def compileHTML(filepath, needCompress): """编译html文件 Arguments: - `filepath`: """ if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False tpl = utils.readfile(filepath) log.log("Compile for " + filepath + ".") LINK_TOKEN = "<link.* href=['\"](?!http|https)(.*?\.css)['\"]" # 不包含以http/https开头的资源 SCRIPT_TOKEN = "<script.* src=['\"](?!http|https)(.*?\.js)['\"]" iters = re.finditer(LINK_TOKEN, tpl) for i in reversed(list(iters)): path = path = compileCommon(path, "local", True) # 内部可能有替换的变量 if not conf.getConfig().get("disableAutoTimestamp"): tpl = tpl[0 : i.start(1)] + + "?t=" + getFileTimeStamp(path, filepath) + tpl[i.end(1) :] iters = re.finditer(SCRIPT_TOKEN, tpl) for i in reversed(list(iters)): path = path = compileCommon(path, "local", True) # 内部可能有替换的变量 if not conf.getConfig().get("disableAutoTimestamp"): tpl = tpl[0 : i.start(1)] + + "?t=" + getFileTimeStamp(path, filepath) + tpl[i.end(1) :] return tpl
def exportFrontendConfig(with_config=None, with_secrets=None): import json from conf import DEBUG, SERVER_HOST, UUID, ANNEX_DIR, API_PORT, getConfig, SHA1_INDEX server_message_port = None try: server_message_port = getConfig('server_message_port') except: pass server_user = None try: server_user = getConfig('server_user') except: with settings(warn_only=True): server_user = local('whoami', capture=True) config = { 'server_host' : SERVER_HOST, 'server_port' : API_PORT, 'annex_remote' : ANNEX_DIR, 'uv_uuid' : UUID, 'annex_remote_port' : 22, 'server_use_ssl' : False, 'gdrive_auth_no_ask' : True, 'server_message_port' : (API_PORT + 1) if server_message_port is None else server_message_port, 'server_user' : server_user, 'index.sha1' : SHA1_INDEX } if with_config is not None: if type(with_config) is not list: with_config = [with_config] for c in with_config: try: config[c] = getConfig(c) except exception as e: if DEBUG: print e if with_secrets is not None: from conf import getSecrets if type(with_secrets) is not list: with_secrets = [with_secrets] for s in with_secrets: try: config[s] = getSecrets(s) except exception as e: if DEBUG: print e for key in [k for k in config.keys() if config[k] is None]: del config[key] print "***********************************************" print "THE FOLLOWING LINES MAKE FOR YOUR FRONTEND CONFIG\n\n" print json.dumps(config) print "***********************************************" return config
def createNewUser(username, password, as_admin=False): try: IV = getConfig('encryption.iv') SALT = getConfig('encryption.salt') USER_SALT = getConfig('encyption.user_salt') except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None try: user_data = copy.deepcopy(USER_CREDENTIAL_PACK) user_data['username'] = username if as_admin: user_data['admin'] = True user_data['annex_key_sent'] = False if DEBUG: print "creating %s as admin!" % username user_root = "%s.txt" % generateMD5Hash(content=username, salt=USER_SALT) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root)): if DEBUG: print "user already exists NOPE!" return False print user_data with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'wb+') as user: user.write(encryptUserData(user_data, password, p_salt=SALT, iv=IV)) return True except Exception as e: print e return False
def smokeTest(): if conf.getConfig("AMI", "SmokeURL") and conf.getConfig("AMI", "SmokeFile") and int(launchindex) == 0: smokeURL = conf.getConfig("AMI", "SmokeURL") smokeFile = conf.getConfig("AMI", "SmokeFile") import urllib urllib.urlretrieve (smokeURL, 'smoke.tar.gz') log = exe('tar xvf smoke.tar.gz', True) os.chdir('/home/ubuntu/smoke') log += "-----------------------------------------------------" + "\n" log += "-------------------- SMOKE TESTS --------------------" + "\n" log += "-----------------------------------------------------" + "\n" log += "Retrieved: " + smokeURL + "\n" log += "Executing: " + smokeFile + "\n" log += "\n" with open(smokeFile, 'r') as f: log += + "\n" log += "-----------------------------------------------------" + "\n" log += exe('sudo chmod +x ' + smokeFile, True) log += exe('./' + smokeFile, True) log += "-----------------------------------------------------" + "\n" log += "--------------------- END TESTS ---------------------" + "\n" log += "-----------------------------------------------------" + "\n" os.chdir('/home/ubuntu/') emailReport('SMOKE-TESTS ::: ' + smokeFile + ' ::: ' + publichostname, log)
def getPkgOpen(subpkgs): """获取open 模块 模块地址 """ targetfolder = os.path.join( conf.getConfig()['path'] , 'static' , 'js' ) utils.createfolder(TEMP_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists( targetfolder ): utils.createfolder(targetfolder) subpkgs = subpkgs or conf.getConfig()['PKG_OPEN'] subpkgs.insert(0 , 'common') os.system('git clone ' + os.path.join(TEMP_FOLDER , 'open')) successpkg = [] for pkg in subpkgs: source = os.path.join( TEMP_FOLDER , 'open' , pkg ) if not os.path.exists(source): log.warn('Sub package ' + pkg + ' not exist in Open.') continue utils.copyfiles( source , os.path.join( targetfolder , 'open' , pkg ) ) successpkg.append( pkg ) utils.removefolder(TEMP_FOLDER) log.success( 'Adding Open package include ' + ','.join(successpkg) + ' success!' )
def compileHTML(filepath, needCompress): """编译html文件 Arguments: - `filepath`: """ if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False tpl = utils.readfile(filepath) log.log('Compile for ' + filepath + '.') LINK_TOKEN = '<link.* href=[\'"](?!http|https)(.*?\.css)[\'"]' # 不包含以http/https开头的资源 SCRIPT_TOKEN = '<script.* src=[\'"](?!http|https)(.*?\.js)[\'"]' iters = re.finditer(LINK_TOKEN, tpl) for i in reversed(list(iters)): path = path = compileCommon(path, 'local', True) #内部可能有替换的变量 if not conf.getConfig().get('disableAutoTimestamp'): tpl = tpl[0:i.start(1)] + + '?t=' + getFileTimeStamp( path, filepath) + tpl[i.end(1):] iters = re.finditer(SCRIPT_TOKEN, tpl) for i in reversed(list(iters)): path = path = compileCommon(path, 'local', True) #内部可能有替换的变量 if not conf.getConfig().get('disableAutoTimestamp'): tpl = tpl[0:i.start(1)] + + '?t=' + getFileTimeStamp( path, filepath) + tpl[i.end(1):] return tpl
def do_GET(self): """ Arguments: - `self`: """ truncate_path = self.path.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] path_items = self.path.split('?') query = path_items[1] if len(path_items) > 1 else '' response = 200 serverConfig = conf.getConfig() isInServerConfig = False if 'proxy' in serverConfig: for reg, target in serverConfig['proxy'].items(): if"\{.+\}$", "", reg), truncate_path): isInServerConfig = True if target.startswith('http'): #http url contentType, body = self.urlProxy( target, query, reg, truncate_path) elif target.startswith('plugins'): #local plugins contentType, body = self.pluginsProxy(target, query) if not isInServerConfig: if truncate_path == '/': #default page body = mgr.getIndex() response, contentType, body = (200, 'text/html', body) elif truncate_path.endswith('.ut'): #为模版文件 tplToken = truncate_path.replace('.ut', '')[1:] body = parser.parseTpl(tplToken) body = parser.compileCommon(body, 'local', True) body = parser.compilePlugin(tplToken, body) if conf.getConfig().get( 'type') and conf.getConfig()['type'] == 'mobile': body = body.replace( '', '' ) #mobile project if len(body): response, contentType = (200, 'text/html') else: response, contentType, body = (404, 'text/html', 'no template called ' + tplToken) elif truncate_path.endswith('.m'): #为模版管理 tplToken = truncate_path.replace('.m', '')[1:] tpl = parser.parseTpl(tplToken) if len(tpl): body = mgr.getPage(tplToken) response, contentType, body = (200, 'text/html', body) else: response, contentType, body = (404, 'text/html', 'Error finding tpl file.') else: response, contentType, body = self.server_static(truncate_path) self.sendResponseWithOutput(response, contentType, body)
def copyfiles(ptype): """拷贝库文件到目标文件 """ pfolder = 'project' if ptype == 'pc' else 'mproject' base = os.path.join(conf.getConfig()['base'] , 'assets' , pfolder ) utils.copyfiles(base , conf.getConfig()['path'])
def amiErrorHandling(): if conf.getConfig("AMI", "Error"): print print conf.getConfig("AMI", "Error") print print "Please visit for this AMI's feature set." print sys.exit(1)
def copyfiles(ptype): """拷贝库文件到目标文件 """ pfolder = 'project' if ptype == 'pc' else 'mproject' base = os.path.join(conf.getConfig()['base'], 'assets', pfolder) utils.copyfiles(base, conf.getConfig()['path'])
def processPDFMetadata(uv_task): task_tag = "PDF METADATA EXTRACTION" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag print "extracting text from pdf at %s" % uv_task.doc_id uv_task.setStatus(302) from lib.Worker.Models.cp_pdf import CompassPDF from conf import DEBUG from vars import ASSET_TAGS pdf = CompassPDF(_id=uv_task.doc_id) if pdf is None: print "PDF IS NONE" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return import os from conf import ANNEX_DIR, getConfig from fabric.api import local, settings with settings(warn_only=True): peepdf_raw = local("%s %s -s %s" % ( getConfig('compass.peepdf.root'), os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, pdf.file_name), getConfig('compass.peepdf.batch')), capture=True) if peepdf_raw is None: print "METADATA COULD NOT BE GENERATED" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return import re peepdf = [] for line in peepdf_raw.splitlines(): if line != "": peepdf.append(re.compile("\033\[[0-9;]+m").sub("", line)) # save to asset, next task: compile metadata md_file = pdf.addAsset("\n".join(peepdf), "%s.peeped" % pdf.file_name) if md_file is None or not pdf.addFile(md_file, None, sync=True): print "METADATA COULD NOT BE ADDED" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return pdf.addCompletedTask(uv_task.task_path) uv_task.routeNext(inflate={ 'md_file' : "%s.peeped" % pdf.file_name, 'md_namespace' : "PDF" }) print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag uv_task.finish()
def do_GET(self): """ Arguments: - `self`: """ truncate_path = self.path.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] path_items = self.path.split('?') query = path_items[1] if len(path_items) > 1 else '' response = 200 serverConfig = conf.getConfig() isInServerConfig = False if 'proxy' in serverConfig: for reg,target in serverConfig['proxy'].items(): if "\{.+\}$" , "" , reg ) , truncate_path): isInServerConfig = True if target.startswith('http'):#http url contentType,body =self.urlProxy(target , query, reg , truncate_path) elif target.startswith('plugins'):#local plugins contentType , body = self.pluginsProxy(target , query) if not isInServerConfig: if truncate_path == '/':#default page body = mgr.getIndex() response,contentType,body = (200 , 'text/html' , body) elif truncate_path.endswith('.ut'):#为模版文件 tplToken = truncate_path.replace('.ut' , '') [1:] body = parser.parseTpl(tplToken) body = parser.compileCommon(body , 'local' , True) body = parser.compilePlugin(tplToken,body) if conf.getConfig().get('type') and conf.getConfig()['type'] == 'mobile': body = body.replace('' , '') #mobile project if len(body): response,contentType = (200 , 'text/html') else: response,contentType,body = (404 , 'text/html' , 'no template called ' + tplToken) elif truncate_path.endswith('.m'):#为模版管理 tplToken = truncate_path.replace('.m' , '')[1:] tpl = parser.parseTpl(tplToken) if len(tpl): body = mgr.getPage(tplToken) response,contentType,body = (200,'text/html' , body) else: response,contentType,body = (404,'text/html' , 'Error finding tpl file.') else: response, contentType, body = self.server_static(truncate_path) self.sendResponseWithOutput(response , contentType , body)
def loginUser(self, username, password, handler): try: SALT = getConfig('encryption.salt') USER_SALT = getConfig('encyption.user_salt') except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None from base64 import b64encode try: from Utils.funcs import decryptUserData except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e from lib.Frontend.Utils.funcs import decryptUserData try: user_root = "%s.txt" % generateMD5Hash(content=username, salt=USER_SALT) with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'rb') as UD: user_data = decryptUserData(, password, p_salt=SALT) if user_data is None: return None try: if user_data['admin']: del user_data['admin'] handler.set_secure_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.ADMIN, "true", path="/", expires_days=1) if not self.do_get_drive_status(): self.initDriveClient() if "annex_key_sent" not in user_data.keys( ) or not user_data['annex_key_sent']: if self.drive_client.checkAnnexKeyStatus(): user_data['annex_key_sent'] = True except KeyError as e: if DEBUG: print e pass handler.set_secure_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.USER, b64encode(json.dumps(user_data)), path="/", expires_days=1) return user_data except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None
def logoutUser(self, credentials, handler): handler.clear_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.USER) handler.clear_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.ADMIN) try: username = credentials['username'] except KeyError as e: return None try: password = credentials['password'] except KeyError as e: return True try: IV = getConfig('encryption.iv') SALT = getConfig('encryption.salt') USER_SALT = getConfig('encyption.user_salt') except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None try: from Utils.funcs import decryptUserData, encryptUserData except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e from lib.Frontend.Utils.funcs import decryptUserData, encryptUserData user_root = "%s.txt" % generateMD5Hash(content=username, salt=USER_SALT) with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'rb') as UD: user_data = decryptUserData(, password, p_salt=SALT) if user_data is None: return None new_data = copy.deepcopy(user_data) new_data['saved_searches'] = credentials['save_data'][ 'saved_searches'] try: new_data['annex_key_sent'] = credentials['save_data'][ 'annex_key_sent'] except KeyError as e: pass with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'wb+') as UD: UD.write(encryptUserData(new_data, password, iv=IV, p_salt=SALT)) return True return None
def startServer(self): from fabric.api import local, settings server_path = getConfig('nlp_server.path') cmd = "python %s -S %s -p %d" % ( os.path.join(server_path, "corenlp", ""), os.path.join(server_path, getConfig('nlp_server.pkg')), getConfig('nlp_server.port')) if DEBUG: print "STARTING NLP SERVER:" print cmd with settings(warn_only=True): start_cmd = local(cmd)
def server_static(self,file_path): file_path = '.' + file_path if not os.path.exists(file_path): return (404, 'text/html', 'no such file.') if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat_result = os.stat(file_path) mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path) if not mime_type or (mime_type.find('image')==0 or mime_type.find('flash')!=-1 or mime_type.find('audio')!=-1): f = open(file_path , 'rb') fcontent = else: f =, "rb" , conf.getConfig()['encoding']) fcontent = parser.compileCommon( , 'local' , True) try: return (200, mime_type, fcontent) finally: f.close() elif os.path.isdir(file_path): if file_path.endswith('/'): index_file = os.path.join(file_path, 'index.html') if os.path.exists(index_file): return (200, 'text/html', open(index_file).read()) else: return (200 , 'text/html; charset=utf-8' , self.list_directory(os.path.abspath(file_path)).read().encode('utf-8')[150:]) else: return (301, 'text/html', file_path + '/') else: pass
def iterate(self): THIS_DIR = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path)) try: iter_num = len(self.getAssetsByTagName(ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_DD'])) bc = BatCountry(os.path.join(getConfig('caffe_root'), "models", "bvlc_googlenet")) img = bc.dream(np.float32(self.get_image(file_name="dream_%d.jpg" % iter_num))) bc.cleanup() os.chdir(THIS_DIR) iter_num += 1 dream = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img)) asset_path = self.addAsset(None, "dream_%d.jpg" % iter_num, \ tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_DD']], description="deep dream iteration") if asset_path is not None:, asset_path)) return True except Exception as e: print "ERROR ON ITERATION:" print e, type(e) return False
def iterate(self): THIS_DIR = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path)) try: iter_num = len(self.getAssetsByTagName(ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_DD'])) bc = BatCountry( os.path.join(getConfig('caffe_root'), "models", "bvlc_googlenet")) img = bc.dream( np.float32(self.get_image(file_name="dream_%d.jpg" % iter_num))) bc.cleanup() os.chdir(THIS_DIR) iter_num += 1 dream = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img)) asset_path = self.addAsset(None, "dream_%d.jpg" % iter_num, \ tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_DD']], description="deep dream iteration") if asset_path is not None:, asset_path)) return True except Exception as e: print "ERROR ON ITERATION:" print e, type(e) return False
def server_static(self, file_path): file_path = '.' + file_path if not os.path.exists(file_path): return (404, 'text/html', 'no such file.') if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat_result = os.stat(file_path) mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path) if not mime_type or (mime_type.find('image') == 0 or mime_type.find('flash') != -1 or mime_type.find('audio') != -1): f = open(file_path, 'rb') fcontent = else: f =, "rb", conf.getConfig()['encoding']) fcontent = parser.compileCommon(, 'local', True) try: return (200, mime_type, fcontent) finally: f.close() elif os.path.isdir(file_path): if file_path.endswith('/'): index_file = os.path.join(file_path, 'index.html') if os.path.exists(index_file): return (200, 'text/html', open(index_file).read()) else: return (200, 'text/html; charset=utf-8', self.list_directory(os.path.abspath( file_path)).read().encode('utf-8')[150:]) else: return (301, 'text/html', file_path + '/') else: pass
def pullFromAnnex(uv_task): task_tag = "PULL FROM ANNEX" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag print "pulling file from document %s from annex" % uv_task.doc_id print uv_task.emit() uv_task.setStatus(302) from lib.Worker.Models.uv_document import UnveillanceDocument from conf import DEBUG, BASE_DIR, getConfig document = UnveillanceDocument(_id=uv_task.doc_id) if document is None: print "DOC IS NONE" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return if not document.getFile(document.file_name): print "NO FILE CONTENT" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return if hasattr(uv_task, "atttempt_sync") and uv_task.attempt_sync: print "SHOULD ATTEMPT SYNC AGAIN." from fabric.api import settings, local with settings(warn_only=True): local("%s %s %s" % (getConfig('python_home'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""), document.file_name)) uv_task.finish() print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag
def compileCommon(filepath, token, force=False): """通用编译方法 编译 @tm:file_path@为6位时间戳 Arguments: - `content`: """ if force: content = filepath else: if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False ftype = filepath.split('.')[-1] if not ftype in ['html', 'htm', 'css', 'js', 'tpl', 'jsp']: return False content = utils.readfile(filepath) TM_TOKEN = '@tm:(.*?)@' DATE_TOKEN = '@date@' COMMON_TOKEN = '@(.*?)@' iters = re.finditer(TM_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): content = content[0:i.start(0)] + getFileTimeStamp(, filepath) + content[i.end(0):] iters = re.finditer(DATE_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): content = content[0:i.start(0)] + utils.getDate() + content[i.end(0):] iters = re.finditer(COMMON_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): config = conf.getConfig() name = value = (token and config[token].get(name)) or config.get(name) if value: if value.find('{num}') != -1: num = (token and config[token].get('num')) or config.get('num') or '10' num = range(num + 1) substr100 = content[i.end(0):i.end(0) + 100] istimestamp = substr100.find('t=') if istimestamp != -1: #has timestamp try: tm = int(substr100[istimestamp + 2:istimestamp + 3]) except ValueError: continue if tm >= len(num): tm = tm - len(num) value = value.replace('{num}', str(tm)) else: global range_item value = value.replace('{num}', str(num[range_item])) range_item = range_item + 1 if range_item >= len(num): range_item = 0 content = content[0:i.start(0)] + value + content[i.end(0):] return content
def buildGensimDictionary(uv_task): task_tag = "BUILDING GENSIM DICTIONARY!!!" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag uv_task.setStatus(302) import os from conf import DEBUG, getConfig dictionary_dir = getConfig('compass.gensim.training_data') wiki_bow_corpus = os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "") wiki_dict = os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "wiki_en_wordids.txt.bz2") wiki_tfidf = os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "") for required in [wiki_dict, wiki_bow_corpus, wiki_tfidf]: if not os.path.exists(required): print "\n\n************** %s [WARNING] ******************\n" % task_tag print "THIS COULD TAKE AWHILE (LIKE, 10+ HOURS)..." from fabric.api import settings, local os.chdir(dictionary_dir) gensim_dict_raw = os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2") if not os.path.exists(gensim_dict_raw): with settings(warn_only=True): local("wget") with settings(warn_only=True): local("python -m gensim.scripts.make_wiki %s %s" % ( os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2"), os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "wiki_en"))) for b in ["", "wiki_en_wordids.txt"]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dictionary_dir, b)) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dictionary_dir, "%s.bz2" % b)): with settings(warn_only=True): local("bzip2 %s" % os.path.join(dictionary_dir, b)) import logging, bz2 from gensim import corpora, models try: wiki_corpus = corpora.MmCorpus(bz2.BZ2File(os.path.join(dictionary_dir, ""))) wiki_tfidf = models.TfidfModel(wiki_corpus), "wiki_en_tfidf.tfidf_model")) except Exception as e: print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return print "WIKI CORPUS SAVED AND SERIALIZED." break else: print "Found required gensim asset %s" % required uv_task.finish() print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag
def loginUser(self, username, password, handler): try: SALT = getConfig('encryption.salt') USER_SALT = getConfig('encyption.user_salt') except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None from base64 import b64encode try: from Utils.funcs import decryptUserData except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e from lib.Frontend.Utils.funcs import decryptUserData try: user_root = "%s.txt" % generateMD5Hash(content=username, salt=USER_SALT) with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'rb') as UD: user_data = decryptUserData(, password, p_salt=SALT) if user_data is None: return None try: if user_data['admin']: del user_data['admin'] handler.set_secure_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.ADMIN, "true", path="/", expires_days=1) if not self.do_get_drive_status(): self.initDriveClient() if "annex_key_sent" not in user_data.keys() or not user_data['annex_key_sent']: if self.drive_client.checkAnnexKeyStatus(): user_data['annex_key_sent'] = True except KeyError as e: if DEBUG: print e pass handler.set_secure_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.USER, b64encode(json.dumps(user_data)), path="/", expires_days=1) return user_data except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None
def writefile(filename , content): try: f = , 'w' , conf.getConfig()['encoding']) f.write(content) f.close() except: print filename,content raise
def stopServer(self): printAsLog("stopping NLP server") stopDaemon(self.pid_file, extra_pids_port=getConfig('nlp_server.port')) try: del self.nlp_server except Exception as e: print "error stopping NLP server\n%s" % e
def callmail(self): if self.item == "1": code = "5"+str(self.apitype)+self.errcode+"000" print code policy = conf.getConfig("mobile", "policy") templateId = conf.getConfig("mobile", "templateId") postdata = {"code":code,"mobile":self.lis_mobile,"policy":policy,"templateId":templateId} try: request = Morequest(self.item,self.item,postdata) print self.url response = request.json_post() print "call you--------------------------------!" except: print "callmail error"
def writefile(filename, content): try: f =, 'w', conf.getConfig()['encoding']) f.write(content) f.close() except: print filename, content raise
def extractNEREntities(task): task_tag = "NER ENTITY EXTRACTION" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag print "TOKENIZING TEXT DOCUMENT at %s" % task.doc_id task.setStatus(302) from lib.Worker.Models.uv_document import UnveillanceDocument from conf import DEBUG from vars import ASSET_TAGS doc = UnveillanceDocument(_id=task.doc_id) if doc is None: print "DOC IS NONE" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return from json import loads try: texts = loads(doc.loadAsset("doc_texts.json")) except Exception as e: print "ERROR GETTING DOC-TEXTS: %s" % e print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return import ner, os from conf import getConfig from lib.Core.Utils.funcs import cleanLine st = ner.SocketNER(host='localhost', port=getConfig("nlp_server.port")) entities = {} for i, page in enumerate(texts): if page is None: continue lemmas = st.get_entities(cleanLine(page)) if len(lemmas.keys()) == 0: continue for lemma_type in lemmas.keys(): entities = updateEntities(entities, lemmas[lemma_type], lemma_type, i) #if DEBUG and i > 25: break if len(entities.keys()) > 0: ner_entity_path = doc.addAsset(entities, "stanford-ner_entities.json", as_literal=False, description="Entities as per Stanford-NER Tagger (via NLTK)", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['STANFORD_NER_ENTITIES'], ASSET_TAGS['CP_ENTITIES']]) if ner_entity_path is not None: doc.addFile(ner_entity_path, None, sync=True) doc.addCompletedTask(task.task_path) task.routeNext() print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag task.finish()
def giffify(self): from fabric.api import settings, local avi_path = None gif_path = None try: avi_path = self.getAssetsByTagName(ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_AVI'])[0]['file_name'] avi_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path, avi_path) except Exception as e: pass try: gif_path = self.getAssetsByTagName(ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_GIF'])[0]['file_name'] gif_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path, gif_path) except Exception as e: pass ffmpeg = getConfig('ffmpeg') if avi_path is None: avi_path = self.addAsset(None, "deepdream_gif.avi", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_AVI']], description="avi of DeepDream gif") avi_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, avi_path) if gif_path is None: gif_path = self.addAsset(None, "deepdream.gif", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_GIF']], description="gif of DeepDream") gif_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, gif_path) avi_path_tmp = avi_path.replace(".avi", "_tmp.avi") gif_cmds = [ "{0} -y -f image2 -i dream_%d.jpg {1}".format(ffmpeg, avi_path_tmp), "%s -y -i %s -filter:v \"setpts=10.0*PTS\" %s" % (ffmpeg, avi_path_tmp, avi_path), "%s -y -i %s -pix_fmt rgb24 %s" % (ffmpeg, avi_path, gif_path) ] try: THIS_DIR = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path)) for cmd in gif_cmds: with settings(warn_only=True): c = local(cmd) if c.return_code != 0: print "Process failed with return code %d" % c.return_code os.chdir(THIS_DIR) return False os.chdir(THIS_DIR) return True except Exception as e: print "COULD NOT MAKE A GIF" print e, type(e) return False
def compileCommon(filepath, token, force=False): """通用编译方法 编译 @tm:file_path@为6位时间戳 Arguments: - `content`: """ if force: content = filepath else: if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False ftype = filepath.split(".")[-1] if not ftype in ["html", "htm", "css", "js", "tpl", "jsp"]: return False content = utils.readfile(filepath) TM_TOKEN = "@tm:(.*?)@" DATE_TOKEN = "@date@" COMMON_TOKEN = "@(.*?)@" iters = re.finditer(TM_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): content = content[0 : i.start(0)] + getFileTimeStamp(, filepath) + content[i.end(0) :] iters = re.finditer(DATE_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): content = content[0 : i.start(0)] + utils.getDate() + content[i.end(0) :] iters = re.finditer(COMMON_TOKEN, content) for i in reversed(list(iters)): config = conf.getConfig() name = value = (token and config[token].get(name)) or config.get(name) if value: if value.find("{num}") != -1: num = (token and config[token].get("num")) or config.get("num") or "10" num = range(num + 1) substr100 = content[i.end(0) : i.end(0) + 100] istimestamp = substr100.find("t=") if istimestamp != -1: # has timestamp try: tm = int(substr100[istimestamp + 2 : istimestamp + 3]) except ValueError: continue if tm >= len(num): tm = tm - len(num) value = value.replace("{num}", str(tm)) else: global range_item value = value.replace("{num}", str(num[range_item])) range_item = range_item + 1 if range_item >= len(num): range_item = 0 content = content[0 : i.start(0)] + value + content[i.end(0) :] return content
def getIndex(): base = conf.getConfig()['base'] indexTpl = os.path.join( base , 'assets' , 'mgr' , 'index.html' ) path = conf.getConfig()['path'] tpls = [] for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os.walk( os.path.join( path , 'template' ) ): for f in filenames: if f.endswith('.tpl'): tpldir = dirpath.replace( os.path.join( path , 'template' ) , '' ) url = '/'.join( [ tpldir , f.replace('.tpl' , '') ] ) tpls.extend([ url[1:] ]) body = parser.parseTpl( indexTpl , { 'tpls':tpls } , True ) return body
def setCompassProject(self): url = "projects.json" projects = self.sendDCRequest(url, "get") if projects is not None: for project in projects['projects']: if project['title'] == getConfig('documentcloud.proj_title'): self.project_id = project['id'] return True if not hasattr(self, "project_id"): project = self.sendDCRequest(url, "post", data={ 'title' : getConfig('documentcloud.proj_title') }) if DEBUG: print "new project:\n%s\n" % project return self.hasCompassProject() return False
def logoutUser(self, credentials, handler): handler.clear_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.USER) handler.clear_cookie(UnveillanceCookie.ADMIN) try: username = credentials['username'] except KeyError as e: return None try: password = credentials['password'] except KeyError as e: return True try: IV = getConfig('encryption.iv') SALT = getConfig('encryption.salt') USER_SALT = getConfig('encyption.user_salt') except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None try: from Utils.funcs import decryptUserData, encryptUserData except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e from lib.Frontend.Utils.funcs import decryptUserData, encryptUserData user_root = "%s.txt" % generateMD5Hash(content=username,salt=USER_SALT) with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'rb') as UD: user_data = decryptUserData(, password, p_salt=SALT) if user_data is None: return None new_data = copy.deepcopy(user_data) new_data['saved_searches'] = credentials['save_data']['saved_searches'] try: new_data['annex_key_sent'] = credentials['save_data']['annex_key_sent'] except KeyError as e: pass with open(os.path.join(USER_ROOT, user_root), 'wb+') as UD: UD.write(encryptUserData(new_data, password, iv=IV, p_salt=SALT)) return True return None
def startServer(self): from fabric.api import local, settings this_dir = os.getcwd() cmd = "java -mx1000m -cp stanford-ner.jar -loadClassifier classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz -port %d -outputFormat inlineXML" % getConfig('nlp_server.port') if DEBUG: print "STARTING NLP SERVER:" print cmd os.chdir(getConfig('nlp_ner_base')) with settings(warn_only=True): local("kill $(lsof -t -i:%d)" % getConfig('nlp_server.port')) start_cmd = local(cmd) print start_cmd startDaemon(self.log_file, self.pid_file) while True: sleep(1)
def getStatus(self): try: server_port = getConfig('nlp_server.port') r = requests.get("http://localhost:%d" % server_port) if r.status_code == 501: self.nlp_server = jsonrpclib.Server("http://localhost:%d" % server_port) return True except IOError as e: pass return False
def setData(token , data): """ Arguments: - `token`: - `data`: """ fpath = BASE + token + SUFFIX f = , 'w' , conf.getConfig()['encoding']) f.write( json.dumps(data , sort_keys = True , indent = 4, separators = ( ',' , ': ')) ) f.close()
def __init__(self): = conf.getConfig("database", "dbhost") self.port = conf.getConfig("database", "dbport") self.database = conf.getConfig("database", "dbname") self.user = conf.getConfig("database", "dbuser") self.passwd = conf.getConfig("database", "dbpassword") self.charser = conf.getConfig("database", "dbcharset")
def notarize(self): if hasattr(self, "notarized") and self.notarized: print "ALREADY NOTARIZED: (%s)" % self.notarized return False if not self.get_provenance(): print "NO PROVENANCE YET" return False j3m = self.getAsset("j3m_raw.json", return_only="path") if j3m is None: print "NO RAW J3M TO NOTARIZE." return False from lib.Core.Utils.funcs import hashEntireFile j3m_hash = hashEntireFile(j3m, hfunc="sha256") if j3m_hash is None: print "WHY DIDN'T HASH WORK?" return False import gnupg from vars import ASSET_TAGS from conf import getConfig, getSecrets try: gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir=getConfig('gpg_homedir')) gpg_pwd = getSecrets('gpg_pwd') notarization_doc = gpg.sign(j3m_hash, \ default_key=getSecrets('org_fingerprint')[-8:], passphrase=gpg_pwd) del gpg_pwd if len( == 0: print "NO NOTARIZATION DOC" return False self.addAsset(, "j3m_notarized.asc", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['IC_NOTARIZE']], description="Signed Notarization Doc, ready to publish.") self.notarized = True self.saveFields("notarized") return True except Exception as e: print "PROBLEM SIGNING DOC:" print e, type(e) return False
def run(params , options): ptype = 'mobile' if ( len(params) and params[0]=='mobile') else 'pc' if os.listdir( conf.getConfig()['path'] ): log.warn('Not an empty folder.\nContinue may change your exists files.\nStill Continue?') iscontinue = utils.isyes(raw_input('(y/n):')) if not iscontinue: log.log('User cancel init.') sys.exit(1) log.log('Begin to init current folder') copyfiles(ptype) log.success('Init success.')
def getPage(token): """获取mgr的页面 Arguments: - `token`: """ base = conf.getConfig()['base'] mgrTpl = os.path.join( base , 'assets' , 'mgr' , 'mgr.html') body = parser.parseTpl(mgrTpl , { 'name':token, 'data': getRawData(token) } , True) return body
def compilePlugin(name, content): plugins = conf.getConfig().get('serverplugins') if not plugins: return content for plugin in plugins: try: pkg = __import__(plugin, globals(), locals(), ['main'], -1) content = pkg.main(name, content) except Exception as e: print "Plugin " + plugin + " is invalid" print e content = content return content
def compilePlugin(name, content): plugins = conf.getConfig().get("serverplugins") if not plugins: return content for plugin in plugins: try: pkg = __import__(plugin, globals(), locals(), ["main"], -1) content = pkg.main(name, content) except Exception as e: print "Plugin " + plugin + " is invalid" print e content = content return content
def readfile(filename, mode='r'): """ Arguments: - `filename`: - `encoding`: """ if 'b' in mode: #Binary file f = open(filename, mode) else: f =, mode, conf.getConfig()['encoding']) body = f.close() return body
def __init__(self,subject,content,type):"email","host") self.port=conf.getConfig("email","port") self.user=conf.getConfig("email","user") self.password = conf.getConfig("email", "password") self.sender = conf.getConfig("email","sender") self.receivers = conf.getConfig("email","receivers").split(',') self.subject = subject self.content = content self.type = type
def run(params, options): ptype = 'mobile' if (len(params) and params[0] == 'mobile') else 'pc' if os.listdir(conf.getConfig()['path']): log.warn( 'Not an empty folder.\nContinue may change your exists files.\nStill Continue?' ) iscontinue = utils.isyes(raw_input('(y/n):')) if not iscontinue: log.log('User cancel init.') sys.exit(1) log.log('Begin to init current folder') copyfiles(ptype) log.success('Init success.')
def compileHTML(needCompress=False, needHtml=False): """为所有tpl文件加上时间戳 """ base = os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'template') tplfiles = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) if COMPILE_FOLDER: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( os.path.join(PATH, 'build', COMPILE_FOLDER)): tplfiles.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]) for tpl in tplfiles: f = parser.compileHTML(tpl, needCompress) utils.writefile(tpl, f) if needHtml: log.log('Render html file.\nIt will under build folder.') files = os.listdir(os.path.join(base)) tplfiles = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base): tplfiles.extend([ os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames if f.endswith('.tpl') ]) for fname in tplfiles: token = fname.replace(base + '/', '').replace('.tpl', '') try: #有强行编译的需求 html = parser.parseTpl(token, isbuild=True) if token.find('/') != -1: subfolder = os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'html', token.split('/')[0]) if not os.path.exists(subfolder): utils.createfolder(subfolder) utils.writefile( os.path.join(PATH, 'build', 'html', token + '.html'), html) except Exception as e: log.error(str(e)) if not conf.getConfig().get('html_force_output'): raise log.success('Render html success')
def compileCss(filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): return False css = utils.readfile(filepath) #@todo:正则有问题,识别url("data:image/png,base64...")之类带引号的有[email protected] IMG_TOKEN = 'url\([\'"]?(?!data:image|about:blank|http|https)(.*?)[\'"]?\)' #[email protected]:忽略base64图片和about:blank iters = re.finditer(IMG_TOKEN, css) for i in reversed(list(iters)): imgpath = imgpath = compileCommon(imgpath, 'local', True) #内部可能有替换的变量 if not conf.getConfig().get('disableAutoTimestamp' ): #[email protected]:为什么http开头的不给加时间戳 css = css[0:i.end(0) - 1] + '?t=' + getFileTimeStamp( imgpath, filepath) + css[i.end(0) - 1:] #[email protected]:已经带?的做过识别么? return css
def sendResponseWithOutput(self, response, contentType, body): """ handles both str and unicode types """ self.send_response(response) self.send_header("Content-Type", contentType) if response == 301: self.send_header("Location", body) if not contentType or (contentType.find('image') != 0 and contentType.find('flash') == -1 and contentType.find('audio') == -1): try: body = body.encode(conf.getConfig()['encoding']) except UnicodeDecodeError: body = body self.send_header("Content-Length", len(body)) self.end_headers() if response != 301: self.wfile.write(body)
def getFileTimeStamp(fpath, parentpath=''): """为文件加上时间戳并返回 Arguments: - `fpath`: """ if fpath.find('/') == 0: fpath = fpath[1:] fpath2 = os.path.join(conf.getConfig()['path'], 'build', fpath) if not os.path.exists(fpath2) and parentpath: parentpath = parentpath.split('/') parentpath.pop() fpath2 = '/'.join(parentpath) + '/' + fpath if os.path.exists(fpath2): f = utils.readfile(fpath2, 'rb') m = hashlib.md5() m.update(f) md5 = utils.md5toInt(m.hexdigest()) return md5 return ''
def getdb(): global logger global g_db global g_db_lct ct = time.time() # 每5秒钟,重连一次DB if g_db != None and ct - g_db_lct <= 5: return g_db try: g_db = None g_db = mydb.MyDB(conf.getConfig('db_net_assist')) g_db_lct = ct logger.debug('DB connect ok, [db_net_assist]') return g_db except: logger.error('getdb[db_net_assist] faild, %s', str(sys.exc_info())) g_db = None g_db_lct = 0 return None
############################ ### INITIALIZE WEB SERVER ############################ # get the current path (unix) currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' global dbFileName global apiUrl global clanId global playerId global fileType global apiToken # read config file dbFileName, apiUrl, clanId, playerId, fileType, apiToken = conf.getConfig() external_stylesheets = [''] app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets) app.layout = buildHtmlDiv app.title = 'Statistiques de clan' ############################ ### CALLBACK FONCTIONS ############################ @app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('donation-graphic', 'figure'), [dash.dependencies.Input('member-filter', 'value')])
import json import hashlib import re from jinja2 import Template, Environment, FileSystemLoader, TemplateNotFound, TemplateSyntaxError import conf import utils import log import mgr range_item = 0 jinjaenv = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(conf.getConfig()['path'], conf.getConfig()['template_dir']), conf.getConfig()['encoding']), extensions=[""], autoescape=True) build_jinjaenv = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(conf.getConfig()['path'], 'build', conf.getConfig()['template_dir']), conf.getConfig()['encoding'])) def parseTpl(token, data={}, noGetTpl=False, isbuild=False): """ """ if not noGetTpl: tpl = token + '.tpl'
def __init__(self,item,apitype,errcode,lis_mobile): self.item = item self.errcode = errcode self.apitype = apitype self.url = conf.getConfig("mobile","url") self.lis_mobile = lis_mobile
def giffify(self): from fabric.api import settings, local avi_path = None gif_path = None try: avi_path = self.getAssetsByTagName( ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_AVI'])[0]['file_name'] avi_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path, avi_path) except Exception as e: pass try: gif_path = self.getAssetsByTagName( ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_GIF'])[0]['file_name'] gif_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path, gif_path) except Exception as e: pass ffmpeg = getConfig('ffmpeg') if avi_path is None: avi_path = self.addAsset(None, "deepdream_gif.avi", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_AVI']], description="avi of DeepDream gif") avi_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, avi_path) if gif_path is None: gif_path = self.addAsset(None, "deepdream.gif", tags=[ASSET_TAGS['DLXDD_GIF']], description="gif of DeepDream") gif_path = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, gif_path) avi_path_tmp = avi_path.replace(".avi", "_tmp.avi") gif_cmds = [ "{0} -y -f image2 -i dream_%d.jpg {1}".format( ffmpeg, avi_path_tmp), "%s -y -i %s -filter:v \"setpts=10.0*PTS\" %s" % (ffmpeg, avi_path_tmp, avi_path), "%s -y -i %s -pix_fmt rgb24 %s" % (ffmpeg, avi_path, gif_path) ] try: THIS_DIR = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, self.base_path)) for cmd in gif_cmds: with settings(warn_only=True): c = local(cmd) if c.return_code != 0: print "Process failed with return code %d" % c.return_code os.chdir(THIS_DIR) return False os.chdir(THIS_DIR) return True except Exception as e: print "COULD NOT MAKE A GIF" print e, type(e) return False
def __init__(self): self.__name = conf.getConfig("contacts","name") self.__group = conf.getConfig("contacts","group") self.__email = conf.getConfig("contacts","email") = conf.getConfig("contacts","mobile")
import sys import os import re import codecs import json import urllib2 import urllib import conf import log import uparser as parser import utils import mgr import socket sys.path.append(conf.getConfig()['path']) # add local plugins class PrHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """ """ def sendResponseWithOutput(self, response, contentType, body): """ handles both str and unicode types """ self.send_response(response) self.send_header("Content-Type", contentType) if response == 301: self.send_header("Location", body) if not contentType or (contentType.find('image') != 0