dict(state=state.eid))
def post(self): try: mobile = self.get_argument('mobile') smscode = self.get_argument('smscode') except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return now = round(time.time()) * 1000 smscode_check = self.cache.get(mobile) if not smscode_check: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.CODEXPIRE)) if smscode != smscode_check.get('code'): return self.write(error(ErrorCode.CODEERR)) try: user = yield self.db['hamlet'].user.find_one({'mobile': mobile}, {'_id': 0}) if not user: # 新用户 user_id = mongo_uid('hamlet', 'user') user = { 'id': user_id, 'unionid': None, 'openid': None, 'name': None, 'nickname': None, 'sex': 0, 'mobile': mobile, 'role': 0, 'province': None, 'city': None, 'address': None, 'headimg': GRAVATAR_URL.format(hash=md5(('SQC%d' % user_id).encode()).hexdigest()), 'bgimg': None, 'hometown': None, 'career': None, 'hobby': None, 'proverb': None, 'birthday': None, 'cid': 0, 'rid ': 0, 'zid': 0, 'ozid': 0, 'zname': None, 'coins': 100, 'oid': 0, 'password': '', 'lastlat': None, 'lastlng': None, 'lastip': None, 'status': 0, 'offline': False, 'created': now, 'modified': now} yield self.db['hamlet'].user.insert(user) self.save_userid(user['id']) del user['_id'] self.session['op'] = user else: self.save_userid(user['id']) self.session['op'] = user # 获取用户地址列表 address_list = yield self.db['hamlet'].address.find({'uid': self.userid}, {'_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'default': 1, 'name': 1, 'mobile': 1, 'city': 1, 'region': 1, 'address': 1}).sort([('default', -1), ('id', 1)]).limit(10).to_list(10) op = { 'id': user['id'], 'mobile': user['mobile'], 'name': user['name'], 'nickname': user['nickname'] } return self.write({'user': op, 'address_list': address_list}) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR)) return
def get(self): self.xsrf_token try: code = self.get_argument('code', None) or None source = self.get_argument('s', '') or '' # 来源 except Exception as e: log.error(e) code = None # qmmf:全民免费 if source not in ['qmmf']: # 排除无效值 source = '' data = {'msg': '已过期', 'coupons': []} if not code: # code 未传递 # self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, 'code 未传递')) self.render('coupon/coupon_error.html', data=data) return # 验证优惠券包合法性 try: coupon_pack = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon_pack.find_one( {'code': code}, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'code': 1, 'remains': 1 }) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.SRVERR, '呃,出了点小问题,有菜君正在处理,请稍候再试!')) return if not coupon_pack: # code 无效 # self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, 'code 无效')) self.render('coupon/coupon_error.html', data=data) return coupons = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon \ .find({'cpid': coupon_pack['id']}, {'_id': 0, 'uid': 1, 'discount': 1, 'created': 1}).sort( [('created', -1)]).to_list(None) if coupons: for coupon in coupons: user = yield self.db['hamlet'].user \ .find_one({'id': coupon['uid']}, {'_id': 0, 'nickname': 1, 'mobile': 1, 'headimg': 1}) coupon['created'] = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(int(coupon['created']) / 1000)) coupon['discount'] = int(coupon['discount'] / 100) coupon['headimg'] = user['headimg'] coupon['text'] = '红包的金额和你的颜值一样高哦' if user['nickname']: if len(user['nickname']) > 7: coupon['nickname'] = user['nickname'][:6] + '*' * 2 else: coupon['nickname'] = user['nickname'] else: coupon['nickname'] = user['mobile'][:3] + '*' * 6 + user[ 'mobile'][-2:] else: coupons = [] if coupon_pack['remains'] <= 0: # 优惠券已经被抢光 # self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, "优惠券已经被抢光")) self.render('coupon/coupon_error.html', data={ 'msg': '抢光了', 'coupons': coupons }) return # 获取历史优惠券信息 coupon = {} try: # self.set_cookie("yc_mobile", '18521592117') # cookie_mobile = self.get_secure_cookie("yc_mobile") cookie_mobile = self.get_cookie("yc_mobile") if cookie_mobile: # 获取 uid user = yield self.db['hamlet'].user.find_one( {'mobile': cookie_mobile}, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1 }) if user: # 获取该批次优惠券 coupon = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon \ .find_one({'cpid': coupon_pack['id'], 'uid': user['id']}, {'_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'type': 1, 'distype': 1, 'discount': 1, 'charge': 1} ) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.SRVERR, '呃,出了点小问题,有菜君正在处理,请稍候再试!')) return if coupon: coupon['discount'] = int(coupon['discount'] / 100) else: coupon = {} self.render('coupon/coupon.html', coupon_pack=coupon_pack, coupon=coupon, data={ 'coupons': coupons, 'source': source })
def post(self): if self.userid == 0: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.LOGINERR)) try: raw_extras = self.get_argument( 'extras', None) # 格式:id1:amount1,id2:amount2... name = self.get_argument('name') mobile = self.get_argument('mobile') address = self.get_argument('address') memo = self.get_argument('memo', '') paytype = int(self.get_argument('paytype', None) or 2) except Exception as e: log.error(e) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) if not name or not mobile or not address: log.error("name or mobile or address must specified") return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) if not raw_extras: log.error("raw extras can't be null") return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) oid = mongo_uid(_DATABASE, 'order') order_no = gen_orderno(oid, short=True) # used for alipay also # combo_order_no = 0 order_type = 3 status = 0 times = 0 item_type = 2 fid = 0 fname = '' # farm_and_items = {} raw_extras_list = raw_extras.split(',') for item in raw_extras_list: # 这里其实还残留有问题,暂时只是购买一件商品还可以,要是 match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\:(\d+)$", item) # 多件商品,而且商品列表中已经有一件购买过的秒杀商品 --> item_id = int( # 中途报错,会使用户不能购买一些自己没有购买过的秒杀品 item_obj = yield self.get_recom_item(item_id) if not item_obj: raise ItemNotFoundError(item_id) item_obj = item_obj[0] recom_type = item_obj['type'] if not fid: # 既然不存在拆分订单,只要fid和fname赋过值,就无需再赋值 fid = item_obj['fid'] if not fname: fname = item_obj['farm'] if recom_type == 2: # 秒杀 然后只需对秒杀品特殊处理,删除普通单品无用处理 item_type = 3 ckey = 'seckill_%d_%d' % (self.userid, item_id) seckill = self.cache.get(ckey) if not seckill: seckill = yield self.get_seckill_item(self.userid, item_id) if seckill: return self.write( error(ErrorCode.DATAEXIST, '您已经秒杀过该商品,不能重复秒杀!')) yield self.add_seckill_item(self.userid, item_id), True) try: price = yield self.get_extras_price(raw_extras_list) except ItemNotFoundError as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.NODATA, '要购买的菜品在数据库找不到')) title = yield self.get_extras_title(raw_extras_list) combo, combo_idx = None, None combo_order_no = 0 # freight freight = 1000 if item_type == 2 and price < 9900 else 0 yield self.create_order(oid, order_no, combo_order_no, order_type, item_type, price, freight, status, times, fid, fname, combo, combo_idx, name, mobile, address, memo, title) try: yield self.add_extras(order_no, raw_extras_list) except ItemNotFoundError as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.NODATA, '要购买的菜品在数据库找不到')) result = {'orderno': str(order_no)} fee = price + freight result.update({'fee': fee, 'freight': freight}) if paytype == 2: # 支付宝支付 alipay_info = { 'partner': "2088911366083289", 'seller_id': "2088911366083289", 'out_trade_no': order_no, 'subject': title, 'body': "有菜H5订单", 'total_fee': "%.2f" % (fee / 100), 'notify_url': "{apptype}". format(apptype=APPTYPE_YOUCAI_H5), 'service': "", 'payment_type': "1", '_input_charset': "utf-8", 'it_b_pay': "30m", 'return_url': "!/pay_result" } acc = [] for param in sorted(alipay_info.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): if param[1]: acc.append('%s=%s' % (param[0], param[1])) sign = base64.encodebytes( rsa.sign('&'.join(acc).encode(), PRI_KEY, 'SHA-1')).decode().replace('\n', '') alipay_info.update({'sign': sign, 'sign_type': 'RSA'}) resp = yield AsyncHTTPClient().fetch( "" + urlencode(alipay_info)) # result.update({'alipay': "" + urlencode(alipay_info)}) result.update({'alipay': resp.effective_url}) elif paytype == 3: # 微信支付 params = { 'appid': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['appid'], 'mch_id': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['mchid'], 'nonce_str': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'body': title, 'detail': '公众号扫码订单', 'out_trade_no': order_no, 'total_fee': fee, 'spbill_create_ip': self.request.remote_ip, 'notify_url': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['notify'], 'trade_type': 'JSAPI', 'openid': self.session.get('openid') } params.update({'sign': wxpay_sign(params)}) try: xml = xmltodict.unparse({'xml': params}, full_document=False) resp = yield AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['url'] + '/pay/unifiedorder', method='POST', body=xml) ret = xmltodict.parse(resp.body.decode())['xml'] if ret['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS' and ret[ 'result_code'] == 'SUCCESS': sign = ret.pop('sign') if sign == wxpay_sign(ret): pay_params = { 'appId': YOUCAI_WXPAY_CONF['appid'], 'timeStamp': round(time.time()), 'nonceStr': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'package': 'prepay_id={prepay_id}'.format( prepay_id=ret['prepay_id']), 'signType': 'MD5' } ret_sign = wxpay_sign(pay_params) pay_params.update({'paySign': ret_sign}) self.session['wx_pay'] = pay_params else: log.error(ret) except Exception as e: log.error(e) return self.write(result)
def post(self): if self.userid == 0: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.LOGINERR)) try: aid = int(self.get_argument('id', None) or 0) name = self.get_argument('name') mobile = self.get_argument('mobile') city = self.get_argument('city', '北京') region = self.get_argument('region') address = self.get_argument('address') except Exception as e: log.error(e) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) now = round(time.time() * 1000) try: if aid: data = {} if name: data['name'] = name if mobile: data['mobile'] = mobile if city: data['city'] = city if region: data['region'] = region if address: data['address'] = address if not data: data['default'] = True data['modified'] = now doc = yield self.db['hamlet'].address.find_and_modify( {'id': aid}, {'$set': data}, new=True, fields={ '_id': 0, 'city': 1, 'region': 1, 'address': 1 }) if doc: result = doc['city'] + doc['region'] + doc['address'] else: return self.write(error(ErrorCode.NODATA)) if data.get('default'): yield self.db['hamlet'].address.update( { 'uid': self.userid, 'id': { '$ne': aid } }, {'$set': { 'default': False }}, multi=True) else: aid = mongo_uid('hamlet', 'address') yield self.db['hamlet'].address.insert({ 'id': aid, 'uid': self.userid, 'name': name, 'mobile': mobile, 'city': city, 'region': region, 'street': '', 'zid': 0, 'zname': '', 'building': '', 'unit': '', 'room': '', 'bur': '', 'address': address, 'default': True, 'created': now, 'modified': now }) result = city + region + address yield self.db['hamlet'].address.update( { 'uid': self.userid, 'id': { '$ne': aid } }, {'$set': { 'default': False }}, multi=True) try: yield self.db['hamlet'].user.update( {'id': self.userid}, {'$set': { 'address': result }}) self.session['user'].update({'address': result}) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write({'address': result}) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def create_order(self, oid, order_no, combo_order_no, order_type, item_type, price, freight, status, times, fid, farm, combo, combo_idx, name, mobile, address, memo, title=None): oid = oid order_no = order_no combo_order_no = combo_order_no order_type = order_type # 1 for combo order item_type = item_type uid = self.userid combo_idx = combo_idx if not combo: combo_id = None title = title img = '' year = None issue_no = None else: combo_id = combo['id'] title = combo['title'] img = combo['img'] year = combo['year'] issue_no = combo['issue_no'] price = price freight = freight times = times name = name mobile = mobile address = address paytype = 0 status = status # 0 means haven't payed yet fid = fid farm = farm now = round(time.time() * 1000) if order_type == 2: chgtime = {"0": now, "1": now} else: chgtime = {"0": now} kwargs = dict(id=oid, orderno=order_no, con=combo_order_no, uid=uid, combo_id=combo_id, combo_idx=combo_idx, coupon_id=0, fid=fid, farm=farm, title=title, img=img, year=year, issue_no=issue_no, type=order_type, item_type=item_type, price=price, freight=freight, times=times, name=name, mobile=mobile, address=address, memo=memo, paytype=paytype, status=status, chgtime=chgtime, created=now, modified=now) try: return self.db[_DATABASE].order.insert(kwargs) except Exception as exc: log.error(exc) return self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR))
def post(self): ''' 用户输入手机号,获取优惠券 参数: mobile: code: smscode(可选) ''' try: mobile = self.get_argument('mobile', None) code = self.get_argument('code', None) smscode = self.get_argument('smscode', None) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.PARAMERR)) return # 验证码是否存在,是它第一次还是第二次请求的标志 if smscode: cache_smscode = self.cache.get(mobile) if not cache_smscode or smscode != cache_smscode.get('code'): self.write(error(ErrorCode.CODEERR)) return now = round(time.time() * 1000) try: coupon_pack = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon_pack.find_one( {'code': code}, {'_id': 0}) if not coupon_pack: # 优惠券包无效 self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, '优惠券包不存在')) return if coupon_pack['expire'] <= now: # 优惠券包已过期 self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, '优惠券已过期')) return if coupon_pack['remains'] <= 0: self.write(error(ErrorCode.UNKOWN, "优惠券已经被抢光")) return # 该手机号对应的用户是否存在,不存在则插入user表 user = yield self.db['hamlet'].user.find_one({'mobile': mobile}, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1 }) if user: # 老用户 # 不管怎么样,只要用户存在,获取优惠券就正常进行 user_id = user['id'] coupon = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon.find_one( { 'uid': user_id, 'cpid': coupon_pack['id'] }, { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'type': 1, 'distype': 1, 'discount': 1, 'charge': 1 }) if coupon: # 用户手机号存放在 cookie中 self.set_cookie("yc_mobile", mobile) self.write({'coupon': coupon}) return else: # 新用户 # 用户不存在,则进行判断是否有验证码, # 有 :则是验证码已经通过,继续往下走 # 没有 :则发验证码, if smscode: # 注册 并 领取红包 user_id = mongo_uid('hamlet', 'user') user_doc = { 'id': user_id, 'unionid': None, 'openid': None, 'name': None, 'nickname': None, 'sex': 0, 'mobile': mobile, 'role': 0, 'province': None, 'city': None, 'address': None, 'headimg': GRAVATAR_URL.format( hash=md5(('SQC%d' % user_id).encode()).hexdigest()), 'bgimg': None, 'hometown': None, 'career': None, 'hobby': None, 'proverb': None, 'birthday': None, 'cid': 0, 'rid ': 0, 'zid': 0, 'ozid': 0, 'zname': None, 'coins': 100, 'oid': 0, 'password': '', 'lastlat': None, 'lastlng': None, 'lastip': None, 'status': 0, 'offline': False, 'created': now, 'modified': now } yield self.db['hamlet'].user.insert(user_doc) else: # TODO -发-验-证-码- # 改动 --> 不发送验证码,只是单纯的告诉前端,你需要获取验证 self.write(error(ErrorCode.NOUSER, '您还不是有菜用户,请注册领取红包')) return # 优惠券包剩余数量减1 ret = yield self.db['youcai'].coupon_pack.find_and_modify( {'code': code}, {'$inc': { 'remains': -1 }}, new=True, fields={ '_id': 0, 'remains': 1 }) if ret['remains'] == 0: yield self.db['youcai'].order.update( {'orderno': coupon_pack['orderno']}, {'$set': { 'cpflag': False }}) # 添加一条优惠券 discount = random.randint(coupon_pack['minpar'], coupon_pack['maxpar']) discount -= discount % 100 coupon_doc = { 'id': mongo_uid('youcai', 'coupon'), 'cpid': coupon_pack['id'], 'uid': user_id, 'type': coupon_pack['type'], 'distype': 1, 'discount': discount, 'charge': coupon_pack['charge'], 'used': False, 'expire': now + 2592000000, # 2592000000 = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, 'created': now } yield self.db['youcai'].coupon.insert(coupon_doc) # 用户手机号存放在 cookie中 self.set_cookie("yc_mobile", mobile) # self.set_secure_cookie("yc_mobile", mobile) return self.write({ 'coupon': { 'cpid': coupon_doc['cpid'], 'type': coupon_doc['type'], 'distype': coupon_doc['distype'], 'discount': coupon_doc['discount'], 'charge': coupon_doc['charge'] } }) except Exception as e: log.error(e) self.write(error(ErrorCode.DBERR, '呃,出了点小问题,有菜君正在处理,请稍候再试!')) return