Exemple #1
	def showPauseMenu(self, screen):
		menuRect = pygame.Rect(0,0, 400, 400)
		menuRect.center = screen.get_rect().center

		self.selections = ["RESUME", "SAVE GAME", "MAIN MENU", "QUIT"]
		selectionsTexts = []
		selectionsRects = []

		menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40)
		for index, item in enumerate(self.selections):
			text = menuFont.render(item, True, (255,255,255))
			textRect = text.get_rect()
			textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx
			textRect.y = menuRect.top + 30 + index * 60

		self.selectionsRects = selectionsRects

		highlightRect = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].copy()
		highlightRect.top = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].bottom
		highlightRect.height = 2

		pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,254,253), highlightRect, 0)
		for i, text in enumerate(selectionsTexts):
				screen.blit(text, selectionsRects[i])
Exemple #2
	def renderNearestPlanetGUI(self, screen, camera):
		# GUI - Object desc
		color = (0,254,253)
		# heading
		guiFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 18)
		heading = guiFont.render("Nearest Planet", True, color)
		headingRect = pygame.Rect(screen.get_rect().left + 10, screen.get_rect().bottom - 200, 400, 30)
		screen.blit(heading, (headingRect.left + 10, headingRect.top + 7))

		descRect = pygame.Rect(headingRect.left, headingRect.bottom + 10, 400, 150)
		borderRect = descRect.copy()
		borderRect.height = 2
		pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, borderRect, 0)

		# planet name
		closestPlanet = None
		closestDistanceSq = 0
		for planet in self.planets:
			distanceToPlanetSq = (self.probe.position - planet.position).magnitude_squared()
			if closestPlanet is None or distanceToPlanetSq < closestDistanceSq:
				closestPlanet = planet
				closestDistanceSq = distanceToPlanetSq

		font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 30)
		text = font.render(closestPlanet.name, True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 10))

		font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 17)

		text = font.render("Distance : " + str(int(math.sqrt(closestDistanceSq))), True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 60))

		hasHumanPresence = "Yes" if closestPlanet.zoneRadius > 0 else "No"
		text = font.render("Human Presence : " + hasHumanPresence, True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 85))

		text = font.render("Distance From Sun: " +  str(int(closestPlanet.distance)) + " AU", True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 110))

		originalImage = closestPlanet.originalImage
		zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(originalImage, (100,100))
		probeRect = zoomedImage.get_rect()
		probeRect.topright = (descRect.right - 10, descRect.top + 10)
		screen.blit(zoomedImage, probeRect)
Exemple #3
	def __init__(self):
		self.mass = 33300
		self.position = Vector2(0,0)
		self.size = 15

		self.imageSize = Vector2(self.size*2, self.size*2)
		self.zoom = 0
		self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile("img/planets/sun.png")).convert_alpha()
		self.tempImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * self.zoom)))
		self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect()
Exemple #4
	def renderObjectDescGUI(self, screen):
		# GUI - Object desc
		color = (0,254,253)
		windowSize = Vector2(400, 150)
		# heading
		guiFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 18)
		heading = guiFont.render("Object description", True, color)
		headingRect = pygame.Rect(screen.get_rect().right - 10 - windowSize.x, screen.get_rect().bottom - 200, windowSize.x, 30)
		screen.blit(heading, (headingRect.left + 10, headingRect.top + 7))

		descRect = pygame.Rect(headingRect.left, headingRect.bottom + 10, windowSize.x, windowSize.y)

		# border
		borderRect = descRect.copy()
		borderRect.height = 2
		pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, borderRect, 0)

		# object descriptions
		font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 30)
		text = font.render("FR-71", True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 10))

		font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 17)

		text = font.render("Health : " + str(self.probe.health) + "/" + str(self.probe.maxHealth), True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 60))

		text = font.render("Fuel : " + str(round(self.probe.fuel, 1)) + "/" + str(self.probe.fuelCapacity), True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 85))

		text = font.render("Speed: " +  str(int(self.probe.speed.magnitude() * 100)) + "/" + str(self.probe.maxSpeed * 100), True, color)
		screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, descRect.top + 110))

		# object image
		originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile("img/rocket4.png")).convert_alpha()
		imageSize = Vector2(173, 291) * 0.5
		zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(originalImage, map(int, (imageSize)))
		probeRect = zoomedImage.get_rect()
		probeRect.topright = (descRect.right - 10, descRect.top + 10)
		screen.blit(zoomedImage, probeRect)
Exemple #5
	def __init__(self):
		super(TitleScene, self).__init__()

		# generate bg stars
		self.bgStars = []
		for i in range(0, 100):
			self.bgStars.append(Vector2(random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[0]), random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[1])))

		# menu manager
		self.menuManager = MenuManager(MainMenu(), self)

		# bg music
		pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # loop forever
Exemple #6
	def __init__(self):
		super(IntroScene, self).__init__()

		# generate bg stars
		self.bgStars = []
		for i in range(0, 100):
			self.bgStars.append(Vector2(random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[0]), random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[1])))

		# bg music
		pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # loop forever

		# Render Lines
		self.fontColor = (255,255,0)
		self.titleFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40)
		self.font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 20)
		self.lineHeight = 55
		self.lines = [
			"It is a period of space war. Alien",
			"spaceships, striking from a hidden base,",
			"have conquered the planets of our solar",
			"During the battle, alien spies managed",
			"to destroy our colonies of Uranus and",
			"Neptune, using armoured space station",
			"called DEATH STAR.",
			"We must act fast to stop the aliens from",
			"destroying all of our homeland!"

		# start scrolling from the bottom of the screen
		self.y = Config.getScreenSize()[1]
		self.scrollSpeed = 50
Exemple #7
	def render(self, screen, camera):
		if self.zoom != camera.zoom:
			self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * camera.zoom)))
			self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction)
			self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect()

			self.zoom = camera.zoom

		if abs(self.directionChange) > 0:
			oldCenter = self.rect.center
			self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction)
			self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect()
			self.rect.center = oldCenter

			self.directionChange = 0

		if self.isHit:
			self.tempImage.fill((255,0,0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT)

		self.rect.center = camera.convertCoordinates(self.position)
		screen.blit(self.tempImage, self.rect)

		if self.isHit:
			self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.scale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * camera.zoom)))
			self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction)
			self.isHit = False
		for bullet in self.bullets:
			bullet.blit(screen, camera)

		# health bar and info
		maxWidth = 0.02 * camera.zoom  * self.maxHealth
		healthRect = pygame.Rect((self.rect.topleft), (maxWidth, 2))
		healthRect.bottom = self.rect.top - 4
		healthRect.centerx = self.rect.centerx
		oldLeft = healthRect.left

		healthRect.width = maxWidth * self.health / self.maxHealth
		healthRect.left = oldLeft
		pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,255,0), healthRect, 0)

		font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), int(round(0.4 * camera.zoom)))
		text = font.render("HP:" + str(self.health), True, (255,255,255))
		textRect = text.get_rect()
		textRect.left = healthRect.left
		textRect.bottom = healthRect.top - 1
		screen.blit(text, textRect)
Exemple #8
	def render(self, screen):

		# render bg stars
		for star in self.bgStars:
			position = map(int, star)
			randomVal = random.randrange(150, 255)
			color = (randomVal,randomVal,randomVal)
			pygame.gfxdraw.pixel(screen, position[0], position[1], (randomVal,randomVal,randomVal))

		# Render Game title
		titleFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 80)
		titleText = titleFont.render("PLANET WARS", True, (255,255,255))
		titleTextRect = titleText.get_rect()
		titleTextRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx
		titleTextRect.y = 40
		screen.blit(titleText, titleTextRect)

		# Render Menu
Exemple #9
	def render(self, screen):
		selectionsTexts = []
		selectionsRects = []
		menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40)

		for i, selection in enumerate(self.selections):
			text = menuFont.render(selection, True, (255,255,255))
			textRect = text.get_rect()
			textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx
			textRect.y = 180 + i * 60

		self.selectionsRects = selectionsRects

		highlightRect = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].copy()
		highlightRect.height = 2
		highlightRect.top = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].bottom
		pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,254,253), highlightRect, 0)

		for i, text in enumerate(selectionsTexts):
			screen.blit(text, selectionsRects[i])
	def render(self, screen):
		super(SavedGamesMenu, self).render(screen)

		texts = []
		rects = []
		menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 20)
		text = menuFont.render("ENTER - Load saved game", True, (255,255,255))
		textRect = text.get_rect()
		textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4
		textRect.bottom = screen.get_rect().bottom - 20

		text = menuFont.render("BACKSPACE - Delete saved game", True, (255,255,255))
		textRect = text.get_rect()
		textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 * 3
		textRect.bottom = screen.get_rect().bottom - 20

		for i, text in enumerate(texts):
			screen.blit(text, rects[i])
Exemple #11
	def __init__(self, position, speed, direction, imageSize, size, imageFile, health, maxHealth, thrust):
		self.position = position
		self.speed = speed
		self.direction = direction
		self.gravitationalPull = Vector2(0,0)
		self.directionChange = 0
		self.thrust = thrust

		self.imageSize = imageSize
		self.size = size # for collision purpose

		self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile(imageFile)).convert_alpha()
		self.zoom = 0

		self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * self.zoom)))
		self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction)
		self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect()

		self.maxHealth = maxHealth
		self.health = health
		self.isHit = False

		self.bullets = []
Exemple #12
	def render(self, screen):
		super(ControlsMenu, self).render(screen)
		controlsTexts = []
		controlsRects = []
		menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 15)

		for i, control in enumerate(self.controls1):
			text = menuFont.render(control, True, (255,255,255))
			textRect = text.get_rect()
			textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4
			textRect.y = 250 + i * 30

		for i, control in enumerate(self.controls2):
			text = menuFont.render(control, True, (255,255,255))
			textRect = text.get_rect()
			textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 * 3
			textRect.y = 250 + i * 30

		for i, text in enumerate(controlsTexts):
			screen.blit(text, controlsRects[i])
Exemple #13
	def save(self):
		s = shelve.open(Config.getFile(Config.savedGamesDB))
		appended = s["savedGames"]
		s["savedGames"] = appended
Exemple #14
	def loadAll():
		db = shelve.open(Config.getFile(Config.savedGamesDB))
		savedGames = db["savedGames"]
		return savedGames
Exemple #15
	def saveBulk(savedGames):
		db = shelve.open(Config.getFile(Config.savedGamesDB))
		db["savedGames"] = savedGames