def main(): args = parse_args() try: if not args.region: print( 'No region selected. Please, use -r or --region and select a region to work on from the following ' 'list: {}'.format(REGIONS.keys())) return elif args.region.upper() not in REGIONS.keys(): print('Region {} not supported. Try one of these: {}'.format( args.region.upper(), REGIONS.keys())) return except AttributeError: print( 'Please, use -r or --region and select a region to work on from the following list: {}' .format(REGIONS.keys())) return if not args.league: print( 'No league selected. Please, use -l or --league and select a league to work on from the following list: ' '{}'.format(SUPPORTED_LEAGUES)) return elif args.league.upper() not in SUPPORTED_LEAGUES: print( 'League {} not supported. Please, use -l or --league and select a league to work on from the following ' 'list: {}'.format(args.league.upper(), SUPPORTED_LEAGUES)) if args.patch: if not PATCH_PATTERN.match(args.patch): print( 'Patch format is incorrect. Should be something like this: \'8.9.1\', \'8.9\', \'8\' ' '(withouth the \' symbols).') return if not args.output: args.output = 'XLSX' print('No output selected. Default output will be used (XLSX).') if not args.connector: print( 'No connector selected. To select a connector write down one of the following names just after the ' 'script call with region and league parameters set: {}. Something like that: \"python ' '-r EUW -l SOLOQ -c {}\"'.format(SUPPORTED_CONNECTORS, SUPPORTED_CONNECTORS[0])) return elif args.connector.upper() == 'FS': filesystem.parse_args(args) elif args.connector.upper() == 'DB': database.parse_args(args, API_KEY) else: print('That connector is not supported.') return
def download_games(self, current_game_ids, new_game_ids): def tournament_match_to_dict(id1, hash1, tournament): with urllib.request.urlopen(TOURNAMENT_GAME_ENDPOINT.format(tr=tournament, id=id1, hash=hash1)) as url: match = json.loads( with urllib.request.urlopen(TOURNAMENT_TL_ENDPOINT.format(tr=tournament, id=id1, hash=hash1)) as url: tl = json.loads( return match, tl ids_not_in_db = self.get_new_ids(current_game_ids, new_game_ids) print('\t{} new games to be downloaded.'.format(len(ids_not_in_db))) if ids_not_in_db: for item in tqdm(ids_not_in_db, desc='\tDownloading games'): try: if item[1] not in REGIONS.values(): match, timeline = tournament_match_to_dict(item[0], item[2], item[1]) else: match =[0], region=item[1]) timeline =[0], region=item[1]) data = {'match': match, 'timeline': timeline} self.__save_match_raw_data(data=data) except HTTPError: pass else: print('\tAll games already downloaded.') return None
def save_static_data_files(self): # Versions region = [k for k, v in REGIONS.items() if v == self.region][0].lower() version =['v'] db_versions = self.mongo_static_data.find_one({'type': 'versions'}) if version not in db_versions['versions']: db_versions['versions'].insert(0, version) self.mongo_static_data.replace_one(filter={'type': 'versions'}, replacement=db_versions, upsert=True) items = champs = summs = runes = {'runes': get_runes_reforged_json(version), 'type': 'runes'} self.mongo_static_data.replace_one(filter={'type': 'champion'}, replacement=champs, upsert=True) self.mongo_static_data.replace_one(filter={'type': 'item'}, replacement=items, upsert=True) self.mongo_static_data.replace_one(filter={'type': 'summoner'}, replacement=summs, upsert=True) self.mongo_static_data.replace_one(filter={'type': 'runes'}, replacement=runes, upsert=True)
def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LoL solution to generate datasets from leagues, scrims and Solo Q' ' matches.') # Groups mandatory = parser.add_argument_group('Mandatory', 'Mandatory commands to run the program.') shared = parser.add_argument_group('Common', 'Shared commands for all systems.') filesystem = parser.add_argument_group('File system', 'Commands used for the file system.') databases = parser.add_argument_group('Databases', 'Commands used for the databases system.') # Mandatory commands mandatory.add_argument('-l', '--league', help='Choose league. {}'.format(SUPPORTED_LEAGUES)) mandatory.add_argument('-r', '--region', help='Choose region. {}'.format(list(REGIONS.keys()))) mandatory.add_argument('-c', '--connector', help='Choose between Databases (DB) or File System (FS) connectors. {}') # Shared commands shared.add_argument('-e', '--export', help='Export data.', action='store_true') shared.add_argument('-d', '--download', help='Download new data if available.', action='store_true') shared.add_argument('-usd', '--update_static_data', help='Update static data information.', action='store_true') shared.add_argument('-ng', '--n_games', help='Set the number of games to download from Solo Q.', type=int) shared.add_argument('-bi', '--begin_index', help='Set the begin index of the Solo Q downloads.', type=int) shared.add_argument('-ms', '--merge_soloq', help='Merge SoloQ data with info of players.', action='store_true') # FS commands filesystem.add_argument('-xlsx', help='Export data as XLSX.', action='store_true') filesystem.add_argument('-csv', help='Export data as CSV.', action='store_true') filesystem.add_argument('-fu', '--force_update', help='Force the update of the exports datasets.', action='store_true') # DB commands databases.add_argument('-ta', '--team_abbv', help='Work with the data of one or more teams selected through ' 'his abbreviation. {download and export}') databases.add_argument('-bt', '--begin_time', help='Set the start date limit of the export (day-month-year). ' '{download and export}') databases.add_argument('-et', '--end_time', help='Set the end date limit of the export (day-month-year). ' '{download and export}') databases.add_argument('-p', '--patch', help='Select the patch. {export}') databases.add_argument('-C', '--competition', help='Select the competition. {download and export}') databases.add_argument('-s', '--split', help='Select the split [spring, summer]. {leagues data export only]') databases.add_argument('-S', '--season', help='Select the season [int]. {leagues data export only]') databases.add_argument('-R', '--region_filter', help='Select the region to download and export the data.') return parser.parse_args()