def perform_test(cluster_name, exp_name, exp_root_dir, model_file_pf, cuda=False): # Dataset Configurations opt = conf.parse(cluster_name, exp_name) dataset = opt['dataset'] #dataset['workers'] = 0 dataset['produce'] = ['orig', 'down', 'label'] dataset['batch_size'] = 30 loader = get_test_loader(**dataset) # Classifier configuration netAConf = { k: v for k, v in opt['netA'].items() if k in ['gpu', 'model', 'resume'] } netAConf['model']['num_classes'] = opt['reset_ac_out'] #netAConf.update({'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, '_results/model/chk_ac_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf))}) netAConf.update({ 'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, 'model/chk_ac_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf)) }) # Device selection device = torch.device('cuda') if cuda else torch.devide('cpu') # Instantiate networks netA = NetworkWrapper(name='netA', **netAConf).to(device) netA.eval() if 'netG' in opt: netG = NetworkWrapper(name='G', **opt['netG']).to(device) netG.eval() else: netG = None results = {} # {'tube_id':{'<tag>': [predictions], ...}, ...} gt_map = {} pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for i, batch in enumerate(loader): x, x_down, label, tube_ids, tube_tags = batch[0].to( device), batch[1].to(device), batch[2], batch[3], batch[4] # Super-resolve the image if G is defined if netG is not None: gout = netG(x_down) rec, loc = (gout[0], gout[1]) if isinstance(gout, tuple) else (gout, None) acin = (rec * loc) if opt.get('apply_loc', False) else rec else: acin = x # Resnormalization acin = (acin + 1.0) * 0.5 if opt.get('norm_to_01', False) else acin # Forward netA y = netA(acin) for bid in range(y.size(0)): tid, tag = tube_ids[bid].item(), tube_tags[bid].item() if tid not in gt_map: gt_map[tid] = label[bid].numpy() if tid not in results: results[tid] = {} if tag in results[tid]: raise Exception('Duplicate tag is found for tid:', tid, ' | tag:', tag) results[tid][tag] = y[bid].cpu().numpy() pbar.update(1) pbar.close() pred_map = post_processing(results) ground_truth, predictions = get_gt_prediction_arr(gt_map, pred_map) predictions = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) acc = accuracy_score(ground_truth, predictions) # Print the final results print(exp_name + ':') print(' -Accuracy : {:.4f}'.format(acc), flush=True) # Write results to the file with open(join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, 'log', 'test.txt'), 'a+') as outfile: outfile.write('Exp {} ({})\n-----\n'.format( exp_name,"%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))) outfile.write(' -Accuracy : {:.4f}\n'.format(acc)) outfile.write('-' * 100) outfile.write('\n ')
if ('images' in json_res['body']['body']) and (len(json_res['body']['body']['images']) > 0): for image in json_res['body']['body']['images']: cur_entity = utils.Entity(creator, post_id, page_url, image['originalUrl'], image['id'] + '.' + image['extension'], title) if cur_indexes.add(cur_entity):'发现新图片{}'.format(cur_entity.image_filename)) new_image += 1 else: utils.warning('no image found') else: utils.error('key "body" not found') else: utils.error('request failed') with open('config.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as config_f: config_dict = json.load(config_f) conf.parse(config_dict) os.chdir(conf.work_path) sess = requests.Session() sess.proxies = conf.proxies sess.headers.update({ 'user-agent':, 'cookie': conf.cookie_string, 'accept': 'application/json', 'origin': '' }) cur_indexes = utils.Index('index.json') request_queue = queue.SimpleQueue() skipped_post = 0 new_image = 0
def create_gifs(cluster_name, exp_name, exp_root_dir, model_file_pf, out_dir, cuda=False, save_rec=True, save_orig=False, save_up=False, save_down=False): # Configurations opt = conf.parse(cluster_name, exp_name) dataset = opt['dataset'] dataset['produce'] = ['down', 'up', 'orig'] dataset['batch_size'] = 28 netG = { k: v for k, v in opt['gan1']['netG'].items() if k in ['gpu', 'model', 'resume'] } netG.update({ 'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, '_results/model/chk_sr_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf)) }) visrange = (-1.0, 1.0) if dataset['norm'] == '-11' else (0.0, 1.0) device = torch.device('cuda') if cuda else torch.devide('cpu') test_loader = get_test_loader(**dataset) gen = GeneratorWrapper(name='G', **netG).to(device).eval() for i, batch in enumerate(test_loader): ctx, up, gt = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device), batch[2].to( device) b, c, t, h, w = gt.size() rec = gen(ctx) vmin, vmax = visrange if vmin != 0.0 or vmax != 1.0: ctx = (ctx - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) up = (up - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) gt = (gt - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) rec = (rec - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) # create gif for bid in range(b): if save_rec: recdir = join(out_dir, dataset['name'], 'x' + str(dataset['scale_factor']), exp_name) utl.mkdirs(recdir) create_gif(rec[bid, :, :, :, :], join(recdir, 'movie{}_{}.gif'.format(i, bid))) if save_orig: origdir = join(out_dir, dataset['name'], 'orig') utl.mkdirs(origdir) create_gif(gt[bid, :, :, :, :], join(origdir, 'movie{}_{}.gif'.format(i, bid))) if save_down: downdir = join(out_dir, dataset['name'], 'x' + str(dataset['scale_factor']), 'down') utl.mkdirs(downdir) create_gif(ctx[bid, :, :, :, :], join(downdir, 'movie{}_{}.gif'.format(i, bid))) if save_up: updir = join(out_dir, dataset['name'], 'x' + str(dataset['scale_factor']), 'up') utl.mkdirs(updir) create_gif(up[bid, :, :, :, :], join(updir, 'movie{}_{}.gif'.format(i, bid)))
from deepnn.log.history_logger import HistorySaver from deepnn.util.avg_meter import AverageMeter from gan.generator import GeneratorWrapper from gan.discriminator import DiscriminatorWrapper from deepnn.nets.network_wrapper import NetworkWrapper from reader.loader import get_train_loader, get_val_loader import deepnn.util as utl import conf # READ experiment protocol if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise Exception('Please see usage: python <machine_name> <exp_id>') machine_name, exp_name = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] #exp_name = '150sa' opt = conf.parse(machine_name, exp_name) device = torch.device("cuda" if opt['cuda'] else "cpu") cpu = torch.device('cpu') gpu = torch.device('cuda') visrange = (-1.0, 1.0) if opt['dataset']['norm'] == '-11' else (0.0, 1.0) # Measurements psnr = PSNR(peak=1.0) ssim = SSIM() accuracy = Accuracy() f1_score = F1Score() # Logging and Visualization se = opt['start_epoch'] if opt['start_epoch'] > 0 else -1 logger = HistorySaver(join(opt['logdir'], 'hist'), se)
def perform_test(cluster_name, exp_name, exp_root_dir, model_file_pf, cuda=False): # Dataset Configurations opt = conf.parse(cluster_name, exp_name) dataset = opt['dataset'] dataset['produce'] = ['orig', 'down', 'label'] dataset['batch_size'] = 64 loader = get_test_loader(**dataset) # Generator Configuration netGConf = { k: v for k, v in opt['gan1']['netG'].items() if k in ['gpu', 'model', 'resume'] } netGConf.update({ 'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, 'model/gan/chk_gan_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf)) }) # Classifier configuration netAConf = { k: v for k, v in opt['netA'].items() if k in ['gpu', 'model', 'resume'] } if 'reset_ac_out' in opt: netAConf['model']['num_classes'] = opt['reset_ac_out'] #netAConf.update({'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, '_results/model/chk_ac_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf))}) netAConf.update({ 'resume': join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, 'model/ac/chk_ac_{}.pth.tar'.format(model_file_pf)) }) # Device selection device = torch.device('cuda') if cuda else torch.devide('cpu') # Instantiate networks netA = NetworkWrapper(name='netA', **netAConf).to(device) netA.eval() netG = NetworkWrapper(name='G', **netGConf).to(device) netG.eval() meters = MeterCache() results = {} # {'tube_id':{'<tag>': [predictions], ...}, ...} gt_map = {} pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader)) for i, batch in enumerate(loader): x, x_down, label, tube_ids, tube_tags = batch[0].to( device), batch[1].to(device), batch[2], batch[3], batch[4] # Super-resolve the image if G is defined rec = netG(x_down) # Resnormalization acin = (rec + 1.0) * 0.5 if opt.get('norm_to_01', False) else rec # Forward netA y = netA(acin) for bid in range(y.size(0)): tid, tag = tube_ids[bid].item(), tube_tags[bid].item() if tid not in gt_map: gt_map[tid] = label[bid].numpy() if tid not in results: results[tid] = {} if tag in results[tid]: raise Exception('Duplicate tag is found for tid:', tid, ' | tag:', tag) results[tid][tag] = y[bid].cpu().numpy() # Denorm the output so that they lie between 0 and 1 rec_dn = loader.dataset.denormalize(rec) gt_dn = loader.dataset.denormalize(x) # PSNR and SSIM b, c, t, h, w = x.size() rec_batch = rec_dn.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).contiguous().view(b * t, c, h, w) gt_batch = gt_dn.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).contiguous().view(b * t, c, h, w) pval = psnr(, ssim_val = ssim(, metric_map = { 'psnr': [pval, rec_batch.size(0)], 'ssim': [ssim_val, rec_batch.size(0)] } meters.update(**metric_map) pbar.update(1) pbar.close() # Accuracy pred_map = post_processing(results) ground_truth, predictions = get_gt_prediction_arr(gt_map, pred_map) predictions = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) acc = accuracy_score(ground_truth, predictions) # Print the final results print(exp_name + ':') print(' -Accuracy : {:.4f}'.format(acc), flush=True) for k, meter in meters.cache.items(): print(' -{} : {:.4f}'.format(k, meter.avg), flush=True) # Write results to the file with open(join(exp_root_dir, exp_name, 'log', 'test.txt'), 'a+') as outfile: outfile.write('Exp {} ({})\n-----\n'.format( exp_name,"%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))) outfile.write(' -Accuracy : {:.4f}\n'.format(acc)) for k, meter in meters.cache.items(): outfile.write(' -{} : {:.4f}\n'.format(k, meter.avg)) outfile.write('-' * 100) outfile.write('\n ')
def __usage_iosim(): print("""\ Usage: [<options>] <trace path> <options> -h: help(this message) -c <size in blks> -t <storage type>: all, default(no prefetch, lru), prefetch, ml, rule -T <timestamp range> <options for rule> -p: enable per-process reference history (default: disabled) -b <count>: reference history count, (default: 1) <options for ml> -p: enable per-process reference history (default: enabled) -G <width(time) x height(lba)>: grid dimension (default: 5x10) -u <sec>: width unit for time (default: 0.005) -L <lba max> -m <model path>: for storage ml only -M <model type>: for storage ml only """) if __name__ == "__main__": from sim import Simulator logger.init("iosim") sim = Simulator() conf.parse(__usage_iosim)
def perform_test(cluster_name, exp_name, exp_root_dir, model_file_pf, cuda=False): # Dataset Configurations opt = conf.parse(cluster_name, exp_name) opt['f1_threshold'] = 0.5 dataset = opt['dataset'] #dataset['produce'] = ['orig', 'down', 'up', 'label'] dataset['batch_size'] = 64 loader = get_test_loader(**dataset) # Device selection device = torch.device('cuda') if cuda else torch.devide('cpu') netG, netA = get_networks(opt, exp_name, exp_root_dir, model_file_pf, device) meters = MeterCache() predictions, ground_truth = [], [] for i, batch in enumerate(loader): x, hr_gt, label = get_data(exp_name, dataset['produce'], batch, device) # Super-resolve the image if G is defined rec = netG(x) if netG is not None else x # Forward netA y = netA(rec) # Save predictions for F1 score calculation ground_truth.append(label.cpu().data.numpy()) predictions.append(y.cpu().data.numpy()) # Denorm the output so that they lie between 0 and 1 if netG is not None: rec_dn = loader.dataset.denormalize(rec) gt_dn = loader.dataset.denormalize(hr_gt) # PSNR and SSIM b, c, t, h, w = hr_gt.size() rec_batch = rec_dn.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).contiguous().view(b * t, c, h, w) gt_batch = gt_dn.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).contiguous().view(b * t, c, h, w) pval = psnr(, ssim_val = ssim(, metric_map = { 'psnr': [pval, rec_batch.size(0)], 'ssim': [ssim_val, rec_batch.size(0)] } meters.update(**metric_map) # Print the final results print(exp_name + ':') # F1 score calculation ground_truth = reduce(lambda x, y: np.concatenate([x, y], axis=0), ground_truth) predictions = reduce(lambda x, y: np.concatenate([x, y], axis=0), predictions) print(ground_truth.shape, predictions.shape) predictions = (np.array(predictions) > opt['f1_threshold']).astype(int) ground_truth = (np.array(ground_truth) > opt['f1_threshold']).astype(int) results_actions = precision_recall_fscore_support(np.array(ground_truth), np.array(predictions), average=None) f1_scores, precision, recall = results_actions[2], results_actions[ 0], results_actions[1] f1_mean, prec_mean, rec_mean = np.mean(f1_scores), np.mean( precision), np.mean(recall) print('Test F1-Score:') print(str(f1_scores)) print('Test, [F1-Score: %4f] [Precision: %4f] [Recall: %4f]' % (f1_mean, prec_mean, rec_mean)) for k, meter in meters.cache.items(): print(' -{} : {:.2f}'.format(k, meter.avg), flush=True)