def register(args): profile_pic = base64photo(args['Photo']) my_cursor = db.cursor() my_cursor.execute("SELECT AadharNo from User WHERE AadharNo = '" + str(args['AadharNo']) + "'") row_cursor = my_cursor.fetchall() if len(row_cursor) > 0: return { 'Status': 0, 'Message': 'Account already exist for this aadhaar no :' + str(args['AadharNo']) } else: if len(str(args['Phoneno'])) == 10 and len(str( args['AadharNo'])) == 12: current_time = sql = "INSERT INTO User (Name,Phoneno,AadharNo,Latitude,Longitude,ProfilePic,OnDate) VALUES " \ "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" val = (args['Name'], args['Phoneno'], args['AadharNo'], args['Latitude'], args['Longitude'], profile_pic, current_time) my_cursor.execute(sql, val) db.commit() user_id = my_cursor.lastrowid db.close() return { 'Message': 'Registered Successfully', 'UserID': user_id, 'Status': 1 } else: return {'Message': 'Please enter valid data', 'Status': 0}
def location_update(args): my_cursor = db.cursor() current_time = sql = "INSERT INTO Location (UserID,Latitude,Longitude,OnDate) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" val = (args['userid'], args['latitude'], args['longitude'], current_time) my_cursor.execute(sql, val) db.commit() return {'Message': 'Success', 'Status': 1}
def getFetchedUrls(self): '''Get fetched URLs.''' cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('select url from fetched_urls where fid = %s' % self.fid) result = cur.fetchall() cur.close() urlList = [item[0] for item in result] # print '-----The fetched URLs is', urlList return urlList
def updateDb(self): '''Update status in database for the crawling of this time.''' cur = db.cursor() if len(self.subList) > 0: sql = '''update subscription set last_push = '%s' where sid in (%s)''' \ % (self.dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ','.join(str(i) for i in self.subList)) cur.execute(sql) if len(self.fetchedUrlList) > 0: cur.execute("delete from fetched_urls where fid = %s and datediff(%s, fetch_time) >= 2", (self.fid, self.dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) cur.executemany('''insert into fetched_urls (fid, url, title, fetch_time) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)''', self.fetchedUrlList) cur.close()
def getFeedList(): cur = db.cursor() feedList = [] cur.execute('''select fid, name, spider_name, base_url from feeds''') for item in cur.fetchall(): feed = {'fid': item[0], 'name': item[1], 'spiderName': item[2], 'baseUrl': item[3] } feedList.append(feed) cur.close() return feedList
def login(aadhar): my_cursor = db.cursor() my_cursor.execute("SELECT AadharNo from User WHERE AadharNo = '" + str(aadhar) + "'") row_cursor = my_cursor.fetchall() if len(str(aadhar)) == 12: if len(row_cursor) > 0: return { 'Message': 'Congratulation login successfully', 'Status': 1 } else: return {'Message': 'Sorry Wrong Credentials', 'Status': 0} else: return {'Message': 'Please enter valid data', 'Status': 0}
def getSubObjList(self): '''Get the subscriber list of this feed.''' cur = db.cursor() sqlQuery = '''select sb.sid,,, sp.max_received from subscription sp, subscribers sb where sp.fid = %s and sp.sid = sb.sid and sb.status = 1 and time_to_sec(timediff('%s' , sp.last_push))/60 >= sp.frequence and sb.push_start <= %s and sb.push_end >= %s''' # print sqlQuery % (self.fid, self.dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), self.dateTime.hour, self.dateTime.hour) subObjDict = {} cur.execute(sqlQuery % (self.fid, self.dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), self.dateTime.hour, self.dateTime.hour)) for item in cur.fetchall(): subInfo = {'name': item[1], 'email': item[2], 'max_received': item[3] } subObjDict[item[0]] = Subscriber(subInfo) cur.close() return subObjDict